Holy Crap! Mark Henry's A Draw?


I wasn't all that wild about SD! this past Friday. It wasn't a bad show or anything really and it did have a lot of matches on it. However, most of the matches were too short to mean much of anything. However, SD! did pop a rating this past Friday out of nowhere.

The show drew a 2.30 Nielsen Rating, which was the same as the Feb. 25th episode featuring The Rock, with an audience of 3,257,000. That matches the live SD! special in viewers and slightly exceeded it in the household rating. It tied the Feb. 25th episode of SD! for the highest rated SD! on Syfy. It was the #1 show on cable this past Friday and drew big numbers across the board in all the key demographics. Now in all of this, there's really only one thing that was generally different about SD! than in previous weeks: Mark Henry is the World Heavyweight Champion.

I'm not saying that Mark Henry is the one entirely responsible for a big ratings pop for the show, but I think it's fair to say that he played a big part in it. A lot of us have been thinking that WWE might put the title back on Orton at HIAC but I'm not so sure at all now. Mark Henry has to be feeling pretty good at this point in time and fans are digging what he's been doing.

I dunno how big of a role, if any, he'll have on Raw tonight but if Vince was thinking of putting the strap back on Orton this Sunday, I think he might seriously just forget about that.
I think the fan's are trying to say something right now.

One of the biggest (yet pleasant) surprises I found on this forum the night after NOC was a lot of people are giving Mark Henry a lot of love now that he is World's champion and I honestly didn't expect it at all.

I like that Henry is champion, although he is a monster heel right now I feel he has finally taken the ball and ran with it as hard as he could and I feel fans out there recognize this, he is different than most on the roster and I feel has really upped his game. This time last year I wouldn't have been surprised if Henry was "future endeavored", the last think I would have thought is he would be World Champ and someone I legitimately wanted to see every week.

Note I don't think it has everything to do with Henry, for example there is a lot more brand integration going on and Smackdown has been having guys like HHH and Punk on the show a lot more which I think helps but I feel Mark Henry is a big reason for the ratings jump, he has become interesting to watch and I'm really praying for a long time run with him as champion. Mark Henry feels reinvigorated and fresh right now where most in the WWE don't.

I just hope the title doesn't go back to Orton, I know he is a top guy in the WWE but he hasn't been drawing anything since going to Smackdown. Maybe Orton isn't the draw most think, he has never had to carry anything on his own and as soon as he did it didn't work out the way the WWE planned.
I for one am glad I hope some of the credit goes to Henry. He has provided many years of entertainment and its nice to see him rewarded. Would be nice to see his reign last awhile with Big Show or Kane coming back to settle the score. I am very surprised tho due to this LFL going on now. But they dont go up against eachother so its all good.
Obviously, fans were pleased at how Night Of Champions turned out on the Smackdown side of things and were excited about seeing Mark Henry with the strap. Or they would even more excited about seeing Randy BOREton without the strap.

You guys think this will be the final nail in the coffin that finally makes WWE higher ups realize that Orton is definitely NOT "the man?"
I'd have to say at least partial credit does go to Mark Henry for the slight rise in ratings. I'm sure most fans were tired of seeing match after match with Christian/Orton. It was clear Christian was never gonna pin Orton or balance the fued in any manner, so ending it was the right move. Plus, Mark Henry is a fresh face in the ME's and a much needed breath of fresh air. He is the first contender that has looked dominant against Orton in quite some time. His Hall Of Pain gimmick is probably the best heel material I've seen in a while.

As for the OP being surprized by the love Henry received after NOC, I think the reason for that is most loyal WWE fans know Mark Henry's history. He's been a mainstay in WWE, despite several roster cuts and constant changes in his character. There's something about a guy busting his ass for years before winning a world title that makes the fans respect a wrestler more and appreciating it. Which is all the more special in cases where ppl said it would never happen, or the guy doesn't have what it takes. Proving skeptics wrong is the main way of gaining a following, and Mark Henry has done that ever since his heel turn. I say kudos to him for sticking with it and never giving up. Most in his position would've asked for a release by now.

So, I definately think he's an unexpected draw as far as WWE is concerned.
Orton is younger, has a wider array of moves, and he will be the #1 draw on Smackdown! for a long time.

However, Henry has done so well since getting drafted to the Blue team, and his buildup has been as close to perfect as possible, that people have noticed. Remember, this turn happened on draft night when he turned on his tag team partner after a match, making an immediate statement that he wasn't gonna be a jolly giant anymore. He went up against two credible, popular stars in Big Show and later Sheamus, in ppvs, and Kane was in the middle of that on tv. He is the only real monster heel, a great character archetype, on either brand right now and he is credible with it.

