How long can CM Punk stay at the top?

ADeadly Twinkie

Dark Match Jobber
Most people on this forum would agree that CM Punk is at the top of the E right now, but how long can he stay up there?

We all know that Vince likes the top guys to be 6 foot 5 and 250 pounds of muscle and Punk is definitely not that. Punk has gotten into the main event picture before as he is a three time WHC Champion but he as fallen back down to the upper mid card every time.

I feel he deserves to stay there until he is done with the WWE because he is MONEY. He is a great in ring talent, and Is easily the best on the stick today. Every event his New "Best in the world" shirt is sold out as well as online. If you go back and watch Raw there are portions where the entire arena is chanting his name over someone like Kevin Nash who is a legend in the business.

So how long do you think Punk will stay at the top?

PS First post, don't hate.
Punk should stay at the top for a very long time. He is in the middle of a legendary angle with John Cena and put on a classic match at Summerslam. It looks to me that Cena will be taking a hiatus soon and with Orton on Raw they need someone to carry the torch on RAW. It almost has a Rock Austin feel to the feud
So how long do you think Punk will stay at the top?

Punk is on a roll right now and he seems to have staying power. What will detemine how long he stays on top is what happens next after this program he has with Nash/HHH/John Laurinitis. To take on Cena and be apart of the main event is one thing, but to take on someone not named Cena and still be a main eventer is a whole different ballgame. I can see Punk and Miz going at it, or even Punk v Truth. Hell maybe even a Punk JoMo just for old time sake. In order for him to stay he has to be able to elevate others now. That's the key. If he can do that then he could be on top for years like Cena has been. If not, well he will be in upper mid card hell like Miz, Truth, and JoMo.
Well, right now its not looking like they want to keep him at the top, seeing as how they have pushed him out of the title picture to feud with a 52 year old guy who isn't in the WWE anymore.
Well, right now its not looking like they want to keep him at the top, seeing as how they have pushed him out of the title picture to feud with a 52 year old guy who isn't in the WWE anymore.

I don't think you have to be in the title picture to be on top. Punk's in a position now where he doesnt need the title and is still one of the most talked about Superstars on the WWE Roster. He has staying power now thanks to his legendary promos both before MITB and during SS.
Punk does not need the title. All the titles are just props for the story lines now. Punk Can go out and cut a promo that no one in the WWE can stand up to right now, or he can go out and wrestle a 5 star match, 20-30 minute match and not use the same moves over and over again.
Punk does not need the title. All the titles are just props for the story lines now. Punk Can go out and cut a promo that no one in the WWE can stand up to right now, or he can go out and wrestle a 5 star match, 20-30 minute match and not use the same moves over and over again.

This is what I was just about to say had I not forgotten my login details lol!

Agreed 100%
Punk is going to be one of the top guys on the roster for the rest of his WWE career. They wouldn't dare screw him up. CM Punk gets more cheers from the crowd than all of the roster. Why would he just suddenly shift back to lower card status?

Or if you're talking about being the face of the company I think Punk is gonna share that spot with Cena for a year or two until someone like The Miz turns babyface and steps up because Vince wants The Miz to be the top face in the future. I see Cena stepping down then. Maybe he turns heel or gets a lot of time off and makes appearances every now and them considering him always working with injuries. So I think Punk is gonna be the top face for a long time along with The Miz eventually.
Punk is going to be one of the top guys on the roster for the rest of his WWE career. They wouldn't dare screw him up. CM Punk gets more cheers from the crowd than all of the roster. Why would he just suddenly shift back to lower card status?

I was in no way implying that Punk was going to drop back down this time. He is way too good for Mid Card. If you read my OP i said that he deserves to be at the top until the end of his Run with the WWE.
I'm a punk fan but he's already becoming annoying to me. He's supposed to be this guy who speaks his mind, but it's coming off as whining. And then he steps up to HHH, makes a few stotty comments and backs down like a coward when HHH gets in his face. He still seems like a cowardly heel to me.
I'm a punk fan but he's already becoming annoying to me. He's supposed to be this guy who speaks his mind, but it's coming off as whining. And then he steps up to HHH, makes a few stotty comments and backs down like a coward when HHH gets in his face. He still seems like a cowardly heel to me.

This post is not about your opinion of CM Punk, It's about how long you think he can be the #1 guy. Thank you for helping me add one more thing to my list of things you must do in my post.
This post is not about your opinion of CM Punk, It's about how long you think he can be the #1 guy. Thank you for helping me add one more thing to my list of things you must do in my post.

Snarky comment noted. I think my opinion pretty much says how long I think he'll be on top. Atleast as a baby face, I'm already becoming annoyed with him and since I haven't done a survey of other people's opinions I'm going to have to base my answer on my own. I'm sorry if I offended you, but when you ask for opinions please expect to get opinions you don't agree with. So to clear up my answer for those who didn't understand my first post... I don't expect him to be a top baby face for long unless he changes his attitude. And that goes for his twitter comments where he whines about having to travel and perform infront of small market crowds. Something JR even called him out on.

Punk has all the tools to stay on top for as long as he wants, but in my "OPINION" (Oops damn those opinions) his character isn't coming off as someone people are going to cheer for much longer.
Headman I totally agree with you about Punk. He has turned into a whiner and a crybaby. Because of the flaw in character I don't see him staying on the roll he is on. For one I don't think he is on top right now anyway. If he is on top why is he wrestling Nash instead of someone who has been there for the last year or so? I think he could be top guy on Smackdown since that is like the B show but not Raw.
ADeadly Twinkie you need to add one more thing to your list and that is to proof read it before you post it! (Use the correct from of You're/Your) Don't you mean "use the correct "form" of You're/Your? Remember to stay on point!:)
I think the Punk will stay on top as long as he can reinvent himself after he's done with the Cena fued. When he cut that legendary promo, he was partially speaking the truth. That's why we loved it. But now, his current schtick of "Everything is a conspiracy against me" is getting old... quickly. It is starting to come off more whiny and bitchy than rebellious. If I were a WWE writer, I would have HHH tell him to pull his tampon out and shut up. But that's just my opinion (I like CM Punk also.) If he doesn't reinvent himself, he risks burning his character out like the Rock did in... 2000, I think it was. Or like Cena has done now.

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