How Do You Feel?

Was It Time?

  • Yes - Taker's Simply Getting Too Old And It Gets Harder On Him Each Year

  • Yes - As Long As It Was Taker's Decision To End It

  • Yes - I'm Okay With It, Though I Wish It'd Been Someone Else

  • Undecided - I Still Can't Believe The Streak Is Over

  • No - WWE Is Throwing Away Money By Ending The Streak

  • No - I Think Taker Still Had Some Left In The Tank

  • No - Taker Should've Retired With The Streak Intact

Results are only viewable after voting.


As of tomorrow night, it'll be a full week since The Undertaker's undefeated WrestleMania streak was ended by Brock Lesnar. This isn't a thread to talk about how shocking or unexpected it was, that's all been said a thousand times over by anyone & everyone from fans to wrestlers to dirtsheet writers.

Over the course of this week, there've been reports stating that it was Taker's decision to end it, some reports indicate that Taker MIGHT have been injured somehow in the days before the match, Taker was hospitalized with what was called a "serious concussion" that took place sometime early in the match. Some dirtsheet writers who were in attendance said Taker was favoring one of his hips after he performed the leg drop on the ring apron. Based on what we know, or at least what we think we know based on the info that's been made available, how do you feel about the streak being over?

As for me personally, if Taker felt it was time and it was genuinely his decision to end it, then I'm fine with it. Various reports over the years have alleged that his workrate was very important to him and that if he got to the point where he just wasn't able to compete at the level he felt the matches deserved, he'd step away. From watching his match with Lesnar, I don't know if it was all due to the concussion, him possibly going into the match hurt, aggravation of old injuries due to the wear & tear of the road, simply getting older or some combination of any of it; but Taker wasn't up to snuff physically. He was much slower than usual and he wasn't in the best shape. Last Sunday was the first time that Taker genuinely looked old to me.

I'd say the most common complaint I've read about is simply this: Why Brock Lesnar? To be perfectly honest, I've no real idea why he chose Lesnar. Some reports state that Taker wanted Lesnar to be the one who ended it years back. I don't know if it's true or not but, if it is, I wonder exactly why myself. Given that Lesnar's 36 years old, doesn't especially "love" wrestling and only wrestles a small handful of times a year, it doesn't seem like Lesnar is really even a "wrestling guy" who'll benefit a whole lot from ending the streak.
I am a Lesnar fan but he reminds me of former MLB Player JD Drew They both are good at what they do and only do it because of how much they get paid
I thought of the greatest performer in wrestling history in HBK couldn't get it done twice then nobody is going to beat the streak
This match should of taken place last year
WWE always tells people they are pop culture but so much time passed by when Lesnar/Taker stare down happened at a UFC event

Last year Punk should of faced HHH with a stip if HHH loses Punk is the new COO and if Punk loses Heyman is fired
That type of storyline you would have endless match ups

With Lesnar beating the streak the goal isn't for Lesnar to capitalize on that but the guy who beats Lesnar at the next WM
I would imagine that should be Reigns
To add to it maybe for the title
Seeing Reigns is related to Rock not only are you passing the torch to the next generation but an almost guaranteed star is born on the biggest stage with one of the greatest wrestling lineage's
Personally, I still do not really know how to feel about it being over, it still hasn't totally sunk in yet.

I am fine with the way it happened I guess, it gave the wrestling world a genuine shock and awe moment. The emotion running through that crowd is something I have never really seen before to that magnitude. The Hogan switch is a distant second.

As for having issue with Brock Lesnar ending the Streak, I don't necessarily have one.

I question as to why he got the nod, but as it has been pointed out, he is a legitimate contender for that honor. I know he either already had or is going into contract re-negotiations, and hopefully he gets some more appearances in there. I know he doesn't really love the wrestling business, but he needs to have more matches, and be on TV more often. I'm not asking for house shows, but a match on Raw once a month won't hurt.

