How Good Are They?: Shia LaBeouf

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Shia LaBeouf is one of Hollywood's more popular actors. He has also stared in some pretty high profiled blockbuster films. LaBeouf is the main character in the Transformers franchise, he stared alongside Michael Douglas in the highly anticipated Wall Street sequel, he fought alongside Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, and he was the star in Eagle Eye, a film that was very successful at the box office. LaBeouf has become more noticeable over the years, and the Transformers films did wonders for his popularity, but just how good is LaBeouf?

LaBeouf can have a likable personality. I think he does have a touch of charm, because the guy can make me laugh, and his character is always someone who want to root for. Although, I really don't see anything special in LaBeouf. Yeah, he can be a likable guy, and he does have a charming on-screen personality, but none of his performances have wowed me. Disturbia is probably my favorite LaBeouf film. It was a solid thriller, LaBeouf wasn't bad here, and this film didn't have that mega blockbuster feel to it. I always enjoy Disturbia, but LaBeouf still didn't do anything to make my jaw drop in this film. I think his range is VERY limited, and you will usually see the same guy in every one of his films.

LaBeouf has become a big deal in Hollywood. The Transformers franchise is a huge cash cow, and he is the main man for that film series. Although, when it comes to LaBeouf starring in these big money blockbusters, I don't think it can be looked at as a big deal. People would've flocked to see the Transformers films regardless. They wanted to see a Transformers film. LaBeouf can't be looked at as the main draw. The same thing can be said about Indiana Jones and The Wall Street sequel. These films can draw big numbers off of their names alone, so LaBeouf shouldn't be considered a mega star.

Well, I know his work mostly from the Disney Channel. I thought he was really funny on the show Even Stevens. He starred in the movie Tru Colors, which is about twin brother and sister. The sister was normal, but the brother (Shia) had Down syndrome due to birth complications. I think one of the harder roles to act is mentally mentally without being disrespectful or looking like a total asshole. I think Shia did that role really well. I also thought he was good in Holes, but nothing that anyone could've played. I haven't been a fan of his 'big Hollywood' stuff. It could be because most of it is just explosions and a tired as heck plot.

In short: I think the guy is better off as a TV sitcom dude ala Zach Braff.
I'm really not so sure whether or not we can really say his range is limited. He seems to me like he's more of a victim of typecasting than anything. Not that we should feel pity for him or anything. I wish I could be typecasted into roles of the comedy sidekick or protagonist in major box office smashes. I'm just saying that it may be a bit too soon to just outright say that he has a limited range when he really hasn't been given a chance to show what else he can do.

I like the kid though. He always plays a very like-able character and he has a charming personality. I just think we need a little bit more time before we can really gauge his ability.
I havent been impressed with him to be honest. Maybe its just personal preference of something but I just cant take to him. I didnt realise he was on the Disney Channel first though.

I loved the cartoon Transformers but LeBeouf just seems wooden to me in the movie. I probably spent too much time staring at Megan Fox though, so maybe he is better than I thought he was!
I really like Shia LaBeouf. Honestly, I would say that he is one of the best leading actors in Hollywood and that is a bold statement, considering how much talent there is in the film business right now. But here's the thing that puts LaBeouf in front of everyone else on the radar right now... He is a very likeable guy that gets people involved with his movies. He gets them invested emotionally because he seems like a guy that is giving you everything. I don't think there is another leading man that I would like to go for a pint with and that is a strength of his character that he brings to his performances.

Say whatever you want about the Transformers movies but I have liked both of them and I am sure that I am going to love the upcoming sequel. I think it is because of Shia LaBeouf that it has had as much attention as it has. I think that he has forged himself a legacy in these movies and it has sky-rocketed him to even bigger fame and better movie contracts. I have yet to see him in Wall Street 2 but I have heard good things about his performance and I happen to believe that he would have performed well.

Nevertheless, I doubt Shia LaBeouf will ever be able to shake his Disney roots and that is what is holding him back. Is he in the same league as people like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt? No, he really isn't. With his acting talent though, he could be. The problem is that people see Even Stevens when they look at him and that goes against him every single time. I doubt he could pull off an ultra-serious role if he were given the chance. I mean, could you imagine him in Shutter Island instead of Leonardo DiCaprio? I couldn't and I think it is because he is too likeable a person. He is the sort of person that brings an exuberance and excitement to his performances and that sort of character is not really welcomed in the serious world of drama/thriller movies.

All in all, I think that he has a bunch of talent that could be better utilised in comedy moves than action movies but he is making a damn good go of everything he gets. He is a very good actor and someone who I think has a huge future ahead of him.
Nevertheless, I doubt Shia LaBeouf will ever be able to shake his Disney roots and that is what is holding him back.

