How Good Are They?: Denzel Washington

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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Denzel Washington has been one of the more famous, and bigger names in Hollywood over the years. He has a long track record, and he is STILL a box office draw today, but how good is Denzel? Is he a legend? Is he on the same level as Pacino and De Niro?

Washington can always deliver a powerful performance. He can always bring tons of intensity and emotion to any character he plays, and his performances can always be entertaining. He did a phenomenal job portraying Malcolm X, and he managed to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Glory, as he played the rebellious and angry Union solider, Trip. Denzel has also showed us his dark side. He finally managed to win the Oscar for Best Actor for his performance in Training Day. Denzel did an awesome job with this character. Alonzo was a sleazy and crooked, and there were times where he could be truly evil. This character was something different, and Denzel nailed it to perfection. Although, I think people tend to forget about Denzel's other performances. The Alonzo character receives so much praise(mainly because Denzel finally won the big one for this role) but I think his other performances are horribly overlooked. As I said before, Deznel was just great in Malcolm X. The performance was outstanding, because Deznel brought this amazing amount of energy and intensity to Malcolm X. His performance in Glory was also pretty damn good. The Trip character was a strong rebel, but there were also times where you wanted to feel sorry for him.

Denzel can be very consistent when it comes to starring in quality films. Sure, every film might not be a spectacular 10/10, but I can't remember too many horrible films with Denzel( not including Unstoppable, because I did think that one was awful, and I don't know why so many people are high on it) and I do think that this something is worth praising. A lot of the other big name actresses and actors have had their fair share of really bad stinkers.

Denzel deserves recognition, but when it comes to determining Denzel's legendary status, I'm always on the fence. Deznel is still a box office draw, and I do think that's impressive, because Denzel has been around for a long time. He's starting to get up there in age, but people will still flock to see his films, because they now they're going to see something good. Although, guys like Pacino and De Niro have those "iconic" performances, but when it comes to Denzel, I'm not so sure I can say the same thing. I've always thought Denzel's range was kind of limited. I always see the same guy who can be a good talker. Also, I usually see guy who is very successful in life, and Denzel's characters usually have this cocky swagger. He was mean and dark in Training Day, but there were times where I still saw the same guy. I feel the same way about Washington's performance in American Gangster. Yeah, he was supposed to be the cold and viscous drug lord Frank Lucas, but I could see a lot of the same characteristics I always see in his other performances. He was pretty bold, and he proved to be a smooth talker, as he captured the heart of the woman who would later become his wife.

Denzel does deserve recognition, and a lot of the praise he receives is well deserved, but there are times where I question his range, because Denzel usually shows us the same type of guy in his movies.

I see what you mean about his range. He does seem to play a lot of similar characters. But I will say that there was one movie where I didn't see any cockiness from him and that is John Q. Sure, there were a couple of times where he lightened up a bit and joked around with the people that he was holding captive, but he portrayed the man who would literally do anything possible to save his son's life. He wasn't some successful man, he was an average joe with an undying love for his family brilliantly.

Still, that one movie doesn't really deter what you're saying. But in my opinion, range isn't as big of a factor in determining great actors as it is to you. He plays a lot of the same kind of characters, but there has to be something to be said about how consistently well he does it. I'm really not too keen on acting knowledge, but I have to consider Denzel as an all time great. Maybe not on the same Iconic level as De Niro or Pacino, but he's at the top of the next level below them.
Truth be told, I have not seen much of Denzel Washington in the past. However, what I have seen of him has been pretty good.

One of my favourite movies of the last decade is The Book Of Eli and I thought that he played a wonderful part in that. Of course, it also comes down to how good the movie was in general too. The plot really lends itself to Denzel Washington putting in a great performance as Eli and it worked. I thought that his range in that movie was awesome and really made the movie what it was. The other movie that I have seen him in is the Manchurian Candidate remake with Meryl Streep. I also thought that The Manchurian Candidate was an excellent movie and Denzel Washington did a great job with this one too.

However, one movie that I feel does not deserve the credit it gets is American Gangster. Here's the thing, I have a love of movies and I watch them every day. However, I cannot remember the last time that I fell asleep at a movie. However, American Gangster fell victim to this. I just could not be bothered with the plot that American Gangster was trying to preach to me. For me, it was just a boring movie. My friends tell me that it is an amazing movie but I just cannot face watching it again.

That being said, I think I see your point, Mitch. Denzel Washington seems to be getting pretty typecast now. He seems to play the same pseudo-dramatic roles that have very little room for anything else. He is a great actor, of course he is. However, his range seems to be the same stumbling block for everyone. That being said, I have always thought that if you do something right, then there is no point in risking things for another crack at something else. Denzel Washington is a great drama actor and that is what he is going to continue to do and rightfully so.
I think that Denzel Washington = good movie!!

Every movie i see him doing is great and he is a legend to many other "black" actors, he is turning Samuel L. Jackson 2.0, but better...
Denzel has a long list of great movies, since Deja Vu, The Book of Eli and now Unstoppable!!

All of this three movies are major blockbusters and got a lot of money...
He is smart and knows which film he is going to do...
Every actor has a style, and Denzel style is Drama movies, we cant argue about that, and he does a great job in every movie.
If Denzel plays a lead role in a movie, we can be sure that the movie is worth seeing!
He is a good actor and I like alot of his stuff, but at the same time he doesn't make me want to go out and see his movies and I dont own any of his movies, I alway wait till they are on HBO or another movie channel, he just doesn't make me feel like wow I got to go see that movie or have that movie, but I do like him.

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