I guess it was just time for it to end, Undertaker looked so frail and old out there, it kind of broke my heart a little, like he was the last samurai holding on to glory till he died.
It honestly should have died at 20-0. But I love Taker going out on his back, like all of the greats. He ran and captained the locker room for however many years, and he's probably in the top 5 of all time. I'm totally happy with this result.
Watching the match and seeing Taker struggling at times to stand was hard on me as a fan who had grown accustomed to seeing the Phenom in the Best Match at Mania for the past few years especially.

It is clear that age has caught upto Taker and the injuries have been coming faster and more frequently than before. Also, after the match, we heard about a serious concussion, and it put everything into perspective.

Personally, I was shocked at the result and that Lesnar had been the "One" to do the job. However, after thinking about it, and being one who argued that the Streak breaker would get loads of heat if it was ever broken, it is clear that Brock Lesnar was as close to the perfect guy on the current roster to do the job as the WWE could have gotten.
Indeed, he may be a mercenary to many, but he is established enough and is already a heel and his legit MMA/UFC background makes it all the more believable. Also, beating Taker when he did gained him loads and loads of momentum and credibility going forward.

Now, whoever beats Brock Lesnar(Brock has to be booked as near invincible going forward until at least next Mania), will be a surefire Superstar Babyface going forward,lMO. If the right story is done with regards to Brock and whoever is given the honour of being the first guy to take him down, will reap the real benefits of the Streak going forward as a possible Fan Favourite.

As for Taker's ending.
If that match at Mania was indeed his a fan, I don't mind too much, it wasn't perfect, but in the end, he was only coming back for Vince and his loyal fans of his character and of the Streak persevering forever. Judging by his condition, I'd say he should sail into the sunset as one of the GOATs of WWE, and as the undoubted Greatest Gimmick ever.

The only showdown that interests me, if he thinks he has one more match left in him, is a dream showdown with Sting.
Just a Singles match with two Babyface Gimmick guys who many fans have wanted to see go 1 on 1 on the biggest stage of all. It would be a fitting end for both, and you know what? the night before, they should be inducted as part of the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2015, so they can truly get the kind of sendoff they both deserve.
I'm not sure if what I'm about to suggest has been said in previous threads but I feel like I'm the only one seeing the bigger picture here. Brock beat HHH, he put Mark Henry and Big Show out of action, now he's ended the streak. He is unstoppable, so surely the guy who then stops him will get a far bigger rub than what would have been gained by ending Takers streak. Of course I'm suggesting Roman Reigns here. Realistically taker can't live up to Brock, real world Brock would eat him for breakfast and even at Mania you could see taker is old and can't really go. So why have someone like roman reigns end takers streak and be a heel for a short time when you have an opportunity to make him the biggest face in the company. If he challenges Brock and is the one guy who stops him, avenging the streak loss in a way, it would have all been worth it. Consider that Taker pitched the idea that if he can't stop Brock who can, and that person who does then sky rockets to superstardom. Brock vs Roman at summerslam and it's all worth it in my opinion. Brock ending taker makes perfect sense cos taker can't really go in the ring now anyway.
Obviously I was shocked when Taker was pinned. I was in the Superdome and the feeling of disbelief among the crowd was actually pretty cool. A lot of people assumed there was some kind of mistake and the ref was about to waive off the count. The reaction of the ref and the delay of the announcement and music was an excellent touch. A lot of people thought the match was going to continue until the 21-1 graphic came up, myself included. It was a great moment.

I just wish Taker could have given a better performance because honestly the match was terrible. I think it's a good thing Taker did lose because if he didn't I think a lot of people would be criticizing him and saying it was time for the streak to end. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I thought most fans were going to be ready for the streak to end within two years and I didn't want to see it come to that so the timing was right. The only problem I have with it is we never got the obvious blockbuster mania main event of Cena vs. Taker. That would have been money and will go down as one of the biggest missed opportunities ever.
it is simple loosing to lesnar doesnt end legacy of undertakers streak as brock is known to be tough guy an ufc world heavyweight champion that makes him better than any professional wrestler in everybodys eye that makes sense if taker lost to reighns or cena or anyone else he would have lost to a fake wrestler not a real fighter
The results of this poll, so far anyway, make me very happy. (As of this writing, it's 12-2 Yes.)

