How Do You Screw Up The Best Job In The World?


WWE Right Now=Same Ole Shit
For the past month and a half, we saw a great developing story. It was Cena and it was Punk, Cena was carrying the WWE on his back and he was supposed to be the hero, get rid of the evil that was trying to "leave" the company with the title. We saw a captivating story, for the first time in years, with the famous Monday night shoot and all the building they did up to Money In The Bank, I was actually moved by wrestling.

Basically, for the first time since the NWO, I was actually into it again, the story line was aggressive, it just had me back, especially after Money In The Bank PPV. The match was insane, back and forth, the crowd popped all the way through, the energy was amazing, and it was the best match I have seen, mostly because I believe CM Punk carried it very well.

So we all anticipate Raw, what's going to happen, and we get this interesting story of Trips taking over and I thought that was awesome, don't get me wrong, but then we hear Cena isn't getting fired. WHAT THE FUCK. I understand he wasn't literally going to be fired, but I really did think he was going to take his time off, and so was CM PUNK and there was gonna be time off for both of em. Yeah, it would have left a huge black hole, but see at this point, a better story could have developed.

Both big draws are gone, the tournament starts like it did, and let Mysterio or Miz carry the title. That way, the heat on Cena would have lightened up but yet again, we get Cena shoved down our throats, Cena is champion again, well the "other" champion. I just see another pin headed Orton/Christian fighting each other for five months feud coming out of Punk/Cena. I sure as hell hope this doesn't happen.

I just wanna know why isn't this writing team constantly creating great, productive ideas. You have the best job in the world and I understand Vince has say so about what is going on but for fucks sake, to the team, or to Vince, step it the fuck up. We get great stories, like I said, don't get me wrong, but it's like a great story, stale as fuck, same ole shit, then another great story pattern.

Just my opinion, I strongly agree though, I have heard the same story I just told from numerous WWE fans, hell I even know WWE fans that have quit watching for the same ole shit that is produced.

All I'm saying is just give us an extensive out of hand product more than just once in a blue moon.
I'll take a quote from an Interview that CM PUNK did today on the BS report....

"I think there's a lot of people out there who are very jaded and think the product hasn't been as good as it should be for a very long time," Punk said. "No matter what you give them, no matter how good it is, they're always going to be like, 'Well, they'll just ruin it next week or they're pushing this guy and he'll be in the doghouse next week.' I really just want to mess with everybody.

"I wish everybody would just sit back, shut up, and watch it unfold. I'm telling stories, and since about 2005, that's all I've said, I'm a storyteller. I think we're doing a great job so far. You can pick it apart and be an armchair booker and say what would be better and this and that, but until the tell-all book comes out, trust me, I'm dodging bullets and doing a very good job.

I agree with him. People let themselves get so pissed off over a development in a storyline like this, that they don't stop to think about what will happen next week. That maybe there is a reason for the "Poor booking" that they just saw.

I kinda understand your argument, but I also disagree for the reasons I just stated.
As Stated before the biggest thing that draws a person into a story is "What is Going to HAppen next" and that is exactly what WWE is doing right now. Moving into this weeks Raw you had no idea that Cena would be champ again and you had no idea that Punk was going to show up.

Now this week the WWE has you wondering again. "Why did they being Punk back so Early?" "Why is Cena the Champ?" "What about Rey Mysterio who has a rematch clause?" WWE's booking is spot on right now and I doubt you could book anything close to this...
"I think there's a lot of people out there who are very jaded and think the product hasn't been as good as it should be for a very long time," Punk said. "No matter what you give them, no matter how good it is, they're always going to be like, 'Well, they'll just ruin it next week or they're pushing this guy and he'll be in the doghouse next week.' I really just want to mess with everybody.

"I wish everybody would just sit back, shut up, and watch it unfold. I'm telling stories, and since about 2005, that's all I've said, I'm a storyteller. I think we're doing a great job so far. You can pick it apart and be an armchair booker and say what would be better and this and that, but until the tell-all book comes out, trust me, I'm dodging bullets and doing a very good job.

**Im going to get on my soapbox for a second so I apologize.**

I listened to the today and I agree 100% with this. I like Punk...always have. Ill admit, I was guilty of this plenty of times. But Im a storyteller too. I want to work in Hollywood someday, so its easy for me to sit here and create ideas and come up with 100 different ways to write out a story.

I think most fans get lost in the way a story is told. Jask-Hammer had a great thread today about how the IWC is not happy with anything. Most scream for change, and when it happens they bitch and pick it apart. No one is satisfied anymore, and WWE isn't aiming to plase everyone because you cant.

