How Big Could Lashley Have Become?


The Cerebral Assassin
Bobby Lashley. One of the most promising young guys with a certain combination of both quickness and strength that hadn't been seen in the WWE since Brock Lesnar. Lashley, a former US Champion and a two time ECW Champion, was headed for BIG things. In the short time that he was with the WWE, he had quite a few amazing matches. The naturally-gifted athlete even headlined a few PPVs, the best probably being against John Cena for the WWE Championship at Great American Bash 07. What a match that was. For the first time in a long time I felt that Cena's title was actually threatened! The match ended up being amazing, with Cena barely getting the victory. But, nevertheless, Lashley, who had recently been moved over to Raw, had the WWE world in his hands. And then, all of a sudden, he was gone due to unclear reasons. He later became an MMA fighter and still is to this day.

So, my question is, how big do you think Lashley would have become if he had stayed with the WWE? Do you think he would have won a world title by now? Or do you think he would have drifted down into the midcard?

I personally feel he would have been big, as he almost beat Cena during one his almost flawless title reigns. Thats a mighty feat, as he was booked quite strongly, almost going over Cena. I think he would have also become a world champ by now. What do you guys think?
Absolutley! Lashley would have definatley become a world champ by now and would be fueding with the likes of HHH, Cena, Orton and Jericho etc.

I really thought he was going to become huge. I could have easily seen him main eventing a Wrestlemania. He had a lot of potential, speed, strength and was getting over with the fans. He had a lot to look forward to, not really sure why he bailed, can someone post the reason if you know...
I think there is very little question that Lashley would have became a World Champion multiple times. Lashley is a guy who shot into the main event quickly and there is so many people he can now feud with. I really wanted to see a full out feud with him and the Big Show.

I think some of the bigger feuds would him against Jericho in a mind vs muscle match. Jericho could use his intellect to beat Lashley. Orton would be a great choice as well. I think the WWE were willing to give Lashley almost anything a wrestler could have dreamed of and if he comes back, he might not get it now.
It's fairly obvious he would have been a big star. When he debuted in OVW as Blaster Lashley, he was billed as Brock Lesnar times ten. Not sure if I'd go that far, but he was indeed good. However, he never really had that big defining moment yet. Had he stayed he would have won a world's title by now, maybe after swtiching to Smackdown. Either way he would have been successful as McMahon was high on him, he was solid in the ring, and he was way over. Could have done a lot.
Not that big I think, cause he had very little charisma. You know how many wrestlers with huge builds were pretty much just like him? And none of them got far either. You really have to be the total package.
I don't think Lashley would've become as big as people think. Yes, the WWE was entirely behind him during his short career there and were pushing him to the moon and pushing him down our throats. But the fact is, the fans weren't grasping onto Lashley as much as people seem to be portraying. He was atrocious on the mic, he was fine in the ring, but he certainly didn't have the charisma of great champions and big stars in wrestling and I really think, regardless of how much longer the WWE would've tried to force feed us Lashley and make him catch on, I think they would've eventually lost faith in him when he didn't become the star they wanted and his push would've decreased. Thats by no means saying he wouldn't have been a fixture in the main events, or been World champion, but I don't believe he'd be as big as people are assuming. I think people were already starting to get tired of him before he left the WWE.
Thing is though. He was as wooden as a piece of plywood. He was good in the ring don't get me wrong. But he never did anything of note that made me care about him. He would have been a multiple time world champ, but would they have mattered? They might have. But I don't think he had enough charisma to pull it off as well as Cena or Lesner did. He would have no doubt been a big star. But I personally don't think he would have been remembered all that well.

I'd say he'd have been pretty big. I mean, he was Black Lesnar. He had the same build, he same mic skills, and overall equal talent inside the ring. Pretty much the same overall abilities, with the only difference being skin color.

To this day I don't understand why Lashley left the company. I really don't understand why he hasn't resurfaced in T.N.A. Maybe the business just wasn't in his heart. Who knows. In the end though, Lashley was an instant fan favorite and the people took to him as a Lesnar wash-off, yet loved him the same.

I think if anything, he just got lost in the shuffle and couldn't sort out of the mess. He did have a great mini program going with John Cena, then after that just sorta fell off the map. I think that's around the time he quit, actually, not positive though.

Lashley needed a better finisher, and that was about the only real big issue with his in-ring skills. He needed an actual manager like Paul Heyman was for Lesnar as well. I honestly kept hoping Heyman would return w/ Lashley, that would've been a riot. But this is the past, and I'll hold a small amount of hope out that Lashley is trying to secretly train to be better and make a huge return.. but who knows.

EDIT: On the off chance this comment offended anyone, it wasn't designed to do so, and I apologize for it's possible offensive nature. Thank You.
I think professional wrestling was just a job for Lashley and looking back it showed. He made some money, made a big impact and went on to do what he really wanted to do and that's MMA. Nonetheless he would have had some (real not ecw) world champion reigns by now. But let's face it, although I really loved the Cena vs. Lashley match at GAB, the buyrate wasn't overwhelming. It certainly didn't help that the only other good match was Hardy vs. Umaga, but I still don't think that he would have drawn enough as babyface. The thing I liked most about Lashley was that he was progressing, in the ring and even (if you looked very closely) on the mic. I don't know how good he would be by now, but he said he will return to wrestling someday, and if it's not WWE, it's gonna be TNA.
Not that big I think, cause he had very little charisma. You know how many wrestlers with huge builds were pretty much just like him? And none of them got far either. You really have to be the total package.

Yep he was terrible on the Mic. That’s one thing in the WWE if you are terrible on the mic and a great wrestler you will not be a world champ and if they do then it’s only for a transitional period. You can be a terrible wrestler like hulk,HHH,NAsh and some others but have Charisma and be a great champ. Bobby had 0 charisma and personality maybe if he had a manager to speak for him he would have been a ok champ but he would have to
I think Lashley definitely would have been big. Let's face it..Vince wanted him to, and if that's the case then you will be. He did have similar build and backgrounds to Lesnar, though wasn't nearly as good on the mic though. And remember, he did get the rub from Vince in an extended feud with him..and as was discussed in another thread, many guys who end up being way over get a rub from Vince or one of the other McMahons at some point (Cena, Batista, and Edge being exceptions).
Lashley had good matches, put on a good story, and so I think he could have been one of the main faces in the company. I also think he'd now be a 1 or 2 time former world champion. The match at the GAB vs Cena was the first time I honestly thought Cena was gonna lose the title during what went on to be a year-long run. Lashley was a few months past the Vince angle and was in the midst of a huge push, and it seemed like they were high on him and wanted to try him out.

But alas, as was the case with Lesnar..he didn't have the passion for the business. Lesnar was huge in the relatively short time he was there, and Lashley could have at least been his equal had he stayed for another 1-2 years.

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