How Do You Feel About Chris Sabin?


Getting Noticed By Management
I created a thread not too long ago asking whom you guys would push in lieu of Gunner and Crimson. An overwhelming number of people chose Austin Aries and Alex Shelley. Not bad at all. I see so many people who say that Bobby Roode has what it takes to be a maineventer and James Storm has "it" too.

But I have seen little support from the other person in the famed Beer Money/MCMG rivalry. I like Sabin better and I like his wrestling better as he is more entertaining to me. Not that I don't love Shelley MCMG is my favorite tag team in wrestling HISTORY.

But I am just curious your thoughts on Chris Sabin and how you would feel if he got pushed up the card?
I think Sabin is amazing in the ring. I actually think he's a bit better wrestler than Shelley. And there double-team move-set is spectacular, there timing and chemistry is unreal.

The thing is that I think Sabin is tailor-made for the X-division. He's consistently entertaining in the ring, he's charismatic and can get the job done on the mic; however, he doesn't seem to have the full on "it" factor that Shelley has.

It's hard to explain because there is nothing tangile about Shelley that makes him clearly better than Sabin, yet somehow he comes across as a guy that could eventually move on from the X-division and be successful high up the card. Sabin on the other hand seems to be a much better fit staying at home in the X ranks. But I would completely support TNA if they wanted to attempt to push Sabin up the card. It would be interesting to watch him respond to the challenge, and I wouldn't put it past him to do well.

Frankly though, I'd say the best place for both men is in the tag team division. There is something special about the Guns. They should be remembered for what they have done/can still do together, in the vain of the teams they idolized like the Midnight Express.

Also I think it is inevitable that eventually Beer Money will have to focus on there immense solo potential, and since i feel that both Storm and Roode are far more likely to be main-eventers than either of the Guns, I'd like to see MCMG stay in the tag ranks to keep that division relevant going forward.

It sucks for Sabin that he's had to lose this time to a freak injury, and sucks for us to not get to watch him. I hope he recovers well and comes back to team with Shelley and get the tag titles back.
i know i will be ripped for this, but i think sabin is the best in impact wrestling not named kurt angle, i know AJ is great, and Daniels, and many more are really good, but i really think Sabin is better. every match he has ever been in is amazing, and he is usually the one who stands out most. his mic skills are not the best but they really have gotten better. he is a great wrestler, good mat skills, high-flyer, technical, strong for someone his size, fast.... i can keep goin n goin. when i first started watching tna i had jeard of AJ n Daniels n Low-Ki, but i was looking for that one guy i didn't know, who was great. the first person i noticed over the rest was Sabin. and i still feel he is one of the best and the most consistant preformers they have. always gives his all, everytime he's out there. but this is impact so you know he won't be used right, especially in the world title picture.... so i think tag team, and x division for him but he should be at the top of which ever he is in.
Chris Sabin is the better wrestler of the Motor City Machine Guns, he has shown in the past that he can be a success in the X Division as a singles competitor just as well as he is a tag team competitor.

Sabin has a look about him, but the only issue I can see with him, is that many times in the Motor City Machine Guns he's overshadowed by Alex Shelley. As good as Sabin is, Alex Shelley is the more charismatic of the two and charisma is the power to draw peoples attention. If you were to take a poll of who people like more, Alex Shelley would win due to his look and personality.

Sabin can be a great singles wrestler or a great tag team wrestler; some would say that he's the Jannetty of MCMG, but we can't know that until he gets another solo run post-MCMG. He's one of the first X Division Champions, helped pioneer the Ultimate X match and is a former ROH Pure Champion, a title revolving around excellent abilities in professional wrestling.

I'm sure Beer Money are done. It seems that Roode is preparing for a singles run, as he should, he has what it takes and James Storm will... We don't know. But as the poster above me said, MCMG staying together would be a strong possibility to keep the TNA Tag Division interesting and relevant to the fans. And if he and Shelley were to go their separate ways, Sabin could simply slip back into the division he helped make famous.