Take this Punk/Cena angle. "Why is Punk back so soon?" "WWE dropped the ball again." Just sit back and watch it unfold. Wrestling is supposed to be about suspension of the imagination!!!

I remember the days of wrestling WITHOUT the internet and dirt sheets. MNR was compelling and you had to wait a week and tune in every Monday to see what would happen next. Now we get information the next day or days prior. Stories used to carry on for months, but with the ADD generation we want everything NOW.

Wrestling should be like a movie...its not believable, but for 2 hours we want to think it is. Most action movies, half of what happens COULD NOT happen in real life. Wrestling is no different.

Please people...suspend your imagination for 2 hours, sit back and enjoy the ride. The more you pick it apart and try to make sense of everything...the more you will not like it.
The guy in the second post with the CM Punk quote got it right. Seriously shut up about how WWE ruined your life. The storyline hasn't even happened yet. Shut up about how it wasn't booked exactly how you want, how your favorite wrestler doesn't win all the time or isn't booked exactly how you want him to be. Just please, shut up.
Why make these threads? Do you want to be labeled a bitcher? Just because YOU want something doesn't mean it's the correct thing for the WWE to do. I guess you want Cena to turn heel too huh? Make you real happy, WWE loses money, Cena isn't as over for Mania vs Rock. You probably have lots of great ideas like that.
You cannot carry somebody into a 5 start match, cena did his job as well, is not that im a cena fan its just the truth.
Not just his match vs Punk, but really think about it, he's had a variety of really good matches with a variety of opponents. Hardcore matches vs Umaga and JBL, straight up wrestling vs Jericho and HBK, clash of the superstars vs Batista, culture clash vs RVD and Punk. I'm probably actually missing some since he pretty frequently puts on really good matches but those really stand out. It's dumb for people to say he's carried, especially since Ric Flair, Samoa Joe, and Bryan Alvarez have all said he's good in the ring. Saying John Cena sucks in the ring at this point in time is basically like saying "I'll bitch about anything the WWE pushes".
The more you think about Punk coming back Monday the more it makes sense. Punk is hot, think Quinton Tarentino after Pulp Fiction hot. The WWE let the story sizzle on a burner for two weeks, in that time Punk took it upon himself to blow it up bigger. Now are you going to let that heat die down or are you going to hit it while it's hot?

Punk came back out and if you read Cena's lips when that crowd popped he said "Oh God", and when the place exploded when Punk lifted his belt you could see it in Cena's eyes that Punk had something. Cena isnt stupid, he knows he has been the man in WWE a long time, and now he is being overshadowed.

I'm sure Cena loves this because it is good for the business, but at the beginning when that explosion happened I'm sure it shocked him a bit because it is expected in Chicago, not outside of Chicago. Everyone knew Punk was hot, but who in that environment KNEW he was hotter than John Cena, not regionally but nationally.

Punk said this new era in the WWE should be known as the REALITY ERA and that interview was real. I agree with Punk in that interview 100%. Punk said it and I repeat it, this is the REALITY ERA in professional wrestling, the CM Punk Era and we had best get use to it.
Heres a question to the OP....If the E did everything you wanted them to do for every aspect of the show, would you still watch it? That is the question you need to be asking because bitching about someone elses job because "you" dont like that Punk came back to early (by the way Punk's decision as he admitted today) is just pointless. As everyone before me has already stated Sit the fuck back, grab a beer or other beverage, and enjoy the fucking show as it unfolds because this is just the beginning.
The only problem I've had thus far with it is that they cut the part of CM Punk saying "I'm back" at the end of Raw.

Other than that, I'm in agreement with everyone else. Just sit back and enjoy. This is by far the best story we've had in a long time, and it's not finish. So just let it play out. Maybe somewhere down the line when it's over, you can start saying what should have been, but people has to sit back and enjoy things while they happen.
John Cena and CM Punk are two of the best in the world right now, easily the two best in the WWE, and they didn't fuck anything up. The guys behind the scenes work their asses offf to give us a good show, they didn't fuck anything up. We as fans have been entertained for years, even more so the past month, we didn't fuck it up. It's the handful of people that always bitch and moan that fuck it up, and only for themselves.

The way I see it, the WWE really simply has one goal: Make me want to watch the next show. And my god, I wanna watch the next show.
You know whats the hardest part about being a wrestling fan these days? Listening to people bitch about it 7 DAYS A WEEK! If anyone has such a problem with what their doing then don't watch. No Really! DOn't watch, change the fuckin channel and find something you don't have to whine about! Whats the point? Your wasting your time and please get over yourselves and stop ruining this for the rest of us, please!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think a little patience is called for here. The storyline is still unfolding. Give it time. Next week's Raw could be awesome, you don't know.