Nobody in the last year has gotten a legitimate buildup like Henry has the past 5 months since the draft. Props to him and to WWE creative for actually being patient rather than just feeding him to Orton for a month.
I also agree that Henry's a draw to a certain extent; he has upped his game. He is doing something that we haven't seen in a while-an individual wrestler destroying everything in sight. The WWE has done a great job of setting him up to be must see tv; everyone is waiting to see what he does next. I say let his Hall of Pain last a little longer maybe even until the Royal Rumble. I would have him overcome Randy Orton's RKO & punt to the head to make him look more invincable. Then I would have Big Show and Kane come back to get revenge and he defeats them both in a triple threat match. That should take him to the december ppv where he can drop it there or at the Royal Rumble (possibly dropping it to Sheamus).
I would like to see how quarter hour breakdowns but I think kids and maybe some adults could be really in to the Sin Cara angle right now. Spoiler fans may have tuned in to see how much of Cody's blood would be aired. The Uso dance and tag match with Air Boom was appealing. But overall Mark Henry is the man. He is the heel that he should have been in the beginning. Other angles on Raw and SD are more interesting but Henry's execution has been perfect.

I also think that parents may be getting turned off due to the more mature language on Raw and only letting their kids watch Smackdown.
The people are speaking with their remotes. I'm very interested to see the ratings if Orton wins back the WHC at HiaC. That will tell the whole story about how much of a draw Orton really is.
I think it's too soon to say Mark Henry is a big draw. You can't draw conclusions from one Neilson rating. We'll have to wait and see.

Honestly, I've never been a fan of Mark Henry. His feud with Angle in 2006 was good, but other than that I've never found him very entertaining.

That being said, I'm kinda liking the current Mark Henry angle. Maybe I'll end up changing my mind about the guy.
I agree in a way that it's too early to tell. That being said it's really good to see Henry getting the chance and he is actually getting a decent response. Now we just need to see if he can maintain that or if the WWE creative can create the necessary storylines that work best to enhance his profile as a champ. I think fans are just looking for a something different from what WWE creative was offering. I think the real test might be the ppv buyrates when he is headlining as champ. The thing is though WWE is very finnicky when it comes to their champs. I mean Miz got a run, but they didn't give much of one to Christian or DelRio, so I'm not certain that Henry will get too long of a run. I hope for his sake I'm wrong, but there have been better performers who haven't been held the title as long. One does have to ask this: If we can't draw conclusions from one show with Henry as champ, then we have to ask what was Orton drawing in his weeks as champ on SD and what can we draw from that ?
I'm sure Henry beating Orton added some curiousity. The MLB playoffs start this Friday. So I'm thinking the ratings are going to go down this week. Probably just a one time thing. I mean Edge coming back didn't even spike the ratings.
I guess that this increase could be due to a number of factors but it would be silly to say that Mark has played no role in it. It is also not that people are pleased at Orton not being champion or something. It could be that people are more interested to see how Orton is able to fight back. Shock value is another thing. People have got to be interested to see the guy that was able to beat Randy Orton clean, something that has happened after nearly 2 years.

It certainly makes things a bit more interesting for HIAC. Earlier you could say that Mark was just going to get a run for his longlevity but this is more or less proof that he is pretty hot at the moment. Orton winning would kill his heat a bit. I am all for Henry retaining the title this Sunday and maybe even having a long run with it because who ever takes him down is bound to look very good.

Henry certainly deserves his place in the sun. Take a bow Mizark, if you can, that is.
People are so negative and dismissive when it comes to Mark Henry. Whether you like the guy or not, Mark Henry has been around forever and paid dues to be where he's at. Fans know his past history being in the Nation, with Mae Young[EWWW :wtf:], and on to becoming the "World's Strongest Man". He moves decently for a big guy and is a believeable monster heel badass.

I find it funny how nowadays people like Kharma or Mark Henry that used to be considered too fat are now becoming popular. That proves one major thing; no matter what package superstars come in, talent shines through. And to claim Mark isn't partly responsible for Smackdown's rating increase is outright idiotic and oblivious.
I must say, when I was thinking about the very good possibility of Mark Henry winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Night Of Champions I was not happy. Not because i'm a major Orton fan but because I thought that having Henry win the title was just a thank you win for all his time and hard work in the company, that may have been what they were doing but what i'm saying is that either way he has stepped up his game. He has stepped it up so much that in my opinion he is a most deserving champion not just for his for his years with the company but his work leading up to the win and since then has been exellent, I never thought i'd say this but I am happy seeing Mark Henry as the World Heavyweight Champion.

