How long do you see The Shield going on?

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To me, The Shield is the best thing going in the WWE today. I'm a huge fan of all three men, especially, Ambrose and Rollins. They've been nothing but stellar since their debut and continue to show how talented and promising they are. I honestly wouldn't mind if they stay together another year or two but I'm not so sure with how WWE operates nowadays that that'll be the case. There's a lot of discussion of Reigns becoming a big star by next year's Wrestlemania so that right there makes me believe they'll be broken up by then. In my opinion, Ambrose and Rollins are the more talented members. Ambrose is a damn good mic worker and I love his promos. Rollins is good on the mic as well, but I love watching his in ring skills the most. So I hope they both have as huge as success on their own as Reigns is suspected to. Anyways, how long do you think The Shield will continue on? And how do you think Ambrose and Rollins will do on their own? I think a singles run from both men would be just as amazing as their run with The Shield have been.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Just because that's the way it's always been doesn't mean that's the way it's always going to be. Vinnie Mac said that before. Why do the Shield have to split up forever for each to have their own success? Ok, maybe there isn't a lot in terms of competition for them as far as teams go, but do they have to feud? "Believe in the Shield" can be what they live by as singles wrestlers. Meaning that you're free to go and do what you want, but just remember you always got back-up if you need it. If they absolutely, positively HAVE to split up.
It's funny: I see people complain all the time about how the WWE's tag-team division has been crap for years; yet as soon as a team gets over they get broken up and turned into singles competitors. And people wonder why tag-team division stinks? :banghead:
I think it'll last until Summerslam. There's not really much left for them to do. They've feuded with nearly everybody in the company.

I'd love to see Reigns turn on The Shield and join Evolution to replace Batista whenever he leave to do his movie work.

Him turning face when he leaves Evolution, would make him a bigger star. HHH vs. Reigns at WM 31 could be a big deal vs. rushing it into Summerslam.

As far as Ambrose and Rollins, they could fix the tag division, feud with Sheamus and Barrett for their titles.
They'll go for as long as they want. I think they've earned the right to call their own break up and they've even said they'd keep the Shield together and focus on singles careers. They've let members have matches without the other two at ringside and interfering and they could do that.
It's funny: I see people complain all the time about how the WWE's tag-team division has been crap for years; yet as soon as a team gets over they get broken up and turned into singles competitors. And people wonder why tag-team division stinks? :banghead:

It's not like The Shield has just gotten over. They carried the tag belts for like 7 months and now they've moved beyond that. It happens. The Shield is not meant to be in the tag team division... They're not like The Uso's or Rybaxel. They each have the ability to be major players for WWE in the future, however they can't do that in the tag team division. Just think about if the NOD stayed as just tag team competitors. We would have had no Rock, no Henry, and probably no APA Farouq.

As for the OP's question, I would LIKE to think that The Shield can stay together even as singles competitors and always have each others backs so one or the other doesn't get screwed. Eventually, you may HAVE to do the jealousy angle between two of them over the title because it would be a waste not to, but I would like to see that happen farther down the line. They don't need to always come out as a team or cut a promo together but it would be cool if they all had the same entrance music and helped each other out when they need it for a few years. Build them as lifelong pals (similar to the Dudleys) so it becomes that much more personal when one finally does screw the others.
It's not like The Shield has just gotten over. They carried the tag belts for like 7 months and now they've moved beyond that. It happens. The Shield is not meant to be in the tag team division... They're not like The Uso's or Rybaxel. They each have the ability to be major players for WWE in the future, however they can't do that in the tag team division. Just think about if the NOD stayed as just tag team competitors. We would have had no Rock, no Henry, and probably no APA Farouq.

As for the OP's question, I would LIKE to think that The Shield can stay together even as singles competitors and always have each others backs so one or the other doesn't get screwed. Eventually, you may HAVE to do the jealousy angle between two of them over the title because it would be a waste not to, but I would like to see that happen farther down the line. They don't need to always come out as a team or cut a promo together but it would be cool if they all had the same entrance music and helped each other out when they need it for a few years. Build them as lifelong pals (similar to the Dudleys) so it becomes that much more personal when one finally does screw the others.

The thing is, the Shield isn't a faction of 4-6 members like the Nation. They're closer to a 3 man team like the Freebirds. That's the difference. Look how long the Freebirds were together: 10+ years and it's not like they weren't major players. Now I'm not saying keep the Shield together for 10 years, but at least keep them together long enough to build up the tag division.
Until people get tired of them. And then turn Reigns heel, put him with Evolution and make him the new Legend Killer. His first victim: The Rock at WM31.
I don't know how long they should wait to do it, because like someone already said they're one of the best things going on. But I don't want to see them break up unless one of them become the current wwe world champion while still a faction. The world title should be the only thing that breaks them up, and I don't mean chasing the title. I mean someone is already champion and the other two are around him as champion for so long that it starts to become an addiction to wear the gold around their own waist.
Until people get tired of them. And then turn Reigns heel, put him with Evolution and make him the new Legend Killer. His first victim: The Rock at WM31.

I didn't agree with turning Reigns back into a heel and having him join Evolution to replace Batista...but now, when I think about it...whilst he does have many fans since his Rumble and Survivor Series showings, his push towards being a Singles force has been slowed down in order to maximise the Shield as a Face unit.

Having another swerve(the Shield turning was a swerve not many had expected) with Roman Reigns turning on the Shield and siding with HHH & Orton to continue Evolution might be a great move going forward and he could stay as a Heel for a while until butting heads with HHH at some point down the line culminating in a huge babyface turn that would do wonders for his Singles career.

However, if that occurs, what happens to Rollins and Ambrose? Will WWE push them correctly in a seperate storyline after Reigns moves on?
I'd think,tbh, that WWE sees huge potential based on how they have kept the SHIELD as virtual equals post-Wrestlemania, and thus, hopefully,all 3 can be nailed on Main Eventers by this time next year with the correct booking(which tbh, the Shield has benefitted from thus far more than most other Superstars).
The question is why break them up? They're over and the longer they've been together my opinion on them has changed - not that it was ever a bad opinion. I originally thought Seth Rollins was the weak link, I definitely was proven wrong - then Reigns. But I was clearly mistaken. This group definitely has lasted longer than I imagined....then again so has 3MB. I really feel as time has went on that all 3 have the potential to be future main eventers. All 3 are unique in their own way.
Today, WrestleZone has posted something about Dean Ambrose calling Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns "former partners" for next month's WWE Magazine. So I am thinking either at Payback or after the Pay Per View, Dean Ambrose is going to split from the Shield even though there is no tension between any members of the Shield. At this point, with the popularity for The Shield at an all time high with them as babyfaces, I really don't want them to split up. Maybe after SummerSlam, but not right now. What do you guys think?

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