A few people made some good points that I wanted to respond to.

It honestly should have died at 20-0. But I love Taker going out on his back, like all of the greats. He ran and captained the locker room for however many years, and he's probably in the top 5 of all time. I'm totally happy with this result.

This is an underrated point. Even in his last match, he's showing great leadership. He's setting an example for every wrestler that comes into the locker room, even if he never meets them. Undertaker has shown that absolutely everybody loses. Nobody's bigger than the company, not even Undertaker and his streak...and it was Undertaker's choice. How is anybody going to complain about losing when Undertaker voluntarily gave up his streak? I mean, I know it'll still happen, but this could still help put some wrestlers' ego in check.

I'm not sure if what I'm about to suggest has been said in previous threads but I feel like I'm the only one seeing the bigger picture here. Brock beat HHH, he put Mark Henry and Big Show out of action, now he's ended the streak. He is unstoppable, so surely the guy who then stops him will get a far bigger rub than what would have been gained by ending Takers streak. Of course I'm suggesting Roman Reigns here. Realistically taker can't live up to Brock, real world Brock would eat him for breakfast and even at Mania you could see taker is old and can't really go. So why have someone like roman reigns end takers streak and be a heel for a short time when you have an opportunity to make him the biggest face in the company. If he challenges Brock and is the one guy who stops him, avenging the streak loss in a way, it would have all been worth it. Consider that Taker pitched the idea that if he can't stop Brock who can, and that person who does then sky rockets to superstardom. Brock vs Roman at summerslam and it's all worth it in my opinion. Brock ending taker makes perfect sense cos taker can't really go in the ring now anyway.

Ok, pump the brakes a little bit. SummerSlam is WAY too soon for Roman to beat Brock. But I do agree with the general idea that whoever beats Brock now, it'll be even that much more impressive. And that's why the whole idea of them "wasting" the streak on Lesnar is overblown. Everything that Lesnar gets from ending the streak, he's going to pass it on by losing to somebody else eventually. Even if he only loses to a guy like The Rock...eventually, The Rock will lose to somebody else. It's okay for old guys to give the rub to other old guys or part timers, as long as that guy gives it to somebody else.

Also, one more thought. Everybody always says that Lesnar doesn't love the wrestling we really know that? As far as I know, the biggest complaint he's always had is simply with the travel involved. Can we really hate on him for not wanting to be on the road 300 days a year? He must enjoy getting in the ring somewhat, otherwise he wouldn't keep doing it, even as infrequently as he does. Obviously, I have no idea how he feels about the business, I'm just not sure it's fair to assume he doesn't care about it and he's only doing it for the money when it may just be that he really hates the travel.

But yes, clearly, I'm fine with Lesnar ending the streak. Undertaker chose him, and I trust him to make that judgment.
it is simple loosing to lesnar doesnt end legacy of undertakers streak as brock is known to be tough guy an ufc world heavyweight champion that makes him better than any professional wrestler in everybodys eye that makes sense if taker lost to reighns or cena or anyone else he would have lost to a fake wrestler not a real fighter

I don't mind Lesnar ending the streak but I have a problem with this post. You do realize Undertaker is also a fake wrestler and not a real fighter, right? There would be no shame in losing to Cena on a WWE show.
Obviously I was shocked when Taker was pinned. I was in the Superdome and the feeling of disbelief among the crowd was actually pretty cool. A lot of people assumed there was some kind of mistake and the ref was about to waive off the count. The reaction of the ref and the delay of the announcement and music was an excellent touch. A lot of people thought the match was going to continue until the 21-1 graphic came up, myself included. It was a great moment.

