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Horrorfan's Random Wrestling Reviews


Dark Match Jobber
The best way to get to know me is to read my reviews/thoughts on wrestling. So unless there's a problem with it, I'll slowly add my wrestling reviews in this thread.

WWE Wrestlemania III
March 29, 1987

Can-Am Connection vs Don Muraco and 'Cowboy' Bob Orton w/ Mr Fuji
The Can-Am Connection is Tom "The Future Z-Man" Zenk and Rick "The Future Model" Martel. Zenk and Martel starts off with some nice double team moves. Zenk and Orton trades Full Nelsons which is a terrible idea seeing what match is next. Muraco accidentally back body drops Orton. The faces hit a Rock 'N' Roll Express-like double dropkick on Muraco. Martel hits a running crossbody on Muraco and Muraco trips on Zenk (School boy) which allows Martel to pick up the pin for his pin. Commentator, Jesse Ventura calls foul since Can-Am were in the ring for longer than 5 seconds. A nice little match to start things out. The crowd was pretty hot for the match. I don't recall there being any build for this match, however; this had two major purposes. The WWE had major plans for the Can-Am Connection (Before Zenk left and Tito came in to form Strike Force) and there would be more problems between Muraco and Orton which would lead to Muraco turning face. 6 Minutes. 2 1/2 Stars.

Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules w/ Bobby Heenan - Full Nelson Challenge
Long before Chris Masters came onto the scene, the full nelson at one time was a major deal. These two wrestled a little in '86, but once Hercules started using Haynes' Full Nelson, a full on feud began. Billy Jack Haynes looks a lot like a thin Dr Death Steve Williams. These days he looks like Tugboat. Both guys goes nose to nose before the fight. Billy Jack tries to go for the Full Nelson early on, but Hercules gets to the ropes. Herc is in control for a few minutes until a double closeline. Billy Jack takes over and the match drags on a bit. Herc with a Full Nelson, but isn't able to lock the fingers. Billy Jack tries the Full Nelson now and is able to lock the fingers. Herc is able to pull Haynes to the ropes and both men fall out of the ring. Before Herc can get back in the ring, Haynes locks in the Full Nelson again. Neither man is able to get back in the ring before the 10 count and we get a double CO. Post match has Hercules busting Haynes open with his chain. For two power wrestlers, the match wasn't all that bad. The finish was disappointing, but I enjoyed Hercules post match beating. Haynes looked like a surefire main eventer, but for whatever reason, he would leave soon after this match. Hercules of course deserved a bigger push than the one he got. 8 Minutes. 2 Stars.

Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver and The Haiti Kid vs King Kong Bundy, Lord Littlebrook and Little Tokyo
Everyone except Bundy and Jim are midgets. The Haiti Kid is best remembered for his head shaving from Roddy Piper and Orton on The Piper's Pit. We get some midget double teaming. Bundy is tagged in to wrestle Jim, but Little Beaver likes taking cheap shots on Bundy, that jerk. Pick on someone your own size. :mad: Bundy gets alone with Little Beaver and he gets his revenge with a big Elbow on the little bully. All 3 midgets gets in the ring to try and help their little pal. Hillbilly Jim carries Little Beaver out of the ring and leaves with the other 3 midgets. God, that sounds like the start of some joke. A hillbilly and 3 midgets go to a bar...Anyways, lesson learned in this match: Don't trust midgets. They will either take cheap shots on you or will turn on you. Bundy squashing Beaver makes this memorable and entertaining. Seeing how I was smiling the whole time, I'll bump the rating up some. 5 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

The Junkyard Dog vs King Harley Race w/ Queen Moolah and Jimmy Hart - Lower must bow match
These two have been wrestling ever since Race came into the WWF in '86. JYD believes that there shouldn't be a king. Race wants JYD to bow like he should. Race bumps all around for JYD to make this match somewhat entertaining. Jimmy Hart distracts JYD some to give Race time to heal up. Dog turns around right into a nice Belly-to-belly suplex to win the match. Post match has JYD bowing, but then attacking Race. JYD leaves with Race's robe. Even with Race long past his prime, he's still better than most wrestlers in the company. JYD was pretty terrible at times and this is no different. Personally, I would of replaced JYD with Tito Santana in this match. You would still have the minority going against the slightly racist King Race, but with Santana being in his prime, this would be so much better. I really wish Race would of gotten more moves in though. He literally had the belly-to-belly and that was it. They at least kept it short though. 3 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Rougeau Brothers vs The Dream Team w/ Johnny Valiant and Dino Bravo
The Dream Team were Brutus "Soon to be The Barber" Beefcake and Greg Valentine. Last year they put on the match of the night against the Bulldogs. The Rougeau's were still faces. These two teams were putting on some quality matches in 1986 including at The Big Event (Bad name, but pretty good show). Sadly, the commentators aren't even talking about the match and this is nothing more a piss break right before the first major match. Jacques and Raymond hits some nice moves though. Finish comes when Rougeau's hit their finisher (a top rope Lou Thesz Press), but Dino Bravo runs in and stops it when the ref was distracted. The Dream Team picks up the win. Post match has Brutus acting confused as to why Dino did this (I thought Brutus was a heel? >_> ). His partners have enough and just leaves without him. While this match seems unmemorable, which it was, the post match would be very memorable. With that, the Dream Team was disbanded, the New Dream Team (Valentine and Bravo) were created and Brutus was now a tweener. Sadly, I wish they would of made more of an effort into putting this match over though. 4 Minutes. 2 Stars.

Adrian Adonis w/ Jimmy Hart vs Roddy Piper - Hair vs Hair Match
This match had been in the building stages ever since Piper turned face. This match also has the benefit of being Piper's final match ever. Monsoon reminds us that win, lose or draw, it will be his final match. A full decade before Hogan started doing it, Piper uses his belt to hit Adonis. Adonis returns the favour though. Big Flair bump by Adonis to the outside. Jimmy Hart tries to get involved, but Piper throws him around the ring. Jimmy would continue to get involved during the course of the match. Goodnight Irene (The Sleeper) by Adonis. Jimmy is jumping outside of the ring with the hedgeclippers. That can't be safe. >_> Piper is fading out. Adonis thinks he won it so he let go of the submission. Out from the back comes Brutus Beefcake to wake Piper up. Gasp...Beefcake is a face now~! Beefcake runs his future manager (1993) out of the ring to make it one-on-one again. Adonis grabs the clippers to hit Piper, but Piper moves out of the way. The classic Rock/Angle spot of hitting the top rope with a chair and having it hit them in the face is done here with the clippers. That could of been a nasty botch had Adonis not been careful. That allows Piper to lock in his Sleeper and put Adonis to sleep to win the match. Post-match has Piper holding back Hart while Brutus shaves Adonis' head. This was sports entertainment at it's best. Very little "wrestling", but such a fun show these 3 (Hart was just as much involved as the wrestlers) put on. The match was also ahead of it's time doing spots that would be done hundreds of times in the future. At this point in his career, Adonis was at his worst for being in shape. But what separates Adonis from all the other out of shape wrestlers (Chris Harris anyone?) is that he could still work. The guy was such a good worker that even out of shape, he could put on a good match. As far as what happens after this event, Adonis would stick around in the WWF for a few more months before heading back to the AWA. He would join up with Paul Dangerous and his Dangerous Alliance. Sadly, Adonis would die a year and a half after this event. Brutus Beefcake went into this show as a heel tag team wrestler. He would leave as a face and would now have the gimmick that would make him one of the more over faces in the company. In addition to that, he now had a brand new finisher, The Sleeper. As for Piper, this would end up being his final match ever. 7 Minutes. 3 1/2 Stars.

