Honestly One of the Dumbest Thread's Ive Seen

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
Or at least by someone I would expect slightly more from.


Becker comes in to bitch about something he doesn't like to watch and but apparently does anyway. No, I don't think it's a shit thread because he doesn't like mma, it's the way he goes about it. He resorts to the lowest common denominator by sounding like a fearful boxing enthusiast with his attacks.

Look, I get it dude. You've got a character to live up to, you've got a gimmick. You're a cunt. Haha. It's funny because you're an ass. Got it. It's funny because you went into the MMA section to tell everyone there that the sport they like sucks. You're trying too fucking hard dude. Thing is, for people to consider a cunt worthwhile, it needs to back up the shit it says without sounding stupid as fuck. I read every fucking post in that thread and not once did you make a statement that cold be considered anything more than moronic. And please, if you really need to me to go in there and make you look as stupid as everyone else in the thread has already, I will do so. Nobody is dodging your shit arguments. It's annoying. You're whole fucking shtick is annoying.

This is what the cage was meant for right?
Is that supposed to be an excuse for being shit? If he was supposed to impress people by choosing the mma section to post in because he hates, wouldn't it be the same if somebody just posted in the video games section even though they hate video games and gave complete shit reasons behind the hatred?
Oh and the fact that I wasn't here for the entire round and didn't know that was the reasoning behind the threads creation, that wouldn't change the fact that the thread is shit.
No, I'm just saying it was a tactic to get as many posts as possible.
He's a poor man's Sid. Very poor man. Almost broke in the streets, poor man's Sid.

Then again, his work in the debate league can't go unnoticed. Great work there.
A worse thread would be shattered dreams' "Is The Wilpon Group 'they'?" thread.
The title of the competition was "controversy creates conversation." He accomplished that. On many occassions I have argued a point I didn't actually feel strongly about just to rile up a particular - sometimes self-righteous - group.

Perhaps if the title of the contest were "not showing up creates champions," the OP of this thread would have run away with it... :)
Controversial or as some would like to call them "Troll threads" usually have proved to be rather successful in terms of pushing the post-count. So really Becker had the mind set placed perfectly.

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