I just wish Taker could have given a better performance because honestly the match was terrible. I think it's a good thing Taker did lose because if he didn't I think a lot of people would be criticizing him and saying it was time for the streak to end. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I thought most fans were going to be ready for the streak to end within two years and I didn't want to see it come to that so the timing was right. The only problem I have with it is we never got the obvious blockbuster mania main event of Cena vs. Taker. That would have been money and will go down as one of the biggest missed opportunities ever.

the Undertaker vs:
Hulk Hogan
Stone Cold Steve Austin
the Rock
John Cena

^^^A bunch of dream matches with Taker and the Streak involved that we didn't see.

However, I think the one with Cena would have happened in a couple of years provided guys like Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns,etc...proved by then that they were able to take the company on their backs. In an interview done before Mania, with Hogan and Cena, Hogan said that Cena had the "Hollywood Hogan" option left which would give him another 10 years in the business, and assuming that turn would happen at say, WM32 or even next Mania(31), then we might have gotten the Taker vs Cena match.

I think generally, not having Taker defend the Streak against the "Faces" of the company, was a purely Booking decision more than anything, to protect the status of both parties more than anything. All lMO.
Yeah I am ok with it, though I was still shocked it actually ended. Here are a few things to consider.

1. People claim Brock is too old etc. to end the Streak. Something most people don't know: John Cena is older than Brock Lesnar. If you're ok with Cena breaking it, then age can't be a factor with Lesnar winning it. Brock is only 36 years old, meaning he could have several years left in him. He's not like Undertaker, who is pushing 50.

2. This brings us to another problem with the Streak: it was becoming ridiculous. Undertaker is ancient in wrestling terms and has been retired for years now. Yeah wrestling once or twice a year means you're retired and occasionally coming out of retirement. It was becoming harder and harder to believe that a man that old could come out of retirement and beat active top level stars year after year. John Cena could barely beat Brock Lesnar a few years ago and CM Punk couldn't do it at all. Don't you think it's a stretch that Undertaker could wrestle his first match in about 11 months and beat a monster like Lesnar?

3. Undertaker was looking awful. He fell into the first F5, the Last Ride was a regular powerbomb, and the tombstone had such a gap between Brock's head and the mat you could see the Gulf of Mexico. At the end of the day, the guy just can't do it anymore. Now to be fair he was injured in the match, but that brings me to another point.

4. 50 year old men shouldn't be having physical wrestling matches when they're not active wrestlers. Look what just happened to Ultimate Warrior a few days ago. Yeah he used to be in great shape, but then he died of what appears to be a heart attack. Do you think wrestling a match in front of 70,000 people might be a bit of a strain on someone's heart? Undertaker already had a concussion and collapsed after making it through the curtain. What do you think would happen if he kept doing this year after year?

I'm fine with the Streak ending, though I was sad when it happened.
Ok, pump the brakes a little bit. SummerSlam is WAY too soon for Roman to beat Brock. But I do agree with the general idea that whoever beats Brock now, it'll be even that much more impressive. And that's why the whole idea of them "wasting" the streak on Lesnar is overblown. Everything that Lesnar gets from ending the streak, he's going to pass it on by losing to somebody else eventually. Even if he only loses to a guy like The Rock...eventually, The Rock will lose to somebody else. It's okay for old guys to give the rub to other old guys or part timers, as long as that guy gives it to somebody else.

Also, one more thought. Everybody always says that Lesnar doesn't love the wrestling we really know that? As far as I know, the biggest complaint he's always had is simply with the travel involved. Can we really hate on him for not wanting to be on the road 300 days a year? He must enjoy getting in the ring somewhat, otherwise he wouldn't keep doing it, even as infrequently as he does. Obviously, I have no idea how he feels about the business, I'm just not sure it's fair to assume he doesn't care about it and he's only doing it for the money when it may just be that he really hates the travel.

But yes, clearly, I'm fine with Lesnar ending the streak. Undertaker chose him, and I trust him to make that judgment.

I don't agree with the part about:
Even if he only loses to a guy like The Rock...eventually, The Rock will lose to somebody else.

