How Long Should Mark Henry Hold Onto The World Title?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WWE have built up Mark Henry to be this dominating Champion. He is destroying all comers and I really think Henry should keep hold of the built a while longer yet.

I would keep Mark Henry as Champion until Wrestlemania which is around 5 months away. There I would have him defend in a Fatal 4 Way against Orton, Sheamus, Barrett or whoever makes sense at the time. I think a fatal 4 way makes sense as it will get more talent on the PPV card. I would have Henry go over before Daniel Bryans music plays and he comes down to 'cash in'.

A David vs Goliath scenario, and with Henry 'weakened' due to the brutal fatal 4 way I would have Daniel Bryan go over. A magical Wrestlemania moment!
Until he's not very over anymore. Or until Sheamus is too ridiculously over to not pull the trigger.

Pretty simple really. WWE pushes wrestlers like you push products. You milk them until they aren't selling more and then you push another and rebuild that old one.

If I were to guess, I'd say TLC or Royal Rumble.
Until Undertaker returns, or Orton gets his revenge.

Henry is a heel, which means, in the end, he will put over a babyface. Logic tells me Orton will be the one to stop him, seeing Henry has beaten Orton. Rarely does a heel come out on top of a feud, especially against your second or third most over guy.

On the other hand, if Taker comes back prior to Mania, I could see him taking the title from Henry. And, please, save the "Taker should put Henry Over!" bullshit. Henry isn't a young guy, he can afford losing to Taker. Will it play out this way? Probably not, I'm leaning toward Orton taking it back. But, it's at least possible.
Like Nick said, odds are very good that it will be a face that defeats Henry. Big Show will probably get a rematch at Survivor Series, I could see Henry retaining it until TLC or so because by TLC it will be time for someone like Sheamus to get a title shot. Orton might still be feuding with Rhodes by that point and Big Show will have had his chance. It won't be Christian since he's heel and I think Bryan will be kept away from the title until Wrestlemania. That basically leaves Sheamus. I can see the Celtic Warrior being the one to end Henry's reign in a TLC match at the TLC PPV, catching his 3rd world title at the 2 year anniversary of his 1st. That, or Orton will just win it back sometime soon.
When Henry won the title, I was happy. But I expected him to be Kaned pretty fast. Henry is one of those few guys left in the E that really deserves this time in the light. How long will it last, I think it will end at TLC or RR. But I would like to see him go through Mania, and possibly over at Mania. Im not a big fan of his, but I have allot of respect for him, and the crap he has gone through all these years.
I'm not sure what I think about Henry holding the title until Wrestlemania but it's certainly not something I'd rule out. Personally, I'd love to see Henry put Sheamus over when the time comes for him to lose the title. All that said, I see Henry dropping the title no later than the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber. If by some chance he does end up taking the title to Wrestlemania, then assuming Daniel Bryan is still holding the MITB briefcase by that time then he would probably be the logical choice to win the title at that point. I will be surprised if Henry is champ going into Wrestlemania but even more surprised if he's still champ going beyond that time.
Henry should be champion until WrestleMania 28. He should continue on his current path of destruction leading into the big one, defeating all challengers that come out of the wood work. Henry has already made a strong showing as champion, and if he continues to have the heat he's been getting having the title until WM28 should be no problem. Its clear that with the finish of last nights WHC match that Big Show vs Henry will continue for at least another month or two. Kane could reappear around that time and Henry could work a program with him leading into WM28.

Sheamus could pull out the win at Royal Rumble, and go after the WHC against Henry at WM28. Bryan (if he's not released or drops his MITB brief case) could then challenge Sheamus for the WHC at WM28 after the Henry match, and lose becoming the first MITB winner to lose, causing him to snap and turn heel (which could possibly make him interesting or entertaining, possibly)
Well I hope that Kane is the one to take the title away from him.Cause this will be most likely Kanes last run and i really hope he ends it with a title reign.After 2 PPVs he could drop it to let's say Cody Rhodes and gave him a push.
Sheamus dominates and wins the Royal Rumble in January then beats Henry at WM28 for the title. I would have Henry to continue to dominate everyone else in his path, like Orton, like Show, like a returning Kane. Have Henry dominate and eliminate all the challengers in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match (which for some reasons Sheamus would not be able to compete in), then when Sheamus and Henry face off at WM28 and Sheamus wins it makes his win look that much more awesome.
This is an easy one for me. He should hold on to it until Wrestlemania where he can put over Daniel Bryan in a great match or better yet, a triple threat with Bryan and Sheamus.

