How BIG Would Hogan and Flair's Roles Be If They Were In WWE Now?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Every time I see Hogan and Flair in TNA, I always wonder what would they be doing if they were in WWE right now? It's a question that pops up in my mind every now and then. I'll start with Ric Flair first.

Before Flair left WWE, he was involved in some pretty big storylines. There was the retirement tour he had in 2008, and then the "final match" he had with HBK at Wrestlemania 24. He also came to HBK's defense one time during an episode of Raw while Jericho was feuding with Shawn. Then he would go on to escort Steamboat,Snuka, and Piper at Wrestlemania 25 to face of against Jericho in a handicap match. His last angle was with Orton. They had a street fight, and Flair was punted at the end of it.

Flair still got some pretty good pops from live crowds, and the storylines he was involved in weren't that bad either. If Flair were still in WWE, I have a feeling he would've come out of retirement to wrestle Orton. I think it's obvious that's where WWE was going with the short feud between those two. After that, I think Flair would still pop up and make occasional appearances every now and then.

Hogan's last match in WWE was with Orton at Summerslam 2006. The last time we saw him in a WWE ring was during Raw's 15th anniversary show, where he saved Hornswoggle, and took out Khali. Unlike Flair, Hogan's relationship with Vince has been very shaky through the years. So Hogan coming back to WWE was HIGHLY unlikley.

It's been a while since Hogan was on WWE television on a consistent basis, so if he were to re appear, I think the fans would go nuts. Whether Hogan wrestled or not, the fans would still be happy just to see him. If Hogan were in WWE now, I think everyone would want to see him wrestle a match with either Cena or Austin. A match with Cena is more realistic because I think John would love the opportunity to work with Hogan. A match with Stone Cold on the other hand probably wouldn't happen because these two seem to really not like each other. I've read a bunch of interviews where they constantly take turns bashing each other.

So what do you think Hogan and Flair's roles would be right now if they were in the WWE? Would they be BIG or would they just have occasional appearances?

What are your thoughts or suggestions?
I've read a number of times that the WWE was interested in having Ric Flair as the new general manager of Raw after the guest host angle was finished. Overall, Ric Flair and the WWE parted on good terms because the WWE still speaks reverently of Flair, still uses video archived footage of him sometimes and he still has a lot of friends and is respected in the WWE locker room. I just don't think the WWE had anything particular in mind for him, so he went to TNA instead. By the time Ric Flair's deal comes to an end with TNA, I wouldn't be surprised to see him back on WWE television in some sort of managerial/mentor role or as the GM of one of the brands.

As for Hulk Hogan...well I dunno. I've personally got no interest in watching Hulk Hogan wrestle but I can see the novelty appeal of a one or two time a year thing. The matches would probably be horrible, depending upon who he worked with, and what would happen. I could also see Hogan in a type of General Manager type of role for Raw as well. However, as I've seen in TNA over the past few weeks, Hogan is progressively becoming the centerpiece of the show each week. In the WWE, I don't think that would happen at this point. If Hogan were signed to the WWE then, to some degree, he'd still be one of the boys and not ultimately running things as you see in TNA. I think the WWE would use Hogan to build young guys like Sheamus because, quite frankly, it's what's needed. There's nothing to gain in the long run by having Hogan come out the hero in those types of situations.
My understanding was that WWE never wanted Flair to leave, but he chose to do so because the company wouldn't let him take independent bookings. He must have felt he could make more money by hiring himself out as a free agent. Personally, I wonder about that, but I imagine TNA lets Ric come and go as he pleases, which probably explains why he would do the rotten thing he did to WWE.

Still, WWE could have used Flair in so many ways. He could have been a general manager, a manager, a co-owner of the whole company (as they once depicted Steve Austin)...... and he could always wrestle a match here and there. The name Ric Flair is renowned everywhere in the wrestling world and I'm sure WWE would always have a role for him.


As for Hogan, it's harder to say what role he could have played in WWE. His negotiations with Vince McMahon were always contentious because Hogan wanted everything his way. I think if he called the shots in his one-match visits to WWE in the past few years, his script would have had him win the World Championship.....only to retire the next day and give it back. The top wrestlers at WWE would all have to job to him, sacrificing their own reputations and pushes in favor of Hogan's one-day indulgences. Of course, even Hogan must have realized that this scenario was unrealistic and it forced him to compromise ...somewhat.

