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How could WWE leave off HBK vs UNDERTAKER @ WM25

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The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now i just got done looking at a preview of the DVD The history of WRESTLEMANIa.It's a 3 disk set.The 1st disc being the documentry which the preview show's you the chapter's and the 1st disk look's like this will be a classic WWE DvD.Now on disk's 2&3 are what are supposed to be the best WrestlEMania matche's in the GRANDEST SHOW OF THEM ALL.But nowhere on these 2 disk was UnderTaker vs Shawn Micheals @ WrestleMani@ 25:wtf:.I even think there repeat @ Mania 26 could easily of made it on 1 of the 2 disk's.Now there are alot of great matches on the 2 disk's.But my point is i am 26 years old.The 1st Mania i watched was WM10.But now with advances in technology i have had the wonderful chance to see them them all.So here are my questions for this thread:

Do you agree with not putting UnderTaker vs HBK as 1 of WM's greatest matches:

Do you think that Taker vs HBK @ Mania 25 belongs on WM's Greatest matches disk:

Do you think that Taker vs HBK @ Mania 26 belongs on WM's Greatest matches disk:

& if you have had a chance to see the list of matches they put on the 2 disk's,What other matches do you think belong on 1 of the 2 disk's?
They both are easily in the top 10 matchs of mania but you also got to understand that they have allready used both in past sets. So for the collectors it doesnt matter if there on there or not cause they probably already have 2 sets of both. They didnt put any austin vs rock because they have a future dvd that will feature all 3 on it. So all in all im not surprised and i do agree that it wasnt necessary for this set.
As good as both of these matches were, the fact of the matter is that it was basically the same match, back-to-back, with essentially the same exact story. Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker taking up two match spots on the DVD on what is basically the same exact feud doesn't really make a lot of sense when the climax of the entire story happened during their second match.

That being said, I think we'll see both matches in a more niche DVD to come.
I think the WM 25 match between HBK/Taker should have replaced the Street Fight between Vince and Shane. I got the DVD set yesterday and the first disc is real good but I'm disappointed that HBK/Taker isn't on there. I think Bret/Austin should have been on there too, but I can understand why it's not on there due to the PG rating and the fact that when they showed pictures on the first disk Austin's face was black and white so it didn't show the red blood.
Wow im dissappointed to hear that. Both matches were great, I think the first match was better, but the second match was historic, because it marked HBKs final match in the WWE. Im really upset to hear that they aren't on the DVDs.
You can currently go to a store or WWEshop.com and buy Wrestlemania 25 and 26. In order to get many of the earlier Wrestlemanias, you'd have to do so in the anthology set which is very expensive.

There will always be controversy over which matches to put on DVD sets, but especially so for Wrestlemania. Everyone tries to put on their best performance at those shows, so there's plenty more than just those matches left off. I was actually upset that Warrior/Hogan isn't on there as its the first Wrestlemania I saw live and for that reason is one of my favorites matches of all time. Still, you can't fault any of the choices as none of them are bad.

I'd still advise you to check out the DVD. It was a good watch and if you want more info on it, I have reviewed it on my website. The documentary is well worth it, and if there are matches that you still want to see after watching the DVD, well remember, Wrestlemania matches are never hard to find.
From what I noticed, they did not have any matches from the past few years. It could be because they are still selling Wrestlemania DVD's and they want people to buy them. Also in the title it says Volume 1 so im sure we will get a Volume 2 in a few years with matches from the past few manias and ones to come
[b said:
Do you agree with not putting UnderTaker vs HBK as 1 of WM's greatest matches:

Do you think that Taker vs HBK @ Mania 25 belongs on WM's Greatest matches disk:

Do you think that Taker vs HBK @ Mania 26 belongs on WM's Greatest matches disk:

& if you have had a chance to see the list of matches they put on the 2 disk's,What other matches do you think belong on 1 of the 2 disk's?[/b]:shrug:

1)i disagree, undertaker vs shawn michaels at WM is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) WM match of all time.
2)i believe that it should be on the greatest matches list.
3)yes, i think it should be on there, this was the last WM match that shawn michaels will ever have, plus it was an epic, no amazing match.
The answer is simple.

WWE still makes money off those HBK matches by selling them on WM 25 & WM 26 DVD's and blu-rays. Too soon to put it on a best of. Besides. Theres no reason to watch WM 25 or 26 except for the HBK/Undertaker matches. Thats a fact.
You need to look at the bigger picture here, the reason they (WWE) left them off and left off any matches since 2006 (WRESTLEMANIA 22) is so they can produce another greatest set in 2-3 years down the line, and add matches like Owen/Bret or Kane/Undertaker I or Undertaker/HBK I & II it's simple really WWE NEVER blow their wad and load DVD's up, look at the Rock's, HHH's or Austins BEST OF series, The Rocks has 4 DIFFERENT HHH matches on there, yet miss out key matches with Bret, Austin that would of been better fitted, it's so they can do another DVD set = more money.

Example look at Edge he had a series done in 2008-09 and there is talk in 2011 of doing a new one.
I bought this DVD today and just finished it actually less than an hour ago. Now I will not go into a FULL review into what I thought about the DVD, but I will talk about the matches though...

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at WrestleMania XXV I can see what you mean. I thought about it for a little while also, but I was thinking to myself aswell, "Why didn't they put not ONE Austin vs Rock match on the DVD?" They didn't put ANY of the recent classic bouts on the DVD either for example; Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair, Edge vs Mick Foley, Undertaker vs Batista, or even none of the Money in the Bank matches. What I don't like about WWE DVDs like these is they usually get VERY repetitive with the matches. I wished for more of a variety in the set myself because I have seen EVERY match on the DVD except Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs Roddy Piper & Cowboy Bob Orton.
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 25 is on the Blu-Ray version of The True Story of Wrestlemania.
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