How do people know if Orton is going to succeed in being face of the company?

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I am a Orton fan, but how can you say that Orton will succeed if he is face of the company?

I don’t think it matters that Orton gets a big reaction, it’s merchandise sales that do.

Let’s not forget that Orton succeeded in being heel, who knows if he will succeed in being face of the company.

Considering that WWE will probably change Orton gimmick, since they are looking for a image.

I still prefer Orton as a heel then a face but that is just me.
Why you ask?

Just look at him. He is everything that embodies WWE and can damn sure be the face of the company.

He might not sell like Cena in the t shirt department, but the guy can put the asses in the seats.

He is one of the hottest things smoking right now. Look @ all these marks with their "viper" signs. Its just bad ass. Everyone loves a bad guy. And Orton is that bad guy. Yeah, he's face, but Orton will always be a heel to me.

If Cena left now, sure, it would hurt, but I don't think the company would die. And you don't always have to be a face to be the face. Remember that.

Austin was far from face when he was running the show. Kayfabe wise, he might have been labled face, but that was something more. And Orton has the same kind of qualities that Austin did. I've made that comparasion from day one, and I won't change it.

I Don't think we will ever see Orton changed too much. With guys like him, you tend not to mess up what's been working for you. Flipping from face to heel is ok enough. He does not need a gimmick rehaul.

He will unquestionably be the front of the pack in 5 or so years. He is young, hungry, and dedicated. He is a leader backstage and commands respect from everyone. If he ain't up there with Cena already he can't be far behind.

shit, some citys WWE travel too boo the shit out of Cena and go crazy for Orton. WE made him turn face. And that's not something thatt happens a lot in this buisness. When the fans are behind someone that much, its undeniable to see that this is what a true face of a company looks like.

He might not be "superman" or talk like he's from the wild wild west, but Randy Orton will oneday be bigger than John Cena, mark my words!
The thing is that if WWE is looking for a certain image then they can very well change Orton gimmick to fit the face of the company.

Orton being face means that he is representing the company, so he has to go by the company and what they are thriving for.

His gimmick may work now, I am just not sure how well it will work if they make him face of the company when WWE is going for something different.
Great question. Why do you assume we know?

The main thing is, you actually do have to be getting a good reaction to be considered over. Being over in that way will lead to merchandise sales.

I think the way hes got to go about it is this: Drop the Austin gimmick. Start selling better shirts. Learn to cut a good promo(he has skills..but he knows more how to give one rather than carry one...) Learn some new wrestling moves/techniques - always helpful. Label himself "The Legend"- A shorter version of his previous gimmick and a complement to "The Legacy" who he was leader of. Give him the title..and have him change the Cena spinner to an Orton skull. And you got an over Orton.
No , they don't HAVE to change his gimmick...

They don't have to do a thing if they don't want to. Why would you mess with his gimmick? What's wrong with it? Ill tell you, absolutley nothing.

Ill go back to SCSA again, I don't have to say shit. Just see it for yourself how many Austin shirts are in the crowd to this day. When was the last time you seen Austin?

Point is, you don't have to be face to BE face. Its all about money, and Orton makes plenty of it for good ol VKM and I don't see anything changing.

Cena is getting old fast, Vince knows that. Why do you think the talent is climbing up the ranks so fast? Because a good thing never lasts forever, and you always gotta have an "ace" in the hole.

Orton is that ace. He is phenomenal in the ring, and anyone who is in there with him is made to look better. Just as it is with Cena.

Who's the 2 biggest stars on Raw right now? Cena and Orton. So if Cena gets hurt tomorrow, who's number 1?


And if there really is something in your head that can't see Orton is on the fast track to being #1, then I suggest a catscan my friends, because you CAN'T be thinking str8 ..
If WWE is looking for a certain image, then ya they are going to have to change his gimmick.

You can’t just look at what he does in the ring. You have to look at how the outside of the ring is going to be like.

Meaning he is going to have to do tons of charities etc. Interact with Kids and “Make A Wish Foundation”.

The generations have changed now. When Austin was a face of the company, WWE was not thriving to get kids to watch the show, now they are.

So yes things are going to be different.

And it will be interesting to see if the outside world is going to accept Orton.
I can see your point..

But I KNOW your not trying to insinutae that Orton is above charitable work. Its one thing to say he wouldn't be able to do it. Orton has gotten over all his problems I would assume. Its called "growing up". He knows his role and it shines thru eveytime.

We may not hear about it all but the twitter set up of his was just the first step in making him #1. How many ppl wanna follow the viper? Obviously enough to make them open a twit account for him. Yes, it would have eventually happend, but I digress.

