Hmmm That Year was not so bad


Pre-Show Stalwart
Is there a year in wrestling that when it happen you thought it was eh but then you look back at it and say to yourself "______ was not really that bad of a year for the WWE or TNA".

That year for me would have to be 2007. At first the only thing I liked was the fact Cena was champ but the more i look back at tapes and dvd's the more fun stuff i find in that year.

The Last man standing match for the WWE title
The No Way Out Tag match main event
The almost one hour match between Cena and HBK
The Backlash PPV
Batista vs Taker fued
Edge vs Batista fued
Orton vs Dusty Rhodes
Punk vs Morrison fued
New Breed vs ECW originals on ECW
The Hardy's vs the Worlds Greatest tag team at One Night Stand
and more

What is your guys year or years?
I was just trying to think and was thinking 2003 was kind of a lackluster year for me. But looking back over it there was a lot of big things that went on. Of course WM19 was fantastic but i was thinking more of after that. All I could think of that was positive was the Lesnar Angle feud that continued throughout the year. But looking back I saw/remembered that we saw the IC and US Titles brought back and actually were worth something. The Tag titles on both Raw and SD had actual contenders. Cena stepped up as a heel and eventually turned face. The debut of Goldberg, the unmasked Kane, The Legend Killer gimmick began, that awesome survivor series match between team Bischoff and Team Austin, GM's were actually important at the time, Evolution started, and more....

At the time I hated all of this. I was not into it really just thought it was average but looking back I loved this time. There was so much going on and there was so much talent around the WWE. Enough to actually have two separate brands with separate PPV's. WWE could not go back to that today, they are way to short of talent.
Ah, the life of an internet wrestling fan. Hate it while it happens, love it as soon as it's gone.

I've never been a big fan of 1999. Titles changed hands every other show and there was very very very few memorable matches. But looking back, I'm glad the British Bulldog got one last shot at glory, D-Lo Brown got a push, and that it was the only year Mick Foley was allowed to have the belt. Guess it wasn't so bad.
The funny thing is, I actually feel this way with a lot of time periods in wrestling watching them in retrospect.....except for 2007. I cringe every time I watch anything from 2007. And it's not just Cena and his title reign of terror either. Just about everything about 2007 was bad IMO.
Yea I would rather not remember 2007..only thing memorable besides Benoit was Cena vs HBK and Ortons character that I look back 2008 wasnt so bad..Ric Flair and HBKs matchat Mania was for the ages...CM Punk was finally given a shot...Undertaker and Edge had a really entertaining feud...Triple H finally went back over to SD...PPVs werent spectacular but were pretty solid looking back at them....Jericho and HBK had an amazing rivalry...Triple H and Orton were interesting together for once....We got a surge of up and coming talent in Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes who debuted in 2007, Kofi Kingston, Miz & Morrison getting a push..CM Punk getting a push..Jericho winning the world title twice...Jeff Hardy winning his first world title..true, Summerslam sucked balls..Punks reign was "that reign" which everyone chooses to forget..but alot of good came out of it
I always thought that 2009 got a lot more hate from the IWC than was deserved. IMO, 2009 was the last time that the IC title, the tag team division, Randy Orton, and Smackdown were consistently interesting. Although WM25 was somewhat of a letdown the year as a whole saw IC feuds that consisted of Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, and Dolph Ziggler, who were all very entertaining in-ring performers. It also saw the rise of Jeff Hardy into superstardom and one of the best feuds ever IMO in Hardy vs Punk (if Hardy didn't leave and they continued the battle more people would agree with me). Orton and Legacy are the last good stable in WWE and DX came back one last time that year to battle them in very good matches including the tag team Hell in A Cell match which was able to be on cards IN ADDITION TO actual tag team title matches that featured a lot of teams. In 2009 each division was looking stronger, which is something I don't think we've seen a lot since.
Is it too soon to say 2011? I feel like last year was one of the WWE's best years ever! So many great ppv's as well as memorable moments. But besides 2011 I'd have to say my favorite year would be 2005. 2005 was when we first go the wwe draft and all the major moves and shakeups we saw. Christian was hitting on all cylinders that year and who could forget Muhammad Hassan? Edge was coming into his own and the Wrestlemania that year was fantastic. Kurt vs HBK, Orton vs Taker, and the first ever MTB match. Yeah 2005 was a great year.
Im going to agree with 2003. The roster split was actually kind of cool then. The smackdown six. HBK vs HHH/Flair feud was enjoyable.