Jesse Ventura heads down to the ring to be introduced to the fans. Gorilla plugs Ventura's new movie, Predator. To think 15 years later, the WWE would be plugging such movies as Blade III, See No Evil, The Marine and other terrible flicks. Ventura and Roddy Piper would both have really good films coming out within the next year (Predator and They Live).

The Hart Foundations and Danny Davis w/ Jimmy Hart vs The British Bulldogs and Tito Santana
Danny Davis was a former referee for the WWF. Back in early 1986, he was the assigned ref to the Tito Santana/Randy Savage IC title match in the Boston Garden. That was the match where Savage cheated to win the match. Jump ahead to early 1987 and The Bulldogs defended the tag titles against The Harts. Since Dynamite Kid was injured, they did a storyline where the Harts jumped Dyno before the match. Danny Davis would come under fire for starting the match even though Dynamite Kid would be out cold for practically the entire match. Harts won the match. Because of those actions and others, WWF President Jack Tunney suspended Danny Davis for life as a referee. Jimmy and the Harts then offered Davis a spot in the Hart Foundation. So now, the banned referee was the wrestling referee. And since Dynamite was still hurt, they made the 6 man tag so that he wouldn't have to do too much. Tito Santana works the match for the early part. Once Dyno comes in, he goes on the defense selling for everyone. The story of this match was that Davis would only get in the ring if the legal man was down. Dyno knees Davis to tag in Santana. Santana beats the hell out of Davis. Tag to Davey Boy Smith. Tombstone Piledriver~! Davey with a Running Powerslam has the pin broken up by Neidhart. All 6 man are in the ring fighting. In all of the commotion, Jimmy Hart throws in the megaphone to Davis. Smith goes down from the megaphone hit. Davis covers and gets the win for his team. A surprising finish since the tag titles weren't on the line. Good booking throughout the match though. They worked around Dyno's injury well. Had Dyno been healthy and we would of gotten another Bulldogs vs Harts match, it could of easily made this a huge 3 match card that people would remember. But, for what it was, it was good. Always great to see the Tombstone used before Taker. 9 Minutes. 3 Stars.

Koko B. Ware vs Butch Reed w/ Slick
Let's be honest, this is nothing more than a piss break. But it's not totally useless, this was a way to help push Butch Reed who the WWF had big plans for in '87. Reed wins while grabbing the tights. Post-match has Tito Santana running down and attacking Reed and ripping Slick's suit apart. How about that, they made this match have some purpose after all. These two had been feuding before the PPV with Slick using his pimp cane to hurt Santana. Had Dyno been healthy enough to wrestle in a tag match, I'm guessing we would of saw Santana vs Reed. 4 Minutes. 1 Star.

Randy Savage (c) w/ Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Steamboat w/ George Steel - WWF IC Title Match
This feud started during an IC Title match where Savage injured Steamboat's throat with a ring bell and the guard rail. Steel and Savage had been feuding over Elizabeth since last WM. I can only assume he's out there to make sure Savage doesn't cheat and not to make sure the tiny Elizabeth doesn't cost Steamboat the match. Now, do I really need to go into detail about this match? If you want to know what happens in the match, find a copy of the match. But just a quick sum up of the match: the match starts off slow with both men being thrown out of the ring a lot. Savage tries reinjuring the throat of Steamboat. Near the end, a near record amount of 2 counts. Ref bump with Savage using it as a chance to use the ring bell exactly as he did to hurt Steamboat. Steel grabs the bell, but Savage kicks him to get it back. Steel pushes him off of the top rope. The ref recovers to see Savage getting up to bodyslam Steamboat, but Steamboat rolls through with a small package. With that, Ricky is the new IC champion. This match really needs to be watched by all fans who wants to be a wrestler. It really shows that you don't need an hour to put on a wrestling classic. This match was just a perfect blend of backstory, psychology, exciting near falls and a creative (At the time) finish. A goal of a match shouldn't be to make it long. You should go out there, do everything you need to do and get out. That's why when I watch matches like Hunter vs Michaels HIAC, I'm wondering what was going on in their heads to think that 50 minutes was smart. This match wasn't supposed to be the huge hit it became. As far as importance leading up to the show, he was behind the Hair vs Hair match and almost on the level of JYD vs Race. But through the course of the match, Savage and Steamboat sucked the fans into the match. As a result, this is easily the second biggest match from this show. The only bad thing about all this is that with such a huge match, it overshadows everything else Steamboat did during this run in the WWF. The guy had a great IC title feud with Greg Valentine and a ruthless feud with Don Muraco prior to the Savage classic. Hopefully the upcoming Steamboat DVD will show case those some. Anyways, this is one of the matches that any fan needs to see. 17 Minutes. 5 Stars.

Jake Roberts w/ Alice Cooper vs Honky Tonk Man w/ Jimmy Hart
"And the award to the two most unlucky guys goes to..." Honestly, how would you like to try to follow up that match? This was actually an important feud for both men. Both came into the WWF in 1986, but in opposite roles. Jake was a heel while HTM was a face. Both started to turn around the same time. IIRC, this would be both man's first feud in their new alignment. The feud started on Jake's talk show, The Snake Pit. HTM smashed a guitar over the head of Roberts. To even the odds, Jake brings in Detroit's own, Alice Cooper. A lot of punching in the match. Like the fans, it's really hard to get into this match. End comes when Jake goes for the DDT, but Hart interferes causing the distraction. HTM wins with a school boy pin. Post-match has Jake and Cooper harassing Hart with Damien. Terrible card placement. Granted, the WWF didn't think Savage/Steamboat would be as good as it was, but putting an important match like this after it killed whatever greatness it could of been. I'd recommend watching this match on Jake's DVD. With it just being a random match, it flows so much more nicely. That being said, it's still not that good of a match. 8 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik w/ Slick vs The Killer Bees
Before the match, Volkoff sings the Russian National Anthem. Jim Duggan makes his PPV debut running down and interrupting it sending the heels running. Duggan doesn't like hearing the Russian Anthem. Duggan says this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Hmm...if this was the land of the free, than why can't Volkoff sing his fucking anthem? >_> The Killer Bees were a fairly talented team. At the end of the match, The Sheik locks in the Camel Clutch on Brunzell. In his infamous shoot interviews, Sheik says that Blair was lucky he didn't fuck him in the ass during the move to make him humble. Problem is that he never did the Camel Clutch to Blair. Duggan for no real reason chases Slick and Volkoff around the ring with his 2x4. Volkoff rolls in the ring and Duggan follows. Duggan notices the Camel Clutch so he hits Sheik with the 2x4 drawing the DQ. Ugh. None of Duggan's actions made any sense and it just made him look like a complete dumbass. Sadly, Duggan really drags this match down. Had Duggan not been involved at all, this would of been a nice little unknown gem of WM 3. But with him involved, it's a disappointing match with a terrible finish. 6 Minutes. 2 Stars.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Andre the Giant w/ Bobby Hennan - WWF World Title Match
Yeah, I never heard of this match match either. This began years ago as Hogan and Andre were BFF. Once Heenan realized that his men couldn't beat Hogan for the title, he went to his old rival, Andre. Weeks to months, Heenan kept talking in Andre's ear saying how he wasn't getting the respect he deserves. Finally, when Andre won an award and Hogan was out doing all of the talking, Andre left Piper's Pit (where the award was presented). The next week he returned with Bobby Heenan to challenge Hogan. Match starts with Hogan hitting a few punches and goes for a bodyslam. He's unable to life him and Andre falls on him getting a long 2 count. Jesse thinks Andre won. Once Andre returned in Nov, they would air that moment many times trying to say he did win and thus deserved a rematch. Hogan sells the back for the rest of the match. Andre does the unthinkable and is in total control for most of the match. Even more impressive is that Andre doesn't even look like he's trying. Hulkamania may finally die?! On the outside, Andre misses a headbutt and nails the ring post. Hogan uses that time to pull back the mats on the outside revealing the concrete...err wood platform. Hogan goes to piledrive Andre on the wood. Fuck. :O Hogan to no surprise is unable to because of his back and because Andre is 500 FUCKING POUNDS. Back inside, Andre locks in a mighty bearhug. Hogan looks out of it. The ref brings his arm up, it drops. 1~! The ref brings the arm up again and it drops. 2~! The ref repeats and the arm drops once again 3~! Wait...3?! The ref raises Hogan's arm up one last time hoping that Hogan suddenly remembers how to count and Hogan doesn't let it fall this time. In all the times I've watched this match, I never noticed Hogan's botch. Hulk begins to Hulk Up and closeline Andre. Andre for the first time in the match is down on the mat. Hogan feeds off of the crowd and bodyslams Andre successfully. Hitting the ropes and the legdrop and Hogan has done the impossible by beating Andre. For 3 years, Hogan has never taken such a punishment. This is the ultimate superman come back really launched Hogan into God-like superstardom. While Steamboat vs Savage is the 5 star for the smark crowd, this was 5 star for the marks. THIS is what pro wrestling is about. It's not about how many moves you do or whatever, it's about creating a moment which hooks the fans for the entire time. This match does that. This match would also be the first true "Wrestlemania" level main event. More importantly, it's a perfect ending to an incredible WM. 12 Minutes. 4 Stars.

