How is any of this Daniel Bryan's or the fans fault?


With the safety off!!
All I've heard since this Royal Rumble is how Roman Reigns is being basically crucified because of Daniel Bryan and the fans. Can someone please explain how this is so? And can someone explain why maybe just maybe the WWE isn't the ones that fault here for jumping the gun on Reigns?

I'm not even an Daniel Bryan fan and I've found myself defending him to Reigns fans that say he should have stayed out till after the Rumble. Why should he have done that? How long should he have stayed out, till Reigns retires or gets the experience that he needs to be a main event star? Cause he ain't there yet, and the way he's going it might be around the same time.

Why aren't people upset that Dolph Ziggler or Dean Ambrose, both who had a hell of a year, aren't in Reigns position? They both have way more experience than he does, and neither of them sat out 3 months with injuries. And no I'm not going to count the fact that Ambrose filmed a movie, cause Orton took over his duties till he came back. Just as Ambrose took over for Reigns when he went out. Either one of them should be considered for winning the Rumble but no apparently, being the sole survivor, or having the feud of the year isn't good enough. Having muscles and long hair beats that everytime.

This is not Daniel Bryan's fault, this is not the fan's fault. The blame lies squarely on the head of one man, Vince McMahon. He's the one who pushed Reigns to the top over everyone else. He's the one who took at guy who's only been wresting for 3 years, and only had a single's career for what 3 months now and put him in the top spot. Reigns would have been an idiot to turn it down, but at the same time, don't be surprised if fans don't appreciate the effort he's put in, which is really none, compared to others. Yes he busts his ass, but so do the rest of the roster.

The worst part about this is that it's not over. It will reach a head at Fastlane, and I'm really thinking that they will sacrifice Daniel Bryan to put Reigns over. Daniel Bryan never lost his title, he was injured and stripped of it. He deserves a rematch, just like Orton does. It looks like that boat has sailed though. I'm just wondering if the position's had been reversed and Reigns was the one who had won last year, how many of his fans would be clamouring for him to to get his rematch now.
Relax, I don't think WWE is that stupid.

Seriously, though. The only way WWE comes out of this is if they pull a triple threat match out of their ass either by Reigns somehow keeping his spot despite a loss or The Authority giving Daniel Bryan another chance. You know WWE, they don't care about logic unless it suits them. Either way, anything other than that option and WWE is up you-know-what's creek without a paddle. Of course, there's always a chance Reigns somehow becomes ready in 8 weeks. I know, not bloody likely.

As far as Vince goes, I don't particularly care for his choice either (I would've preferred Ambrose) but I'm willing to give it a little more time. Anything's better than Cena, Lesnar or Orton as champion AGAIN. Besides, there's still always the opportunity for Rollins to cash in. Reigns may win the title at 'Mania, but who's to say he'll hold it for a long time? Just chill and let things play out. We may yet see a repeat of WrestleMania 30.

I can see why the fans are mad, too. It's Daniel Bryan or the highway for them, which I don't get, but it was mostly how the Rumble match was booked that pissed them off. Plus this is the second year fans were clearly pulling for someone else to win, but they got WWE's choice. Plus, if what HHH says is true and they're constantly calling audibles based on how the fans are reacting, then why DIDN'T Ziggler or Ambrose win the Rumble? So is HHH lying through his teeth?
WWE wants Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar, they don't know how much longer they'll have Brock Lesnar so they're going to do it now. Do it while they have the opportunity.

I don't blame Vince for doing the match while he can. This entire forum hates Roman Reigns anyway so I'd think they'd look forward to Reigns falling flat on his face. Reigns doesn't fit their mold so they could care less if he's not ready they don't want to see him succeed period.

I honestly think they're scared at how big Roman Reigns can get and what it might mean for their guy.

As for why not Ziggler or Ambrose? The squeakiest wheel gets the oil, and fans were most upset about no Daniel Bryan. And I'd rather not have Roman vs Daniel Bryan EVER not at fastlane not ever.

