How my obsessive complusive tendencies and my new iPod touch don't go well together

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
And it's nothing to do with artwork, or alphabetic ordering.

Some ******** managed to pull my two day old iPod touch (which was, until now, my pride and joy) out of its leather case, sending it to the floor. It's now got a small dent on the back, accompanied by lots and lots of smaller dents. Considering I have it in a case, I could live with that. I never have to look at it. It's like they're not even there.

However, it turns out the impact made the screen chip in two places. Regular people may be able to live with a little black line eternally imprinted in their screen. Sadly, I can't. Maybe if I'd had it for a year, I'd just accept it as wear and tear. I've had the thing for two days.

Long story short, I'm going to pay to have it repaired. The warranty doesn't cover ***** fucking with it. I am not best pleased.
That sucks man. I bought a snap on case for mine so shit like that wouldnt happen.
Or...since you've only had it for 2 days, delete EVERYTHING from it, put it back in the package, and return it as defective. just tell em you wanna exchange it. Most places won't give you shit about it... It's been 2 fucking days. I worked in electronics retail long enough to know that most places will just exchange it, no questions asked. If they give you shit, tell em that you opened the package, and had a busted fucking iPod. If you make a big enough hassle, they'll exchange it just to keep a customer happy. And if they don't, tell em that this is bullshit. They sell you a broken item, and per their return policy, all you want to do is exchange it. You don't want your money back, you just want to replace it. You're aware that broken items get sold once in's not uncommon, YOU JUST WANT TO FUCKING EXCHANGE IT!!! lol... Give it a try before you pay to have a 2 day old ipod repaired...

***Your warranty doesn't have to be used if it's still within the 15 day (in most places) return period for most electronics dealers.***
Argos. Don't tell anyone.

Don't they have 16 day money back guarantee. Just say it was a present, you opened the box and it was broken.

My sister in law took something bck that she bought 3 years ago and got a refund because she said she'd bought it that week and lost the receipt.
Better solution: Purchase an I-phone. Nearly the same product, with the exception of a phone. And, not to mention, more established features.
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;887498]Unless of course, you know...he doesn't WANT a phone? :lmao:[/QUOTE]

Regardless of the phone, he should've bought an i-phone originally, because it plays music just as well, while having more (and superior) capabilities.
there is a reason I call iPhones, iFails. There have been reportings of people having their pants burnt through by the iFail.
Coincidently, I bought my Ipod Touch 2 days ago as well. It's one of the best things I've bought in a long time.

No scratches or dents, yet.
Better solution: Purchase an I-phone. Nearly the same product, with the exception of a phone. And, not to mention, more established features.

Unless he wants to send pictures in text messages, connect to internet television, or take video with his phone.
Good god...from the sounds of it, the poor guy just wants to listen to music...with a 2 day old iPOD...that hasn't been dropped and broken by some dipshit... :lmao:
I literally couldn't sleep last night for fear that I'd have to live with this monstrosity that has been created. I don't want an iPod with a tiny little black bit on the screen. If I wanted a pre-owned iPod, I'd have bought one. Now I know how Dr. Frankenstein felt.

Yeah, got to sleep eventually... with that black monolith just sitting there, staring at me. Somebody should do a HAL app for iTunes.
I literally couldn't sleep last night for fear that I'd have to live with this monstrosity that has been created. I don't want an iPod with a tiny little black bit on the screen. If I wanted a pre-owned iPod, I'd have bought one. Now I know how Dr. Frankenstein felt.

Yeah, got to sleep eventually... with that black monolith just sitting there, staring at me. Somebody should do a HAL app for iTunes.

That...would be awesome... And seriously, man... you should be able to trade it right back in. Put it back in it's package, take it back, and exchange it! You should be fine! Good Luck!!
Argos said no. Surprised me. To Apple I will go. In the week. In the meantime I have to live with... imperfection.

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