Let's see...this show has one of the greatest matches in US history along with the biggest match in US history. Everything else is just a bonus. This was the first WM where they really put effort into making it be about feuds instead of half random matches. Even the time fillers/piss breaks have something of value in them. Whether it's a face turn or interference to create a new feud. There isn't a match on the card that doesn't have some meaning. Granted there were some disappointments such as that terrible finish of the last tag match. But you get two insanely great matches and a few other good ones. This makes it more than passable.

Best Match: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat
Worst Match: Butch Reed vs Koko B. Ware

Overall Grade: A
WWE Wrestlemania VI
April 1, 1990

Koko B. Ware vs Rick 'The Model' Martel
Martel and former partner, Tito Santana had just ended their year long feud just in time so that neither man had a feud going into this PPV. Smart booking eh? For some reason, Slick isn't with Martel. I'm fairly sure that Slick joined up with Martel after WM 5 and stayed with him until late 1990. Maybe I'm wrong though. Martel is doing a lot of heel tactics while Koko does his standard selling. Koko is thrown to the outside and nearly hits the stand that Frankie (The bird) was on. Back inside, Martel locks in the Boston Crab (Or for you WCW fans, the Montreal Crab), but Koko makes it to the ropes. Martel tries to his Koko's head on the turnbuckle, but once again, rule number 1 of wrestling states that all African Americans and Islanders have very thick heads. Koko headbutts Martel. Martel ducks a flying cross body and locks in the Boston Crab again. Koko gives up and Martel wins his first (And last) singles Wrestlemania match. Nothing special here. Koko was a JTTS while Martel would drift in and out of being a serious midcard heel. Without any build, this match is extremely forgettable. At least the right man won. 6 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Backstage, Bobby Heenan and his tag team champions, The Colossal Connection, plug their next match. I gotta admit, the Colossal Connection is a pretty badass name.

Elsewhere, Sean Mooney interviews Demolition. Ax wants to cut down the big tree that is Andre while Smash wants to push the champs off of a cliff. Mooney points out the obvious that it sounds like more like a demolition derby than a wrestling match.

The Colossal Connection (c) w/ Bobby Hennan vs Demolition - Tag Team Titles Match
The Colossal Connection are Haku and Andre the Giant in case you're wondering. Looking back at '89, I'm assuming that the original Tag Team Titles match was Demolition vs The Brainbusters. However, once Tully failed a drug test and Arn went back to WCW, the WWE needed a new top heel team. The easiest thing to do was to take fellow Heenan family members, Haku and Andre and have them replace the Busters. In December '89, Haku and Andre defeated Demolition for the tag team titles. Since then, both teams had been fighting. With Andre in no condition to wrestle, Haku is in the match the entire time. However, Andre gets in a few cheap shots now and then to Ax to help make it believable that the match is as long as it is. Haku misses a kick and nails Andre. Andre is tied up in the ropes as Demolition hits their finisher (Elbow/backbreaker combo) to win back their tag titles. Post-match has Bobby Heenan yelling at Andre until finally slapping Andre. Uh oh. Andre slaps Heenan around and blocks another side kick from Haku. Haku and Hennan tries to flee by going on the Wrestlemania cart (Which I loved and I wish they did more often), but Andre throws them off forcing his former allies to walk to the back. They worked around Andre's health condition the best they could. Haku was talented enough to hold the match together on his end while Andre at least had some involvement. Andre turning on Heenan got some nice pop and is the thing that is most remembered for the match. Better than it should have been, but a huge step down from what Demolition vs Brainbusters would of been. 10 Minutes. 2 Stars.

Backstage, Earthquake jumps around and yells at Hercules. 'Quake had very stereotypical "I'm going to yell in a deep voice about how I'm going to beat you up" mic skills.

Hercules vs Earthquake w/ Jimmy Hart
The only background I can think of for this match was Hercules was one of the strongest man in the WWE, while Earthquake was quickly becoming one of the more feared. Hercules tries going power for power, but he's no matched for the formerly known Canadian Earthquake. Herc hurts his back once he tries for the Back Breaker (Torture Rack). It's all 'Quake after that. A big elbow gives way for the Earthquake Splash to get Earthquake his first Wrestlemania victory. Fun little fact, Earthquake was undefeated at Wrestlemania with a record of 4-0. Sadly, that's the only fun thing about this match. This was nothing more than a way of making Quake look good on his way to feuding with Hulk Hogan later on in the year. Having it be power vs power was just asking for the match to be terrible. Booking Earthquake against someone like Tito Santana would of had much better results. Luckily for Hercules, his career would temporary be revitalized when he turned heel in the summer to join up with Paul Roma to form Power and Glory. 5 Minutes. 1 Star.

