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Getting Noticed By Management
I was listening to a Stone Cold Steve Austin interview on youtube that he did on an English radio station and he made mention to the fact that when he was in WCW, he used to travel with Brian Pillman and Scott Levy whom you may know as Raven:raven:. It got me to thinking that this could've been a hell of a stable at one point. I know the reason they all became who they became was because of the politics of WCW but think about it, all three are tremendous at ring psycology, Austin and Pillman are great at promos, and Raven has a great mind for the business and different angles to work. I mean, Raven probably wouldn't have become Raven but I think the Stone Cold gimmick and Loose Cannon Gimmick could work well together as, to me, they are basically the same with minor differences here and there like Austin usually had a purpose and Pillman was just random. If Raven could've thought up a similar gimmick or, better yet, Austin and Pillman could keep their Hollywood Blondes gimmick and add Raven in his Johnny Polo gimmick as a manager or his Scotty the Body gimmick with bleached hair, this could've been an awesome stable, what do you think?
I never thought about that. That wouldve been one hell of a stable. What if raven kept his creepy psychological gimmick and converted Pillman and Austin. Either way that would be one of the best stables.
I hate this idea. If Raven had been able to convert Austin, we would never have seen Stone Cold. If Raven had developed a similar gimmick to Austin, we would never have seen the Raven I know and love. It's a lose/lose in my book. But, that could be just me.
I hate this idea. If Raven had been able to convert Austin, we would never have seen Stone Cold. If Raven had developed a similar gimmick to Austin, we would never have seen the Raven I know and love. It's a lose/lose in my book. But, that could be just me.

Have to agree completley here.

At the time all three were in WCW, the Hollywood Blondes were destined to become nothing, as was Johnny Polo.

The only way this could have ever worked would have been if they had thegimmicks that made them, and got together around the time Austin won KoTR.

Even this would have only served to slow the push Austin recieved as a result of his KoTR win though.

It could have been very good, but unfortunatley (and somewhat ironically) when the time was right, it was too late
Although at first I thought that this would have been a hell of a stable... the more I thought about it, the more I hated the idea. This would have caused all three guys to go nowhere. This would have changed the course of wrestling history in a very negative way. Had this happened we never would have seen the birth of Stone Cold Steve Austin... thus the attitude era would probably have never happened.

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