^^ Brock is at his most hated and most invincible as long he is booked as unbeatable. The guy who breaks that invincibility that is built up due to the Streak and subsequent invincible booking will be the one to benefit most from the rub that will result from beating him and will be most certainly catapulted into Superstardom,lMO.

Having the Rock be that person, totally devalues that initial rub, and having Rock break Brock and then put over someone won't have nearly the same effect as Brock doing the honours for someone else who would benefit from it,lMO.

Personally, I have no problems with Rock vs Brock happening at Mania31, but I do hope that it results in a Brock win, to further elevate him going forward.
Many argued that the Streak was too big for an up-and-comer to end it and have to bear the burden such as the Heel heat,etc(something I also agreed with).
However, now that the Streak has been broken by someone who seems suitable to have done it. I think it is time that an up and comer benefits from the rub that beating the Streak "breaker" will result in.


As for whether Brock loves the business or not....
Rumour has it, that Taker himself wanted Lesnar to break the Streak. If Taker, who was so loyal to the business wanted Lesnar to break his Invincible Record at Mania, wouldn't that mean that Brock would have to have some sort of love for this business which made Taker and Vince agree that he was the one to break the Streak which other loyalists such as Flair, HBK and HHH couldn't break?? Just a simple question,tbh, to anyone who says that Brock is in it solely for the money.

As you said, Brock was reportedly not too fond of the Schedule more than anything....
Yes - Taker's Simply Getting Too Old And It Gets Harder On Him Each Year
I respect Undertaker like crazy; He honestly needs to retire though.
I always thought the streak should never be broken and still feel that way. However, the shock that it created, and the scenes in the arena may have swayed me. I wish it was a bigger deal after Wrestlemania though, it was literally the biggest moment in wrestling since Hogan's heel turn, and the next night the crowd was barely bothered by it. I'll wait to see if that's Taker's last match or not. If it is... I lean towards it being a waste because it was barely a match. After Taker took the leg trip bump outside (which is when he was rumored to get the concussion and he looked completely different after that moment), the match was a wreck. He definitely deserves to go out on a higher note, win or loss. The match itself was just no way for him to go out, taking 7-8 minutes just to make it to the back and looking glossy-eyed and confused. Have another match, with Sting or whatever, and put on a better performance to go out on, and I'll be ok with how it happened. But THAT was not the way a career ends with a guy with a legend as big as Taker. Look at Flair and HBK's last matches, they lost, but still looked good. Taker has one more good match in him, it's just on his shoulders if he decides to or not. I think his last match should be at Summerslam or Survivor Series, so he's not a year older, and the Streak aspect isn't involved.
Well, there are a lot of things to result to an opinion, but I will state the most important, at least in my opinion. Undertaker is just old. This is not something to hate or whatever, it is just the truth. Watch his matches at WM25 and ever since. Taker is just not the same. Practically, he had to be carried in most of the matches. Punk's match was really good, but it wasn't the same as HBK's part I, because Taker is just not the same. You can easily see that he had troubles moving last year and you could DEFINITELY see that this year, he was almost like a cripple. It was time to end the streak, because Taker's matches weren't good anymore and as fans, we don't want to see Taker have these performances, when we have gotten ones like WM25.

Sure, I'd prefer personally for someone else to had broken it, but it is and should be Taker's decision. He chose Lesnar and I'm fine with that. I respect his decision and I respect the Undertaker. He will always be a legend.
I've come a long way in accepting that Undertaker's Streak is gone since last Sunday, and I can sort of understand it. But, if the power were in my hands, I wouldn't have thought about ending it. Not at the hands of Brock Lesnar, not John Cena, not Roman Reigns, nobody. My biggest issue with the whole thing is that, even if you thought it was getting stale, it was the sort of record that - 'fake' sport or not - would have gone down as something that would have been talked about for decades. There was nothing like it before, there will most likely never be nothing like it again, and I wish that it had been immortal. As it is, it just goes down as another storyline in the books. A special, and memorable storyline - but just another storyline. I think it would have been the type of thing that, if your future grandchildren were into wrestling, you'd have told them about. Will you tell them about 21-1? Arguable.