I can see both of these matches being good for Wrestlemania. Henry needs to have a dominant world title reign and if there's anyone who should stop him it should be either Bryan or Sheamus. They need to go over him to look good.

Randy Orton is someone I really don't want to see go over Henry. During his last title reign he was boring the hell out of me whenever he wasn't in a match. Plus he's already one of the most over guys on the roster so he really just doesn't need it. I think this should definitely go to Sheamus or Bryan beating Henry at Wrestlemania.

Or.. Sheamus can win the Royal Rumble and face Mark Henry at Elimination Chamber(the rumored plan heading into WM) and win the world title to go on to defend it against Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. Not only would it be a good match but it would also be a good way to make up for Sheamus and Bryan not having their match at WM 27.
Well Mark Henry is very over from what I have seen on Smackdown as of late. I think he should hold it until about the Royal Rumble where he should loose it to Sheamus so there could be a face vs face World title match at Wrestlemania (where Daniel Bryan wins it). However that is considering that Cena Vs Rock is not for the title since there needs to be a heel in at least one of the WM28 main events. I do not see Henry main eventing Wrestlemania though.
I do not see Mark holding the title until Wrestlemania. At the latest, I can see him dropping it at the Rumble. I think that he needs to drop the title around Survivor Series/TLC, so that he has a real, non-title purpose. I think that it will either be Orton who wins it at the rumble, then allowing Mark to have a way into a title match at Mania, or Sheamus wins at TLC, then holds it until Mania to face Orton or, if he returns in time and has a reason, Taker.
Generally speaking, I think it'll go on for as long as WWE can maintain Mark Henry as this super dominant heel that's capable of beating anybody. People are responding to Mark Henry, they're just flat out liking what he's doing and it shows in viewership and crowd response during his matches. That's never a bad thing, that's what you want to have happen.

Since Mark Henry became World Heavyweight Champion, SmackDown! has been drawing in the 3.1 to 3.2 million range on average in viewers each week. That's up 300,000 to 400,000 viewers compared to what they were doing before he won the title. I'm not saying that Mark Henry is 100% entirely responsible for the big numbers SD! has been bringing in, but I do believe he's a huge factor. Mark Henry is a draw. Mark Henry is money. Damn...I'd have laughed in your face until I pissed myself if you'd have told me I'd be saying that 6 months ago.

As we all know, the WWE is tossing around ideas for WM and the ideas will be changed front to back probably a hundred times or more before the event itself. But, there's been talk of Mark Henry possibly holding the title to WrestleMania. If Henry continues to thrive as he has been and the blue brand continues to draw these larger numbers, then it won't surprise me. At the same time though, I agree that TLC or the Royal Rumble do seem more realistic for him to drop the title. Then again, look at how wrong we've been about Mark Henry and how he's been underestimated. If he continues to produce, then WWE would be foolish to take the strap off of him for a while.

As to who would do it, the likliest candidates are Sheamus and Randy Orton. Randy Orton has had several matches against Henry, two of them at big ppvs that he's lost cleanly, and I know he's won a few of them via disqualification. I think Orton is out of the picture for the time being. There'll be at least one or two more matches between Henry & The Big Show. I'd say that Sheamus is a good possible candidate as they've definitely been building him up over the past several months. He & Sheamus also have a history that can be used to easily lay the groundwork for a feud over the title. They've had a couple of matches, both of them pretty good, and each has one win over the other via count out.

It's kind of up in the air at this point. I know some are worried about Daniel Bryan being wasted and his losing streak and all that. There's still lots of time to build him into a credible opponent. It won't be nearly as hard as some think. All he'd have to do to have that moment would be to for him to be booked as dominantly attacking and taking out someone like Sheamus or Orton, or turning heel and just go on a tear through the SD! locker room. A few weeks of very strong booking and his losing streak will be all but forgotten.
WrestleMania. He needs to have a good 2-3 month feud with Randy Orton, because I think there is still a lot more untapped potential there. If only because I want to see Henry kick out of the Orton punt. He needs to finish off the Big Show, and take on Kane. Between the three of them, that should get him most of the way to WrestleMania. If need be, have a Scramble match or a multi-man gimmick and defeat multiple heels and faces to keep things fresh.

But they need to pull out Sheamus and Mark Henry for WrestleMania. They are building Sheamus as a top face, and his eventually World title win needs to happen on the biggest stage possible. I know Daniel Bryan has the Money in the Bank, but I really don't give a damn. Turn him heel a few months before, have him try to cash in after the Henry/Sheamus match, and have Sheamus kick out and defeat him. I don't care... But Sheamus/Henry is a great feud waiting to happen, and possibly the catalyst for Sheamus' big moment.
I would like to see Kane take the title away from Henry when he returns but another attractive option for me anyway would be to have Mark hold onto the title for a couple more months and build Sheamus up a bit more and then eventually have Sheamus win the WHC from him at Wrestlemania or before.
To me it seems like hands down the man to take the title off of Henry should be Sheamus, and the length of Henry's reign should be predicated on how long they can keep Sheamus out of the title picture without him losing momentum.

