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How do you deal with stress?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay I don't know if this the right place to post this but I hope it is.

I'm dealing a lot of stress in my life ever since I was child. Kids make fun of me at school for who I am and sometimes about my heart surgery I had when i was really young. At home is worse with the nonstop swearing about paying bills and getting job between my parents. Its just two stressful does anyone know how to deal with this kind stress I just don't know anymore.

Edit: I'm sorry for telling a lot about my personal life
Go out for a walk, or beat it. Either way, pleasant neurochemicals will be released. It sucks to hear about your situation, man. For the long term, keep your head up. But, for now, go with my short-term recommendations.
Don't be sorry man. A lot of us have posted our personal issues on here, I've done it quite a bit actually.

I'd say your best bet is to find some sort of hobby that gets you out of your house or keeps you active and helps take your mind off things. Maybe try playing sports at school, that might help you feel less stressed.

I know when I get stressed out, I just vent, maybe even to more the one person. But I find venting always helps.

I hope that this thread doesn't tear apart the forums though. The last time I posted a personal issue everyone was at each other's throats because Xfear had felt disrespected by Jickie Mames, then know as Ashleigh FalKon, which I can understand why he felt that way.

Anyways though, like I said, just try and find a hobby to keep your interest or play sports or do something to keep you active and keep your mind off things.
I personally smoke, spend as much time as I can with my friends having fun and play finger-aching amounts of guitar.

Other alternatives include exercise, whacking yourself off, or finding a hobby.
There are a few ways that I deal with stress that can be beneficial for your health too:

- Find a way to get massages. For a person with a heart condition, I was going to suggest sports or hard exercise where you get the intensity and adrenaline flowing... but this is a great relaxing way to go as well. Get some calm CD's and find something that can massage you.

- Yogi classes, or something stretching related. Get the body flowing is really a great way to ease yourself, reduce stress and actually increase everything health wise. Great way to lose weight/gain muscle, become more flexible and you get to know a lot of women if you take the classes who can help you with these sort of problems.

EDIT: Just for your reference SC, I did in fact send an apology letter to Xfear about my behaviour that day. It was wrong and I shouldn't of said what I posted that day.
So far everyone has said great options about going for a walk or taking up a sport/hobby.

Another is to sit/lay to relaxing music, can be music you find relaxing or the spiritual type and focus your energy.

Talking also helps too, like you've done here, but in person. Talking about what's stressing you helps get it out of your system.

Another is a good old cuppa, why do you think the Brits drink it so much?

Hope any of these help in addition to what the others have said and hope the stress subsides for you.
Just realised, both Kane-A-Knight and Taker's number 1 fan are gone. No more "legacy of destruction."
Just realised, both Kane-A-Knight and Taker's number 1 fan are gone. No more "legacy of destruction."

Ahhh...for reals? Damn.

At any rate, I would respond with a way to deal with stress..but I don't. I'm one of those "unhealthy people" who will have ulcers when I'm 35.

One way I've found that helps deal with anxiety, though, is to get really excited about future events. As opposed to worrying about them, welcome them.
Beat it. Not even kidding. Amazing stress relief. Your 15 and kids make fun of you for having heart surgery? They're going nowhere in life. Fuck em. Find someone you can count on and tell them everything going on. It helps a lot to get it off your chest and tell someone. Fuck those kids don't let them bother you. It's your life spend it how you want. Fuck whoever tries to bring you down.
I would imagine *********ing after heart surgery is probably a no-no.
As far as dealing with your stress, I say a nice, serene walk could help. I think just getting your mind off the things causing the stress would help you.

Hello Jonny, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?
I dont generally get stressed, but on the rare occasions I do I usually take it out on my liver
Just get in touvh with your inner self, and it'll all come to you. Who cares if you get picked on. I posted a whole thread about this in the Cigar Lounge. If you aren't normal, you won't fit in. If your different, they might as well just ban you from high school. I cope well with music and reading. Shall I suggest, Nirvana, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix. And the biographies of Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison. Plus writing never hurts, give it a try.

If it isn't too hard for you play sports. I recommend football and basketball. I play both. PM me if you wanna talk further.
Honestly? I tidy up... everything. I've BDP so I tend to get upset easily and my thoughts get stuck on a repetitive loop which in the past was extremely destructive as I'd go looking for trouble. The way I deal with that now is by channelling it into simple tasks that can be done on autopilot.
When I was your age, sports. But with your heart, definitely talk to your doc before you do anything like that.
Now, as an adult, I'll make jokes. About everything.
Occasionly I'll get a bottle of Wild Turkey and get wicked drunk. But I have to be upset about something for that.
Sometimes I'll take a walk, if say I want to light my wife on fire and roast marsmallows over her flaming corpse. Walks help. Haven't lit her on fire yet...
I typically drink, but, you're likely not old enough for that, so scratch that option. Alot of people have suggested "Downtown Lester Brown", as Turk would say, and that's a great relaxation method. My others include:

Gaming (escapism)

Prayer/meditation (good for the soul, and a great stress reliever)

Excercise- Doesn't have to be hardcore, maybe just a jog/walk and some simple warm-ups.

Talking it out.
Don't be afraid to talk about what's going on with you. What you're going through isn't terribly unique, so I'm sure a ton of people here can relate to what you're describing. Personally, I went through quite a bit of what you're talking about myself, both at school and at home. In fact, many people have grown up feeling like you do, so you're not alone. Hopefully that fact alone makes you feel a little better.

First of all, more people than not grow up feeling either picked upon or like outcasts in high school. Sure, knowing that probably doesn't really help in that moment when the kids are talking shit about you, but but I really strongly urge you to remember is that it won't ALWAYS be like that. Remember, everything changes! In just a couple years, you'll be out of high school and (I hope for you!) off to college.

In terms of blowing off steam, there have been a few really good suggestions here. Exercise (whatever is suitable for your heart condition) is an especially good one. Not only does it keep you physically fit, it also releases endorphins which help keep you happy.

What I'd caution you AWAY from are drugs and alcohol. Both are widely considered by counselors, therapists and the general populace unhealthy means of dealing with anxiety/depression, can form life-long addictions and, especially for someone your age, are also illegal. Besides, from what you describe, you could well be battling elements of depression, and alcohol is a clinical depressant. Why on earth would you want to do something which will only make you feel worse?

My suggestion would be to find extra-curricular activities that you enjoy, especially academically, and pursue those. Staying after school for an athletic event, art class, science project, to work on the school newspaper/yearbook, etc., can not only pay off when it's time to apply for college, it can also keep you out of the bickering at home.

Consider volunteering as well. I know it sounds hokey, but doing something positive and constructive for your community -- whether that's mentoring younger kids, acting as a tutor for learning challenged peers, etc. -- can work wonders to improve self-esteem. Someone once told me, "The easiest way to build self esteem is through esteemable acts." It's true! Volunteering is a great way to feel better about yourself (and in turn forget the B.S. others have to say about you).

Besides, you never know, it might also help you meet and make new friends.

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