how do you think the business would be effected if.......


Dark Match Winner
it was shawn and hall the went to wcw instead of hall and nash? i know half of you are gonna say that that would never happen because hall and nash were bff's and all. i personall think that wwf wise it would been great because it would have kept diesel as a giant heel and would probably started the rise of triple h faster seeing how they are 2 of the 3 best at playing backstage politics ever. sure we wouldnt have got the montreal screw job but we got to continue to watch quality matches from the likes in the wwf. as far as wcw goes im quite confident that we would have got something similar to the montreal screw job between some combo of hogan, hbk and sting. so what are your opinion?
Not really sure how it would of affected business but it would of affected wwf more they wouldn't of had the HBK V Bret fued.

it was shawn and hall the went to wcw instead of hall and nash? i know half of you are gonna say that that would never happen because hall and nash were bff's and all. i personall think that wwf wise it would been great because it would have kept diesel as a giant heel and would probably started the rise of triple h faster seeing how they are 2 of the 3 best at playing backstage politics ever. sure we wouldnt have got the montreal screw job but we got to continue to watch quality matches from the likes in the wwf. as far as wcw goes im quite confident that we would have got something similar to the montreal screw job between some combo of hogan, hbk and sting. so what are your opinion?

In wCw there was no need for a screwjob. The reason there was 1 in the wwf because vince thought that bret would take the wwf title with him to wCw because he refused to drop it at SS97 because it was in montreal so vince thought he would screw bret to make sure bret didnt take the title with him. (Bret said to vince before he left he would drop the title on raw, because he didn't want to lose in his hometown of montreal, but vince didnt believe him so he screwed him out of it. This was because bret was on his way to wCw.)
besides the fact this just would never have happened ill try to ignore that...i think shawn would have been the face of wcw till the day it died but it would have ruined him overall he was into drugs back then he might not have ever come back to wwf if he did leave because he might not have been forced to change his ways
In wCw there was no need for a screwjob. The reason there was 1 in the wwf because vince thought that bret would take the wwf title with him to wCw because he refused to drop it at SS97 because it was in montreal so vince thought he would screw bret to make sure bret didnt take the title with him. (Bret said to vince before he left he would drop the title on raw, because he didn't want to lose in his hometown of montreal, but vince didnt believe him so he screwed him out of it. This was because bret was on his way to wCw.)

WCW would not be able to handle the egos of hogan and hbk. Hell vince mcmahon could barely manage to do it. to think that something like the screw job wouldnt happen in a company that allowed the finger poke and goldberg to walk out on a ppv is just insane. i didnt say that there was a need for wcw to do what vince did i was saying that it was an inevitability. also if you read the original post hbk wouldnt have been there so there would have been no need for a screw job in the first place in the wwf. in my opinion adding hbk to wcw in 1996 would have either speed put wwf out of business or speed up the demise of wcw
Honestly, I don't think WWF would have changed as much as WCW would have.

Kevin Nash positioned himself as head booker in WCW, and while Shawn was just as conniving and self-serving as Nash, that changed when he became a christian. I think the biggest difference would have been Goldberg not getting buried. I also don't think we would have gotten the "fingerpoke of doom" to be honest, a lot of WCW's deathknolls were heavily involving Kevin Nash.

Not that The WWF wouldn't have changed, DeGeneration X may have gone a bit differently, but Shawn wasn't even around for the bulk of it. Obviously, there would have been no Montreal Screwjob, as Bret was willing to drop to anyone but Michaels.

I think if it was HBK going with Hall, WCW would still be around... or at least it would have lasted longer.
WCW would not be able to handle the egos of hogan and hbk. Hell vince mcmahon could barely manage to do it. to think that something like the screw job wouldnt happen in a company that allowed the finger poke and goldberg to walk out on a ppv is just insane. i didnt say that there was a need for wcw to do what vince did i was saying that it was an inevitability. also if you read the original post hbk wouldnt have been there so there would have been no need for a screw job in the first place in the wwf. in my opinion adding hbk to wcw in 1996 would have either speed put wwf out of business or speed up the demise of wcw

But the thing is Goldberg walking out and the fingerpoke WHERE MEANT TO HAPPEN, Bret didn't know what was going on it is different.
In wCw there was no need for a screwjob. The reason there was 1 in the wwf because vince thought that bret would take the wwf title with him to wCw because he refused to drop it at SS97 because it was in montreal so vince thought he would screw bret to make sure bret didnt take the title with him. (Bret said to vince before he left he would drop the title on raw, because he didn't want to lose in his hometown of montreal, but vince didnt believe him so he screwed him out of it. This was because bret was on his way to wCw.)