It seems pretty clear that they should do a Show/Henry rematch at Survivor Series, which I believe Henry should win cleanly. As many have suggested, a Kane defense would make sense, and I'd like to see that for TLC. If they can keep Sheamus running strong throughout, I'd be very happy with Henry keeping the Belt through the Rumble and even Elimination Chamber. If Sheamus starts to seem like he's drifting and seems in dangerous of losing momentum, then they should move to a title match between the 2. Earliest I'd like to see Henry drop the belt would be Royal Rumble, latest Wrestlemania, and in either case, to Sheamus after turning away all other challengers.

On a tangentially related note, I will be so very disappointed if Daniel Bryan wins the title at 'Mania (or before hand, for that matter). I just cannot get behind him. He's quite good between the ropes but I can't find anything to enjoy in his personality and find him to be so totally uncharismatic. Preferably I'd like to see his MITB either dealt with before hand or handed off to someone else, but whenever he cashes in, it's my hope he loses. I did enjoy the suggestion of a previous poster that he cash in post match at 'Mania and lose, and thus turn heel. Maybe he'd be able to entertain me as a heel. It's worth a shot.
I hope Henry keeps the strap until Elimination Chamber and lose it in the Chamber match i really cant see Henry main-eventing mania but building Henry into a feud with someone from the chamber would be perfect for Henry to get on the Mania card
My guess is the Royal Rumble. My hope is Wrestlemania. Of course timing is everything. I think it's important to get the belt on Sheamus while he's white hot (Pun intended) which could mean Henry dropping the belt sooner than I'd like to see him lose it.
I think until about Royal Rumble or maybe a little longer would be a decent reign. His current bully heel character looks perfect for somebody to stand up to him and win the championship.
Like he said in his victory speech,(paraphrasing) he's been in WWE for 15 years and he plans to keep the title for 15 years. I honestly would like to see him hold onto the title for at least a years time unless he loses in some sort of gimmick match like Elimination Chamber (or a ladder match because I honestly can't see him climbing a 15 foot ladder and grabbing the title). As for DB, I see something sorta different. I know the MITB is now brand-specific but maybe because of some sort of stipulation like a Smackdown superstar winning the Royal Rumble, he cashes in on someone like Alberto Del Rio or the Miz if he regains the title by then. He'd then compete solely on Smackdown until the annual draft where we see him and maybe Cena switch brands to keep the WWE title on RAW.
Just because I would love to see Daniel Bryan get this kind of rub...

I would let Mark Henry hold it towards Wrestlemania. Let Mark Henry dominate Sheamus and Orton in a triple threat match.... Mark Henry hoists his belt up... and here comes small Daniel Bryan... coming to challenge Mark Henry who's title reign has lasted for over half a year at this point.

Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry lock up.... Daniel Bryan locks in a crazy submission hold... Mark Henry passes out....

Daniel Bryan should win the World Title from Mark Henry at Wrestlemania... there's your push Daniel Bryan.

Jus Dynamite
Until Wrestlemania. Have him beat everybody in his path, and even win the Elimination Chamber in February. Than, make him face Daniel Bryan and lose the World Championship after Bryan makes him tap out.
I could see Henry holding the title until the Elimination Chamber PPV. This gives you options for who will hold the title at Mania whether it be Orton , Christian , or someone else. Plus a loss in the Chamber will not make Henry look weak especially if he takes a huge bump from Big Show.
I could see Orton taking the title off Henry at some point but honestly my pick is Sheamus to beat him. The scenario I see is Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble, then on that weeks Smackdown ofcourse announce that he is challenging Henry for the title at Wrestlemania. At Mania he will go on to beat Mark Henry in a grueling match, Daniel Bryan will attempt to cash in and will fail if he doesnt do so before mania. I think that Henry has done an excellent job as champion and if his dedication throughout the years was not enough to get him a reign that stretched to mania then his work since winning the title has.
I'm not gonna lie I actually wouldn't mind if Henry held the title going into WM28.

It seems like he gets better every week. His matches are what you expect from a guy his size, and his backstage segments are entertaining. I think there enough filler to keep him going for the next few months.

Sheamus vs Henry at WM28 could still be possible.

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