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Hogan has lost his mind..


For Reals!
herte's something i found on Eonline:

In talking about his split from wife Linda, he referenced the murder of football legend OJ Simpson's murdering of his wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman. Hogan said, "I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like O.J., cutting everybody's throat," he said, per the New York Post. "You live half a mile from the 20,000-square-foot home you can't go to anymore, you're driving through downtown Clearwater and see a 19-year-old boy driving your Escalade, and you know that a 19-year-old boy is sleeping in your bed, with your wife… I totally understand O.J. I get it."

wow, that's some ballsy things to say...thoughts?
He's obviously enraged that some teenager is basically living the man's life, and would wish pain upon him. It doesn't mean he lost his mind. I'm sure that thought has occurred to several people who've gone thru a divorce and later found out their ex-wife's new b/f is using all of their things.
please, if he wouldnt have had his hands on his daughter's friend's crotch he'd still be living in his house and driving his cars. it's his own fault, he's the one that messed up and is now crying about it.

and yeah he does sound like a complete nut case. seriously, who goes and makes a stupid ass comment like that to the post? now he's gonna back peddle and say he was misquoted...whatever. nut job
Jeez, looking for Hogan quotes just to start another anti-hogan thread. The guy said he could relate to OJ, big deal. He's just saying what others don't have the balls to say. Hogan gets blasted for telling the truth, great thing to see what this country has turned into. So what he should do is lie, and say how wonderful it is that a 19 year old kid is living in his house and driving his car, and sleeping in his bed. In fact, I'm going to go find a 19 year old kid right now, give him the keys to my mustang, the keys to my house, and the keys to my bedroom, and say, here you go, don't mess my Girlfriends hair up.

What hte hell is the man supposed to say. Yes, if someone was doing that to me, I would probably utter the words kill, and him, in the same sentence. So I guess I'm a nut job too, along with every other red blooded american male out there.
It's a pretty natural thought to have, and he's just verbalsed it. I think most people would be pissed if that happened to them. What's that 19 year old gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on him?!
the thing is, he put himself where he is right now. he's the one that caused the divorce in the first place.

this isnt an anti hogan thread either, i like the guy...but you have to be more responsible in what you say, especially if you're in the public eye. it doesnt give the guy the right o spew garbage out there like that. it's something that's going to hurt his image very much. i can hear it now "hogan says killing is ok11!!"

should the man be upset? sure, but he was the one who put in motion everything that's going on in his life. now he's feeling the pressure and seeing his money go down the shitter. all he had to do was keep his swizzle in his pants and he'd still be enjoying everything he worked so hard to get.

it's different than "inviting" some 19 year old kid into her place to bang your wife and use your shit, hogan handed this kid everything on a freakin ass silver platter. his actions are what caused all this crap. now he's paying for it and now he's pissed cause he now he's feeling lint in what used to be those money lined pockets. sad but very true.
herte's something i found on Eonline:

In talking about his split from wife Linda, he referenced the murder of football legend OJ Simpson's murdering of his wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman. Hogan said, "I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like O.J., cutting everybody's throat," he said, per the New York Post. "You live half a mile from the 20,000-square-foot home you can't go to anymore, you're driving through downtown Clearwater and see a 19-year-old boy driving your Escalade, and you know that a 19-year-old boy is sleeping in your bed, with your wife… I totally understand O.J. I get it."

wow, that's some ballsy things to say...thoughts?

the guy is losing everything he has worked for, his life, his home, even his wife, his assets are being bled dry by his ex wife and her blood thirsty attorney and the worst of it all, some kid about his sons age is banging his wife and driving his car, yes i would be pissed too, I don't have much but i would go ape if my wife brought another man half her age nto my home its utterly embarrassing, Hogan deserves better then this but the legal system will drag him through the mud until his wife gets every penny of his, this is what happens when adults get petty and things spiral out of control
the thing is, he put himself where he is right now. he's the one that caused the divorce in the first place.

this isnt an anti hogan thread either, i like the guy...but you have to be more responsible in what you say, especially if you're in the public eye. it doesnt give the guy the right o spew garbage out there like that. it's something that's going to hurt his image very much. i can hear it now "hogan says killing is ok11!!"

should the man be upset? sure, but he was the one who put in motion everything that's going on in his life. now he's feeling the pressure and seeing his money go down the shitter. all he had to do was keep his swizzle in his pants and he'd still be enjoying everything he worked so hard to get.

it's different than "inviting" some 19 year old kid into her place to bang your wife and use your shit, hogan handed this kid everything on a freakin ass silver platter. his actions are what caused all this crap. now he's paying for it and now he's pissed cause he now he's feeling lint in what used to be those money lined pockets. sad but very true.

