How about a good face VS face feud?


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It's pretty much assumed that Ambrose and reigns will face each other in the finals. Wouldn't it be pretty good if we get an Austin vs rock type fued but keep them faces? They can have a hard fought battle at SS WHERE it ultimately doesn't matter who wins. Why? Cause the next night on raw the champion comes out and cuts their promo when the loser of the match comes out claiming it was luck or a fluke or how they were that close to losing themselves. They have a rematch that night on raw. During the match An accidental move, punch or something of that nature(something a heel might do) makes the friendship go right out the window and kick it up a notch and the match can turn into a sloberknocker with no winner setting up a tlc match.
They both can remain faces fighting heels weekly in between and even having to tag at times where they destroy their opponents before fighting each other afterwards. They don't have to turn either heel but can both be kick add faces that have an awesome fued. The intensity of the matches could be great for both. If someone tries to jump them in a single match or interfere the other can come in for the save them fight themselves afterwards. This is something I'm sure wouldn't happen but the possibilities and credibility reigns could get from it would be phenomenal. The title can even exchange hand one time and the deciding title match could be two out of the falls, last man standing or even an I quit matc. Who knows maybe just maybe this could elevate to the current Austin and rock as far as how they're received by the crowd.
You could have two top faces and more of an appreciation for reigns come out of this with neither turning heel. Just two competitive people trying to see who the best is and bring the best out of reach other. What do you think?
Your idea isn’t bad, but it’s not going to happen.

Right now in the WWE there is not a main heel. There’s a bunch of mid-card heels, but there is no current big bad because that was the role that Rollins had. To fill that void, there has to be a main heel. So if it does end up being Reigns and Ambrose for the title, you can almost bet the farm that one of them will be turning heel and probably joining the Authority. They might not do it at Survivor Series just because everybody is expecting it and they might want to throw people off, but it will happen.
Kevin Owens,bray wyatt and unfortunately shemus w/barret are your heels and possibly a return rusev w/Lana
Kevin Owens,bray wyatt and unfortunately shemus w/barret are your heels and possibly a return rusev w/Lana

None of them are main event heels and even more than that; none of them are ready to be main event heels. Well maybe Bray Wyatt is ready to be a main event heel, but that’s it. Still though, the WWE needs a big bad right now and whoever ends up being in the main event at Survivor Series, one will end up the being the big bad.
It's a good idea in theory but neither is over the way Rock v Austin was.

Ambrose is over but Reigns would get booed heavy in this feud.

The only way Reigns gets over Ambrose with the universe is if they do a 180 character change as well,have Ambrose become corporate Kane with suit and all.
Have him talk almost in William Regal dialect minus the accent.
I don't reckon the OP's idea is bad. It's quite decent actually. I had enjoyed the brief feud between Shawn Michaels and John Cena in Cena's early years as the WWE Champion. Everybody loved the matches they put on even if some of them were Triple Threat Matches, involving various opponents that includes Triple H, Edge and Kurt Angle.

Honestly, I have always been a fan of Face vs Face feuds. They both paying respect to each other and developing their storylines and their characters as well. So ultimately, when either of them turns heel at some point in their career, it'll be so hot.

An individual match or two yes, but an actual feud, what makes a feud ? Two people who both want the same thing and who go about vastly different means in competition with each other to get it. Two heroes , guys who play it straight, don't cheat, stay fair, where is the EXCITEMENT!!!!

This is soap opera guys, controversy sells!!! fans don't buy matches to see MATCHES they buy matches to see the culmination of the storyline. If the storyline is boring (and how many twists & turns can you create with two characters who both don't cheat or take short cuts ??) then fans don't buy the match. Its pretty simple.

Now if one the faces is a former (and well established) villain it is much easir to sell an individual match because there is the TEASE that he may turn and go back to being back to gain an edge of his hero opponent. Piper & Brett Hart, both VERY well known former heels who had gained popularity as faces BOTH teased potential turns in advance of their W-Mania 8 IC Title Match, THAT is what made it interesting. Fans were in tuned because of the tease through the storyline one of them was going to turn. WCW popped big ratings in 1993 & 1994 for Flair-Sting matches under a similar circumstance (no one thought Sting would turn but Flair might, especially since he was the defending champ both times and may have felt trapped by Sting, unable to beat him fairly and unwilling to lose without pulling out all the stops). As it was Flair stayed clean in 93 but did turn in 94 as a storyline device to introduce Hulk Hogan. Flair-Steamboat 94 was built on the same dynamic, the idea Flair MIGHT turn made it interesting watching two faces wrestle, even if he didn't (he did not) that tease is what drove interest in the match.