Bret Hart's hometown is not MONTREAL so that already discredits your analysis of the Survivor Series 1997. If you have done all your research, you would know the reason Bret didn't want to lose was because Shawn said he would never put Bret over, so it became a matter of principle. He wanted Shawn to put him over before Bret put him over.

Watch Bret vs Shawn DVD if you don't believe me.

PS: Saying Bret is from Montreal is the biggest slap in the face. Montreal is the gross, sweaty, incest craving, molesting Uncle of Canada. He's from Calgary, a classy place.
do you think the nwo would have been started and so would it have worked as well? cuz i think it would have been started but i dont believe it would have been as good. nash seemed to be content with being patient and buying his time by playing second fiddle to hogan. i dont believe shawn could do this. he definatley wouldnt have been happy being in a tag team or a us champ. so what do you think the plans would have been for him?
i am going to go out on a limb and say if HBK was 100% healthy during the NWO explosion, he would have jumped ship as well...

back then, nobody thought HBK would ever wrestle again...
Shawn down there would have been a disaster. It would be considered criminal how bad they would have misused him. He would eventually get so fed up and leave. He would have only signed one contract.

I cant see Nash fitting WWF in the attitude era

The only positive I see is maybe getting Michaels/Benoit in 97/98.
95-98 shawn was the best in ring performer. Thats a fact. So he would have brought some life into the main event scene if nothing else. Cause wcw had some real shitty main events compared to wwf at that time. You would have gotten shawn michaels vs ric flair, vs savage, maybe vs hogan, vs sting. Those would be nice, especially the first two, but if you look at the opponents he had in the wwf at the time, it would be a serious step down. I can't see shawn playing second fiddle to hogan for that long. So either he would be elevated or he would quit. Nwo would have still been as big if not bigger, cause what set the nwo was the cool factor. And scott hall was the key factor in nwo being cool. If shawn was given creative control in 1999 like nash, the wcw would still be going. If you look at the fueds he had control of they were really great.

Now WWF might not have scraped by. Shawn was the man at that time. He was the attraction. If you compare the ratings of 96 with shawn and early 97 when he was injured it shows that shawn was the glue keeping the wwf together. I don't see the wwf going in attitude direction because shawn was the main guy pushing for that. Now i see stone cold still blowing up, but not as much as he did. I don't see the rock being even a main eventer. He might have gotten kicked in 97. WWF would have been fucked.
No HBK= No screwjob
No screwjob= no Mr. mcMahon character
No Mr. mcMahon character=No attitude era
No attitude era= Wcw winning Monday night Wars
And if WcW had won the Monday night wars then they would've eventually drove themselves into the ground. Wrestling would then be forgotten.
I get what your saying Harddyboy77 but that might be a stretch. NO HBK and WWF probably keeps Bret. Bret drops the title to Austin at WM14 and then I think we still get the Attitude era. The attitude era was brewing in mid 97. Although I do see WCW sticking around a little longer.
Shawn would have thrived in WCW. The traditional WCW audience was very much work rate driven and they would have embraced him wholeheartedly. His future wife was also Whisper of the Nitro girls, so meeting her there could have started his cleanup faster.

As for the end of the war, it would have gone the same way. Turner would eventually merge with AOL and WCW would be dead because the new head hated wrestling and wanted to rebrand TNT. The WWF would still have survived because what saved them was the influx of cash by going public, not anything else.
HBK would never have been the face of WCW becuse there is no way Hogan would have allowed that. More likely would be HBK would be the US Champion for the nWo, Hall and Kid would be the Outsiders and HBK would either be dead now or would be in the same position Hall is.

95-98 shawn was the best in ring performer. Thats a fact.

It really isn't
HBK would never have been the face of WCW becuse there is no way Hogan would have allowed that. More likely would be HBK would be the US Champion for the nWo, Hall and Kid would be the Outsiders and HBK would either be dead now or would be in the same position Hall is.

It really isn't

Let me guess.......... You think its Bret. Is your vote for Bret? Could you be suggeting its Bret?

This may be unpopular but I dont think theres no NWO without Nash. I think they would have went another way if Shawn came down. WCW really played to Nashs strengths and he was just a good fit there. Like I said HBK would have been completely misused in WCW
Wow imagine not having the Shawn/Bret feud. On top of that I think HBK would have been grossly misused in WCW much as Bret was, and he may not have had the HOF career he had. Nash could have been a monster heel during the attitude era, and his feud with Taker could have been so much more. I always wonder if Nash would have beat Taker at mania if he wasn't leaving when his contract was up. The possibility of no streak would have greatly effected WWE even today. Also add to the fact that HBK and Hogan may not have worked to well together, and I think things could be quite different today had Hall and HBK jumped ship instead.

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