How can WWE run with Cesaro leading into Wrestlemania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night he proved he can put on a 5 star match on a main event level I think WWE would be foolish to keep him off the wrestlemania 30 card.

I have 2 matchs I think would be good for Cesaro to show off his skills.

One on one match with Chris Jericho


One on one match with The Big Show

The guy is so versatile I think he could have a great yet completely different match with either of those guys.

What are your thoughts?
Either he or Daniel Bryan have to win the Elimination Chamber match.
No one else in that match can pull a good main event out of Batista.
They cant.

Its very unfortunate that someone with his talent wont make a huge mark on the show but he is just gonna get lost in shuffle. The top 5 matches are looking like being:

Orton vs Batista
Undertaker vs Lesnar
HHH vs Bryan
Cena vs Wyatt
Reigns vs Rollins vs Ambrose

When you are on the 6th match or lower however big the impact you make on the show it will be forgotten by the time the show over. He will probably end up wrestling Swagger after a Real American split will probably be on the kickoff show and just wont make an impact.

Cesaro vs Y2J sounds like it would be a good match but as it would not crack the top 5 matches above it would get little to no TV time and even less on the PPV and be forgotten. Let him wrestle Swagger and give everyone else their Wrestlemania moments and start it big with Cesaro at Extreme Rules in a top 3 match
Either he or Daniel Bryan have to win the Elimination Chamber match.
No one else in that match can pull a good main event out of Batista.

Would it be cool if Cesaro won the title on Sunday? Yes

Will it happen? No

But I still think he can be a main attraction at mania regardless.
First off, his match w/ Cena last night was match of the year so far, hands down.

To answer the question though, I'd put him up against Big E for the IC Title and have him win it.

Afterwards, Swagger turns on him out of jealousy for doing something he couldn't do at Elimination Chamber. The crowd is behind Cesaro and a face turn is inevitable if you ask me.
They cant.

Its very unfortunate that someone with his talent wont make a huge mark on the show but he is just gonna get lost in shuffle. The top 5 matches are looking like being:

Orton vs Batista
Undertaker vs Lesnar
HHH vs Bryan
Cena vs Wyatt
Reigns vs Rollins vs Ambrose

When you are on the 6th match or lower however big the impact you make on the show it will be forgotten by the time the show over. He will probably end up wrestling Swagger after a Real American split will probably be on the kickoff show and just wont make an impact.

Cesaro vs Y2J sounds like it would be a good match but as it would not crack the top 5 matches above it would get little to no TV time and even less on the PPV and be forgotten. Let him wrestle Swagger and give everyone else their Wrestlemania moments and start it big with Cesaro at Extreme Rules in a top 3 match

I disagree...I see it as any match on a wrestlemania card has the potential to be great even if it's the 5th match on the card.
I disagree...I see it as any match on a wrestlemania card has the potential to be great even if it's the 5th match on the card.

He's just mad that the WM30 main event isn't Colt Cabana v. CM Punk v. Bryan in a Triple Threat.

Cesaro and Swagger should fight the Usos for the tag titles at WM30, that's very easily booked. That gives Cesaro a good taste of WM30, and they can start his singles push on the Post WM Raw.
He's just mad that the WM30 main event isn't Colt Cabana v. CM Punk v. Bryan in a Triple Threat.

Cesaro and Swagger should fight the Usos for the tag titles at WM30, that's very easily booked. That gives Cesaro a good taste of WM30, and they can start his singles push on the Post WM Raw.

This is another good way for them to turn Cesaro face. Have them lose the tag title match at Mania. The Real Americans are clearly going their separate ways soon. I'd prefer to see Cesaro go over Big E for the IC Title and make it mean something again, but this works too.
I say give cesaro a better mouth piece, someone who could get him over as a heel or a face. Make him a heyman guy and keep him a tweener until he can cut a good promo on his own. The cesaro swing brung him cheers that no one thought he would have at this point. Imagine a heel cesaro(heyman) vs bryan....that screams 5 star match!!
Last night he proved he can put on a 5 star match on a main event level I think WWE would be foolish to keep him off the wrestlemania 30 card.

I have 2 matchs I think would be good for Cesaro to show off his skills.