Mr Perfect w/ The Genius vs Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake
This feud stemmed from the earlier Genuis/Beefcake feud. Once it was obvious that the Genius was no match for Beefcake, Perfect stepped in to help out his less than perfect little buddy. Brutus starts off the match by throwing Perfect all around the ring. Hennig is overselling everything. Every turnbuckle whip is making him bounce feet away. By time Hennig took over, I already lost interest because of that. Perfect hits his trademark neck whip (Not sure what it's really called). Brutus bodyslams Hennig and catapults him to the turnbuckle. Perfect takes a Slaughter bump and Beefcake with the school boy pin gets the win. Post-match has Beefcake cutting what's left of The Genius' hair (He already cut most at the Royal Rumble) while Hennig just walked away. I don't know whether Hennig was just trying to overcompensate for working with a poor worker that Beefcake was, but the overselling killed this match. Up until this point, Hennig was undefeated. The WWE had planned on keeping the feud going through to the summer with Brutus winning the IC title off of Perfect, but once fate intervened and Brutus was injured, it stopped the feud for good. That just makes it even worse seeing how Hennig's first defeater was gone in a few months. 8 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Backstage, Mean Gene is with Roddy Piper. Roddy unveils Hot Scot, which is just the black painted half of his body. As for why Piper painted half of his body black, I think the generally regarded answer is that Piper is crazy and there is no real reason.

Bad News Brown vs Roddy Piper
This started off at the Royal Rumble when Piper eliminated Brown. Upset about his elimination, BNB closelined Piper out of the ring. Both men would brawl to the back. Simple, yet I like it. They pick up right where they left off at the Rumble with some brawling...a lot of brawling. Okay, in reality, the whole match is just one big brawl. Outside of the ring, they brawl some more until the ref counts them out. Post-match has them...you guessed it, brawling some more to the back. As much as I liked Bad News, a lot of his WWE PPV matches were the same. A lot of brawling and a lot of Countouts. This was a fun brawl, but in realty, you don't pay money to see the same exact thing you got at the previous PPV. After this, BNB would start a feud with Jake Roberts for the summer. IIRC, the match is virtually the same, but with Boss Man being ref, Roberts somehow won. 7 Minutes. 3/4 Star.

Backstage in the men's restroom, entertainer, Steve Allen harasses The Bolsheviks by not playing the Russian National Anthem.

The Bolsheviks vs The Hart Foundation
The Bolsheviks were the talented Nikolai Volkoff and the equally untalented Boris Zhukov. Before the show, The Harts had challenged the Tag Team Champions (Whomever they may be) to a future title shot. Just by that alone, I don't like the chances of the Russians. Volkoff sings the Russian National Anthem before the match, only to be jumped by the Harts. Volkoff is thrown out of the ring and Zhukov is given the Hart Attack finisher to give the Hart Foundation the quick victory. Poor Boris didn't even take his jacket off. Squash. Nothing more than another boost for the Harts on their way to the summer feud with Demolition. As talented as The Harts were, don't even bother putting them on the PPV, if they're only going to be on for less than a minute. 1 Minute. 1/4 Star.

Tito Santana vs The Barbarian w/ Bobby Heenan
This would be the first major match for The Barbarian after joining up with Heenan after being with Mr Fuji for a year and a half (More on that later). Barbarian is still wearing his Powers of Pain gear though. Tito tries flying around to avoid the power of The Barbarian. Tito hits his finisher, The Flying Forearm. That only gets 2 when Bobby Heenan puts Barb's foot on the bottom rope. Santana gets choked by the top rope when Barbarian ducks a rollup. Barbarian finishes Santana with a killer top rope closeline. The closeline was dare I say, Nigel quality in looking deadly. Another match with the sole purpose of making someone look good on their way of either a push or a new direction. Sadly, Santana was becoming a JTTS. A bit sloppy at times, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for it though. I wish Barb would of used his Top Rope Headbutt though. I still can't understand why they didn't book Santana vs Martel. Given only 5 minutes, it would of been a lot of fun, meanwhile, Koko could of jobbed to Barbarian no problem. 6 Minutes. 2 Stars.

Backstage, Dusty Rhodes promises to reveal the Crown Jewel. Holy shit...Jimmy Rave at Wrestlemania?!!!!!11?!1

Randy Savage and Sherri vs Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire w/ Miss Elizabeth - Mixed Tag Match
This would be the very first mixed tag in WWE history. And sadly they wasted Randy Savage (Aka Mr last year's world champion in it.) This feud had been going on since the Royal Rumble when all four had a fight on the Brother Love Show. Before the match, Dusty brings down the crown jewel, Miss Elizabeth. From the very beginning, Dusty and Sapphire are cheating more than the heels. Once the heels start cheating, Gorilla Monsoon has a problem with it. Sapphire uses her ass to shove Sherri down again and again. Miss Elizabeth grabs Sherri's hair and pushes her to trip over Sapphire. Sapphire picks up the pin. Well, they were at least smart enough to have Sherri be in this. With Sapphire being as over as she was, Sherri could use her experience and help provide a few memorable moments. Besides that, there's nothing really to write about. Your typical mixed tag except for the fact that the fans really care. Frankly, I'm surprised they're not asleep by now after this kind of show. 8 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Intermission time.

Backstage, celeb guest, Rhona Barrett implies that Jesse Ventura has a sex tape. Of course being that this was 1990, she couldn't use those words.

Elsewhere in the building, Hulk Hogan promises to look after The Ultimate Warriors fans after he beats Warrior. The Power is in the hand.

Elsewhere elsewhere in the building, The Ultimate Warrior shoves Sean Mooney out of the camera angle saying that Mooney isn't important enough to breathe the same air. Poor Mooney. :lol: Warrior cuts one of his more famous promos where he repeats the name, "Hulk Hogan" a good dozen times. He's going to unite all of Hogan and his fans together as one. Aww.

The Rockers vs The Orient Express w/ Mr Fuji
Let's look back at Mr Fuji from '88 to now. He was the manager of the tag team champions, Demolition until ditching them at Survivor Series '88 to go with Powers of Pain. Powers of Pain never won the tag titles, but they were always a top team. Weeks before WM 6, Fuji sold The Warlord to Slick and Barbarian to Bobby Heenan. Why did he do such a thing? Because he had a brand new team of The Orient Express. This version of the Orient Express (Sato and Pat Tanaka) never won the tag titles and were never real challengers to the titles. Nice downgrade Fuji. Tanaka backbody drops Jannetty, but Jannetty lands on his feet. Nice. Sato does abosutely nothing in the match. In fact, Tanaka was in the ring for several minutes before Sato is tagged in. Sato twists Marty's arm for a few seconds and then tags back out. Later on, Tanaka is back body dropped by Michaels. Tanaka was awesome at bumping though. So he's able to help make this semi-entertaining. Mr Fuji distracts Marty with his cane. With Jannetty distracted, Sato throws salt in Marty's eyes. Marty can't see and falls over into the fans. The ref counts Jannetty out giving The Orient Express their only win on PPV. Not nearly as good as their Royal Rumble match, but considering the WWE got smart and had Paul Diamond put on a mask and team with his old partner, Tanaka as the new Orient Express, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Compared to the rest of this PPV, this is fairly good. The finish hurts the match though. It doesn't help either that Gorilla Monsoon used the word lethargic during the commentating. 8 Minutes. 2 1/2 Stars.

Jim Duggan vs Dino Bravo w/ Jimmy Hart and Earthquake
Showing his intelligence, Duggan chants "U-S-A" on the way to the ring. The Toronto crowd actually boos him. This can't be a good sign for this match. Mindless wrestling until Jimmy Hart throws in the 2x4 to Bravo, but Duggan grabs it first. One 2x4 shot later, Duggan wins this forgettable match. Post-match has Earthquake hitting the Earthquake Splash a few times. Uh...didn't we already see this earlier? Pointless time filler that it's only memorable part was a repeat from earlier. God, this PPV sucks. 4 Minutes. 3/4 Star.

