How I think they could book a Punk return....


Dark Match Jobber
Not sure... But id imagine this has been brought up so apologies if im taking someones idea.... And again this is assuming he did return... I dunno maybe tonight in Illinois.

Anyway, with Bryan undergoing his surgery, WWE should go with the belt stripping angle. And who gets it? A returning CM Punk, with the "pipe bomb" that he would only return if HHH gave him the belt.

My god the IWC heads would explode....a viciously heel punk to feud a retuning Daniel Bryan. This would give Bryan decent time to heal up while punk turns everyone against him.
Well, sure, IF he comes back and IF they re-negotiate a new contract in time. I'd like to see him have one more run as champion, and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk, if done properly(not likely) could be match of the decade. Just leave out their wives, unless you wanna have a one-off mixed tag team match on Raw or something. Just so you know, if Punk does go back in Chicago, he's gonna get cheered no matter what, so I don't know how well that would go over. More than likely, though, the belt is just gonna go to Orton or Cena, maybe HHH if he wants to have one more run.
I'm sure WWE would do just this if CM Punk agreed to come back within the next month because it's logical and of course, just having CM Punk back while Bryan is gone would be a saving grace for the WWE... However I think we all know that CM Punk will not be back within the next 3 months unless he miraculously decided to return at Summerslam and by then, Bryan will already have returned I believe.
Well, sure, IF he comes back and IF they re-negotiate a new contract in time. I'd like to see him have one more run as champion, and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk, if done properly(not likely) could be match of the decade. Just leave out their wives, unless you wanna have a one-off mixed tag team match on Raw or something. Just so you know, if Punk does go back in Chicago, he's gonna get cheered no matter what, so I don't know how well that would go over. More than likely, though, the belt is just gonna go to Orton or Cena, maybe HHH if he wants to have one more run.

Right like I said that's assuming there actually is a return.
And yes the PPV is in Chicago which would definitely be in favor of punk. But with him taking on a heel persona, it would be a very interesting dynamic over the summer to see how the fans react. Plus it would give punk his one final run as they could easily keep that going through SSlam or further. Would be quite a corporate stable...

I'd go as far as saying the WWE would need something like that to rekindle some of the stale taste leftover from Wrestlemania. I mean really....Orton or Batista as champ? Doesn't do anything for me.
I'd go as far as saying the WWE would need something like that to rekindle some of the stale taste leftover from Wrestlemania. I mean really....Orton or Batista as champ? Doesn't do anything for me.

Maybe not, but then again WWE doesn't exactly do what we want. Not very often, anyway. Only when they sense that they're screwed unless they actually listen to the fans. (See: Daniel Bryan) I honestly don't see your scenario coming to fruition, as much as I want it to happen. Too many obstacles and too much to do in 2 weeks. Unless they've already signed a new deal and worked all this stuff out behind the scenes and told Punk not to say a word. But these are the same geniuses that are taking months to sign Sting. I doubt it'll be Batista since he probably has to leave for a while to promote his movie, so most likely Orton.
Still can't that Daniel Bryan seriously guys, not champion material. Doesn't draw me to watch a ppv. Think Kane should have one more shot even if it is againt Cena and he is bad to me to never seen him as a 'Superstar'. RVD should have a wee run with Bryan but that's about it. 18+ bring it back or lost another fan of a dying breed.
Still can't that Danj aniel Bryan seriously guys, not champion material. Doesn't draw me to watch a ppv.

Hey man, to each their own. Anyone who knocks you still doesn't understand that wrestling opinion is subjective by nature.

I'm a huge Daniel Bryan supporter, and I'm a fan of wrestling for near 25 years, but I get he's not for everyone. I even think the best story he will ever be involved in is the WMXXX build, and ultimately, story is all I care about when I watch episodic television.

However, as for the OP, I have to the say that no matter what the circumstance, I don't see CM Punk as a heel to Bryan in any variation of the story. Punks pipe bomb could include circumstances in which he's responsible for Bryan's neck, in which he was Bryan's wingman and lied to get Brie into his bed and, poor taste noted, in which he poisoned Bryan's father, and CM Punk would be chanted all night. Punks counter culture status is so strong right now that it should be sought after, but could never be emulated. I think it would cancel out any desired reaction.

Don't get me wrong. I would LOVE to watch your story unfold on screen, with a few tweaks to clean the edges. But I think audiences are currently indulging themselves as opposed to investing in the story on stage/screen. A story like yours needs the audience to participate positively for it to succeed.
And why would HHH give the title to Punk, when he supposedly has "the face of the company" Orton around? He can also make himself the champ as well. Hell, he can even give it to Cena or something.

I love to see Punk back, but this idea is so bad. What would Punk say? "Gimme the title or I'll air your dirty laundry"? HHH can come back and say, sure you air mine, I air yours. Convo is over.