2000 is a close second. After 2001 was awesome, I really looked down on 2k. WM sucked and I hated Austin being gone and didnt enjoy the Rock. Looking back, we got to see Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, and Angle showcased. The Rumble,Fully Loaded annd Summerslam were awesome ppvs.
1997 was an definitive year in the WWF at this time,with the tittle to Taker,it's an translation for the futur ERA attitude with stone cold in chief order in operation.

it was the beginning of the Kane's year,the 5th tittle for Bret,the debut of the feud between Shawn and taker,the birth of the first DX mounture with Shawn,Chyna,Triple H and rick rude.
The return of the Hart foundation and the end of harts feuds with the help of Brian Pillman.
Many event are passed this year and it's the base for the future best period of the entire WWE.
My fondest year had to be 1998, though 1997 deserves honorable mention.

WCW and WWF were focused on entertaining the fans as a means of competing with each other. TNT was re-broadcasting Nitro later in the evening so I could watch both shows every Monday.

Mankind beats Rock for the belt, New Age Outlaws are running amok in amusing ways and Sting is an absolute bad ass. It was a fun time to be a wrestling fan.
If I get the point of the thread I think the OP was asking what year either gets a lot of shit talked about it, or is other wise not generally thought of if glowing light, but looking back it doesn't seem all that bad, not simply your favorite year in wrestling... so I'd have to say 2002

It started off with a very Bad Ass Undertaker (no pun intended), with a new look and a new attitude running rough shot over the WWE and Ric Flair in particular, Chris Jericho was the Undisputed Champion, Triple H returned and was back in the World title picture, which he hadn't really been in nearly a year and a half, and The Rock was in the mist of winding down his career by putting Jericho over as a main event star for the THRID time in four months on PPV.

Then after Mania we got a pretty decent run with the Undertaker on top and started to get introduced to Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle shaved his head and lost a lot of the goofiness from his character, becoming much more serious (after the stupid wig gimmick), a clean and sober Eddie Guerrero returned and quickly won the Intercontinental Championship having some pretty damn good matches with Rob Van Dam in the process, The Rock put over Lesnar as The Next Big Thing, and Shawn Michaels returned after four years and had a great match with Triple H

Then in the fall, when RAW went to shit (and oh man did it ever go to shit) SmackDown (under the brilliant leadership of Paul Heyman... that's right, I'm a Heyman guy) became a show that I literally would not miss. You had Taker v Lesnar leading to one of the top three all-time Hell in a Cell matches in history (not to mention the bloodiest), the last great era of tag team wrestling being taken seriously (a 2-out of-3 falls match for the Tag Team Championship actually main evented an episode of SmackDown), a feud between Angle and Benoit, not over anything stupid, or silly, but simply over who was better than the other.

2002 was a pretty great year looking back
1995 seems to get a lot of trash talked about it with the emergence of king mabel, but honestly I just went back and watch survivor series 1995, and when mabel feuded with the undertaker it really wasn't that bad. Taker debuted the protective mask which was an awesome look. We also had strong feuds featuring HBK. Razor Ramon was also putting on some good matches, and Bret Hart was also on top of his game. Granted I was 15 at the time, but I don't see that year as being as bad as everyone thinks
For me its 97. At the time I was more into WCW and rarely watched WWF. But by mid 98 I started coming back around and was WWF/E from there on out. For the past 10 or so years I have always had a fascination with 97 WWF. It begins and ends with the year long Michaels Hart fued that culminated in the single biggest event in WWF/E history. But while that was going on you had the rise of Austin, the beginning of HHH and Rock, the beginning of DX, a fantastic ending to the Rumble, Takers Mania moment along with Austin v Bret at mania and so much more. I'm also a real sucker for this year because of the transition into attitude era WWF which was a great time to be a fan.
2004. Well on the Raw side that is. Triple H was on his game for half a year. Wrestling clinics with Benoit and HBK. All three of those guys wrestled 4 star matches against each other for weeks. The midcard was strong with Christian and Jericho putting up a solid fued. Evolution! say no more. What a stable everyone played there part. I, Your's truly loved the eugene angle. I really pulled behind the mentally empaired one + his theme music. Batista and Orton were really coming into thier own though. Orton vs Foley was tremendous capped off by the 5 star classic at backlash. Edge returned. All ppvs were solid and the overall loved the vibe. From the theme music to Bishoff at Gm.

- This might not seem like my best post. Forgive me i have a 10/10 blond giving me head right now.

Kind regards, MR Ferguson

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