Backstage, Jake Roberts cuts perhaps his best promo ever.

Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil vs Jake Roberts - Million Dollar Title Match
What's this? A match with a backstory? Couldn't be. Dibiase had injured Roberts last year. A few months ago, Roberts stole the Million Dollar Title and kept it in Damien's bag. This feud has actually been in the works since May '89. Which I have to wonder, how is it that the WWE is able to put on a match which has been building for nearly 10 months, yet has so many no build matches? Sadly, the crowd has a hard time getting into this after such a depressing show thus far. They resort to doing the wave to entertain themselves. What makes it sad is that they're actually missing a damn fine match. Jake keeps trying the DDT with Dibiase narrowly escaping each time. Jake misses a knee lift and falls in a great looking spot. Dibiase is in control from then on. Million Dollar Dream almost gets Ted the win, but Jake wakes up. Short-armed closeline to Ted (Set up to the DDT). Virgil pulls Dibiase out of the ring. Dibiase locks in the Dream outside of the ring, but Jake rams his head in the post. An out of it Dibiase is shoved back in the ring by Virgil to win by count out. Post-match sees Jake DDT'ing Dibiase, giving away some of Ted's 100 bucks (One of which went to Mary Tyler Moore) and gets out Damien. Virgil gets Ted out of the ring before Jake can do anything though. A great old fashion match. Had this been placed earlier in the card, the crowd would of been so much more into it. The finish is completely unneeded since we've already seen a couple count outs. Nice change of pace from the complete trash the PPV was delivering up until now. 12 Minutes. 3 1/4 Stars.

Backstage, The Slickster and Akeem talks about the monnneeyyyyy.

Elsewhere, Boss Man doesn't mind he's poor, but he refuses to take bribes.

The Big Boss Man vs Akeem w/ Slick
For a couple of years, Boss Man and Akeem were tag team partners. However, earlier in the year when Ted Dibiase tried to pay them to help him out, Boss Man refused. This lead to the split with Boss Man turning face. On the way to the ring, Boss Man is attacked by Ted Dibiase, who was still out ring side. Bodyslammed on the outside and thrown back in before the match even begins. Akeem powers Boss Man for most of the match. Boss Man catches Akeem with the Boss Slam out of no where to win the match. So this match actually has a backstory, but it gets less time than most of the matches? God, what was even the point of this? They would have a rematch on SNME later on in the month where it went longer than this. Pathetic. 2 Minutes. 3/4 Star.

Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine comes out to the ring in a pink Cadillac driven by DDP to sing their new song. Valentine now has dyed black hair to look like Johnny Cash. In reality, Valentine looks very uncomfortable in this bomb of a new gimmick. Post song has The Bushwackers clearing ring and destroying the instruments.

Rick Rude w/ Bobby Hennan vs Jimmy Snuka
These two wrestled on opposite teams at the Survivor Series. Snuka imitates Rude's pose several times. Snuka misses a middle rope splash. Rude with the Rude Awakening scores the win. Short and painless. This was yet another match to help build up someone. Rude would be wrestling for the World Title real soon. For a Snuka match, this was pretty good though. Nothing special, but I at least was entertained. 4 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior - Title vs Title Match
With Zeus out, The Warrior was now pushed in the main event. These two had a legendary meeting during the Royal Rumble match that caused the fans to go apeshit. After that, they had sever run ins mostly by helping each other when Earthquake attacked them. Each time, they teased an attack. Really now, with Hogan vs Warrior, you didn't need some huge backstory. The crowd is fully awake and loud during the entire match. Warrior shoves Hogan in the corner. Oooohhhh. Hogan shoves Warrior in the corner. Oooohhh. Test of strength has Warrior winning at first until Hogan gets Warriors on his knees. They're barely doing anything, but the crowd is very loud. Warrior hits the rope, but Hogan doesn't move from a shoulder block. Hogan repeats, but Warrior doesn't move. Some crisscrossing with Hogan bodyslamming Warrior. Warrior no sells. More crisscrossing with Warrior bodyslamming Hogan. Hogan shows some pain. Oooohhh. Warrior closelines Hogan out of the ring. Hogan appears to have injured his knee. Warrior does the smart thing and kicks at Hogan's leg on the outside. Back inside the ring, Hogan hobbles around as they take turns raking each others eyes. Hogan stops selling the leg (Personally, I like the theory of Hogan faking it so that he could get out of the ring and escape Warrior for a bit) and hits an 8 count of punches in the corner. Hogan with the small package (Well how about that?) on Warrior gets two. Hogan locks in a side headlock. Belly to back Suplex by Hogan. Jesse greatly talks about how this is a wear down hold and will help in the latter portions of the match. Warrior powers out of it and they double closeline each other. Back up, Hogan tries punching Warrior, but Warrior is in his Warrior mood (Basically, Hulking up) so he no sells everything. Warrior hits some closelines and a Belly to Back Suplex to get a 2 count. Warrior locks in a bearhug. Hogan seems to be out of it, but wakes up before the 3. Hogan powers out of it. Warrior hits the ropes and accidentally hits the ref with a flying shoulderblock. O snap. Warrior heads to the top rope twice to nail some Double Ax Handles. Warrior goes for another running shoulder block, but Hogan moves out of the way and Warrior tastes mat. Hogan covers...1...2...3...4...5...the ref is still down. Hogan doesn't know what to do and doesn't see Warrior coming up behind him. Warrior suplexes Hogan. 1...2...3...4..5....finally the ref wakes up to start counting, but Hogan kicks out at 2. Warrior is thrown out of the ring and Hogan smartly goes after him. Back inside, Warrior hits another closelines and presses Hogan. Big Splash by Warrior. ONE....Two...NO Hogan kicked out. I don't believe anyone had kicked out of Warrior's finishing move before. Hulk starts Hulking Up. Hogan shakes his finger at Warrior and hits the Big Boot. The Legdrop is missed. Warrior hits the ropes and nails another Splash on Hogan. One...Two...THREE. Warrior wins after two splashes. Post-match has Hogan giving Warrior the belt as the celebrations begins. Easily, one of the biggest and best WM matches at this point. Both men did a great job of using their own movessets, yet being entertaining enough to make the fans care every minute. The biggest mistake the WWE ever did was not doing a rematch. Everything was there for one. Hogan had Warrior beat. Warrior never kicked out of Hogan's finisher. Hogan kicked out of Warrior's finisher the first time. But for whatever reason, they never pulled the trigger. To this day, the only WM main events that can really compare to this in how big it is is Hogan vs Andre and Austin vs Rock (WM 17). Easily, a top 10 WM match ever. 23 Minutes. 4 1/2 Stars.

It's funny how one match can give fans such a false sense of reality about a show. This show had one great match, one good one, one decent one and the rest was pure trash. It wasn't even well booked trash for the most part. Too many count outs, too many zero backstory matches and too many time filler matches. This was a sign of the times though. 1990 was a huge set down in every PPV compared to 1989. 1990 had a grand total of 3 (!) MOTYC quality matches (Warrior/Hogan, RR Match, and Harts vs Demolition 2/3 Falls). That's down right pathetic. With Hogan vs Warrior out on several DVDs, this show is totally missable. If you can though, try hunting down Jake Roberts promo and the match.