It's a little early to say they've dropped the ball. Am I personally surprised Punk came back? Yes, I am. I thought he would stay away a little longer, but that's not the direction they chose to go. It doesn't mean I'm no longer interested in the storyline, or I'm complaining that they dropped the ball. In the end, isn't being surprised or kept guessing the best thing? The IWC always complains about predictability. Raw has been pretty unpredictable lately and still people aren't happy. Stop looking so hard for reasons to dislike it, and you might actually be entertained.

Besides, think about it. Mysterio vs. Miz sounds good on paper, but is that really a Summerslam main event? No Punk, no Cena in the second biggest PPV of the year? I think THAT would be dropping the ball. The heat and the momentum they've built from this angle would be diminished if they let it go to long with neither of them there. I understand the argument about rushed booking, not letting things play out. But in this case I think they needed to strike while the iron was hot.
Basically, for the first time since the NWO, I was actually into it again....

One person's trash is another person's treasure.

You state your case very well, but your comment about not really being into anything they've done since NWO speaks volumes, no? Personally, I love what the writers, production people and performers do and I marvel at how they can keep coming up with new angles and storylines, especially when you consider they have to do it all year long, rather than 22 weeks out of the year as is done for regular episodic TV shows.

As to the notion of keeping both Cena and Punk off the air for a long time, I would point to the idea of, say, "Dawson's Creek" being aired without Dawson. If James van der Beek was held off, the producers could still run the show with the ensemble of co-stars, but a lot of people wouldn't watch because Dawson was the reason they liked the show in the first place.

Same thing goes here. John Cena and C.M. Punk are WWE's biggest horses, and smart producers will ride those horses as far as they can. Keeping those guys off RAW would create intrigue, but it also might keep a lot of folks from watching the show until they get back.

But as you said, it's your opinion and you certainly have a lot of people on this forum who would agree with you.
I agree with almost everyones opinion on this matter. First, if Punk was whiye hot, why would you not have him come back right away? Why bring him back in a couple weeks when he wasn't so hot & all the hysteria died down? Geez dude, let the storyline play out before you start a thread up about how bad the storyline is!
I'm sorry but that Punk quote just sounds delusional. They've been doing a great job so far? Really, because to me the product has been stale, and I'm usually one of those who "sits back and shuts the fuck up". And to all of those acting like the Punk angle couldn't have gone any better, you really dont know that. I would've kept Punk off TV for at least three weeks after MITB, give Cena his break, and put the strap on Mysterio, the only guy getting a pop anywhere close to the one CM Punk is getting. Punk will eventually terrorize Vince into resigning him under all those conditions he mentioned like more shirts and poster covers. Vince looks for help and finds Cena and Cena agrees to help as long as he gets his job back. Punk beats Rey for the title and Cena becomes #1 contender in a match against Miz. They work their program on from there.
I'm sorry but that Punk quote just sounds delusional. They've been doing a great job so far? Really, because to me the product has been stale, and I'm usually one of those who "sits back and shuts the fuck up". And to all of those acting like the Punk angle couldn't have gone any better, you really dont know that. I would've kept Punk off TV for at least three weeks after MITB, give Cena his break, and put the strap on Mysterio, the only guy getting a pop anywhere close to the one CM Punk is getting. Punk will eventually terrorize Vince into resigning him under all those conditions he mentioned like more shirts and poster covers. Vince looks for help and finds Cena and Cena agrees to help as long as he gets his job back. Punk beats Rey for the title and Cena becomes #1 contender in a match against Miz. They work their program on from there.
So wait. You would have both Punk AND Cena off TV? So all this new press you recently got, people flip on Raw, wait, wait, wait, no Cena or Punk, they say "well I guess it's over" and go back to whatever else they were watching. GOOD FUCKING PLAN!!!!!

this is why WWE, when they read the forums for ideas (because such genius ideas like this are all over the place) doesn't create an account, PM saying "hey this is Vince McMahon, I just wanted to tell you how awesome your idea is. I mean yea you forgot that this is a business and kinda did what you wanted to do but shit man, I'm gonna hire you".

Really dude? REALLY? That is your idea? It's terrible. It's worse than anything WWE has ever written ever. EVER

People for fuck's sake, start thinking not "well I want this" and think "what makes the most sense for the WWE". If you do that, you'll stop posting ridiculous ideas and you'll actually appreciate the WWE more.
So wait. You would have both Punk AND Cena off TV? So all this new press you recently got, people flip on Raw, wait, wait, wait, no Cena or Punk, they say "well I guess it's over" and go back to whatever else they were watching. GOOD FUCKING PLAN!!!!!

this is why WWE, when they read the forums for ideas (because such genius ideas like this are all over the place) doesn't create an account, PM saying "hey this is Vince McMahon, I just wanted to tell you how awesome your idea is. I mean yea you forgot that this is a business and kinda did what you wanted to do but shit man, I'm gonna hire you".