I think this is why he's become such a draw, he went from being so irrelevant to being an entertaining World Champion when nobody thought he could. That is why I actually want to see Henry retain this weekend at Hell In The Cell, I don't know exactly how long Henry will be around but I want him to make the most of this reign and become a long reigning champion. If Orton does win the title back, I will still have massive love for Henry, I always liked him but after so many years of being irrelevant I didn't believe that he could be a good champion but I was happily proven wrong and Mark Henry is an exellent World Heavyweight Champion.
I want the Mark Henry of 2011-2012 to become the Big Van Vader of the early 90s - someone that a countout victory over is an acheivement; a vicous killing machine that looks unbeatable and does not give one solitary shit about what people think of him.

Hell in a Cell is a perfect opportunity to take another step on that road. Inside the Devil's Playhouse, Henry needs to look even more dominant. Instead of blocking the RKO, have him kick out of it (maybe even a 1 count) or even in some Cena/Lesnar-esque display of power have him counter the RKO directly into the World's Strongest Slam on the ring steps to end it. By having such a invincible heel, we have the inevitable rub to whomever manages to topple him.

The only real problem with this is where it leaves Orton. Is he the one to eventually knock off Big Van Henry? Or will that be a job for Sheamus or even the somewhat forgotten Mr Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan? And if Orton is not the man to do it, then where does he go?
Big Mark Henry is the total package. He's got the skills, he may be slow but he uses his power and durability appropriately. He has it on the mic, intimidating fearless angry, great heel persona. And lastly, he has the look. Most people don't think he looks 'cool' enough, but he looks more than perfect for his character.

Henry is a draw when utilized properly. Which brings me to a theory of mine, Mark Henry will be a big part of the conspiracy storyline. When all the chips fall into place, the WWE will bring Henry into the new faction there's no doubt in my mind.
Барбоса;3440154 said:
I want the Mark Henry of 2011-2012 to become the Big Van Vader of the early 90s - someone that a countout victory over is an acheivement; a vicous killing machine that looks unbeatable and does not give one solitary shit about what people think of him.

I must agree with everything you said. Especially keeping Henry as a legit monster badass heel. WWE has been misusing Henry for years and are only now realizing what they've been missing. This is because WWE likes the big, untalented bodybuilder types. I'm glad to see they've started moving away from that and just started looking for talent reguardless of size.

Hell in a Cell is a perfect opportunity to take another step on that road. Inside the Devil's Playhouse, Henry needs to look even more dominant. Instead of blocking the RKO, have him kick out of it (maybe even a 1 count) or even in some Cena/Lesnar-esque display of power have him counter the RKO directly into the World's Strongest Slam on the ring steps to end it. By having such a invincible heel, we have the inevitable rub to whomever manages to topple him.

That would be a strong way to continue cementing Henry as the unstoppable World Champion. Plus, that imagery would be great. They need to also have one of those "WOW!" moments in the cell with Orton & Henry. The past cell PPVs have lacked a major moment and having Henry create another would be great.

The only real problem with this is where it leaves Orton. Is he the one to eventually knock off Big Van Henry? Or will that be a job for Sheamus or even the somewhat forgotten Mr Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan? And if Orton is not the man to do it, then where does he go?

WWE is very good at making the loser still look strong in a long back-and-forth contest. Orton is so over and relevant that losing to Henry at HIAC won't damage him at all. He could lose to Henry and then allow some other contenders to challenge Henry for awhile, as him being in the main events all the time is getting a little dated. Perhaps Orton could still be in a top Smackdown feud while stepping out of the World Title picture for a few months. He'd be more prestigious winning the title again after not winning it over and over for awhile.

Sheamus has instant credibility as a Smackdown main eventer and could become number one contender for Henry at anytime. He needs to lose though at least one more time so Henry will get a longer reign. As for Daniel Bryan, he could be a strong face contender that is also on Henry "hall of pain" and makes him look dominant by retaining over DB.
Mark Henry look like a legit unstoppable monster with a decent move set that is entertaining. It is easier capture the attention of people with a monster in a match than 2 similar looking wrestlers battling out. David vs Goliath, Monster vs Monster, both are easier to sell than technical A vs technical B.

Big men draws. Believable monsters draw (i.e not khali who look like tripping over every time in the ring) It has and always will be the truth.

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