Best Match: The Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan
Worst Match: Bolsheviks vs Hart Foundation

Overall Grade: D+
WWE Summerslam
August 28, 1989

The Brainbusters (c) w/ Bobby Hennan vs Hart Foundation - Non Titles Match
This match was signed before the Busters defeated Demolition for the tag titles. Since it was already signed, but Busters didn't need to defend the titles against the Harts. Tully and Bret starts it off with the Harts in control. Arn is tagged in and the Busters try a double team move on Bret, but he backflips out of it. Nice move. The Harts work over Tully for most of the match. Arn keeps trying to be tagged in, but ref Joey Marella keeps stopping it. Since when doesn't a tag count when you tag the foot? If a blind tag to the back counts, why not other parts? Jesse Ventura is infuriated by Marella's bias. Tully hits the ropes, but Bret gives a kick to him. Harts are in full heel mode for a change. Arn is finally tagged in. The Busters work over Anvil until Bret comes in and we get a 4 man brawl. Jim and Arn are on the outside while Bret and Tully are in the inside. Bret whips Tully to the opposite ropes and slingshots Anvil from the apron inside the ring to hit a shoulderblock on a returning Tully. Another nice move. Anvil gets Bret a reverse bodyslam onto Tully. The ref is distracted though and Arn hits a double ax handle to Bret. Arn rolls Tully out, covers his head and pins Bret in the middle of the ring. Outstanding match. I'm not quite sure why they didn't have the tag titles on the line, since Busters ended up winning anyways. I loved the heelish moves by the Harts. For over 6 months Busters were doing everything Harts were doing early on in the match, but getting away with it. Fantastic way to start off the event. 16 Minutes. 4 1/4 Stars.

Dusty Rhodes vs Honky Tonk Man w/ Jimmy Hart
Dusty was in the middle of a feud with Boss Man that saw Dusty stealing Boss Man's hat and nightstick. Honky has done jack shit since losing the IC title at the previous Summerslam. Dusty shakes his ass and messes up HTM's hair. Sadly, that's the highlight of the match. Pure boredom follows. Late in the match, Dusty runs into the ref. HTM holds Dusty while Jimmy Hart tries to hit him with the guitar, Dusty ducks and HTM takes the shot. The ref comes back in the ring with Dusty covering HTM for the win. Way too long of a match. Extremely boring. It offered NOTHING for either wrestler. If you're going to put on a long boring match, have it at least be between two guys who are feuding. HTM was nothing more than a job guy for Dusty on his way to feuding more with Boss Man. On the plus side, it does help give reason as to why Honky was on the Boss Man's survivor series team. 10 Minutes. 1/2 Star.

Mr Perfect vs The Red Rooster
The battle of the "Mr Perfects" which in itself is some big misunderstanding. There is an urban myth that Terry Taylor was the original choice for the Mr Perfect gimmick. That is totally false. Taylor cleared up all rumors in a shoot. The urban legend came as the result of a past shoot of his. He made reference that both he and Hennig came into the WWF at the same time. It's a case of "What could of been". Anyways, on to the match. The match starts off good, but it seems like Taylor injures his knee. He tries a bodyslam, but his knee gives out and Perfect lands on him. Jesse blames it on misguessing how heavy Perfect was. Taylor is thrown outside of the ring. When he gets back in, Perfect hits the Perfectplex to pick up the quick victory. The injury really stopped this match from being good. I doubt the match was going to be given much time, but it could of easily been a fun little match like Perfect vs Blazer. 3 Minutes. 1 Star.

Tito Santana and The Rockers vs Rick Martel and Rougeaus and Rick Martel w/ The Slick and Jimmy Hart
Tito and Rick have been feuding since Wrestlemania. Rougeaus and Rockers have been wrestling for most of the Summer. Before I go on with the match, I want to talk about how weird it was that Slick was the manager for Martel. Slick was the manager for mainly big men (Akeem, Boss Man, Hercules, ect). On the other hand, there's Jimmy Hart. At this point, Hart had all Canadian wrestlers (Bravo, 'Quake, Jacques and Raymond). Being a Canadian, Martel was perfect to be with Hart. Anyways, on to the match. Before the bell, Jacques (Maybe it was Raymond), slaps Martel on the ass. The only problem is that he kept slapping him 4-5 times. Kinda creepy. Jacques and Santana starts off. The Rockers quickly comes in and does a double leapfrog over Jacques. All of the heels are thrown out of the ring. Back in, Martel only is tagged in when Santana is hurting. Janetty rolls up one of the "Ragu" brothers, but Martel closelines Marty from behind and steals the victory. Exciting match as to be expected. All three guys are fast paced and can pull out some new moves. The finish is kind of a disappointment since the tag match did something similar. But it's still a great match. 15 Minutes. 3 Stars.

Rick Rude (c) w/ Bobby Heenan vs The Ultimate Warrior - IC Title Match
This feud has been going on since the beginning of the year. Just before this PPV, Piper returned to start a feud with Rude. Warrior controls the match early on just throwing Rude all around, inside and out of the ring. Heenan distracts Warrior and Rude takes over. The two collides together sending the ref down too. Rude tries to cover, but there's no ref. Warrior hits a piledriver on Rude, but Rude gets his foot on the rope before the 3. Rude takes over and hits an inverted Tombstone (regular piledriver, but falling on your knees), but that just gets a 2. Warrior goes for his big splash, but Rude gets his knees up blocking it. Rude looks to put Warrior away with the Rude Awakening, but Roddy Piper walks down to the ring. Rude does his hips taunt and Piper moons Rude. The distraction is enough for Warrior to hit the press slam and splash to regain his IC title. Rude worked his ass off in this match. Even though he lost, he had several moments that really made him look good. Warrior meanwhile, put on perhaps his best match up to this point. Both men really built up to an exciting finish of not knowing who would win. He may be the Ultimate Warrior, but he just put on another great match. 16 Minutes. 3 3/4 Stars.

Demolition and King Duggan vs Andre the Giant and Twin Towers w/ Bobby Heenan and The Slick
Demolition and Twin Towers had been feuding over the tag titles for the entire summer. Duggan had feuded with Haku over being the King of the WWF. I can only assume that he and Andre went at it as result. Andre was also responsible for Demolition losing their tag titles to Brainbusters. Duggan is wearing a Demolition mask and unveils himself to be wearing a US flag face paint. This is one big brawl with everyone just wanting to punch each other. Andre tends not to be too involved due to his declining health. Akeem hits a middle rope splash on a Demolition member, but with the ref distracted by Andre, Duggan hits Akeem with the 2x4 which allows his team to pick up the win. Wow, what's with the faces being all heely tonight? This may not be fun for a lot of people, but with 6 brawlers, this was actually a fun match. I guess that just goes to show you that a lot of tags can help a match out a lot. 8 Minutes. 1 3/4 Stars.