Daniel Bryan should have been in the title match at the Rumble. Fans should have made noise to get him in that match but it's Wrestlemania and nothing else for that cult.
Okay I am going to try to explain this again to you Nerds....

No one but no one cares about DB but internet geeks. He does NOT have mainstream appeal. Did U see him standing in front of Roman trying to look tough but only coming up to his chest. SAD!

I also laugh at how DB is treated so WRONGLY by the WWE in the Nerd squad eyes. Let's see four World title reigns. One he cleanly pinned John Cena in another he beat ALL OF EVOLUTION in one night. He is on EVERY major card and yet he is being done wrong. GTFOHWTBS!!!!

As far as Dolph I chuckle because U Nerds are the quickest to point out that Shawn Michaels had the lowest ratings in the Attitude Era right?
So why do you believe a guy just as small without Shawn's charisma would do better?

I just laugh because I truly want to know where does it end?

I ask that and no one answers. Okay DB should win the Rumble and face Brock. Well then would it be okay if Brock Cena SS him and beat him to a pulp before pinning him cleanly.

No the fans would riot because DB got buried (although it was good booking when he did it to John but hey). Okay so he beats Brock cleanly of course preferably making him tap to the yes lock. Okay so now he us champ. So who should beat him?

Roman.... There would be a riot.

Orton..... That's BS.....

Cena..... Nerds would cry for weeks...

Also how long of a reign is acceptable....

2 months....

Well that's too quick....

He needs a chance to prove he deserves to be the face of the company..

(Though R.R. has already been labeled Cena 2.0 BEFORE he gets the belt so it's funny how he is NOT getting treated unfairly)

I am just saying with U Nerds it NEVER ends....

Y'all just bitch because Well most of y'all are BITCHES!!!!
Wow...way to group people together and attack them. You must feel proud, so pat yourself on the back. Where's your proof about Michaels at, that these so called nerds, allege about him?? And about Bryan and The Rumble, where's your proof that everyone is upset he didn't win it?? Did you bother to think people are upset b/c of how fast/quickly he was eliminated?? And finally, can you prove people would riot if he got "buried", or lost to Roman or anyone you listed above?? Of course you can' made nothing but assumptions, and tried to make yourself feel better about it in the process.
it wont be triple threat. We are gonna get Bryan vs Ziggler after Ziggler turns heel at Fast Lane and costs Bryan the match cause Zigger will be bitter than Bryan gets all the Yes chants and got to ME WM last year.
Why aren't people upset that Dolph Ziggler or Dean Ambrose, both who had a hell of a year, aren't in Reigns position? They both have way more experience than he does, and neither of them sat out 3 months with injuries. And no I'm not going to count the fact that Ambrose filmed a movie, cause Orton took over his duties till he came back. Just as Ambrose took over for Reigns when he went out. Either one of them should be considered for winning the Rumble but no apparently, being the sole survivor, or having the feud of the year isn't good enough. Having muscles and long hair beats that everytime.

Don't think that you aren't the only one worrying about Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler elimination in Royal Rumble. I didn't have any problem with Daniel Bryan got eliminated too early. I love him but WWE wanted the crowd not to boo Roman Reigns when Daniel got eliminated when they're both in the ring at the same time. so its a good spot.

But the way awkward and annoying part was the way Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and Bray Wyatt getting eliminated. I was like "WTF seriously is this happening??"

When Dean was about to get eliminated I was still hoping that he would show off his lunatic behavior and eliminate at least Kane!!

The reason why I hated Royal Rumble was how the show got booked not because of just Roman Reigns winning it!
DB is over, that's the problem. It's not just us IWC geeks. He won't be the next Hogan, Stone Cold, or Cena. But I can see him as a Bret Hart type; that is, a transitional champ that everyone respects until they find their next top guy.