One on one match with Chris Jericho


One on one match with The Big Show

The guy is so versatile I think he could have a great yet completely different match with either of those guys.

What are your thoughts?

I'm not trying to insult him at all. I love Cesaro overall, but thing is he's looked his best against the very best. Orton is honestly wrestling better than he has in a while, and Cena lately has been otherworldly. Putting on a great match against Cena doesn't seem to be that hard anymore, he's become one of the most improve in ring talents I've ever seen. I would like to see Cesaro vs Henry personally for the US title or something. I think they'd work pretty well together and give the young guy a nice little rub off Wrestlemania.
Dealing with Cesaro is fairly simple, at least to play up his strengths and hide his weaknesses. Give him the babyface turn, make him wrestle Jack Swagger and deliver very few lines. His actions should be called inside the ring with the commentary team doing pretty much all the work in hyping up Cesaro's character. Make his gimmick a "wrestler's wrestler", make him go out there and make him win some good competitive matches with good opponents like Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Sin Cara, Big E... Whenever he's put into a verbal confront, he should only say few but strong things like: "At WrestleMania I will beat you." or "I'll swing you all the way back to *Mexico*".

Above all don't give him more than he can chew. Don't over expose him. Give him a match per week and a segment per week. Build his opponents well, because a babyface looks good if he beats good opponents. With the crowd support of his matches he'll get to a bigger spot.

One on one match with The Big Show

Amazing how the opening thread had the best idea. Cesaro isn't going to be in the main event at WrestleMania. He's not even going to be in one of the top-4 billed matches on the card. Those spots belong to the WWE Title match; the Undertaker's match; Cena vs Wyatt; and whoever wrestles Triple H.

So how do you keep Cesaro relevant without putting him in a major match? Simple. You give him a match that allows for a major "spot." When Cesaro puts Show in the Cesaro Swing, the place will erupt. It will provide a lasting memory for those watching.
If Jack Swagger wins the IC title on Sunday then maybe they can have Cesaro win the US title sometime before wm. Swagger vs Cesaro IC title vs US title. They can have Zeb be in a neutral corner. He can hype the match up well in the weeks leading to mania. That's what match I'd want to see.
I'm not trying to insult him at all. I love Cesaro overall, but thing is he's looked his best against the very best. Orton is honestly wrestling better than he has in a while, and Cena lately has been otherworldly. Putting on a great match against Cena doesn't seem to be that hard anymore, he's become one of the most improve in ring talents I've ever seen. I would like to see Cesaro vs Henry personally for the US title or something. I think they'd work pretty well together and give the young guy a nice little rub off Wrestlemania.

I'm guessing you haven't seen Cesaro v Sami Zayn in NXT, probably match of the year 2013 in a 2 out of 3 falls match, and although Zayn can be seen by some as one of 'the very best', he has very little WWE-style experience so the credit in that match has to go heavily in the favour of Cesaro. Besides, you cant give Cena credit for taking that monstrous suplex, or for Cesaro flipping out of the AA last night either so even though he has had opportunities against the best lately, his quality performances are down to his hard work and creativity.

As for his place in WM, I see him being in a 3 or 4 way tag title match, losing before having a bit of a push post WM until Summerslam and depending on that push will see where he is in the future.
I'm guessing you haven't seen Cesaro v Sami Zayn in NXT, probably match of the year 2013 in a 2 out of 3 falls match, and although Zayn can be seen by some as one of 'the very best', he has very little WWE-style experience so the credit in that match has to go heavily in the favour of Cesaro. Besides, you cant give Cena credit for taking that monstrous suplex, or for Cesaro flipping out of the AA last night either so even though he has had opportunities against the best lately, his quality performances are down to his hard work and creativity.

As for his place in WM, I see him being in a 3 or 4 way tag title match, losing before having a bit of a push post WM until Summerslam and depending on that push will see where he is in the future.

No I haven't seen it and if it was honestly that good, I need to see it. Cesaro is great, but I think his push should be slow. I don't know how long a push would last for him and the last thing I want as a fan is for him to get burned out.
I disagree...I see it as any match on a wrestlemania card has the potential to be great even if it's the 5th match on the card.