Unless you have that kind of dynamic simply having two faces feud would be would they fued, by never attacking one another, never cheap shotting each other, never saying anything bad about one another, wow.....that's awesome, wake me up when that is done!

The whole "mutual respect" thing is only good for maybe one payoff match, which isn't even a feud, its a quick PPV filler. Storylines need real antagonism between the parties to be interesting, typically driven by the unpredictable nature of the heel's dirty tactics and the suspense of seeing how the face will respond (if he can).

People didn't watch "Dallas" for 15 years because Bobby & JR were two well mannered good guys fairly competing for Ewing Oil, Bobby was a good guy, JR was often a cheating back stabbing snake, who pushed the limits of decency constantly to stay ahead of Bobby (who was forced to respond or be left in the dust).
I think the main reason why it wouldn't work today is that wwe likes to keep turning people so there are few real faces to do this with. Look at Hogan and HBK - they had to turn someone in their minds, couldn't just be 2 fan favorites going out there to see who was the best.

Depending on the setup, i think it would work but it would be a tough sell since as we know, wrestling isn't the most important thing in wwe anymore and for a real face vs face feud, it has to be about the wrestling - who is the best in the ring. We have seen face vs face matches that people loved and that is always what it went back to so if you were going to do a feud, you would almost need to do a 5 match series where each match was about something - submission match, ironman match, etc. I don't know if wwe can get the audience to care that much about wrestling again for more than a couple matches.
Trouble is that The Authority for story purposes needs its Champion which they lost in Rollins. For that purpose they need someone to feel in that void. So if its not Ambrose or Reigns its Sheamus, Owens or whatever guy that they have in mind. That could be done by anouncing some guy they support will go after Reigns or Ambrose after Survivor Series but Authority wouldnt be Authority if they have not meddle into everything. So for the storyline purposes you need some kind of swerve so you could put Authority into equation. :)

Otherwise have nothing against face vs face feuds if storyline is good. But you do need at least some kind of tension to build feuds. Thats why its better to have at least some kind of heel because almost nobody is interested to see 2 guys just fighting over title with praising eachother and shaking hands at the end. At least not for a long track. Heck, even Undertaker used heels moves against Brock(interupted his match, lowblowed him etc) eventhough most of the audience depicted him as face.
Rock vs Austin is a bad example to compare any feud to because they are basically the biggest stars in the history of pro wrestling. If you weren't around at the time, I was around 12 years old when they had their original runs, myself and all my friends that age loved Austin but our dads could also relate to him because he was a man's man who drank beer etc, so they might watch with us. The Rock was hugely popular - people who didn't necessarily watch wrestling knew his catchphrases and knew what a Rock Bottom was. Big face vs face matches only tend to work when it's two megastars - ie Rock vs Austin, Rock vs Cena, Michaels vs Undertaker.

The WWE is currently in a transitional phase where they have young talent but need to establish them in defined roles for the future. A face vs face feud doesn't really help advance Reigns or Ambrose, especially if Rollins comes back as a face himself, even if he doesn't he's likely to get a face pop upon his return and cheers. The audience really need someone to hate because that is what will push the guy playing babyface into stardom. Every hero needs a villain.
With the help of Triple H (the greatest heel of all time) Roman Reigns could have a very good career as a heel. He's got the look,he's got the ability, put him with a manager not that he needs it but look at what Paul Heyman did for Brock Lesner when he first came back and the crowd wanted to cheer him so bad. Paul came out while they kept him off tv and kept being annoying until they just hated lesner. Which in todays time it is cooler to like the heel than it is the baby face so its hard to have a main event heel. Triple H edge or randy orton back in 09 was probably the last best heel we have had.

Seth rollins doesn't have the heel look at all. They basically broke up a baby face stable and got the wrong guy to turn and made him a tried to make him a heel. The perfect thing would of been keeping the shield together And still forcing Roman Reigns down the universe throat and letting him win the Royal Rumble. After he won the Rumble they just kept going with that breaking the shield apart. Hell at one time Roman reigns was trying to be the number 1 face and he was getting booed out of the building. If they could of ran with that it would of been something special.
It's very possible that they go this way originally. The story writes itself; two best freinds (who we actually believe are best friends) ironically meet in the finals of a tournament to decide the next WWEWHC. After a very hard-fought victory, Reigns comes out on top with maybe some sort of distraction costing Dean the match. Afterwards, Dean's angry, Roman gives Dean a title shot, and you build from there. Ultimately somebody will likely turn, but they can really keep this thing going by doing face vs face for a couple months and than heel Ambrose vs face Roman for a while after.

If nobody was turning, this is probably the way I'd book it. Ambrose chasing, especially Roman, would probably lead to a ton of babyface momentum for him.

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