Really dude? REALLY? That is your idea? It's terrible. It's worse than anything WWE has ever written ever. EVER

People for fuck's sake, start thinking not "well I want this" and think "what makes the most sense for the WWE". If you do that, you'll stop posting ridiculous ideas and you'll actually appreciate the WWE more.

Look, I tried being nice, shut the fuck up you ridiculous fan boy. You're all over every CM Punk thread kissing his ass. Since when the fuck did aybody tell you that your ideas were so good that you could go aroun trying to flame every suggestion someone else makes. Yes, I would have Cena and Punk off TV, for THREE damn weeks. Cena NEEDS time off and Punk needs to sell the contract expiring. Of course he would go to interviews and other events to remind people that hes still the damn champ. RAW still has Rey, Del Rio, Miz, and Triple H to carry the damn brand, I'm sure they'll do fine. Didnt it feel so good when you werent sure if Punk was signed to WWE or not. The media is going to lose interest in this story because what drew them in was the realistic nature. With Punk coming backs so soon it not only makes him look like a huge hypocrite but it brings in that staged aspect again.
I agree with the second poster, let's see what happens next. Everybody in the IWC, myself included, is prone to criticize the product when it doesn't go the way they thought it would. Hell, everybody in the IWC is prone to criticize period. I've enjoyed sitting back and just watching like a regular fan recently, so I'll continue that. And easy on the profanity there sailor.
Look, I tried being nice, shut the fuck up you ridiculous fan boy. You're all over every CM Punk thread kissing his ass. Since when the fuck did aybody tell you that your ideas were so good that you could go aroun trying to flame every suggestion someone else makes. Yes, I would have Cena and Punk off TV, for THREE damn weeks. Cena NEEDS time off and Punk needs to sell the contract expiring. Of course he would go to interviews and other events to remind people that hes still the damn champ. RAW still has Rey, Del Rio, Miz, and Triple H to carry the damn brand, I'm sure they'll do fine. Didnt it feel so good when you werent sure if Punk was signed to WWE or not. The media is going to lose interest in this story because what drew them in was the realistic nature. With Punk coming backs so soon it not only makes him look like a huge hypocrite but it brings in that staged aspect again.
Fanboy? Fanboy of who? When do I kiss CM Punk's ass? I said many times that he's not that much of a draw, only with the IWC, don't see how that's kissing his ass.

My ideas? My idea is to sit back and watch what happens and not bitch when a company does what's clearly in their own best interest. Which is certainly a better idea than taking your two hottest assets off TV for 3 weeks right before the second biggest PPV of the year.

Cena "NEEDS" time off? Why? Is he hurt? If he is, just have him talk more and wrestle less. Cena knows his role and he'll do it. Punk "needs" to sell the contract? Why? Vince is gone and we haven't even gotten an explanation as to why he's back. So why do we? WWE knows where they are going with this but you don't, so maybe it makes sense.

I don't know how it felt when I didn't know if Punk was signed because I knew the whole time he was. Look at my posts. Pretty much everytime I say "he's signed, even if he goes to another company, he's still signed and they're just selling it". I'm not a fucking mark. Instaed of thinking what I want, I think what the company would do. It's why I don't bitch about the WWE as much as the rest of the posters here. I understand why they do what they do.

The media isn't going to say shit. They know it's all a work. The media push wasn't going to last very long anyways. WWE has friends at ESPN, so don't act like ESPN giving them a rub is this huge fucking deal, it's not like Oprah had CM Punk on.

How is Punk coming back make him look like a huge hypocrit? You don't even know why he's back. You sound so ignorant. You don't know why he's back and you don't know where they're going with it so how can you complain?

O, also, I don't flame people's suggestions anymore than they flame what the WWE does or what another poster says or what I say. People who bitch about an angle without even knowing the full story, bitch about the WWE doing something that makes good business sense, then saying what they would do (which usually makes no business sense) deserve to get their ideas shot down. The IWC (more specifically, the bitchers) like to think the WWE is stupid and they know all the answers. I'm saying that most of the time their ideas are fucking stupid and it's a good thing they aren't running the company.
Fanboy? Fanboy of who? When do I kiss CM Punk's ass? I said many times that he's not that much of a draw, only with the IWC, don't see how that's kissing his ass.

My ideas? My idea is to sit back and watch what happens and not bitch when a company does what's clearly in their own best interest. Which is certainly a better idea than taking your two hottest assets off TV for 3 weeks right before the second biggest PPV of the year.