I am not saying it wont be a good or even great match I am just saying if it is the 5th biggest match on the card it is likely to be forgotten about. I don't doubt Cesaro's wrestling abilities I just doubt whether a match that low on the card can have a big enough impact
Why do people think that you need to put Cesaro in a Match with a has been? Seriously Jerkico wants to be a 1/2 ass rock star. It isn't like he is out make million on millions making movies. He is a decent wrestler in his prime.

Let take a rewind and refresh all the crap people said about TNA and OLD wrestlers getting the spotlight, yeah even now it is stupid and pointless. Jericho comes back I will always be washed. Cesaro vs some with some pull.....Beating CM going the distance with the Undertaker. I would have said Sheamus but he hasn't done much since his return. If you want to make Cesaro a legit competitor he needs to beat top talent. Cesaro would be an excellent person to join the Authority and take down Bryan.

This does 2 things. Keeps the heel build going and keeps him in the world title picture.
Keeps the heel build going and keeps him in the world title picture.

These are the two quickest ways to give Cesaro the Ryback treatment and make him irrelevant.

He's a natural face right now. His spinning thing gets a huge pop. Let him turn, and let him feud in the midcard and start to get really dominant. Let him start squashing some midcard talent, and upgrade him to the Orton/Batista realm by Summerslam or Survivor Series. Anything faster will ruin him.
Why do people think that you need to put Cesaro in a Match with a has been? Seriously Jerkico wants to be a 1/2 ass rock star. It isn't like he is out make million on millions making movies. He is a decent wrestler in his prime.

Let take a rewind and refresh all the crap people said about TNA and OLD wrestlers getting the spotlight, yeah even now it is stupid and pointless. Jericho comes back I will always be washed. Cesaro vs some with some pull.....Beating CM going the distance with the Undertaker. I would have said Sheamus but he hasn't done much since his return. If you want to make Cesaro a legit competitor he needs to beat top talent. Cesaro would be an excellent person to join the Authority and take down Bryan.

Here's the obvious answer to this question... Because at WrestleMania, the guys with 'pull' are already booked. Cena, Orton, Bryan, Batista, Triple H, 'Taker, and Lesnar are already spoken for - and while their matches are set in stone, they're unlikely to include Cesaro. Additionally, the WWE is trying to push Wyatt and Reigns right now. With all the talk surrounding those guys, it's going to be very difficult for a guy like Cesaro to make an impression.

Because of that, Cesaro's 'push' has to wait. It will come, but until then, the WWE simply needs to keep the fans interested in the guy and keep people talking about him. So ask yourself - what's the biggest thing Cesaro does that gets people talking? It's the Cesaro Swing. The best way to get people to keep talking about him then is to put him in a position where he pulls of the Cesaro Swing in impressive fashion. Put him against the Big Show, and you've accomplished that. A few spins at WrestleMania, and this guy will remain just as over after 'Mania as he was before 'Mania - which is an accomplishment since the guy is likely to be buried down the card.
Why not just have him keep doing what he's doing and let it play out? All he needed was an opportunity to showcase his talents, and over the past week (well, really the past several months), he has not disappointed. The crowd will continue to get behind Cesaro, and then push him/strike when the iron is hot.
Why do people think that you need to put Cesaro in a Match with a has been? Seriously Jerkico wants to be a 1/2 ass rock star. It isn't like he is out make million on millions making movies. He is a decent wrestler in his prime.

Let take a rewind and refresh all the crap people said about TNA and OLD wrestlers getting the spotlight, yeah even now it is stupid and pointless. Jericho comes back I will always be washed. Cesaro vs some with some pull.....Beating CM going the distance with the Undertaker. I would have said Sheamus but he hasn't done much since his return. If you want to make Cesaro a legit competitor he needs to beat top talent. Cesaro would be an excellent person to join the Authority and take down Bryan.

This does 2 things. Keeps the heel build going and keeps him in the world title picture.

Difference with Jericho is he can put on a top quality match even if he's been away...Jericho is far from a has been seeing as he continues to stay relevant...wrestlers get old and they just can't work a full schedual anymore...get over it...don't shit on the guy just because he's intelligent and getting himself work outside of wrestling it be in the best interest that any ageing superstar start looking at oppurtunitys outside of the ring so they can continue to bring in money to support there family.

