How Can I get my Girlfriend into Wrestling?

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
Hello Prisoners, I come to you fine Gentlemen with a simple question. How can I convince my girlfriend that Wrestling is more than just men in tights slathered in oil grabbing each other? I tried getting her to watch an episode of RAW with me but she doesn't seem up for it. Should I invite her to my first wrestling match when I am done with training?
Well, This can be tricky:

Most people look down on wrestling with the stigma that it's fake. They dont understand that it is not the actual "wrestling" that we cheer for, but rather the entertainment of the storeylines and the story of the "storylines", that we cheer for durring the match. Proof in point; whenever a wrestler lands a prime-time interview with the main-stream-media, the first question that is allways asked is "do the fans know it's fake?". And the wrestler has to explain that it's just a form of entertainment with storylines, much like a soap opera, that the fans are cheering for. The ability to suspend dis-beliefe falls in-line with the story-telling of the product.

Chances are, if you didn't become a fan by your early teens, you probably never will.

Another problem is the "PG" era of today that is driving out the 18-24 demo. If the product has a lot of elements geared torwards children, It will turn off any potential new 18-24 demo viewers.

Let her watch a lot of Orton and Cody.
...or just have her bang Hornswoggle. It won't make her like wrestling but it would damage her self respect enough that she would probably end up doing anything you ever tell her to do in the future.
If she loves you then she will watch it with you.

Having said that asking any non wrestling fan to watch Raw is possibly the best way to get them to never want to watch wrestling again. Raw is full of unfunny promos, slow sloppy wrestling (especially this week) and Michael Cole.

Perhaps you should show her some epic old matches that you know will entertain, this way she will know that wrestling can be fun to watch, you don't even have to go too far back as Ziggler has been performing rwally well in the past months.

Apart from this perhaps you can start having sex with her wheelbarrow style before quickly dropping down into a camel clutch, then say "If you watched wrestling you could escape this".

Be careful though as if she starts watching wrestling with you, you may have to start watching desperate housewives or some other shit with her.
Tell her if she watches wrestling with you, you'll watch some terrible show she likes with her. Worked on my last girlfriend.
Tell her if she watches wrestling with you, you'll watch some terrible show she likes with her. Worked on my last girlfriend.

Shit, I was coming in here to say the same fucking thing; chances are he's already sitting through god awful television programming and movies with her.

On second thought, you could just eat her out while she watches, that makes everything more enjoyable.
Why would you want your girlfriend to be into wrestling? That makes no sense to me.

Also, don't bring her to see your first match. You're going to be greener than goose shit and nobody will be in attendance. It'll be humiliating.
Show her a good match with a wrestler or two who she might find attractive. She's bound to watch more and then end up liking wrestling as a whole. I guess.
Turn off the lights, strap her to a chair, take her iPhone away, and make her watch Kurt vs Benoit at RR 2003. The lack of a device that enables her to access to Facebook will persuade her to to give her attention to the match.
Get her to watch a match with Randy Orton or John Cena, if she gets a wide on you have a chance./"wide on" reference.

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