Hobo With A Shotgun

Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management
Has anybody heard of this film, that will soon to be shown action film at Sundance film festival and later hit theaters this spring? It stars Rutger Haur and is about a hobo who is a crime fighting viglante. If you watched the Grindhouse films you seen the original trailor, but now they have a new one, but it still looks to be a fun action movie and prolly one of the best action films this year. What anybody esle thinks?
Probably one of those films that's much more entertaining in your head. I've seen the trailer and looks enjoyable. So long as they don't try and make it anything other than a really silly action film its should be good.
Isn't it the one that was fan made and won a contest with the winner's trailer being shown during Grindhouse?

If it's the same one I'm thinking of it should be a very fun movie. As long as it's taken as an over the top action movie and not too seriously it should be very good. I remember seeing the trailer and thinking "They need to make this a movie".

It'll probably be very Robert Rodriguez/Machete/Planet Terror over the top inspired. I'm actually surprised that Robert Rodriguez isn't directing it or producing it.

Nonetheless it should be a what you expect: An all out crazy action movie that does what it tells you it's going to do; kick ass.
Isn't it the one that was fan made and won a contest with the winner's trailer being shown during Grindhouse?

If it's the same one I'm thinking of it should be a very fun movie. As long as it's taken as an over the top action movie and not too seriously it should be very good. I remember seeing the trailer and thinking "They need to make this a movie".

It'll probably be very Robert Rodriguez/Machete/Planet Terror over the top inspired. I'm actually surprised that Robert Rodriguez isn't directing it or producing it.

Nonetheless it should be a what you expect: An all out crazy action movie that does what it tells you it's going to do; kick ass.

Well considering that its not Rodriquez film it makes sense he is not directing it.
Well considering that its not Rodriquez film it makes sense he is not directing it.

I was just implying it seems like something he would make. And considering the original trailer won a contest that was started by Rodriguez and Tarantino to get into the Grindhouse movies, I thought he would have something to do with making it.
It could either be a fun, not serious movie or a complete pile of shit. I honestly don't remember seeing the trailer when I saw Grindhouse, I swear they didn't show it, so I had to go find the trailer on youtube. It could very well be a fun film, but it can't be serious in any way shape or form. If the director or writer tries to get cute and make it have any seriousness to it it will be a massive flop. All it should be is cliche dialogue and blood, that's it. That is the only way it will be an enjoyable film because if it attempts to be preachy or serious it will be a complete contradiction. I would be surprised if this movie makes it to theaters, but once it is released I will probably try and check it out. Like I said, it looks like it could be a lot of fun or a piece of shit.
It could either be a fun, not serious movie or a complete pile of shit. I honestly don't remember seeing the trailer when I saw Grindhouse, I swear they didn't show it, so I had to go find the trailer on youtube. It could very well be a fun film, but it can't be serious in any way shape or form. If the director or writer tries to get cute and make it have any seriousness to it it will be a massive flop. All it should be is cliche dialogue and blood, that's it. That is the only way it will be an enjoyable film because if it attempts to be preachy or serious it will be a complete contradiction. I would be surprised if this movie makes it to theaters, but once it is released I will probably try and check it out. Like I said, it looks like it could be a lot of fun or a piece of shit.

Its gonna hit selected theaters, and I cannot see a film like this be serious in any way.

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