It is a different world now though, and VKM sure as shit knows how to market people. Do you honestly think that he won't be involved in charities or make a wish? VKM is high on keeping the kayfabe, why would he have a heel do all that. WM axcess or SS axcess is different. But now that he's face it frees him up to do more outside of the ring.

Again on your point of "outside" the ring, backstage is HIS. Maybe not all his but he is a vet that rooks look up to. Even though he had his "spats" here and there, he gets the job done and has really been a mentor and a role model for future WWE stars.

And incase you haven't noticed, the outside world IS accepting him. You got to give it time. He's only been face for a little while, and I don't see a heel turn anytime soon. Imo this is a test of the waters for him and he is making everone notice him. Soon he's going to be appearing on Conan and Leno or whatever ... award shows, I can see it all.

When you think WWE, Orton is in the list of ppl that ppl associate with the brand. Be him face or heel. Nowadays it don't even matter who's who half the time. If your appealing your appealing, that's that. Same with SCSA, was he making "wishes" come true, HELL No, he was whupping VKM'ass and making history. But he was the man when it came to pleasing the fans.

And I know its off topic, but that's what irks me about The Rock. SCSA does NOT forget where he came from, in any interview he will praise his fans and thank them for making him who he is. Sure Rock gives praise, but he don't show up unless its "via satellite" , and totally turned his back on the industry. And this is something I would never see Orton doing. Yeah, he's going to appear in a WWE films project, but I've never heard of him interested in any thing else. Orton knows the fans are behind him, and he has plenty of time to become the megaface of the company.
I’m not trying to say that at all, I’m just saying that just because WWE fans have accepted Orton, that does not mean that the outside world will.

He is going to have to do a lot of hard work and changing even as a person since he has a reputation of not being so friendly.

A lot of wrestlers have a twitter account, that does not mean anything. So him creating a twitter account, has nothing to do with how popular he is when there are tons of wrestlers that have one as well and before Orton for that matter, does that mean that they are more popular then Orton? Lol

We do not know if the outside world has accepted Orton yet, because from what I read he has a bad reputation.

The fact is that Orton role will not be just entertaining WWE fans, if he does become face of the company, he is going to have to be a “Role Model”.
It is a difficult question to answer but to me he already has made it as a face to some extent. Look he was turned face because of the crowd plain and simple. There was time when Ted was the intended face turn that was to come out of legacy but the crowd didn't allow it. They made it known that Randy was their guy and they were going to cheer for him so the E did the logical thing and ran with it.

As far as merchandise goes he will probably not sell as much as Cena but there are other things than merch and I don't buy that merch is the only thing that determines whether you have made it or not. If he improves ratings and buyrates he is successful as a face, if he sells out house shows or improves attendance he is successful as a face and if the crowd that comes to see him goes home satisfied he is successfull. There is room for more than one big face and one big moneymaker. Randy already is successful as a face because the crowd says so, they are the ones that made him a face. Crowd reaction isn't everything but I've never seen a wrestler who got rich by making the fans sit on their hands.
I'm really interested to see if Orton can become a face of the WWE b/c right now I don't see it happening. It's like what CanadianFan said he does have a bad reputation and in order to be the face of the company you have to be liked not only by the wrestling fans but the outside world. I can't see Orton on commercials like Cena with the way he is now. I also don't see Orton doing Make-A-Wish events or charity work like Cena has. Maybe and hopefully Orton will change my opinion b/c I'm huge fan of his along with Cena, but for thing for sure him being on Twitter will at least help in someway to expand his fan territory.
OK Orton is being portrayed as a face but hey does anyone really c him acting face? does he suck up 2 the crowd? NO..does he make all these stupid jokes and smile like a jackass? NO....he is the same old Orton...good promos..good matches (wins more now) and i don't c him doing make a wish and all that crap..and where have u been? the ppl were behind him when he was heel...i c no problem with him succeeding because he already has
Lol ...

It expands his fanbase as the holy one put ... makes him more out there to be accepted.

Most stuff for charities and orginaztions are going thru twitter and facebook nowadays and its a great way to get the general public behind you.

That's neither here or there. Point is, that he is headed in the right direction and he only has up to go.
He has succeeded in the WWE world but not in the Outside World yet not yet anyways.

There's a different level of a succeeding and different ways of being face.

Do people want him as a face?


do people want him to be face of the company?
Randy Orton as the face of WWE would be great to see as it seems he already is (Damn Cena). Now Just because Cena seems to be the current face of WWE I'm going to compare the two.

John Cena :

Debut: June 27th, 2002 vs Kurt Angle (Loss)

Wrestling Style: Very energetic, ground based.