Cena "NEEDS" time off? Why? Is he hurt? If he is, just have him talk more and wrestle less. Cena knows his role and he'll do it. Punk "needs" to sell the contract? Why? Vince is gone and we haven't even gotten an explanation as to why he's back. So why do we? WWE knows where they are going with this but you don't, so maybe it makes sense.

I don't know how it felt when I didn't know if Punk was signed because I knew the whole time he was. Look at my posts. Pretty much everytime I say "he's signed, even if he goes to another company, he's still signed and they're just selling it". I'm not a fucking mark. Instaed of thinking what I want, I think what the company would do. It's why I don't bitch about the WWE as much as the rest of the posters here. I understand why they do what they do.

The media isn't going to say shit. They know it's all a work. The media push wasn't going to last very long anyways. WWE has friends at ESPN, so don't act like ESPN giving them a rub is this huge fucking deal, it's not like Oprah had CM Punk on.

How is Punk coming back make him look like a huge hypocrit? You don't even know why he's back. You sound so ignorant. You don't know why he's back and you don't know where they're going with it so how can you complain?

O, also, I don't flame people's suggestions anymore than they flame what the WWE does or what another poster says or what I say. People who bitch about an angle without even knowing the full story, bitch about the WWE doing something that makes good business sense, then saying what they would do (which usually makes no business sense) deserve to get their ideas shot down. The IWC (more specifically, the bitchers) like to think the WWE is stupid and they know all the answers. I'm saying that most of the time their ideas are fucking stupid and it's a good thing they aren't running the company.
Good lord I've never seen someone mark for the WWE so much before in my life. If you want to sit back and watch it all play out you're more than welcome to, but last time I checked this is a forum, where things are discussed. People have the right to bitch and moan about what goes on in the WWE all they want. When I felt like you and was tired of the smarks constantly bitching I got off the damn computer and just watched RAW. I didnt bug anybody about what happened on RAW, I just spoke to my friends about it who werent part of the IWC. And yeah, Cena needs time off, its been known for a while that hes hurt. I heard someone speak on SCSA's situation when he was in Cenas shoes and it made a lot of sense. Basically it would've made zero sense to have SCSA involved in rivalries and wut not because the fans would realize how limited his time in the ring would be and become dissapointed. Since this was a time when the WWE depended on Austin they did what you suggested and kept him on TV. The result, a bunch of corny backstage segments with Kurt Angle. You need to undertsand two things. One, WWE doesnt depend on Cena as much as you think. I've watched modern day WWE without Cena, its not that bad. Another is that when you have an injury, rest and rehabilitation is your friend. Traveling here and there isnt going to make his injuries any better.

The appearances Punk made on various WWE events let on that he was signed. Up to that it was all purely speculation. Dont act like you knew anything, because I really doubt you work for the WWE. Not only did Punk come back, but he came back to the company that was supposedly holding him down, even though he had various world title reigns and high profile rivalries but thats another story for another time. Even if you dont want to admit it, theres a huge hole in the story. Why was Punk whining about not being pushed in the WWE if they were making such lucrative offers for him to stay?

And if the media push wasnt going to last long anyway then why did you make such a big deal about it when I said I would have Cena and Punk off TV.

I'm not a mark either, but I'm certainly no puppet. When WWE needs support I'm the first to back them up, but when they fuck up I'm the first to call them on it. Stop acting like my ideas were so ludacris, because I doubt you'd be able to come up with anything better. This is a forum, and if you're going to bitch about people doing what you do on a wrestling forum, criticize, why dont you do everyone a favor and GTFO.
Good lord I've never seen someone mark for the WWE so much before in my life. If you want to sit back and watch it all play out you're more than welcome to, but last time I checked this is a forum, where things are discussed. People have the right to bitch and moan about what goes on in the WWE all they want. When I felt like you and was tired of the smarks constantly bitching I got off the damn computer and just watched RAW. I didnt bug anybody about what happened on RAW, I just spoke to my friends about it who werent part of the IWC. And yeah, Cena needs time off, its been known for a while that hes hurt. I heard someone speak on SCSA's situation when he was in Cenas shoes and it made a lot of sense. Basically it would've made zero sense to have SCSA involved in rivalries and wut not because the fans would realize how limited his time in the ring would be and become dissapointed. Since this was a time when the WWE depended on Austin they did what you suggested and kept him on TV. The result, a bunch of corny backstage segments with Kurt Angle. You need to undertsand two things. One, WWE doesnt depend on Cena as much as you think. I've watched modern day WWE without Cena, its not that bad. Another is that when you have an injury, rest and rehabilitation is your friend. Traveling here and there isnt going to make his injuries any better.