Don't get on your high horse and say the guys a has been just because he can't do a full time road schedual and he has success outside of wrestling....not everybody forces themselves to stick around until they become a shitty pants crybaby who walks out of the company because he doesent get a wrestlemania main event or a diaper change.
When it comes to Cesaro, it ultimately depends on a few things. One thing that's going to hold Cesaro back in the long run is a lack of personality if he's not able to establish a connection with fans. Cesaro's performances in his matches against Bryan, Orton & Cena over the past 1.5 weeks can go a very long way in getting fans interested in Cesaro. If you want good wrestling, and anyone who watches wrestling with any degree of sense does, then Cesaro is someone you want to watch. However, in order to keep that interest, changes need to be made to Cesaro's persona.

I know that some are immediately of the mind set that he should be pushed to the moon immediately, but that's not gonna happen, nor should it. Cesaro's not ready for that and that's something that can only change with time. If WWE gives Cesaro enough time, if they're able to alter his persona into something that he seems comfortable with and Cesaro is able to deliver the way he's been delivering, then he should be among the top guys in WWE by SummerSlam.

As for what I'd do with Cesaro, I like the idea of him going after the IC title at WrestleMania. Since Swagger has Big E this Sunday and will almost certainly fail to win the title, perhaps Cesaro could earn his way into facing Big E at WrestleMania. This generates some friction between them with Cesaro insinuating, or at least Swagger would believe him to be insinuating, that he can get the job done whereas Swagger couldn't. The tension continues to build with Swagger's jealousy rising to the point in which Swagger could wind up costing Cesaro the title at WrestleMania intentionally or Cesaro could score the win and go ape shit on him, his jealousy finally boiling over. This leads to a break up of the two, Cesaro has a face turn and it adds a personal element into what eventually becomes a feud over the IC title.
Why not just have him keep doing what he's doing and let it play out? All he needed was an opportunity to showcase his talents, and over the past week (well, really the past several months), he has not disappointed. The crowd will continue to get behind Cesaro, and then push him/strike when the iron is hot.

Because what he's 'been doing' is working with main event talent. That main event talent is going to be occupied once WrestleMania season heats up next week. There's a risk that Cesaro can be lost in the shuffle of it all...
Because what he's 'been doing' is working with main event talent. That main event talent is going to be occupied once WrestleMania season heats up next week. There's a risk that Cesaro can be lost in the shuffle of it all...

Not lost in the shuffle, settle back down into a comfortable pace to shine. He's not ready for the real constant main event yet...but that's ok...

They need to take their time with him.
There is still the matter of Hogan... he's not gonna wrestle, he may end up the "host" but I can still see some kind of tag match/feud with Hogan and the Real Americans or even a face turn for both guys between now and then with Hogan in their corner...

It's clear the tag title match will probably involve the Wyatts and the Usos so they are out... but Miz and Dolph could be a good option. Have Hogan return next week to interrupt Zeb on one of his rants, running down both guys for failing at EC. Hogan shows up and tells Zeb that he's wrong about America and as the original Real American he can say Cesaro and Swagger are worth 20 Zeb Colters... This enrages Zeb and makes Swagger and Cesaro think.

The following week a similar thing happens, with Zeb going on a rant against his team cos since last week all they can think of is Hulk Hogan and their "minds ain't right"... only this time they get sick of him and turn face on him... Hogan tells them he's proud of them for showing the fans what Real Americans really are... The following week the new "Real Americans" debut, complete with the Hogan music... before the match can start Dolph and Zig attack and go for Hogan, after all what better way to "steal the show" and force respect than to take out Hulk Hogan.... they think Hogan should have been putting them over, that it's just another case of an old timer protecting his own interests and trying to live on through another team, thus stealing their spots.

Cesaro and Swagger rally to save Hogan and this sets the match for Mania... The Real Americans with Hogan vs Dolph and Miz (you can even have Dolph and Miz take out Zeb beforehand to make them more "heel".) You'll get a good "spot fest" in there with the swing, Dolph doing some stuff and Hogan gets used in a realistic and helpful way... I don't imagine it continues... Swagger and Cesaro even go their own seperate ways after but they kinda become a new "mega powers" type team that can reform once in a while.. maybe one day for a main event.

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