

Team Finnley Baylor
What are your REAL thoughts on homosexuality? I know there's no rules, but lets keep it at actual feelings on the topic. If you think they should all burn and believe that, that's fine. But no need to say stuff just to sound shocking. I'd like to use this section to get to know the darker side of our posters.
I think there's no reason at all for homosexual couples to not be recognized as legal couples. Marriage means shit in this country anymore so the whole sanctity of marriage line is bogus beyond belief. You can get married by an Elvis impersonator for 40 dollars in a drive through but we're worried about the sanctity of marriage? Give me a break.
Nothing wrong with it in my book. Really never had an issue with those that are homosexual.
Keeping two people that love each other from marrying is preposterous. I've never minded two guys or two girls being together. Love is love. If a guy believes that love is sucking a dude's cock, then so be it. Same goes for two women.

We're too religious as a country and lets not forget how many times religion has started wars.
Three co workers of mine are homo's. One is a nice guy and a good friend, the other is a supervisor and the third is a gossip girl. He talks too much and complains too much. I really wish I could punch him.
Seperation of church and state. It should absolutely be legal. Wether the church wants to do it or not, is up to them.

I could give a flying rat's ass if someone would like to marry someone of the same sex, a ladybug they found on the way home, or their television set. Effects me in no way.

Homosexuality in general? Meh whatevs, tis the way the good Lord miracled them onto the earth. I mean clearly, anyone who thinks any man could CHOOSE man booty over puss, and not be natrually pre-disposed to, obviously has never seen a woman naked before
It's fine with me, as long as they don't hit on me, creeps me the fuck out when a gay guy hits one me. I'm like 'what the fuck, I'm married and you're about to get punched in the face.'
I think that homosexuals are normal people and should have normal rights. They should be allowed to get married and all that shit that comes with it (legal rights). Shit, if illegal Mexicans can cross the border, get married, have a shit load of kids and steal work from actual Americans, how come Adam and Steve can't get married? They're actually Americans. Give the homos their rights.

Also, homosexuals don't bother me unless they're really flamboyant, annoying and are in my immediate vicinity. There was this queer in high school who was valedictorian but had a fucking attitude and was he was the loudest, most annoying fucker in my hometown. We understand you're gay dude, there's no reason to tell everyone about it though.

So in conclusion:
1) Give gays the right to marry.
2) Gays are okay with me unless they're being douchbags (which is essentially the same with straight people).
It's fine with me, as long as they don't hit on me, creeps me the fuck out when a gay guy hits one me. I'm like 'what the fuck, I'm married and you're about to get punched in the face.'
I'm sure if women are hitting on you, it's much less creepy. Right?

But go ahead, feel the need to punch someone for merely expressing their sexuality. That's much more healthy and productive than turning them down politely.

As for the question posed, it only marginally bothers me if they're only fagging it up as a last resort because they fail at being straight.
I believe that homosexuals have chosen this lifestyle, and I don't agree with it. I wouldn't want them to be my pastor, etc. That being said, they should absolutely be given the legal rights that any man and woman would. Churches should not be required to perform the ceremonies. They should also be able to speak freely about homosexuals. But that's another discussion.
I don't got a problem with gays or lesbo's or what ever getting married. Its like they love each other then let them get married. Shouldn't be allowed to tell them no. Not right if you ask me. Love is love.
I identify myself as gay and obviously support LGBT rights. I've said it before and I'll say it again, who you love should not determine whether you're allowed to marry them or not and it shouldn't determine if you get some rights but not other rights. It's unfair and stupid that some people don't get the same treatment as other just because of what they identify themselves as.
I used to be freaked out by out, but as I've matured I can honestly say I'm fine with it. Though as tdigs said, flamboyant gaymen are far too much, it's like "Yeah, you're gay, we get it" it's just annoying if anything. Gay marriage doesn't bother me either, the one thing I do object to though is gay couples adopting, mainly because it makes it almost impossible for the child to lead a normal life.
I've got plenty of gay friends and half of them are cooler to hang with than my regular friends. Like tdigle said, a lot of the uber flamboyant ones can be a little annoying but the same way a lot of people can be annoying. I think I just hate loud obnoxious people in general.
I've got plenty of gay friends and half of them are cooler to hang with than my regular friends. Like tdigle said, a lot of the uber flamboyant ones can be a little annoying but the same way a lot of people can be annoying. I think I just hate loud obnoxious people in general.

So you love The Situation then, don't you?
I'm flattered when gay dudes hit on me. It's like, you're good looking enough for someone of the opposite sex to find you attractive. Even though they find many people of the same sex attractive because...well...they're gay. It's sort of like being a generic white dude and having some super ghetto thick black chick hitting on you. You aren't going to fuck it, but you you feel a little special.

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