How would I book it? At Payback, the final of a tournament started on Raw takes place and they show the belt being held backstage by Steph, or even better, by HHH. Match is under way, eventually one guy wins and HHH comes out to present him the title. Instead, HHH's music plays, but he never comes out. Cameras shooting backstage show HHH being beaten up in his office and the title is missing. As the fans and the Superstars in the ring are confused, Vince's music hits. Vince comes out and congratulates the winner, but he isn't the true champion and that he is going to introduce the true champion. While everyone expects Bryan to come back, "Cult of Personality" hits, Punk comes out with the belt and mic in hand, handshakes Vince and says that the winner has one more title match against me.

Punk wins, gets the title. Next night on Raw, he explains how he got screwed out of winning the Royal Rumble, and he would go on and win the title at WM. Instead, Bryan got his chance because of the people and that is not fair or something. He would then work-shoot on HHH and/or Kane, keeping him busy for the next 1-2 months, until Bryan comes back, where those two can have their feud.
Nice scenario but it's not feasible, just like Thrown said. If Punk had to return and turn heel, they'd choose more momentous and unpredictable occasions, such as returning to cost Bryan the title at Payback would've been unpredictable. For now, everything antagonistic that has happened to Bryan has been done by Kane- unless they're looking to rehash the HHH-ran-over-Austin but Rikisihi "did it for the Rock" program, making Punk the devilish mind behind the demonic malefactor that is Kane.

CM Punk returning itself would be a humongous event and it's just the when and where now. Face or Heel, most of us will feel the instant revivification of the WWE world after the arrival of CM Punk.
A Punk return now would be huge so I think WWE would want to capatalise on his popularity. Also, a Punk return would be his last before he bowed out so I can only see him doing this as a face.

Having said that, I would love him to return as the 2011 Punk. I hate the word 'tweener' but effectively that is what he would be. He could be another cog in the wheel on the Bryan vs Authority feud and he could involve himself and feud with both. I remember Austin getting over huge from being a 'lone wolf' who didn't give a fuck. He inserted himself into the Hart Foundation vs D-X rivalry and took shots at both sides.

I would love to see Punk return on Raw out of the blue with Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows. Two of his friends WWE fired.
I think it would be a great time for CM Punk to return, for WWEs sake. They have just lost a lot of money in the stock market and Punk would be a huge draw right now. Face CM Punk as champion would be "best for business" but Triple H wouldn't just give him the belt, if Triple H is giving the belt to anyone it will be himself.

Bringing him back as a heel could be difficult as he will probably get a massive cheer on his return and whatever he does from there will probably be cheers as well.

I'd save Punks return until the Monday after Payback. I'd have Kane win the Vacant belt at Payback in some kind of 6 man elimination (as a good will gesture as Kane has been fantastic over the years). On the Monday CM Punk returns to declare himself the number one contender.
I've had a feeling since Daniel Bryan's injury that this would be the perfect time for CM Punk to return (if he ever does, cough cough). With Payback being in Chicago, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship being held by an injured wrestler, and the challenger for the title being Kane, it only makes sense. It can be as simple as Stephanie coming out at Payback and declaring Kane the new champion. Punk's music hits and says he would be champion right now if the authority didn't screw him out of winning the Rumble. Punk wins the match and the title. He holds it til Bryan is cleared to come back. Bryan asks for his re-match for the title, but Punk turns on him and blasts him with the belt. Punk joins the Authority and him and Bryan have their match at Summerslam.
I wish we could make it through a day on these forums without some clown booking a CM Punk return. I'm enjoying the product just fine without having to see his crybaby ass on my television.
Imagine D-Bry does indeed take time off and Punk gets the title at Payback, which he returns, infront of his home crowd. DB recovers, Punk turns heel the next night on Raw, Punk goes through the top babyfaces until Bryan's back.

DB returns, receives his match for the title and it is set for SummerSlam.

Oh yeah, && Punk's contract is up at SummerSlam. Kinda like 2011, only this time, Punk's the champ. Will D-Bryan be able to regain back his title and stop Punk from leaving with the title? It'll be a stipulation match just so Punk doesn't get himself DQ'd on purpose.

Fantasy Booking. Lol. Prolly would never happen.
Here's what I find weird about the whole Punk situation:

1. He hasn't said a single thing about the WWE or his fans. He hasn't said why he left, or if he's coming back, or that he was happy for DB. This could be because he's legitimately fed up with the business and truly doesn't care. But all we've heard from him is about an appearance here and there for non wrestling entities, and the periodic tweet about hockey.