The appearances Punk made on various WWE events let on that he was signed. Up to that it was all purely speculation. Dont act like you knew anything, because I really doubt you work for the WWE. Not only did Punk come back, but he came back to the company that was supposedly holding him down, even though he had various world title reigns and high profile rivalries but thats another story for another time. Even if you dont want to admit it, theres a huge hole in the story. Why was Punk whining about not being pushed in the WWE if they were making such lucrative offers for him to stay?

And if the media push wasnt going to last long anyway then why did you make such a big deal about it when I said I would have Cena and Punk off TV.

I'm not a mark either, but I'm certainly no puppet. When WWE needs support I'm the first to back them up, but when they fuck up I'm the first to call them on it. Stop acting like my ideas were so ludacris, because I doubt you'd be able to come up with anything better. This is a forum, and if you're going to bitch about people doing what you do on a wrestling forum, criticize, why dont you do everyone a favor and GTFO.
I'm not a WWE mark. I just don't bitch about stuff I don't understand and I don't bitch when the WWE does something any business would do. I don't like Michael Cole, but I don't bitch nonstop about him and say he shouldn't be on TV anymore. He's an over heel, I get why they use him.

My biggest beef with what you said is that you think they already fucked up when the story isn't even over yet. So how the fuck do you know? Answer me that, seriously, how do you know, halfway through a story that they fucked up? There's not a "hole in the story" because we don't know the fuckin story. What if Punk's plan the whole time was just to get Vince out of office? Then it's not so much of a hole is it smart guy.

Also, I didn't need to be hired by the WWE to know he was still signed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's a good wrestler and they can pay him the most, that's how I knew.

My other beef is that you want your 2 hottest stars off TV, which is an AWFUL business move. Even if it makes more sense storyline-wise, it doesn't make business sense and bitching about the WWE doing what makes good business sense is childish.
I'm not a WWE mark. I just don't bitch about stuff I don't understand and I don't bitch when the WWE does something any business would do. I don't like Michael Cole, but I don't bitch nonstop about him and say he shouldn't be on TV anymore. He's an over heel, I get why they use him.

My biggest beef with what you said is that you think they already fucked up when the story isn't even over yet. So how the fuck do you know? Answer me that, seriously, how do you know, halfway through a story that they fucked up? There's not a "hole in the story" because we don't know the fuckin story. What if Punk's plan the whole time was just to get Vince out of office? Then it's not so much of a hole is it smart guy.

Also, I didn't need to be hired by the WWE to know he was still signed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's a good wrestler and they can pay him the most, that's how I knew.

My other beef is that you want your 2 hottest stars off TV, which is an AWFUL business move. Even if it makes more sense storyline-wise, it doesn't make business sense and bitching about the WWE doing what makes good business sense is childish.
And whats wrong with bitching about Cole? Hes annoying and made an ass out of WWE right after they teamed up with GLAAD. He constantly screws up his lines and his storyline with Jerry is really ruining the announcing aspect of the show. Yea, I understand why they use him, it doesnt make it right.

I dont need the story to end for me to know that there are several holes in it. CM Punk cant get Vince fired, because hes not a member of the board. Even if he refused to sign with WWE, which could've been the straw that broke the camels back for the board, he refused to sign after he got pissed at Cena. It wasnt a major plot it was just coincidence. Theres absolutely no damn way they could fix the story from here. A guy who was heavyweight champion various times, was on posters last year, and was fresh off a rivalry with Randy Orton is complaining about being misused. What a shame they didnt give this story to Zack Ryder, thats someone who could use it.

And you really didnt know anything. It was all speculation until this Monday. Besides, Wrestlezone just came out with a story that says that Punk signed last minute, which makes your theory flawed.