From one IWC Daniel Bryan "smark", I would like to you tell why I'm upset and demanding Bryan instead of Reigns. Here it is:
--Bryan beat Cena CLEAN at Summerslam 2013, Orton cashes in and takes the belt from him the same night. They feud for the next couple of PPVs then it just fizzes out with NO REAL PAY OFF. Shawn Michaels returns, goes heel, and screws Bryan at Hell in a Cell (pointless). Then Orton defends against Big Show of all people at Survivor Series, in a lame boring match. Again, no pay off.
--Come Wrestlemania season WWE gets the bright Bootista idea when Bryan is still red hot with the fans. The Authority angle with Bryan is never rectified so the fans insist on inserting Bryan in the main event. They get their wish so WWE doesn't RUIN the main event at Wrestlemania.
Bryan finally gets the belt but needs surgery. He's stripped of the belt, never lost it, never had a decent run with it.
--Now, after all Bryan has went through and how hard the fans pushed to get him there in the first place, all I ask is for the run he deserves. Hell, let him drop the belt to Reigns if he's ready by Summerslam. A Rollins/Bryan/Reigns feud over the belt leading through the Summer could be GOLD. Unfortunately there's no other choice for Wrestlemania, why all the resistance boggles my mind. Just because he's 5'10"? This isn't the 1980s Vince! People relate to Bryan more than anyone else. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's the most technically talented on the roster. Liking him feels organic.

That's where I stand. Reigns is still very green in and out of the ring and the fans are too smart these days not to notice that. His push feels artificial. Reigns losing to Bryan at Fast Lane would be the best thing that ever happen to Reigns, in the long-term picture. Let his character gain some depth. It'll give him a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. A slow build would be best. It was for most of the greats who ended up becoming champion.
I don't blame Vince for doing the match while he can. This entire forum hates Roman Reigns anyway so I'd think they'd look forward to Reigns falling flat on his face. Reigns doesn't fit their mold so they could care less if he's not ready they don't want to see him succeed period.

I honestly think they're scared at how big Roman Reigns can get and what it might mean for their guy.

Who said that? Are there people who aren't fans in Reigns sure? But I have seen here that are fine with Reigns but feel he isn't ready yet. It doesn't mean they hate him it just means they don't think he should be in that top spot.

Personally I have my pet peeves in WWE and their hypocrisy with this whole thing involving Reigns/Bryan but that's for another discussion.

As for why not Ziggler or Ambrose? The squeakiest wheel gets the oil, and fans were most upset about no Daniel Bryan. And I'd rather not have Roman vs Daniel Bryan EVER not at fastlane not ever.

Why not? I am assuming you support Reigns and dislike Bryan. But you still have to admit that Bryan's in ring skills are top notch. And if Bryan can carry Reigns to a match, it will do Reigns a huge favor heading to WM being in a quality match.

Normally I don't give people one on one attention but for you I will make an exception....

*JBAKER jumps up and down*

Finally Daddy is spending time with Me!!!!

Yes Son I am. Now let's address the issues we have here Baby Boy.

#1 : Shawn Michaels being a draw. I could take the time to prove it or I could simply say google Was Shawn Michaels ever a draw as WWE Champion? It is one of the oldest jokes that during his reign WWE ratings were its lowest. Michaels himself talks about it as a joke but since You want proof look it up Son. Daddy can't do EVERYTHING for You.

#2 : where is my proof that the fans were upset he didn't win? Oh I don't know the 20 minutes of booing that followed when he lost. You guys act like he received the Titus O Neil treatment. He was in the ring a good ten fifteen minutes. Eliminated a cat or two and then LOST!!!! It happens in wrestling and only with this new Smarks generation is EVER LOSS by their fan boys a reason to cry. I understand being upset when your favorite wrestler gets beat because it is the fun of watching but to whine, bitch and moan constantly that this guy is getting pushed, this guy is being held down is stupid!!! There was always a pecking order in wrestling and sometimes guys with talent didn't get to be the face of the company. It was accepted. There are LEGENDS who have not held the WWE title and not once did fans go to the shows and ruin the cards and shows for others. You guys claim it's showing Vince your displeasure. I say it's being DICKS since Vince isn't there and doesn't give a Fuck anyway. He still is going to run HIS COMPANY HIS WAY!!!! Oh and considering right now he is the ONLY Major federation operating. It's going to be hard to convince him that HE IS DOING IT WRONGLY!!!