Greg Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart vs Hercules
Ronnie Garvin is your guest ring announcer. Garvin had come into the WWF as a wrestler, but was forced to retire after losing to Valentine. After that he became a ref, but was fired for being bias for the faces. Garvin takes a couple minutes to introduce Valentine by insults. Valentine spends all of the match trying to get his hands on Garvin, but Hercules keeps stopping him. Valentine finally pins Hercules with his feet on the ropes. Garvin announces Hercules as the winner. WTF? Ref Tim White tells him that he's wrong. So he tells the fans that he was mistake. "And your winner by DQ, Hercules". Oh god. :lol: Valentine gets in a slugging fight with Hercules and Garvin. This was just an excuse to build up the Valentine/Garvin feud. Garvin would be re-instated as a wrestler and Garvin would finish off his wrestling career in 1990. Too short and too unfocused to mean anything. Valentine still wins though. >_> 3 Minutes. 3/4 Star.

Jimmy Snuka vs Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil
The most interesting thing about this match is that Snuka is wearing black/white tights instead of his normal orange/black tights. Snuka nearly breaks Dibiase's neck when he botches his backwards leapfrog and falls on top of Dibiase's head. Snuka tries the Superfly, but Virgil interferes. Virgil and Snuka goes at it outside of the ring where Dibiase jumps Snuka. Dibiase gets back in the ring and gets a count-out win. Lame finish, lame match, lame way to use Dibiase, and yet badass tights for Snuka. :lol: This was just a way to show Dibiase at one of the biggest PPV's of the year. 6 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake w/ Miss Elizabeth vs Randy Savage and Zeus w/ Sherri
This all came out of the No Holds Barred movie bomb. Zeus is seen as an unstoppable monster who can't feel pain. To help combat Sherri, Hogan brings in Miss Elizabeth. Sherri, Savage and Zeus are all wearing black and silver. Hmm, it's almost as if the WWF had their own 1989 version of the 1999 black and silver nWo with those three and Snuka. Hogan and Zeus starts it off, but Zeus no sells everything, except for eye rakes. Zeus does a lot of bearhugs, but tags in Savage a lot to do the wrestling. Beefcake eye rakes Zeus and puts him in a sleeper. Savage breaks it up with Sherri's loaded purse. Savage and Hogan goes at it until Zeus destroys Hogan. Savage hits his top rope elbow, only to have Hogan NO SELL IT~! It's great to have Hogan no sell moves to get the fans excited, but don't have him no sell a finisher. That's the ONE thing Hogan or ANYONE should never do. Sherri gets on the ropes, but Elizabeth pulls her feet out to make her fall in the ring. Savage leaves the ring and we get Zeus vs Hogan one last time tonight. Hogan hits a closeline that sends Zeus to one knee. The fans erupt. Zeus is beatable~! Hogan bodyslams him and hits a legdrop to pick up the win. After the match, Hogan gives Sherri an atomic drop. Brutus and Elizabeth then cuts off some of Sherri's hair to end the show. That hair was an obvious wig, but it's still fun. THIS is how you book a guy with such limited ability as Zeus. You let him do some of his moves, but then have him tag out before the match gets boring. As bad as Zeus was, when he was booked like this, he actually looked like a good wrestler. For as limited as most of the guys in this match was, this was one hell of a match. The fans were going crazy during the entire thing and I found it to be very exciting. Major kudos to Savage for getting such a good match out of Brutus and Zeus. Storytelling at it's best. It's not about how many moves you do, but how you tell the story of the match. 15 Minutes. 3 Stars.

The great is great and the bad is terrible. You get 4 very entertaining matches, a couple of decent matches and then some pure crap. But considering all of the best matches were the biggest ones, this is a very successful PPV. Had Vince just realized that PPVs were meant to showcase major feuds, instead of just building by booking other wrestlers, this could of been better. Dusty and Boss Man should of faced each other. The 6 man could of easily became Demolition/Duggan vs Akeem, Andre and Haku. But hey, I can't complain too much. Most of the matches looked like it would suck, but some of them blew my expectations out of the water.

Best Match: The Hart Foundation vs The Brainbusters
Worst Match: Dusty Rhodes vs Honky Tonk Man

Overall Grade: A-
WWE Summerslam
August 28, 1989

The Brainbusters (c) w/ Bobby Hennan vs Hart Foundation - Non Titles Match
This match was signed before the Busters defeated Demolition for the tag titles. Since it was already signed, but Busters didn't need to defend the titles against the Harts. Tully and Bret starts it off with the Harts in control. Arn is tagged in and the Busters try a double team move on Bret, but he backflips out of it. Nice move. The Harts work over Tully for most of the match. Arn keeps trying to be tagged in, but ref Joey Marella keeps stopping it. Since when doesn't a tag count when you tag the foot? If a blind tag to the back counts, why not other parts? Jesse Ventura is infuriated by Marella's bias. Tully hits the ropes, but Bret gives a kick to him. Harts are in full heel mode for a change. Arn is finally tagged in. The Busters work over Anvil until Bret comes in and we get a 4 man brawl. Jim and Arn are on the outside while Bret and Tully are in the inside. Bret whips Tully to the opposite ropes and slingshots Anvil from the apron inside the ring to hit a shoulderblock on a returning Tully. Another nice move. Anvil gets Bret a reverse bodyslam onto Tully. The ref is distracted though and Arn hits a double ax handle to Bret. Arn rolls Tully out, covers his head and pins Bret in the middle of the ring. Outstanding match. I'm not quite sure why they didn't have the tag titles on the line, since Busters ended up winning anyways. I loved the heelish moves by the Harts. For over 6 months Busters were doing everything Harts were doing early on in the match, but getting away with it. Fantastic way to start off the event. 16 Minutes. 4 1/4 Stars.

Dusty Rhodes vs Honky Tonk Man w/ Jimmy Hart
Dusty was in the middle of a feud with Boss Man that saw Dusty stealing Boss Man's hat and nightstick. Honky has done jack shit since losing the IC title at the previous Summerslam. Dusty shakes his ass and messes up HTM's hair. Sadly, that's the highlight of the match. Pure boredom follows. Late in the match, Dusty runs into the ref. HTM holds Dusty while Jimmy Hart tries to hit him with the guitar, Dusty ducks and HTM takes the shot. The ref comes back in the ring with Dusty covering HTM for the win. Way too long of a match. Extremely boring. It offered NOTHING for either wrestler. If you're going to put on a long boring match, have it at least be between two guys who are feuding. HTM was nothing more than a job guy for Dusty on his way to feuding more with Boss Man. On the plus side, it does help give reason as to why Honky was on the Boss Man's survivor series team. 10 Minutes. 1/2 Star.

Mr Perfect vs The Red Rooster
The battle of the "Mr Perfects" which in itself is some big misunderstanding. There is an urban myth that Terry Taylor was the original choice for the Mr Perfect gimmick. That is totally false. Taylor cleared up all rumors in a shoot. The urban legend came as the result of a past shoot of his. He made reference that both he and Hennig came into the WWF at the same time. It's a case of "What could of been". Anyways, on to the match. The match starts off good, but it seems like Taylor injures his knee. He tries a bodyslam, but his knee gives out and Perfect lands on him. Jesse blames it on misguessing how heavy Perfect was. Taylor is thrown outside of the ring. When he gets back in, Perfect hits the Perfectplex to pick up the quick victory. The injury really stopped this match from being good. I doubt the match was going to be given much time, but it could of easily been a fun little match like Perfect vs Blazer. 3 Minutes. 1 Star.