I think Shia's work on the Disney channel was very funny (minus the Tru Colors move; I am not that big of a bitch :p) I think if he were cast in movies that do play off his strengths, this could be a big help to the guy. The guy isn't one of those funny actors who can spew out funny joke after funny joke, but the guy does have good timing and facial expressions. I guess that is where I got the Zach Braff comparison from.
I'm not a fan, but I can't deny LaBeouf's appeal. If he gets a few more low-key hits like Disturbia under his belt, I can see him being the next Tom Hanks. After this upcoming Transformers, though, he needs to drop Bay like a bad habit.
I enjoy Shia. Transformers is a decent series, nothing great, but it's good for what it is. However I'm with Tdigs, after this Transformers movie it is time to move onto something new and exciting. I've been a fan of Shia since his Evan Stevens days. Disturbia was probably his best flick and his best role from what I've seen of him. It is quite the good movie and shows that he has some range in the movie business. I think if he sticks to movies like that (or even Eagle Eye) he'll get better. However I think his legacy is gonna be mostly linked to the Transformers series and that's a shame as he has better movies.
I like the guy and have enjoyed many of his movies.

I thought he was good in Constantine, even though it was a bit role. And I really was happy with his role in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. For me, his best performance was in Eagle Eye. (I never saw either Transformers or Wallstreet)

Shia is going to have a successful career. It appears that he may linger around in the action/adventure genre for a while, but hey, that works for him. He seems pretty picky now about the roles he takes, which is a good thing. I also think that now he is getting to a point where his name alone will sell movie tickets (not bad to be associated w/dollar signs).
Well, I know his work mostly from the Disney Channel. I thought he was really funny on the show Even Stevens. He starred in the movie Tru Colors, which is about twin brother and sister. The sister was normal, but the brother (Shia) had Down syndrome due to birth complications. I think one of the harder roles to act is mentally mentally without being disrespectful or looking like a total asshole. I think Shia did that role really well. I also thought he was good in Holes, but nothing that anyone could've played. I haven't been a fan of his 'big Hollywood' stuff. It could be because most of it is just explosions and a tired as heck plot.

In short: I think the guy is better off as a TV sitcom dude ala Zach Braff.

I think Shia's work on the Disney channel was very funny (minus the Tru Colors move; I am not that big of a bitch :p) I think if he were cast in movies that do play off his strengths, this could be a big help to the guy. The guy isn't one of those funny actors who can spew out funny joke after funny joke, but the guy does have good timing and facial expressions. I guess that is where I got the Zach Braff comparison from.

I hate to be THAT GUY but dont you two mean Tru Confessions? Tru (technically True) Colors is a completely different movie.

As for his career, he has one very important difference from others that have been on the Disney channel. His entire career isnt based on being with Disney. Did it help his career, of course it did. But he's come along way since his Disney days and I think he is well on his way to leaving that in his past.

What he really needs is a role for people to stop seeing him as a geeky overgrown kid, and start seeing him as an adult with a serious acting career ahead of him.
Awsome thread idea, Mitch. I owe you rep later tomorrow.

Shia LaBeouf is decent and I like him as an actor, but I find him to be overrated. His career in movies has mainly been in roles in smaller films that go on to be forgotten. He did get into Transformers, but a number of other actors could have been good for that role. The same goes for his role in the new Indiana Jones film. I think that he will never top his Even Stevens role, which is the reason many of his fans are fans in the first place. The reason for this is because he did become famous through that role, and even though he went on to movies instead of television, he's been in roles that have been largely forgettable.
He is a very good actor and I really enjoy watching him. He is a very likable guy just like everybody else in the thread has stated. He has played the roles he has been given perfectly and they have really fit him as an actor. You can't help but want the guy to do good in the movie you are watching. Disturbia was a fantastic movie and he was absolutely great in that movie. I'm not a movie buff who really judges strictly on any sort of criteria. I mainly judge on who I really enjoy watching, and who can grab my attention and keep it. Shia is one of the few actors that is able to do that consistently which makes him one of my absolute favorites to watch.
I find Shia LaBeouf to be somewhat like a Shelton Benjamin; he's got all the potential in the world, but it hasn't been used properly yet. He can never quite seem to break into the lime-light as the big star. In Transformers he's overshadowed by the robots, in Wall Street it's Michael Douglas. Or he's in a smaller film that's not well remembered like Eagle Eye (which I couldn't remember the name of and had to look up on IMDB) and Disturbia. He's got some talent, he just hasn't had the opportunity to showcase it because he’s either overshadowed or in films that aren't well remembered. He needs to make a break from the blockbuster mould and try to take more serious roles if he wishes to be remembered as a major acting player.

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