Having Cena and Punk off TV would be a horrible business decision if it not had been for the fact that theres a clusterfuck of other guys on RAW who could easily take their places. The only way thats a bad business decision is if it affected the ratings, and judging by one of yoru posts on another section of this site, it seems as though you could give a rats ass about RAW ratings. So I still dont see the problem with having Cena or Punk off TV. That first episode of RAW up to the last minute felt like such a breath of fresh air. Most of the fans enjoyed that, the fans who arent too busy thinking about where Cena or Punk are. Its all about the fans. And if they enjoyed it then theres no reason not to have guys like Cena and Punk off TV for a while. They could've based the first RAW on crowning a champ, the next one on welcoming him, the third to announce Vince retiring, and finally have Punk and Cena come back on the fourth RAW, since their rivalry needs no buildup, and have a great sendoff to the PPV that Sunday.
LOL That CM Punk promo that everyone went bananas over was NOT a SHOOT. Why does everyone keep saying that? Everything goes through Vince, this is a storyline, John Cena was never going to be fired, take time off, or any of that. Rey Mysterio and the Miz(one of my favs) can't carry this company on their back for a month or 2 months. If the WWE would stop this thing of 2 seperate brands than it would not be a problem at all. That's the answer to your question. They can't give Cena and Punk a decent amount of time off for a stortyline, because no one else can fill the shoes on raw. If they had a combined's not even an issue! I think the writing team is doing the best job they have done in years and they should be commended. If this GM thing works out and they surprise us all, this will be the best year they've had since 2002. I thought that GM thing was dead in the water, but they're going to bring it back...the laptop was there last week.
And whats wrong with bitching about Cole? Hes annoying and made an ass out of WWE right after they teamed up with GLAAD. He constantly screws up his lines and his storyline with Jerry is really ruining the announcing aspect of the show. Yea, I understand why they use him, it doesnt make it right.

I dont need the story to end for me to know that there are several holes in it. CM Punk cant get Vince fired, because hes not a member of the board. Even if he refused to sign with WWE, which could've been the straw that broke the camels back for the board, he refused to sign after he got pissed at Cena. It wasnt a major plot it was just coincidence. Theres absolutely no damn way they could fix the story from here. A guy who was heavyweight champion various times, was on posters last year, and was fresh off a rivalry with Randy Orton is complaining about being misused. What a shame they didnt give this story to Zack Ryder, thats someone who could use it.

And you really didnt know anything. It was all speculation until this Monday. Besides, Wrestlezone just came out with a story that says that Punk signed last minute, which makes your theory flawed.

Having Cena and Punk off TV would be a horrible business decision if it not had been for the fact that theres a clusterfuck of other guys on RAW who could easily take their places. The only way thats a bad business decision is if it affected the ratings, and judging by one of yoru posts on another section of this site, it seems as though you could give a rats ass about RAW ratings. So I still dont see the problem with having Cena or Punk off TV. That first episode of RAW up to the last minute felt like such a breath of fresh air. Most of the fans enjoyed that, the fans who arent too busy thinking about where Cena or Punk are. Its all about the fans. And if they enjoyed it then theres no reason not to have guys like Cena and Punk off TV for a while. They could've based the first RAW on crowning a champ, the next one on welcoming him, the third to announce Vince retiring, and finally have Punk and Cena come back on the fourth RAW, since their rivalry needs no buildup, and have a great sendoff to the PPV that Sunday.
Yea it does. Cole being over justifies using him. Bitching about it is stupid because it makes sense for them. Bitching about them using Cole is like bitching about apple making an I-Pad 3 or something. It's ignorant.

CM Punk isn't a member of the board, but if he drives Vince crazy enough, then he may get fired. Either way, you don't know the whole story and it's REALLY immature and stupid to bitch about it before it's even over. Am I going to have to use my Memento analogy again? "There's no way they could fix the storyline"? Really? You know every possible outcome? Not only that but most people on here seem really interested and annoyed by guys bitching about it, so I don't even think it's "broke" unless you're thinking selfishly again.

"Didn't give this story to Zack Ryder"? Yea lol because he could have pulled it off as well as Punk, another great idea there. Once again you're thinking about yourself and not what would actually work.

"Clusterfuck of guys who could take their places"? Really? Who is as over as Cena? Who generated the buzz that Punk did? O yea, nobody. Here's what happens, people hear about this great feud, that just had an amazing match in an amazing atmosphere, they go to tune in, and the show is existing like it never happened. Wrestling is all about the NOW. Having Cena and Punk both on makes good business sense.

"Their rivalry needs to buildup" No? So, keep your two hottest assets off TV for 3 weeks, give everyone enough time to forget about it, and then throw it back together before Summerslam? Let me ask you this, what do you do for a living?

You called me a WWE mark. I've spend over 2,000 dollars on ROH since 2004 and only about 100 on WWE. I'm not a WWE mark, I just think it's silly when people bitch about them making good business decisions. I back most of WWE's business decisions because, believe it or not, the biggest wrestling company in the world makes good business decisions 90% of the time. Strange huh.

The bottom line is this. Not having Punk and/or Cena on Raw is like not batting your 2 best hitters. It's stupid. Bitching about a story when you don't even know every aspect of it is stupid because it shows you have no patience. We have to wait and see. Why is Punk back? Guess I'll have to watch Raw to find out. I'm sure they'll have more questions by the end of Raw next week, and more after that. It's how this thing works. Bitching about not being able to understand why Punk is back and saying it ruins the storyline is very short-sided of you.
Yea it does. Cole being over justifies using him. Bitching about it is stupid because it makes sense for them. Bitching about them using Cole is like bitching about apple making an I-Pad 3 or something. It's ignorant.
How is Cole anything like a iPad? The customers want a new iPad, so apple makes one. Nobody wants Cole around, and they keep him around, that makes no sense. I know hes over as a heel, so is Mark Henry, and I dont mind him being in the WWE, go figure.