#3: Can I prove that fans will riot if DB loses? Nope. Oh and maybe U R catching Me on a technicality because I honestly don't think it would be an actually physical riot but do I believe that You Net Nerds would be happy if Super Cena cleanly pinned DB for his 16th championship....


Yeah I can pretty much say it's a safe assumption that it would be a NO!

Or do I see the fans accepting the guy that they booed for 10 minutes who us now Cena 2.0 BEFORE he has even had his FIRST TITLE reign, who is TERRIBLE ON THE MIC (because DB is gold right), no ring skills what so ever, and is just not ready pinning DB cleanly being accepted....


As for Orton read the forums.....

He is old and his character is stale and he doesn't need another run. He needs to let the new guys have it. Oh and You do remember that he did best DB for the title and y'all cried for months right? Okay I just thought I would remind you....

So yes Son you are right.....

I don't have a point at all. Now run along Baby Boy. You Mother and I have some GROWN UP things to discuss in the family room. You said you wanted a little brother remember
Anyone who says all the fuss about the rumble been been poorly booked is the reason why they are not happy with reigns winning is bullshit if Bryan had of won no one would be complaining its was poorly booked no one would of cancelled their subscriptions fact same goes if Ziggler or Ambrose won. Bryan fans are a small part of the problem they want their hero in the main event again so they kick up a fuss then u have reigns haters kicking up a fuss and the biggest problem is vince pushing Roman when he's not ready I hope this don't ruin his career.
I think wwe proved the world roman is the next man for wwe. Right now they move on that direction. Last week bryan admit he failed to earn wm main event. Roman grab that opportunity. This week they put roman in a mission to prove the fans he is ready to main event wm. According to my view roman beat bryan fair and square at fast lane. After the match bryan shake and raise romans hand and shut the boos. Even wwe now change his character as a badass like brock so the adult fans may like him. I heavily smell a cash in scenario at the end of wm. So iwc and bryan fans dont put bryan in anothes screw job finish. Let do it in wwe way. If you forced wwe to put bryan in wm main event. Then he immediately lose his championship. Daniel bryan is curren great performer but not a wwe type guy.
As much as some people still hate to admit it, Daniel Bryan isn't just over with internet fans. I know there are some that still desperately cling to that like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver; those are generally the same types of fans who insist that John Cena can't wrestle. Not EVERYONE is a fan of Daniel Bryan, but Bryan has long since proven that he's over with fans from just about every walk of life: casual fans, hardcore fans, internet smarks, adult males, adult females, college students, high school students, little kids, etc. all cheer for Bryan. Again, it's not just a catchphrase that has him over so hugely, he's not some fad embraced by internet fans. Wrestling fads don't continuously grow in popularity year after year the way Bryan has.

A lot of fans aren't into Roman Reigns not just because they believe he isn't ready, some are also against him right now beuse he fits the typical cosmetic mold that Vince McMahon holds dearly in terms of who THE guy should be. The fact that Vince has tried to old Reigns into a John Cena type of guy with corny comedy, using catchphrases by Looney Toons characters, etc. has only done more damage. However, while Vince might want Reigns to be like Cena, Reigns isn't Cena. When it comes to charisma, promo ability, work rate and in-ring ability, he's nowhere near Cena's level. If he was, then MAYBE that would alleviate some of the heat some fans pour onto him. Part of the problem is that he just hasn't had time to develop; hell, he's only been a singles wrestler about 6 months or so, a few of which he spent out injured, but he's most likely headed to not only the WrestleMania main event but to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Personally, I hope that Roman Reigns makes good on the opportunities he's getting. I don't believe that he's ready, I haven't seen anything to make me believe otherwise, but I hope that I'm wrong. If there's any fault to be found, I think it has to be on Vince McMahon. If Reigns ultimately flops during this push, Vince won't take any of the responsibility for pushing him into something he wasn't ready for. He'll pass the buck and let Reigns be the one to carry all the blame just like he tried to lay the troubles of WWE all on the talent with his "brass ring" comment.
If Reigns ultimately flops during this push, Vince won't take any of the responsibility for pushing him into something he wasn't ready for. He'll pass the buck and let Reigns be the one to carry all the blame just like he tried to lay the troubles of WWE all on the talent with his "brass ring" comment.