So, what does TNA do? They put him in charge of the whole damn organization! Even he admitted in an interview the other day that he came in unprepared to run a wrestling company. Still, he convinced TNA to give him the job, figuring (I guess) that his years as a wrestler qualify him to run the whole operation.

I offer this as a corollary: When I mail letters, I use postage stamps. Does that mean I could function as Postmaster General of the U.S.?:icon_biggrin:

I think that Flair would become the GM of Raw, that way there's no more guest hosts and Flair can still be used in an important role without having to come out of retirement. I'd rather he never wrestle another match because he had that huge sendoff and it would render that sendoff pointless if he wrestles again. He would make a great GM and I think that's what his role in WWE would be if he were there right now.... that, or somebody's manager. Hogan would probably work a dream match angle against Cena for Wrestlemania or Summerslam, then help out backstage or something. His matches would be terrible at this point but he would still show up for stuff because fans will always cheer a big name like Hogan. I think they'd each be given decent roles such as those if they were in WWE right now. They'd start out in bigger roles and then go into smaller ones as managers or helping out backstage, but would definitely be given something good since they are legends.
Well, from what I read, WWE didn't want Flair to leave but the really had no use for him other the ocassional apereance. They wanted something like they did with Austin, to pay Ric to stay pretty much home.

I thing he would probably manage some new guy or represent an authority figure some how.

With Hogan is a different monster because dispite of how popular he is, pretty much wants everything to go his way, I also thign that was why they really didn't wanted Hogan to work with Cena or Jericho at the last minute, he is a great self promoter but to put down someone like Cena or Jericho at the time with only one apperance will harm either guy in my view. I know he is Hogan and he used to be the best, but lets get real, the man can barely move, it will be crap to watch either man at their prime go down with no real benefit from it. It was when it happened to HBK and Orton. It was not in 2002 but now it is.

So with Hogan I think it won't be more than the Guess Host deal and nothing more, unless one of his kids joyned wrestling, something Hogan does not want to happen.
from what i understand, both of them signed with tna because of merchandising/licensing reasons. flair wanted to put out some merchandise and wwe wouldn't let him. and hogan was about to sign with wwe again, but vince wanted hogan to give him the rights to "hulkamania" and "hulk hogan."
To be honest I would have seen them doing what they're doing in TNA right now, Hogan being a on-air personality and possibly doing something backstage as well (in a reduced capacity though) and Flair being a manager for a younger star or being GM.
They would be in roles that they are in now with TNA, dueling GM's. Flair the GM of Raw, Hogan the GM of Smackdown, or vice versa. It would prove to be an interesting dichotomy. You could have wrestlers politicking to switch brands to be with a favorable GM or whatever.

Essentially, the two old men would serve as enhancements to the younger guys, like in TNA. The only difference, neither would wrestle a match, ever, ever. I honestly can't see how this would be much different then what is going on in TNA, except for the fact it would be two different shows, and that only time they would truly interact would be at pay per views, or at Bragging Rights/ Survivor Series in particular.
After seeing both of them through younger years and now seeing they are old I believe their time is over in the WWE. They might make occasional appearance but they certainly wouldn't wrestle every week or do anything major. Sure they might be huge draws but even that popularity isn't near what it was say five years ago.
I'll go to Flair first because I think he is the far simpler of the two to handle. Flair, assuming he never left the WWE, would likely still be around in some speaking role. The guy is golden on the mic and everyone knows it. Whether this would be as a GM, a manager, or some back stage figure, Flair would be involved in the product in some capacity every week.

Hogan is a bit of an abstract case. The main problem here is, Hogan dominates everything he touches, and this is more of a problem than anyone could really want. Sure, he gains recognition to the product, but he draws the attention to himself, not to other stars. Assuming he moved to the point he is now, in a relatively inactive role, I can see Hogan's placement as a problem. If he is just a manager, or a less outspoken character, he is too bland, and isn't utilized to his full potential. Flair can talk a great game, and not to say that Hogan can't, but Hogan's talk leads to action, and this action wouldn't be an option anymore.

So, I guess Hogan's ideal role, as he would definitely have a role assuming he was with the WWE (money, if nothing else) would be a GM type figure. He can't be a backstage agent, as he needs to be seen. A regular manager doesn't present him in the forefront of the product, which he should be to gain the full name effect. The GM figure/commissioner role would likely be best, though would conflict with Flair's role. Either they would have to GM different shows, or Hogan would take the GM role and Flair could play mentor to an up-and-comer or a stable.

I guess it would look like WWE's take on the current TNA situation, though with a far different cast of characters.

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