CM Punk isn't a member of the board, but if he drives Vince crazy enough, then he may get fired. Either way, you don't know the whole story and it's REALLY immature and stupid to bitch about it before it's even over. Am I going to have to use my Memento analogy again? "There's no way they could fix the storyline"? Really? You know every possible outcome? Not only that but most people on here seem really interested and annoyed by guys bitching about it, so I don't even think it's "broke" unless you're thinking selfishly again.
I dont know every possible outcome but I know that if I ran WWE and a guy whos been champ as many times as Punk had been, just came off a rivalry with Randy Orton, and is now going into a rivalry with John Cena told me that I was booking him wrong I really wouldnt know what to say. Face it, Punk isnt deprived from the spotlight like Ryder, or Masters, or McIntyre, he was just butthurt about his position in WWE. And fromw what I've read on Lagana's website, the situation with him has improved greatly thanks to HBK stepping in.

"Didn't give this story to Zack Ryder"? Yea lol because he could have pulled it off as well as Punk, another great idea there. Once again you're thinking about yourself and not what would actually work.
He might not have pulled it off as good, but it certainly suits him better than Punk.
"Clusterfuck of guys who could take their places"? Really? Who is as over as Cena? Who generated the buzz that Punk did? O yea, nobody. Here's what happens, people hear about this great feud, that just had an amazing match in an amazing atmosphere, they go to tune in, and the show is existing like it never happened. Wrestling is all about the NOW. Having Cena and Punk both on makes good business sense
Rey Mysterio was apparently that over. Triple H has always been over. Del Rio just won the damn MITB, I'm sure he could use the limelight. The Miz main evented wrestlemania against Cena. Theres a lot of guys who could draw as much attention. You remember when Vince said he could make another Cena, that was VERY true.

"Their rivalry needs to buildup" No? So, keep your two hottest assets off TV for 3 weeks, give everyone enough time to forget about it, and then throw it back together before Summerslam? Let me ask you this, what do you do for a living?
Yeah, we're holding a tournament to crown a WWE champion and everyones going to forget why we're having the tournament in the first case. I'm pretty sure someone on this site mentioned not acting like your fans are complete idiots.
You called me a WWE mark. I've spend over 2,000 dollars on ROH since 2004 and only about 100 on WWE. I'm not a WWE mark, I just think it's silly when people bitch about them making good business decisions. I back most of WWE's business decisions because, believe it or not, the biggest wrestling company in the world makes good business decisions 90% of the time. Strange huh.
See the thing is I dont care what WWE is doing from a business standpoint. If your argument is WWE is right because they're making business then you're going to win everytime because thats what companies do. I'm not saying they're bad businessmen, I'm saying their shows have flaws. And if they're making such good business decisions why have PPV buys gone down and ratings pretty much stayed the same? Because WWE's fans dont care about business, they care about being entertained. Nobody tunes in to watch Vince get richer.

The bottom line is this. Not having Punk and/or Cena on Raw is like not batting your 2 best hitters. It's stupid. Bitching about a story when you don't even know every aspect of it is stupid because it shows you have no patience. We have to wait and see. Why is Punk back? Guess I'll have to watch Raw to find out. I'm sure they'll have more questions by the end of Raw next week, and more after that. It's how this thing works. Bitching about not being able to understand why Punk is back and saying it ruins the storyline is very short-sided of you.
You act like I'm not bitching with good reason. Fine, give me a reason for a star as big as Punk to say that hes being misused. Listen kiddie, I know you're all caught up in the Punk hype but truth is truth. It makes zero sense now and I'm pretty sure by next week it still wont make sense. Or maybe it will. But I guess since I'm on a forum and I got a week to kill I should say whats on my mind AT THE MOMENT. Sure it could all change but in that case we should never post on this forum because we never will know how its all going to play out in the end. Thats stupid, if I see something wrong with the story I'm going to call WWE on it, and if the can prove to me otherwise then so be it. If you have a problem with reading peoples opinions then you're more than welcome to leave this website and sit down and watch it play out. Wow, those are close to exactly what Punks words were. If Punk has a problem with us voicing our opinions then he can get off the internet too. Like I said, we're just telling it like it is right now, I'm not going to wait until months have gone by to revisit a storyline and review it. Its all about NOW, and right NOW it makes no sense.

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