How is Dishonored?


Excellence of Execution
Has anyone played it? Looks like such a great concept, wondering how it was to play. Also, if it reminds you of Metal Gear Solid, please let me know so I can avoid it.
I got it for my older brother this Christmas, he's so hooked on it he brought our PS3 to his apartment meaning ive barely gotten a chance to play it myself. It looks pretty good though, there's no similarities between it and Metal Gear Solid if anything i was reminded of Bioshock somewhat when playing it. There's quite the emphasis on stealth too. Ill put up something more detailed when i get a chance to play it for more then 30 minutes.
Bought it for my girl, havent seen her since.

Its not like Metal Gear, I know that much for sure, but at the same time you have the option to sneak through the game rather than guns blazing! Have to agree with morgan, Bioshock was what I thought of, only a little more steam-punk and less underwater. Maybe even a little Time-Splitters esque!

All the characters have ugly faces.
Yeah, I'd say if you're into games of this type, it's definitely worth picking up. Not particularly long, I rented it and finished it over about a week of casual play. That said, there are plenty of choices to make and ways to do things differently, so there's a fair bit of replay value, and I suppose the ultimate goal is go through it without killing anyone, which is quite cool.

Nothing like Metal Gear either. I always feel like the MGS games don't really flow that well, I'd say this is closer to the silky gameplay of Hitman: Absolution. That's not to say the games are alike at all, just that it feels closer to that. Definitely recommended though.
I enjoy it. I haven't finished the game yet however you do have the option between going balls to the wall and killing every enemy in your path or using stealth to sneak around to your goals.

It's definitely an interesting dynamic, depending on your play style will directly impact how later levels will be. Making different choices will affect areas of the game later on as well, such as not killing or poisoning someone will lead to that person or group helping you out down the road and making a mission easier and vice versa.

Awesome game, I was quite surprised at how well done this game was. Combat is refreshing and your options for weapons are excellent as well. The one negative I have is it's difficult to use the teleporting power at times, and it's lead to me falling into rivers or right into a patch of enemies when I was trying to get to the ledge above them. Otherwise the powers you get in game make things far more interesting, either to just crush enemies, or to sneak past them.

It's nothing like MGS, Bioshock would be a decent description, but it's got it's own style that I can't quite compare to anything else.
It's a very good game. The worst part are the graphics which are dodgy to say the least though the brilliant gameplay more than makes up for. Bioshock is a more than fair comparison as it is quite similar in how it controls.

I got it for half price as I found most games that weren't Fifa of Black Ops 2 were discounted when I got it ten days ago.
Completed it a couple of months ago. It's good, but nothing special. Varied methods on how to both stealthy and confrontational keep gameplay interesting long enough. Stealth is enjoyable, and meaningful which, of course, helps in this sort of game. Decent story with a couple of mysterious characters. You are wise to await a price drop because based on length, this game isn't worth £40. It's the type of game to rent or borrow from a friend seeing as there's nothing to do after completing the rather short story. Don't really have a big problem with the game apart from the length of it.

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