The more I think about it the more I've accepted that The Streak was probably something that meant a far bigger deal to fans of The Undertaker than it did to anybody involved. I wanted The Undertaker to retire with that record but ultimately he doesn't, Brock Lesnar can go on to have some great matches as 'The One In Twenty-One And One' and that's that. Sentiment probably just doesn't come into thinking in scenarios like this.

The one annoyance that will linger for a long time is that we'll never get to see John Cena try to take down The Streak. He's not everybody's cup of tea but I think that matchup would have created a surreal, once in a lifetime atmosphere that we won't ever get to experience now.

Considering that it's just a show, I feel fine that The Undertaker has given up the streak.

Pro-wrestling tends to use cliff-hangars and will at times choose to never grant closure to the fans on behalf of those cliff-hangars. The Undertaker laid down clean for a legitimate opponent at his 21st Wrestlemania appearance. The Undertaker took a nasty bump and still managed to hold his own to finish the match.

While it didn't have the pageantry that we might expect of program where someone overcomes the relatively low odds and defeats an unbeatable legend; for example, the drama that would have surrounded an encounter with Sting, it was still a clean one on one match.

There was no cliff-hangar. I'm very thankful for that. There was no foot on the rope, or foreign object, or outside interference/distraction or illegal moves behind the ref's back. The match happened and ended without any question that Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker.

I accept it, but whether or not I do accept it I still have to remind myself that it's just a show. We might not accept the end result of the story that we were given, but we should be able to accept how it was told to us. I'm glad that a man who, to some, is a legend in his own right was allowed to complete this saga. I have a lot of nasty things to say about Brock Lesnar for his work ethic, but he played his part and made the streak into what it deserves to be. The streak is now history, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar made history at Wrestlemania XXX.
i dont think people would be universally happy with any person ending it, but im glad they were bold enough to end the streak
Brock was, for me, an odd choice but the be honest how awful would that match have been if taker won? It was a horrible match and was only memorable for the shock result. Taker needs to retire now because as much as I love him it certainly looks like he is done
Brock was the best choice

Hindsight is a wonderful thing and someone like reigns could have his career wrecked by breaking the streak. Cena didn't need it nor deserve it.

At least Brock isn't around often enough for it to be a noose
As always, it's impossible to know how another person feels....both in mind and body. When we're looking at Mark Calaway, we're not particularly worried about how he feels, doing the same thing on the job he's done for decades, except that with the passing years, we guess he feels the bumps and bruises of his profession more than he did when in his 20's. We see him standing there in his ludicrous ring outfit and think: "Yeah, he looks older but I'll bet he can still do everything he always did."

Well, that's easy for us to say, isn't it? I recall watching football players standing on the sidelines after being taken out of the game for injury, and thinking: "C'mon, get back in there! If you can stand, you can play. Suck it up and help us win!"

Real generous of me, huh? But that's how it is with those of us who pay to watch others take the blows; we can't feel their pain.......and we can't know if they're really suffering or if they're goldbricking it.

I think Mark Calaway deserves a world of credit for doing what he's done these past years. I doubt he needs the money; I think he keeps coming back for us. As it is, he gears his energies toward performing just once a year, including a few minor confrontations with his named opponent before the big event. Usually, those instances are non-violent, although this year saw Calaway taking a bump from Brock the week before the event. At the time, I wondered if that didn't hurt him; it seemed as if it did.

Still, Calaway goes to WM30 to entertain us. He apparently suffers a concussion early in the match and still goes on with the show......and once again, while it's easy for us to ignore the pain he must have felt from having his bell rung and still having to perform in front of millions of people, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him.

The title of this topic is "How Do You Feel?" The question is aimed toward the members of this forum, but if I were standing in front of Mark Calaway, it's the first question I'd ask him.
To be honest, it isn't going to sink in until Mana 31 when there isn't a Streak match. The Undertaker has been undefeated at Mania for as long as i've been watching wrestling. It is going to be very interesting to see a Mania card without The Streak. Yes, he skipped a few Manias, but over the years the Streak had reached a peak.