Well, yes. If Vince pushes Reigns and he flops (which some would argue has already happened), Roman will be the one paying the price, whether Vince takes the blame or not. But if McMahon actually changes the long term plan by substituting Daniel for Roman at WM31, it would signal a major change for Vince, won't it?

I mean, jeez, Vince McMahon actually doing a monumental script revision just to give the fans what they want? Will wonders never cease? Or is he doing it more because he's admitting he was wrong about Roman Reigns......whether he's openly taking the blame for it or not?

I think I'm more interested in the Bryan-Roman match at Fast Lane to see which way the storyline goes than for the match itself.
Well, one thing that is almost 100% certain is that Daniel Bryan will win the title at some point again. I understand why fans are upset, I prefer Bryan over Reigns, I think he is better at every aspect except looks, which means nothing to me. But I also understand that this is where the story is going right now. It seems as if WWE is pushing Roman to be champ, but he will not be there forever. I would say just chill out, watch the show and wait until Bryan becomes champ. Daniel has already won the title at a historic WrestleMania last year and maybe it is ok for him to let another guy do it this year. However, it would seem to me that Daniel Bryan is a bigger draw than Reigns, and would probably sell more pay per views. Maybe he does win at Fastlane because as HHH says it would be best for business.
If they held back on Bryans return and if Reigns push leading up to the rumble was organic, none of this would have happened.

Yes, if you look at a line up of the current roster, Reigns would be among the top viable candidates to beat Lesnar. Thats the only thing he has going for him. He can't hang on the mic with Heyman or even Brock for that matter. He's too green to understand and apply the psychology to a mainevent at Wrestlemania. Brock doesn't like calling matches and I'm not entirely sure Reigns can call a match.

And last but not list, they are setting him up for another boo-fest at Fastlane, because rather than working a 2 month story leading up to the WM match with Lesnar, they are putting him over the best babyface on the roster. And it doesn't matter if you are a 6 year old kid, 22 guy with his friends or the grandparents in the backrow, at the end of that match Bryan will still be the most over guy.
The thing I'm hung up on is how idiotic they are to think a a super green and not particularly over guy like Reigns an walk right in after being injured and just claim the top spot. It makes sense for a guy like Bryan who is already astronomically over or a guy like HBK/Austin/Cena coming off injuries to win it all since they are already HOF quality talent who had held many titles and headlines their fair share of PPVs when they did so.

Reigns could have worked great if he never got injured. Could have went over guys like Rusev, Rollins, or Wyatt to gain some credibility. But alas that never happened. It's a shame but for a guy who they view as their long term golden goose why would you force an issue? It's not like they are hurting for other candidates.

I know a certain few of you are sick of Daniel Bryan and I get it. I used to hate the YES chant and thought it was all idiotic but dude...look how over the guy is? It's borderline ridiculous. They could have taken the safe/easy way out and let him win the rumble while allowing your shield guys, Wyatt, etc to fortify the mid-card while making names for themselves.

Also...anyone know who the last Wrestler who ever HEADLINED Wrestlemania before ever being in the main event of a single other PPV? I truly can't think of one. Just bad management altogether by Vince and co.

Also...for the record...I don't think Ambrose is any further along that Reigns is developmentally BUT his feud with Rollins and presence made him a better choice if they were gonna go that way. It's a shame Roman got hurt but those are the breaks. They should have given him this entire year to build a resume/catalogue of greatness.

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