2. According to reports, he was pretty banged up going into the Royal Rumble. He's not a druggie, and probably didn't take anything more than an aspirin here or there to get through the pain. I firmly believe that he was injured. After the Rumble, maybe the pain was too much for him to continue on. Maybe he physically and mentally needed a break. Knowing how Vince and company work, he wasn't going to get it unless he just took it.

3. We're starting to see a little bit more of him. Pictures of him at the gym with a former wrestler, the previously mentioned tweets about hockey after not tweeting for months. Pictures of him with fans. Chicago Cubs games. It's almost as if he got that break he needed, and now he's easing himself back into the mainstream.

4. We all know WWE's in a bit of a rough spot. Vince goes apeshit when he loses money like this. I have a feeling this Monday's Raw is going to be a good one because of it. Not saying that Punk would come back, but if Vince called him up, Punk would have a ton of leverage because he's proven that he doesn't care, and Vince is desperate (maybe, I don't know the man).

5. He hears the chants. Whether he watches WWE or not, he knows that the fans still love him. Maybe after being gone for so long, he's starting to get a little sentimental.

My thoughts got interrupted, and I've got to run. Hopefully ya'll can piece together where I was going with this. I'll come back to it later this weekend.
A Punk return now would be huge so I think WWE would want to capatalise on his popularity. Also, a Punk return would be his last before he bowed out so I can only see him doing this as a face.

Having said that, I would love him to return as the 2011 Punk. I hate the word 'tweener' but effectively that is what he would be. He could be another cog in the wheel on the Bryan vs Authority feud and he could involve himself and feud with both. I remember Austin getting over huge from being a 'lone wolf' who didn't give a fuck. He inserted himself into the Hart Foundation vs D-X rivalry and took shots at both sides.

I would love to see Punk return on Raw out of the blue with Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows. Two of his friends WWE fired.

Yeah and each of them eating a WWE icecream bar.

In fact he should also come out with a mega phone and his very own collector cup
2. According to reports, he was pretty banged up going into the Royal Rumble. He's not a druggie, and probably didn't take anything more than an aspirin here or there to get through the pain. I firmly believe that he was injured. After the Rumble, maybe the pain was too much for him to continue on. Maybe he physically and mentally needed a break. Knowing how Vince and company work, he wasn't going to get it unless he just took it.

I watched the rumble the other day and CM Punk looked horrible. I personally don't know how Vince and company work, he probably asked for time off and got it but what do I know?

I bet he comes back, sooner or later.
Call me crazy, but can it just be that he took some time off to heal his incredibly damaged body, and get married to AJ, and that he's talked to Vince about this, and that's why whenever Vince says anything about Punk, he winks and says he's taking a sabbatical for now, only to come back when the story allows for him to?

Last I checked, he's still a signed and working WWE Superstar. Just because they're trying to hide him, doesn't mean that he's gone. Hell, he's probably just fucking with you all. He's gonna be watching Payback on the network from his apartment with his super sweet, smart, and funny fiancee and drink soda and eating food til his arteries clog like every other real Pro Wrestler.
If Punk were to come back right now, it definitely would be interesting and spice things up. It's a perfect storm. Payback is in Chicago. People are hoping for anything other than the belt to end up back on Orton or Cena. And the WWE really has no heels to carry them through this summer.

CM Punk coming back in Chicago and screwing Daniel Bryan and joining up with HHH and Evolution/Authority would be the ultimate swerve and would be a classic set up to a CM Punk/Daniel Bryan Summerslam main event (or if they were really bold, they would hold it until WM31).

Personally I'd have Authority force Daniel Bryan to contend against the opponent of their choice at Payback. I'd hint at it being Orton, Kane or Batista. On the night of Payback, I'd have Kane, HHH, Batista and Orton beat down Bryan. They would have to drag him to the ring. Then I'd have them announce the opponent: CM Punk.

Punk comes down, places a foot on Bryan's chest and pins him to win the title and HHH raises his hand. Punk is Evolution.

Bryan would be out for a month (giving them a reason to hold the big money match until SSlam instead of MITB) and come back to fight Punk at Summerslam. They have a classic 45-60 minute match that ends in a no contest when Brock Lesnar comes down and F5's both of them, leaving the crowd silent (a la WM30) and then angry.

Over the next couple months, I'd have Punk questioning HHH/Evolution and their affiliations with Brock Lesnar. There would also be tension between Orton, Batista and Punk from Punk being "the guy" picked to fight DB at Payback instead of Orton or Batista.

I'd find a way to push it until Wrestlemania 30 where it would be Bryan vs. Punk vs. Lesnar for the World Title. Maybe you'd have Punk win and then retire the next night. Maybe you'd have Tista or Orton screw Punk out of the title for Bryan to win it. Maybe you'd have Lesnar win it and then Mr. Money In The Bank Roman Reigns cashes in on him seconds after. I don't know who would win that but the buildup from now till WM31 would be great television.

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