I think Punk's match last year is what convinced everyone that it was time. After the four years of EPIC matches with HBK and Trips, NOTHING was going to top the momentum and it had reached an apex with the 20-0 End of an Era. Punk's match last year in my opinion was the best on the card, but in terms of the Streak, it felt like it was back to the same old same old. A good entertaining match, but the Streak had become FAR too big of a story to drop to just having a good match on the Mania card. Dropping the Streak to Lesnar made sense because he is the most legit guy on the roster to do it. It makes Paul Heyman the hottest manager ever and I still think Lesnar should be the big attraction at Mania going forward.

Taker and the Streak was the standard at Mania. Beating the guy who beat the Steak is the new standard. Lesnar is the new standard. I like ending the Streak because of the 30 or so seconds where they just sat there and let you deal with it. No theme music, just the crowd chatter. It was shocking and it made it real. I think we all expected it to feel surreal and crazy, but a simple ending is just how it was supposed to end. I am pleased.
I feel slighted. I feel upset.

I am far older than I was when I first first thos gongs slam and Brother love's horrible face that oh so annoying but enjoyable voice. This almost 7 football ginger head comes floating almost to the ring. I was a fan from day 1.
As I got older I saw so many people leave and turn traitor on the WWE ( this is my opinion, you can't change it) I understand money and livelihood are involved. But I also know at least 60% of the population is living on under 100k a year and wrestlers are making far more than this. So it is about greed also.
However the Undertaker joins a short list of people that stayed true to their roots and this is why they are rewarded as such. Once they get to the WWE that is the top. Sure WCW got there to once they had siphoned enough WWE talent to make the show huge. But enough of the nostalgia.

Taker is getting older and older, and I my mind I knew (I hoped it was HBK) his time was coming to and end, However he still managed to look strong. Every feud taker had ever I always took his side. (He was easily top 5 favs of all time, HBK being #1 since before the rocker spilt) except the HBK fight even though at that time the HBK that fought taker was the new found "jesus HBK" who was far weaker.
In my eyes, I knew when Taker lost this was going to a epic battle and the winner was going to be a newer young talent who was going to take the Reigns and move on. so when Lesnar beat take I was disgusted.
Lesnar was just like the others a quitter for more money and better things. Tried the NFL and failed, Tried UFC won the title, defended it twice and then once he lost and realized these guys really punch, he quit UFC and came back. He will do ti again when the next big thing comes along. Money is his only driving force.
I am just going to interject my life a little here, due to my last comments. Money is always a driving force for anyone but you can still show loyalty. Here is my personal experience 42 years ago before I was a thought my father was growing medical Marijuana and send it to X state ( I am not including the name for fed reasons) I didn't like the idea but when your making 400k a year tax free I guess you can't complain. I wanted nothing to do with the family business. I join the navy. Once the State legalized medical marijuana, and my father came ill from cirrhosis of the liver, there was little choice. He parted these words to me, "if it is not broken don't try and fix it" and "stay loyal, don't get greedy". Two weeks after his passing I was the new owner of the ranch and got 4 calls asking it I would ship my product to 3 new states. all offering double and triple what I was currently getting. Long story short I still only make 350k a year but the work I do is minimal, the staff has already been put in place. 350k a year is plenty to leave comfortably on.
My point is Wrestlers life spans are short lived, the money they are making is good for now and I get the desire to jump ship to another company where sure you MIGHT get treated like a star, but 1 bad bump and your career is over. When you stay loyal, you have a better shot at getting assistance. Jeff Hardy is a prime example left to take a pay cut in TNA had a few titles and now is a mocking joke, who isn't making nearly the money he was before. What if he would have stayed, the chance of getting back in the title picture is likely.
Then I hear that the Undertaker wanted it to be Brock Lesnar to end the streak, Why? I wonder this every single day hoping for some light. But instead I get nothing. Lesnar does not return, undertaker does not return. So what the hell is the point? Because Undertaker has earn the respect to make his decision ( not matter how stupid it is) Well I am glad you earn ed the respect of the WWE enough to be a shitty booker. You have also lost my respect. (not that he cares) There is so much young talent that could have been put over. Think back to SuperFly Snuka an older guy putting over youth, just like so many others. Sure Brock is young but he is less than a part timer. Taker could have gave the shot to Bray Wyatt (Maybe too soon) Dbry ( fans seem to like him, it won't last, it didn't with Rey either) Punk could have been told months prior maybe he would have stayed at least til then. The fact is the WWE has the worst heels, Unbelievable, weak looking and more than a waste other than maybe Bray Wyatt ( who is relatively new as that character, but showing promise). If Bray wasn't my choice I would Turn sheamus back to heel, he was a beast as a heel and have him take it.
So yeah I am upset, not just because the streak ended but then ended it on for nothing at all. No reason, no rhyme, no point. Taker looked old and warn out and lesnar does what he does sell good.
But overall I blame Daniel Bryan and his ******ed fan base, John Cena and the bookers. Cena had to get his WM win because without it he is....well nothing, nothing changes. So for the kiddies John has to win, Then after the fallout with the Royal Rumble Bryan had to win even against the dumbest odds. So what shocking must talk about moment do they have a chance to have? Divas....Rofl please the only people that care about the divas matches are the divas. shield could have broken up, oh but that is no shock. Regins is a A+ player and Ambrose and Rollins are solid B's. Andre battle royal, once Cesaro was announced what was the point we know he is loved by the fans and a bad ass. Real American break was already seen coming. So really the only shocker moment was taker losing. Pathetic.
The writing was on the wall the moment Trips coined the "Reality Era" phrase a week or so before...

