Homosexuality in the media.


Hardcore Legend
After listening to a few Queen albums this week, it got me thinking, is being gay a hinderance or a advantage even in this day and age?

I'm not trying to stir shit here, but in the UK at least, all that seems to be on BBC is John Barrowman(an openly gay actor in Torchwood). To me, this just stinks of the BBC putting him in everywhere to make sure all the bases are covered.

If you look back in time to the 70's, the first openly camp character I can think of is Mr Humpries in Are You Being Served?. However, I was also watching Louis Theroux Wierd Weekends, where he buggered off to Idaho to live with survivalists, a few of them being Neo Nazis who despided the Mr humpries characters, yet really enjoyed watching the show!

I just want to throw this out to the Americans on this board in particular, because they seemingly are not as relaxed about sexuality as the Brits are(I remember Brokeback Mountain and all the crap that went down when it was released)
Its a very intriguing subject to say the least, and it depends on how you look at it. While there are many more openly gay characters on tv today, they are still a touchy issue. Over here as well, Brokeback Mountain raised hell. It was some huge issue to see two men kissing on camera. Will and Grace, a show with at least one major openly gay character was a hit here. It has really calmed down a lot lately though. For instance, Lindsay Lohan is one of the paparazzi's favorite targets and she has been dating a woman for months now. When people heard, they freaked. Since then, things have calmed down and its no big deal. Its calming a lot, which to me is a good thing.
Ill speak from the Canadian point of view here. I came from a smaller town and when I remember Brokeback Mountain coming into the limelight here, there was no uproar about it, just some people joking about the subject matter, especially younger children. I really haven't heard many people ever think a celebrity being homosexual was a problem in the last 10 years, from Freddie Mercury, to Elton John, to Lance Bass and Clay Aiken. I think people accept homosexuals here more than they accept those who are questionable, like Lindsey Lohan or anyone singer they deem bisexual, usually from punk bands, like Davey Havok.

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