My overall feelings for Sabin are that he's a great wrestler, has a humorous personality, can play a good heel or face, has had success as a solo and tag team performer but I still think that he's somewhat overshadowed by Alex Shelley and that breaking away from that may help him in the long-haul.
In the ring Sabin is more hard hitting than Shelley. Shelley's more technical and tactical. Sabin's a striker and I like that. Is he better than Shelley? I guess that's subjective, I like Shelley's style better.

Outside the ring Sabin has little to no charisma and mediocre mic skills but he's still good.

I like Sabin, always have and he could be a decent mid-carder. Main Eventer? Not unless he shows me some promo skills and a few singles matches with great storytelling.

Sabin can go in the ring, but like a lot of the more generic X Division guys of old he has an incredibly vanilla, incredibly dull personality. That, in and of itself, is all you need by means of reason to not push a guy to the top of the card. Leave him in the X Division where he's comfortable and where he can make up for his lame ass personality with ring work.
I like Sabins in ring work and style he can deffinately put on a good match with all kinds of people, and I love MCMG but Shelly is the more over of the two with the crowd. I don't think that Sabin is lacking in the personality department as much as people say, its just that Shelly's personality is more dominate than his so Shelly stands out more. Sabin has been able to stand on his own and in a tagteam and I think he will be able to stay relevant when he gets back from his injury.
I hate him, but only because he is currently fucking Velvet Sky.

No, he's alright. The Guns are better as a tag team, though. I can't see either guy main eventing...anything.
Sabin is amazing in the ring. I love watching him preform and hes one of my favorite guys to watch night in night out. But, I dont think he has the special it factor to be any thing above a mid carder. Not saying thats bad at all the world need midcarders, but I feel thats the best place for him. I would prefer him stay in a tag team but not with Alex Shelley. Shelley has "it". I feel like he could be a credible main eventer given time. Same as Bobby Roode. Storm on the other hand, idk what it is people love about him but I view him as an amazing tag team guy and nothing esle really. I never have been invested in him without him being in a tag team.
I like Sabin, he's so good in ring and it never gets old watching his matches, he is pretty much a highlight reel. I agree he is better than Shelly, but can't see either of them moving out of the X division or tag division any time soon. The only reason I can see the main event transition for Roode and Storm being easier, is because they are the right size for it.
Not saying they are better, it will just be easier for them.
Sabin always seemed like the 4th guy in the Joe-Daniels-AJ circle. His popularity was high but always behind those guys. He was on quite a role during the X Cup days and his "Hail Sabin" gimmick but then he was turned heel. he couldn't do much unless he was aided by Kevin Nash and that really showed that he comes off as being a bit shy. That's something can can be seen even more when paired with his outspoken best friend, Alex Shelley. Yes, Chris can go and go high, but just like Daniels is to AJ, he's to Shelley. The second guy.
i wouldnt mind seeing chris sabin pushed up the card when he returns from injury i think hes damn good in the ring and pretty entertaining and with a bunch of new x divison guys brought in its not like they will need him there but when he comes back i really think hes going back into a team with alex shelley which i have no problem with as there an amazing team but at some point id like to see both men get a chance at the tv title atleast i mean come on they couldnt be any worse with the title then abyss was!
yeah I really couldn't take Sabin too seriously as the undersized main event-er isn' that already AJ Styles job

I like the guy better in tag or x division action though who knows it might work with a good storyline
I like Sabin inside the ring. Like some of the better X Division guys, he brings a lot of energy and just an enjoyable in-ring experience that's fun to watch.

The problem is that the guy has zero charisma. He just doesn't have that presence or that sense that he's destined for bigger and better things than the mid-card. In all the time he's been in TNA, I've not really seen anything out of him that makes me look at him any differently. Maybe, just maybe, if he's able to get out from under Alex Shelley's shadow, I might be willing to look at him a little differently. But he's been involved with Shelley to such a degree and for so long that it's hard to just see him on that next level. If he were about 5 or 6 inches taller, 60 pounds heavier and black; his name would be Shelton Benjamin.

Chris Sabin is definitely one of these guys that's got X Division for life written all over him. That doesn't have to be a bad thing at all. I think it can actually be a good thing to know your place in the grand scheme of things. Knowing and/or accepting that you're not main event material might bruise the ego a little but the cold hard truth is that not everybody is cut out to be or can be a main eventer. I think Chris Sabin is one of those guys.

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