How Many Countries Can You Name in Five Minutes?

i only got 27 :( and when the answers came up they were so obvious i feel like an idiot for forgetting them haha
I type slow, but I did get 42, I'm sitting there trying to name off African and Pacific Island countries, lol
my strategy was to try to remember all the teams in the world cup this last time, didnt work very well haha
I tried cheating by having open maps, but it takes seconds off to look back and forth.

I know where all the countries are, but some countries like Belarus, Nauru, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, and Namibia take longer to think of and write down then countries like Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and Indonesia

Plus I type slow, I the game were name as many countries off the top of your head in five minutes, I could get 100+ easily.

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