Finisher(s): STFU and Attitude Adjustment

Claim to Fame: John Cena started his debut really got the WWE universe in his favor as he almost beat the hated and was current champion at the time. He then started up as the new kid on the block climbing the ladder to the top of the WWE.

Randy Orton: :worship:

Debut (Singles): Sometime during 2002 vs. Hardcore Holly :worship: resulting in a victory and a pissed off Hardcore Holly

Wrestling Style: Very ground based and hardcore style that would surely leave you very sore in the morning.

"The Punt", and the all famous R K O

Claim to fame: Son of Bob Orton (WWE star), Randy Orton was a kid that started from nothing just like Cena. Unlike Cena, Orton got him self into a group known as Evolution (Batista, Triple H, and Rick Flair.) He ended up getting his first title with the group until he was betrayed by Evoultion and pretty much was left alone. He also had one of the most brutal rivalries between the mighty famous Undertaker :worship: that ended with him bloodied in the Hell in a Cell. As he made his way back into popularity he was in the group known as Rated RKO (Him and Edge) that went mighty strong until DX (Triple H and HBK) took them down leaving RKO screwed by Triple H again.

RKO and Cena did have a rivarly going (RKO punted Cena's dad and him I believe) and I have to say RKO was better than Cena. Now I just think Cena needs to like Randy take the throne on top of the WWE for the first time.
People just want to be entertained. Orton does that. And does it well.

It was just a matter of time he turned face and its just a matter of time before he gets the number one spot.

Cena will retire first, but that dosent have to happen for him to take over as #1. Just because Cena is #1 @ selling merch, dosent make him the face of the company. Because he is in movies and everything else yes, but orton could easily pull that off in 1 to 2 years. Cena was not getting a movie deal as the dr. Of thugonomics, it took time for him to get love from VKM and to eventually get that megaface push.

Orton is earning it little by little .. as I've said before, a star is not born over night....
I don’t understand what you are saying because Cena is the face of the company.

What makes you think he isn’t?

Also Orton, I don’t think is even a face yet. He’s a tweener.

There is more to being a face of the company then Selling merchandises **sighs**

If Orton was able to sell like crazy, his t-shirts should be already selling like crazy. His t-shirts should be #1.
How do we know Orton WANTS to be the face of the company? I mean I know everyone on the roster wants to be the very best. But do we want Randy Orton coming out and spouting off the corny promos? They work for Cena because he is the ultimate babyface. Meaning it'll be a long time before Cena turns. However, Orton is still in the position where he can turn heel, but pretty much keep the same character. Maybe Orton is happy to have Cena be THE guy, so that he can focus on being the intense "silent but deadly" type character that he's built into. For example, we ALL knew he was gonna RKO Evan Bourne after the tag match they had, and we would have ALL been disappointed otherwise. That's the character that Orton has, and should have. Gets the positive fan reaction, but he'll still stab you in the back.

I can't say Orton will ever be THE face of the company cuz it's gonna be hard to overtake Cena(whether you marks like it or not), but he will obviously be in the ME as long as HE wants to be. Meaning that it's up to him to keep honing his skills and keeping his character fresh and likeable.
How do we know Orton WANTS to be the face of the company? I mean I know everyone on the roster wants to be the very best. But do we want Randy Orton coming out and spouting off the corny promos? They work for Cena because he is the ultimate babyface. Meaning it'll be a long time before Cena turns. However, Orton is still in the position where he can turn heel, but pretty much keep the same character. Maybe Orton is happy to have Cena be THE guy, so that he can focus on being the intense "silent but deadly" type character that he's built into. For example, we ALL knew he was gonna RKO Evan Bourne after the tag match they had, and we would have ALL been disappointed otherwise. That's the character that Orton has, and should have. Gets the positive fan reaction, but he'll still stab you in the back.

I can't say Orton will ever be THE face of the company cuz it's gonna be hard to overtake Cena(whether you marks like it or not), but he will obviously be in the ME as long as HE wants to be. Meaning that it's up to him to keep honing his skills and keeping his character fresh and likeable.

*can a MOD delete this duplicate? I didn't mean to post it twice* thanks.
Tweener is for you new guys..

I'm from the old school, your face or your heel.

Orton gets pops, and IS selling merch, and has been alligned with the face squad. He is face.

I wish we could get some numbers on the merch sales, because I see plenty of people wearing Orton gear. He has an awesome logo in tha gas mask, and its not primarly aimed for kids. But that still dosent take away from the fact he could very well be in Cenas position.

He is high up on the totem pole no doubt, but Orton is on his way dammit. Idk what you say, Cena will eventually turn heel. Then who is the top face? All goes to Orton, I would assume.

