House of Representatives to force college football playoff


Excellence of Execution
Federal legislation that could lead to a college football playoff tournament will move a step closer to reality on Wednesday in a hearing before a subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will consider a bill that would allow the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to prohibit any bowl game from calling itself a "national championship" unless the game is "the final game of a single elimination post-season playoff system." The subcommittee is expected to vote on the proposal on Wednesday after a line-by-line consideration of the bill.

Written and sponsored by Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), the bill is a direct attack on the BCS and, if enacted, would bring the long simmering controversy over the BCS to an end. In a legislative process that is long and can be tortuous, the hearing is a significant step. This is the furthest any bill on the BCS controversy has ever progressed on Capitol Hill.

Well, that's good news. Despite soaring national deficit, unemployment and recession/depression, our government is intervening in college football. Glad to see they have their priorities straight.

With that said, if they are going to waste time on this, I hope it passes, because the longer the BCS runs the more ridiculous it proves itself.
I'm always wary about Congress and the like intervening in sports matter. You can say that the steroid hearings were good and bad at the same time. They have a contract for the BCS that ends in a couple of years so I don't think force is going to change that.
These things always make me shake my head. Does Congress have nothing better to do than this? Let the college football people figure it out, not some armchair quarterbacks that played around the turn of the 19th century.
I definitely share the same sentiments with you guys about Congress having bigger things to worry about, but at the very least, it would restore my interest in college football, as well as a lot of casual fans like myself.

Right now, all I really follow are my two favorite college football teams, Notre Dame and Boston College. Everyone who I follow and become a fan of in college football either wind up being colossal busts or don't make it to the NFL/nothing more than bench players. The whole Bowl system is something I've always found ridiculous as well. With a playoff system, my interest would be piqued once again.
You know what, that's why there's SUBCOMMITTEES! See, they can do this. Let them figure out a good way to solve this poor excuse of a BCS system and have a fair shake for the smaller schools. LOTS of money is generated from bowl games and the National Championship can bring a LOT of dough into smaller schools like TCU and Cincy.
The bowl games could still exist. The Cotton Bowl would make an excellent venue for a first round game, and the Fiesta Bowl would be a good Semi Final, etc.

The BCS will still exist, but it will be there to calculate the top 8 instead of the top two.

But yeah, 10% unemployment and this is what they're doing.
Meh, that's congress for ya. They haven't been very efficient since...well, ever.
Right, they wrote the Constitution and have be resting on their laurels ever since.
Actually, that was Thomas Jefferson that wrote the Constitution. [/sarcasm...I guess you call it sarcasm. Either way, I'm not serious.]
Meh, how much Federal money goes to funding all of these universities? Enough people have had there toes stepped on by the BCS Cartel that it's finally turning heads. If Tax Money goes to the schools, and the schools form the NCAA, then isn't it in Congress' juristiction?

Anyway, the BCS won't change, they would simply just remove National Champion and call the winner the BCS Champion, and not skip a beat.
Since, you know, we can't have a playoff (there students you know, oh and forgetting that every other sport in college has a playoff) it's nice to know that the NCAA is considering expanding March Madness to 96 teams. Won't they please think of the Children?

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