Honky Tonk Man Stands up in a bad way?


Occasional Pre-Show

Ok, i like this whole WWE stand up for us campaign and everything, as the media has portrayed our sport as something that it is not. My whole awareness for this add, was if you paid attention to the background, he had either a liquir store, or a bar behind him. Not saying it is bad/good to drink, but really cutting an add, and he is not even professional enough to where he can do it without making himself easy to be criticized, and not taken seriously.

Does anyone see this as something that could hurt that add, or is no big deal? Just curious what everyone else thought.
Lots of people are speaking their minds on the "Stand up for WWE" campaign, lots of current and former wrestlers. HTM is one of them, and although his choice of venue could have been better, I doubt anyone is going to use it as a negative. Of all the attacks someone could make on the WWE, why attack the venue used for one of these videos? ONE of these videos? Even if they could strike this video from excistance, there are still dozens of other wrestlers "standing up for WWE" for it to make a difference, thus attacking it would make the attacker look like a fool.

So no, I don't think the backdrop in this video should be the focus, but the message being delivered.
That sign behind him said "BEAR". About half way through he sways his left, our right and you can clearly see that the letter is an "A". Why would it matter one way or the other?
Looked to me like he was in front of some bar type place. Probably on his way to do an appearance. Can't see how this would be an issue. Also, he was pretty articulate in the clip.
It's fitting for such a stupid campaign. People aren't attacking pro wrestling. They are attacking the McMahon version of pro wrestling-treating your employees like shit, pushing them to use illegal drugs, & killing them in the process. I'm sorry, but if you want to be a US Senator, your performance as CEO of a major corporation is fair game. The McMahons deserve every bit of negative campaigning that's been thrown at them. So, did the Honky Tonk Man ruin this campaign? No, it was garbage the moment it began.
i look at it more so as oh, shit, honky tonk man is hanging out at the same bar as i do! or, oh, cool, honky tonk man is not only "the greatest ic champ of all time" he is also just a regular guy you'd see at the bar.

Ok, i like this whole WWE stand up for us campaign and everything, as the media has portrayed our sport as something that it is not. My whole awareness for this add, was if you paid attention to the background, he had either a liquir store, or a bar behind him. Not saying it is bad/good to drink, but really cutting an add, and he is not even professional enough to where he can do it without making himself easy to be criticized, and not taken seriously.

Does anyone see this as something that could hurt that add, or is no big deal? Just curious what everyone else thought.

I think you're reaching for a story that's just not there. This really isn't a big deal. He was in front of a sports bar. It says Bears on the window because he was in suburban Chicago. I was there last night and talked to Honky for a couple minutes. I wasn't there when he did that video, but I assume someone randomly asked him his thoughts and he agreed to have it recorded. It doesn't really matter that he was at a sports bar. He's a grown man and can be at a bar if he chooses. He wasn't drunk. He was drinking a coke when I talked to him. I don't think this is an issue at all.
i think this is just a way for honkey to stay relevant in the wrestling community. he is always good for an appearance to get his name out there. what better way then this.

the years haven't been too kind to the guy. looks like the latter version of elvis now.
What is honky really getting out of this, standing up for WWE? The man never stood up for WWE before. There is a foul plot afoot. There is nothing wrong with him standing up for wrestling and wrestlers, but this guy has usually been very anti WWE in the past.

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