That's the thing, no one can really know who is going to be the face. VKM could call someone up from FCW and BAMß he could be the next big thing. But that's unlikley to happen. Orton has been putting work in and is a high up on Vince's list. But Cena is the man as we speak, and untill anything changes its going to have to be like that.
Tweener is for you new guys..

I'm from the old school, your face or your heel.

Orton gets pops, and IS selling merch, and has been alligned with the face squad. He is face.

I wish we could get some numbers on the merch sales, because I see plenty of people wearing Orton gear. He has an awesome logo in tha gas mask, and its not primarly aimed for kids. But that still dosent take away from the fact he could very well be in Cenas position.

He is high up on the totem pole no doubt, but Orton is on his way dammit. Idk what you say, Cena will eventually turn heel. Then who is the top face? All goes to Orton, I would assume.

That's the thing, no one can really know who is going to be the face. VKM could call someone up from FCW and BAMß he could be the next big thing. But that's unlikley to happen. Orton has been putting work in and is a high up on Vince's list. But Cena is the man as we speak, and untill anything changes its going to have to be like that.
Tweener isn't new for us..

What makes you think i'm not old school?

The fact is that if Orton was a face he would be sucking up to the fans and pleasing them. Telling them how great they are etc...

Again, if he was selling merch, he would be #1 lol

Cena isn't turning heel.
Its enevitable Cena turns one day..

Happend with hulk and sooner or later its going to happen to Cena.

But this was never about Cena. Its about how do we know if Orton will succeed as face of the company. And the answer to that question is yes. He has everything needed to do it and it will happen one day.

Things are to stagnet with Cena as face. We all know this, and a curveball is the way to go.

As soon as Cena turns heel (and hell proboly do it to a way over Orton @ that point) ppl will bug out, and once the shift starts taking full effect, those sales numbers will reflect who the face of the brand is.

But there's always a twist isint there. Because Hogan was still goin strong with the NWO and selling mad merch. He was just one of a kind and no one can deny that.

But I don't think Cena has the Hogan longevity, because I think he's going to do a Rock on us and become a movie star. That seems to be the route to go nowadays and Cena has the cred to go thru with it.

Keep Orton the way he is. He's still marketable and keeps gaining fanbase and exposure each week.
Its enevitable Cena turns one day..

Happend with hulk and sooner or later its going to happen to Cena.

But this was never about Cena. Its about how do we know if Orton will succeed as face of the company. And the answer to that question is because he's proved himself. Period.. He has everything needed to do it and it will happen one day.

Things are to stagnet with Cena as face. We all know this, and a curveball is the way to go.

As soon as Cena turns heel (and hell proboly do it to a way over Orton @ that point) ppl will bug out, and once the shift starts taking full effect, those sales numbers will reflect who the face of the brand is.

But there's always a twist isint there. Because Hogan was still goin strong with the NWO and selling mad merch. He was just one of a kind and no one can deny that.

But I don't think Cena has the Hogan longevity, because I think he's going to do a Rock on us and become a movie star. That seems to be the route to go nowadays and Cena has the cred to go thru with it.

Keep Orton the way he is. He's still marketable and keeps gaining fanbase and exposure each week.
Orton I agree is super over with the fans, not really sure why though, his outside antics are what I remember most, bitching out fans for asking him for autographs, and bumming ciggies from anyone that he can..LOL

Cena on the other hand is a modern day WWE cartoon character. kids love him and chicks love him, real wrestling fans cant stand him. but then again VKM dont really give a shit about the true wrestling fans, that much is obvious, hence the E going PG.
Its just speculation. Based on fan-reaction, the WWE and Vince can figure out who's going to be the next big star for a couple of years. When Undertaker debuted, they realized how great a fan reaction he got and how successful the gimmick was, so they had to turn him face within 1.5 years. When Stone Cold won the king of the ring and gave that speech, he became so popular with the fans that he had to be turned face at Wrestlemania 13. Similarly, when Cena became over with the fans in the 2000s, they had to turn him face and look at where he is now. Its true that he doesn't get the same respect from fans that Undertaker or Austin got, because he can't wrestle and because he doesn't portray a deep character but he portrays a chocolate-hero whom the kiddies/ girls like. But the WWE has always been successful in figuring whom the fans will like and who deserves a major push. Similarly, look at Orton's popularity over the last 2 years. He got such a great reaction from the fans that I was sure he is going to win the Royal Rumble 2009 - check out my predictions posted before the PPV at it was inevitable that he will win the title soon after that and remain in the title scene for most of the year. The reaction he gets from the fans now confirms it that they want to see him on top, so the WWE will give the fans what they want and why would that not be successful?

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