Hogan and Bischoff in limo - major plot hole never filled?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
i remember hogan and bischoff being in a limo to pick someone up at an airport. then hogan got a call that hell was breaking lose and they had to go back to the Impact Zone. whatever happened with this? i know they had to go back and they showed hogan coming out to help some people, but they never went back to the storyline.

was it just filler to make up some time since that particular episode was live?

that's a pretty bad plot hole if they didn't end up filling it.

i don't usually get a chance to catch TNA, so my apologies if they ended up continuing this.
WOAH! Are you accusing TNA of not developing or continuing their stories?!

This is nothing new in WCW or WWE but TNA are particularly bad at it. I would suggest that Sting's deception angle and Joe's kidnapping are bigger holes than Hogan and Bisch in a limo.

It's definitely a problem that they have. But no I dont think they ever explained what they were doing with a limo and a camera crew ten minutes away from a live episode of Impact.
LOL nice call Numbers, TNA has had some big plot holes. I didnt really think of the limo scene until the creator of the thread brought it up. It would be nice to have some continuity instead of lame BS story writing
Good point! I forgot about that.

Weren't they in the limo on the way to the airport and talking about going there to pick someone up who "jumped ship"? Or something along those lines.

And Hogan got the call about Jay Lethal doing the Flair impersonation and Hogan got a call saying Lethal was out there with the HOF ring.

Hogan said to turn the limo around and go back to the Zone. Also, if I'm mistaken...wasn't Hogan supposed to "Present" that ring to someone that night? 2 goofs in 1 segment.
ya know, when i first read this i thought it was about the "mysterious" person who jumped from a car into Hogan's limo on the Jan 4th ep. i don't think we ever found out who that was supposed to be either, LOL.

@ Rupert: Hogan was supposed to present Flair's ring to "Nature Boy" Jay Lethal, from what i was able to pick up.
I'm not so sure that this was a plot hole that was inadvertently left unfilled, as much as it was typical TNA bullshit, hype, and deception of the fans. Much like Dixie Carter's big announcement leading up to the most recent PPV turned out to be nothing more than an intentional misleading of the fans to fool them into purchasing a PPV that they otherwise would not have bought, I would argue that the whole going to the airport to pick up someone who has jumped ship was a crock of shit as well. Get the fans to tune in and get their hopes up, get them to watch the whole show to see what the big news is, and "psych", gotcha again!

This follows TNA protocol to a tee. Either promise the sun moon and stars to the ever naive TNA fans, but don't follow through, and hope they continue to accept it. Or if not this, create a storyline, then abruptly end it with no explanation whatsoever, like the Samoa Joe kidnapping thing. There's been 6 months of this now and I don't expect it to stop anytime soon.
NWOite the person who got in hogan's limo on the Jan 4th impact was eric bischoff.. as for the other limo incidident, that is a very good question and i think they did say something about someone jumping ship if i'm not mistaken..

WOAH! Are you accusing TNA of not developing or continuing their stories?!

This is nothing new in WCW or WWE but TNA are particularly bad at it. I would suggest that Sting's deception angle and Joe's kidnapping are bigger holes than Hogan and Bisch in a limo.

It's definitely a problem that they have. But no I dont think they ever explained what they were doing with a limo and a camera crew ten minutes away from a live episode of Impact.

I like how some fans of other companies think everything is a plot hole that is not spoon fed to you every week and quickly answered. How do you know they are not going to answer these things? How is the deception angle a plot hole? It became the deception angle all of two weeks ago and seemed to be continued on the latest impact unless sting specifically has to say deception 12 times or it does not count? It seems to me all of these things could very easily still be in play but subtlety is lost on those who have succumbed to the pg era.
I like how some fans of other companies think everything is a plot hole that is not spoon fed to you every week and quickly answered. How do you know they are not going to answer these things? How is the deception angle a plot hole? It became the deception angle all of two weeks ago and seemed to be continued on the latest impact unless sting specifically has to say deception 12 times or it does not count? It seems to me all of these things could very easily still be in play but subtlety is lost on those who have succumbed to the pg era.

well said shattered dreams
As an age old fan, an an old WCW hater,i think its about time to lay off the hogan/Bishoff hate club, i agree who is to say there done with it, who`s to say its another misleading plot hole, what if it is,its good to have a bit of mystery an intrigue back back on a wrestling show. i for one am well enjoying it, Dont know what some o yo guys are watchin, seriously
TNA always do this...there are a lot of unanswered questions, and we know that they will never be answered because TNA don't write the endings of these do they...This is an example of TNA writing..
'Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff will go to the airport, have a cameraman following them, and they will air it live whilst another match is going on...Soon HH and Eazy E rush back to the iMPACT zone....'

