How do you book the next 3 months if it is Reigns vs HHH at SummerSlam

Yah you could do Reigns vs Rollins/Ambrose beforehand as well. I just didn't want the breakup of The Shield and their subsequent feud to be overshadowed by Triple H. But I think you can make it work. You made me nerd out and fantasy book the entire thing:

Extreme Rules:
Evolution: Triple H, Orton, Batista vs The Shield: Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose – No Holds Barred

This ends either with Reigns dominating most of the match, and getting the pinfall over Batista or something. Or maybe it’s a screwy ending with a weapon involved and Evolution gets the win somehow, but the point needs to be made that Reigns is a monster that dominated most of the match, regardless of the winner.

On the few weeks that follow, Triple H tries to recruit Reigns into Evolution/The Authority as he recognizes how good and how dangerous he is. He wants him on his side, not against him.

Daniel Bryan ‘C’ vs Kane – WWE Heavyweight Championship – Ring of Fire Match

Bryan over Kane, pretty convincingly

Daniel Bryan ‘C’ vs Randy Orton – WWE Heavyweight Championship

Orton finally gets his rematch clause, Bryan over Orton clean.

Batista vs Reigns w/ Rollins & Ambrose – Whose side is Triple H on

The buildup to this match is based around Reigns either pinning Batista at Extreme Rules or showing that he’s bigger and stronger and Batista wanting redemption. Also after weeks of Triple H trying to recruit Reigns as “the new Animal”, there’s some uncertainty going into this match as to whose side Triple H will be on. Batista wonders if Triple H has his back. Reigns and The Shield still don’t trust Triple H. Hell we could even make Triple H the guest referee here. Somehow during the match, Reigns goes over after some accidental interference by Triple H against Batista. Or was it accidental?

On RAW Batista confronts Triple H about the interference. Triple H says it was accidental and makes up for it by giving Batista a shot at the title at the next PPV.

Money In The Bank:
Cesaro vs Del Rio vs Orton vs Reigns vs Rollins vs Ambrose – Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Week’s of speculation as Triple H tries to recruit Reigns. In ring segments where Reigns seriously considers joining, conflicted, as the crowd tries to chant him out of it. All three members of The Shield enter the MITB match, but there are lots of backstage segments with The Shield questioning whether or not they’re on the same page or if Reigns is jumping to The Authority.
During the match is when the double cross happens. Triple H comes out, seemingly on behalf of Reigns. Reigns looks to have the match won but Ambrose/Rollins turn on him and join up with Triple H. They beat down on Reigns and someone else… one of Ambrose/Rollins/Cesaro take the MITB briefcase.

Daniel Bryan ‘C’ vs Batista – WWE Heavyweight Championship

Batista needs some heat back, so I’m going to have Batista going over in some type of screwy finish, either a DQ or a non-finish so Bryan keeps the title, leading to the rematch at the next PPV.

Daniel Bryan ‘C’ vs Batista – WWE Heavyweight Championship - Last Man Standing match

Bryan is the underdog but pulls out the victory after a hard fought battle

Reigns vs Rollins & Ambrose w/ Triple H - Handicap match

Finally the breakup of The Shield… Rollins and Ambrose have turned on Reigns and Triple H has forced Reigns to go up against his former partners in a handicap match. Despite the handicap, Reigns is holding his own until Triple H comes in and pedigrees him, allowing Rollins and Ambrose to get the win. This needs to be booked to make Reigns look strong without making the other two guys look weak.

Daniel Bryan ‘C’ vs Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman – WWE Heavyweight Championship

There needs to be some promo about how Triple H hasn’t forgotten about Bryan, he just figured Batista could easily handle him. But Batista has disappointed Triple H, so he goes out to get the unstoppable Lesnar to take on Bryan. The outcome here depends on how you want the rest of the year to go.

Triple H vs Roman Reigns

Finally the confrontation between these two… There will probably be lots of interference from Rollins and Ambrose, and maybe even Batista comes out on behalf of Reigns to even the odds, not happy with Triple H’s remarks about him vs Bryan (face turn, maybe?), and Reigns goes over.

You can go in many directions… Reigns vs The Shield, Batista vs Triple H, who can stop Lesnar, not to mention Bryan/Wyatt/Cena/Cesaro still in the mix of things.

None of the above even touches on Bray Wyatt, John Cena or Cesaro who we know will all be featured prominently in feuds and on TV/PPV as well.

Good booking idea. I also hope what you wrote is as close to what the WWE Creative plans to do.

Although I am a bit skeptical with regards to a SummerSlam showdown between Bryan and Brock.
I would rather have one of Bray Wyaty or John Cena(full circle from last SummerSlam?) be the title challenger instead.
Brock I think needs someone to squash as his first post-Streak victim or someone established who seems a threat but will fall short due to Lesnar's invincibility.

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