Even if you went by the assumption it's all the Hulkster's fault, what do you expect him to do? Sit there and smile thinking "It's my fault, good for that kid gaining off my mistakes". Hell no, he's going to go off. If I was in his position, I don't think I would give a damn about the public, forget the public, I'm saying what the hell is on my mind and I'm directing my anger and pain on the two people I perceive to be causing it.

I don't blame him one bit for saying that, hell if it were me I would have said it with a knife in my hand, but that's because I'm a sadistic vengeful bastard. Basically he was venting out his frustrations on the whole situation, and if I were in my 40's or 50's and I got some punk kid less than half my age driving around my Impala and banging my ex wife in my damn house, I would vent like there was no other either. I'd be sitting for murder charges right now. The man deserves to vent, and irregardless of who was the main cause of the break up, he put in all the work and now he's seeing his hard work going to a spiteful gold digger of an ex wife, and I think that would piss any man off to the point of saying some crazy shit.

Needless to say, if something like that happened to me, I would definitely relate with OJ, and Hogan is just like the rest of us, he's human and he's got emotions. He just decided to vent his anger and rage, personally I don't blame the guy.
He said nothing than what we all were thinking; he wants to kill her and her boyfriend I bet he does I probaly would want to also. In the political correct world we live in should he have sadi that no. Do I have a problem with it no but thats just me and it doesn't have to do with me being a Hogan fan I'm one the biggest advocate of being against alimoney.
This is probably another incident where they took his quotes out of context and made it look worse than it really was. Really, who knows though? The Hogan's could be just looking for some more media attention. Or, if this whole thing is legit, then it really sucks to be a "Hogan". Ever since his wrestling career has started winding down. His personal life has went to hell.
Everybody cool down!!! Hogan is just setting up another heelturn, that's all... nWo - the No Wife Offender 4 life, brother!

On a serious note though, that is a really stupid thing to say. I mean, of course he's pissed and what not, but you just have to be more careful when the public eye is upon you; you shouldn't even say something like that in private as it might leak out, saying it to the media straight away is just plain out dumb.

I mean, it sucks for the Hogans that their marriage didn't work out anymore, sure... but I mean, other couples have split up, and other former husbands (and wives, too - Madonna, anyone?) have had to give up some/most of their things in the process... but it's really inappropriate to say something like that, ever; no matter what the circumstances.

Seriously, I have been a Hogan fan forever, but things really started to go downhill bad with the Nick Hogan incident... Hogan really let out some stupid comments and acts in that context; this one really tops that though. If he only wants publicity, he probably should realize that especially when your portraying a character like Hogan's over so many years, THAT is the last kind of publicity you want.

Damn... I really would have enjoyed seeing the Hulkster back in WWE in some capacity again (not as a wrestler - those days should be over), but with moronic actions such as this, he's just making himself unpopular, and not only with myself I suppose.

Again, I really do understand where he's coming from and that he needs to let off steam... but seriously, as a public figure, you really should by all means be able to do it in a more sophisticated way; this was just a bit too much. I guess people shouldn't confuse Hogan relating to OJ emotionally with him actually stating that in public; it is one thing if you yourself can relate to someone who hurt/killed someone out of emotional distress or whatever (I guess at some point or other in our lives, we will all be in a similar situation, and probably think about stuff like that), but it is an entirely different thing to actually say it aloud in public.
I think it was a rather stupid and insensitive thing to say, but Hogan has more than a right to feel angry and frustrated over the circumstances surrounding his divorce.

Linda Hogan is as much to blame for what's happened to her marriage as Hulk. It's true that Hulk began an affair, it's true that he's someone that's had a hard time adjusting to being away from wrestling and I'm sure that's made him difficult to live with. At the same time, that doesn't mean that his wife should go through the fortune he made like shit through a goose.

I remember an episode of the Hogan Knows Best reality show in which Linda and Hulk are talking. She sort of jokingly says something to the effect that he has to take care of her in the manner and lifestyle to which she's become accustomed. Looking back on it, that really makes her sound like a golddigger. Another big problem, of which money is a key part of, is Linda wanting Hulk to pour more good money down the the proverbial bottomless pit that was his daughter's music career. From what I've read, Hulk sank well over $2 million dollars to essentially try and buy Brooke a music career and it's just not going to happen. The music industry didn't want another Britney or Christina clone, which was what Brooke was simply going to be.

While other couples do go through this, most have the luxury of not having it turn into something of a sideshow that's played out in front of the entire world. While Hogan really shouldn't have referenced O.J. Simpson, he's entitled to be frustrated while his wife shacks up with some 19 year old snot nosed brat and the fact that she basically wants at least half of everything he's worked for. Hogan is a flesh and blood man and, public figure or not, sometimes the pressure is simply too much. Everyone says things when they're angry sometimes that they don't mean and later regret. I don't necessarily see why Hulk Hogan's status as a public figure means he should be held to some higher standard.

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