In reality, Brock Lesnar doesn't just beat Taker, he destroys him, which he did in a sense... perhaps not intentonally but the concussion had that effect. The aura has been slipping for several years, having to be stretchered out kayfabe or not was a bad sign, his poor condition and frankly that he was cherry picking to work with 3 guys in 5 years were all damaging the aura... it's now dealt with... he can move on with his life and he chose the one guy who no one can ever say "shouldn't have beaten him" cos he's the one guy who in a straight fight would beat 99% of the roster... Where are the tales of Taker kicking someones ass backstage or in a fight? They aren't there cos it didn't happen... Perhaps people didn't want to try or maybe they just knew that he was so in with Vince that win or lose, they would lose if they tried... Even Jericho has more of a backtage rep for fighting and winning than Taker...

There is no shame in losing to a Cena as it's scripted but there's less shame losing to a man who has beaten even tougher guys than Taker in legit contests (Mir/Coture) with few rules. Taker is considered a "tough" wrestler, but he is still just that... a wrestler, Lesnar as a successful MMA fighter was the best choice from his perspective and from WWE's... What they didn't bank on was the concussion and of course the issue isn't that it's a "first concussion"... Taker has had countless when they weren't checking for them so this in effect became his Bret Hart moment... where an innocuous move goes wrong and does the damage.

Taker and the streak ending ends the "gimmick" era, where "The Deadman" worked in the way it did. For months they've said "no faces and heels", guys are moving back to being themselves with the volume turned up... Cesaro can go with Heyman as a face, cos it's reality... in reality you pick the best manager out there... The Shield can bicker amongst themselves and stay together cos in reality friends and team mates do constantly.

To the guy above it's sweet FA to do with Bryan... and his fans... Want to blame someone? Blame Dana White and UFC for making their product more attractive, blame Vince for damaging the E by making Linda's senate runs more important than the show for 5 years... don't blame Lesnar or Taker, the guy's career was over/winding down, he knew it, he picked the guy to lose to who he could say as a character and as a man... "that guy kicked my ass..." and not lose an ounce of sleep or face over it. A Cena, Bryan, Punk, Trips, Sting anyone else and he couldn't say that.

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