Why did they go airport again??
The answer is...
No reason... TNA management didn't know either...they never finished the script...
If I remember way back in WCW 1999, they a had the whole, "who was in the hummer" storyline which they concluded about a year later. Which turned out to be Bischoff. Who's to say that TNA isn't doing the same thing.
One thing I have noticed was when Somoa Joe was kidnapped a while back and appeared a few weeks later. He said "they" were coming. Now Abyss and Sting have recently mentioned something similar about "they" coming. Either TNA forgot and just continued the storyline when they remembered, or they are pulling a WCW move and continuing a storyline for a long time. Think of the NWO. They were around for a long time, but didnt do a whole lot unless it concerned the group as a whole. I think that the plot holes, although seemingly dropped off, could be picked up in the future. I don't want to give them too much credit, though. TNA has changed people from face to heel and vice versa so often its hard to get a feel for who's who. IMO, the plot holes are just forgetfullness on TNA's part
Unresolved story lines are NOT plot holes. Plot holes are when something does not make sense despite the story explaining otherwise.

The Samoa Joe storyline and the Abyss storyline are intertwined somehow, it's pretty obvious if you have watched the show and followed the episodes. As far as other story lines, things like this are dropped on a daily basis in wrestling in EVERY promotion. It happens. Though TNA has a tendency to fill holes in stories months after the hints were given. For instance, the Kevin Nash/Samoa Joe feud didn't really start for about 10 months after Samoa Joe cut a shoot promo on Nash and Hall. Nash explained that he befriended Joe to get to him so his revenge can be sweeter.

During the nWo days, a "Turner" bag was shown in a nWo limo at some point during the summer months of 1996. It wasn't spoken of again, despite the fact it alluded to a Turner Sports Executive being part of the nWo. However, in late November of that year, Eric Bischoff turned heel and joined the nWo and went on to reveal he had been supporting them for months, thus explaining the "Turner" work bag.

You can't go screaming if every little detail on a 10 plus hours a month-show isn't explained. Wrestling fans have dealt for it since the beginning of time, deal with it. Though it can't hurt to speculate that they could lead somewhere.

And if you guys think all the unresolved stories, hints and ideas are bad in Wrestling, watch Lost. You would explode.
I like to give the benefit of the doubt to both wwe and tna writers, that being said, i do not see these as plot-holes i see these scenarios as tna creative trying to give the fans something different, and delivering a lack of instant gratification. I feel all three of the previously mentioned angles could have answers in your future. but id say a couple may be after victory road. as far as someone jumping ship could also be someone who was against hogan and bischoff but now sees the "light", maybe like flair or AJ , weirdly enough Ric has seemingly stopped crying about hogan and Eric.
i remember hogan and bischoff being in a limo to pick someone up at an airport. then hogan got a call that hell was breaking lose and they had to go back to the Impact Zone. whatever happened with this? i know they had to go back and they showed hogan coming out to help some people, but they never went back to the storyline.

was it just filler to make up some time since that particular episode was live?

that's a pretty bad plot hole if they didn't end up filling it.

i don't usually get a chance to catch TNA, so my apologies if they ended up continuing this.


Does it matter? Eric and Hogan where headed to an airport then Jay Lethal came out ripping Flair and they had to turn it around once people started brawling. It could've just been them heading to grab Dixie or someone and it really didn't matter because it wasn't important at all. It was just a scene.

Also it's not a plot hole, a plot hole would be something like "Why wasn't HHH jailed for breaking into Randy Orton's house?". This was a minor scene used to place more emphasis on Lethal being an idiot by setting off Flair when no one was around to help him. It means nothing and if it's the best thing you can think of to criticise TNA then it's beyond splitting hairs, it's splitting atoms.
Well, first off, it's far from major.

Second, it's not a plot hole as there is no "plot" surrounding it.

You're implying that the mystery of who they saw was important enough to warrant being mentioned again on another impact, which they weren't. This entire thing is so insignificant I'm just wrapping up this post like this:

No plot = no plot-holes = no major plot-holes
Eh, I think they were either trying or on the verge of signing somebody and it just fell through. Honestly, sometimes TNA gets the bad wrap for finishing angles, but I think they have bigger plans for some of these failed attempts and it just stops dead when said plans fall through.
Has anyone heard of psychology? Where things go and why they go there and when?

Its like this:

2 workers in a no-dq match; one gets a chair (just for example also see table etc) sets the chair (or other generic "hardcore" object) up, lets say he lodges it between the middle and top rope in the corner. 3 things then could happen.

1. One guy gets thrown into the chair back/head first.

2. the opponent reverses the move resulting in the other guy taking the chair in the back/head

3. (and here's the psychology for ya - so pay attention) They fight away from the chair and return to it later, acting out possibility 1 or 2, for a bigger response.

This applies to all aspects of working, in or out of the ring. Storylines or matches.

Simply put; they've fought away from the chair after putting the idea of it in your head -- and now they're coming back to it expecting a bigger pop than for just a normal "chair in the corner" spot.

They've had so many surprise debuts lately, that to make this one mean something more as it seems to be leading to a major, major angle (in their mind) they've had to make it mean more by applying (or using) this psychology.

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