Tito Santana and The Rockers vs Rick Martel and Rougeaus and Rick Martel w/ The Slick and Jimmy Hart
Tito and Rick have been feuding since Wrestlemania. Rougeaus and Rockers have been wrestling for most of the Summer. Before I go on with the match, I want to talk about how weird it was that Slick was the manager for Martel. Slick was the manager for mainly big men (Akeem, Boss Man, Hercules, ect). On the other hand, there's Jimmy Hart. At this point, Hart had all Canadian wrestlers (Bravo, 'Quake, Jacques and Raymond). Being a Canadian, Martel was perfect to be with Hart. Anyways, on to the match. Before the bell, Jacques (Maybe it was Raymond), slaps Martel on the ass. The only problem is that he kept slapping him 4-5 times. Kinda creepy. Jacques and Santana starts off. The Rockers quickly comes in and does a double leapfrog over Jacques. All of the heels are thrown out of the ring. Back in, Martel only is tagged in when Santana is hurting. Janetty rolls up one of the "Ragu" brothers, but Martel closelines Marty from behind and steals the victory. Exciting match as to be expected. All three guys are fast paced and can pull out some new moves. The finish is kind of a disappointment since the tag match did something similar. But it's still a great match. 15 Minutes. 3 Stars.

Rick Rude (c) w/ Bobby Heenan vs The Ultimate Warrior - IC Title Match
This feud has been going on since the beginning of the year. Just before this PPV, Piper returned to start a feud with Rude. Warrior controls the match early on just throwing Rude all around, inside and out of the ring. Heenan distracts Warrior and Rude takes over. The two collides together sending the ref down too. Rude tries to cover, but there's no ref. Warrior hits a piledriver on Rude, but Rude gets his foot on the rope before the 3. Rude takes over and hits an inverted Tombstone (regular piledriver, but falling on your knees), but that just gets a 2. Warrior goes for his big splash, but Rude gets his knees up blocking it. Rude looks to put Warrior away with the Rude Awakening, but Roddy Piper walks down to the ring. Rude does his hips taunt and Piper moons Rude. The distraction is enough for Warrior to hit the press slam and splash to regain his IC title. Rude worked his ass off in this match. Even though he lost, he had several moments that really made him look good. Warrior meanwhile, put on perhaps his best match up to this point. Both men really built up to an exciting finish of not knowing who would win. He may be the Ultimate Warrior, but he just put on another great match. 16 Minutes. 3 3/4 Stars.

Demolition and King Duggan vs Andre the Giant and Twin Towers w/ Bobby Heenan and The Slick
Demolition and Twin Towers had been feuding over the tag titles for the entire summer. Duggan had feuded with Haku over being the King of the WWF. I can only assume that he and Andre went at it as result. Andre was also responsible for Demolition losing their tag titles to Brainbusters. Duggan is wearing a Demolition mask and unveils himself to be wearing a US flag face paint. This is one big brawl with everyone just wanting to punch each other. Andre tends not to be too involved due to his declining health. Akeem hits a middle rope splash on a Demolition member, but with the ref distracted by Andre, Duggan hits Akeem with the 2x4 which allows his team to pick up the win. Wow, what's with the faces being all heely tonight? This may not be fun for a lot of people, but with 6 brawlers, this was actually a fun match. I guess that just goes to show you that a lot of tags can help a match out a lot. 8 Minutes. 1 3/4 Stars.

Greg Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart vs Hercules
Ronnie Garvin is your guest ring announcer. Garvin had come into the WWF as a wrestler, but was forced to retire after losing to Valentine. After that he became a ref, but was fired for being bias for the faces. Garvin takes a couple minutes to introduce Valentine by insults. Valentine spends all of the match trying to get his hands on Garvin, but Hercules keeps stopping him. Valentine finally pins Hercules with his feet on the ropes. Garvin announces Hercules as the winner. WTF? Ref Tim White tells him that he's wrong. So he tells the fans that he was mistake. "And your winner by DQ, Hercules". Oh god. :lol: Valentine gets in a slugging fight with Hercules and Garvin. This was just an excuse to build up the Valentine/Garvin feud. Garvin would be re-instated as a wrestler and Garvin would finish off his wrestling career in 1990. Too short and too unfocused to mean anything. Valentine still wins though. >_> 3 Minutes. 3/4 Star.

Jimmy Snuka vs Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil
The most interesting thing about this match is that Snuka is wearing black/white tights instead of his normal orange/black tights. Snuka nearly breaks Dibiase's neck when he botches his backwards leapfrog and falls on top of Dibiase's head. Snuka tries the Superfly, but Virgil interferes. Virgil and Snuka goes at it outside of the ring where Dibiase jumps Snuka. Dibiase gets back in the ring and gets a count-out win. Lame finish, lame match, lame way to use Dibiase, and yet badass tights for Snuka. :lol: This was just a way to show Dibiase at one of the biggest PPV's of the year. 6 Minutes. 1 1/2 Stars.

Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake w/ Miss Elizabeth vs Randy Savage and Zeus w/ Sherri
This all came out of the No Holds Barred movie bomb. Zeus is seen as an unstoppable monster who can't feel pain. To help combat Sherri, Hogan brings in Miss Elizabeth. Sherri, Savage and Zeus are all wearing black and silver. Hmm, it's almost as if the WWF had their own 1989 version of the 1999 black and silver nWo with those three and Snuka. Hogan and Zeus starts it off, but Zeus no sells everything, except for eye rakes. Zeus does a lot of bearhugs, but tags in Savage a lot to do the wrestling. Beefcake eye rakes Zeus and puts him in a sleeper. Savage breaks it up with Sherri's loaded purse. Savage and Hogan goes at it until Zeus destroys Hogan. Savage hits his top rope elbow, only to have Hogan NO SELL IT~! It's great to have Hogan no sell moves to get the fans excited, but don't have him no sell a finisher. That's the ONE thing Hogan or ANYONE should never do. Sherri gets on the ropes, but Elizabeth pulls her feet out to make her fall in the ring. Savage leaves the ring and we get Zeus vs Hogan one last time tonight. Hogan hits a closeline that sends Zeus to one knee. The fans erupt. Zeus is beatable~! Hogan bodyslams him and hits a legdrop to pick up the win. After the match, Hogan gives Sherri an atomic drop. Brutus and Elizabeth then cuts off some of Sherri's hair to end the show. That hair was an obvious wig, but it's still fun. THIS is how you book a guy with such limited ability as Zeus. You let him do some of his moves, but then have him tag out before the match gets boring. As bad as Zeus was, when he was booked like this, he actually looked like a good wrestler. For as limited as most of the guys in this match was, this was one hell of a match. The fans were going crazy during the entire thing and I found it to be very exciting. Major kudos to Savage for getting such a good match out of Brutus and Zeus. Storytelling at it's best. It's not about how many moves you do, but how you tell the story of the match. 15 Minutes. 3 Stars.

The great is great and the bad is terrible. You get 4 very entertaining matches, a couple of decent matches and then some pure crap. But considering all of the best matches were the biggest ones, this is a very successful PPV. Had Vince just realized that PPVs were meant to showcase major feuds, instead of just building by booking other wrestlers, this could of been better. Dusty and Boss Man should of faced each other. The 6 man could of easily became Demolition/Duggan vs Akeem, Andre and Haku. But hey, I can't complain too much. Most of the matches looked like it would suck, but some of them blew my expectations out of the water.

Best Match: The Hart Foundation vs The Brainbusters
Worst Match: Dusty Rhodes vs Honky Tonk Man

Overall Grade: A-

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