Hit or Miss: Best Reformed Factions


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Basically, do you feel the original Faction was the best, or do you feel it's counterpart from a later time period out-done it's original? (example - n.W.o. or n.W.o. tye-dye, silver, W.W.E. -- Horsemen branches -- Hart Foundation)

The main reason I thought of this, also came from the Hart Family saga. You see, through the years you had Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart as the "Hart Foundation". Then you had Owen & Anvil as the "New Hart Foundation". Then Bret & Bulldog during late 94, that never went anywhere.. and finally, in my opinion the best part of the entire thing.. the 1997 grouping of the entire Family. So in that instant, I'd say the last faction was the best, because together they got each other over greatly.

I also believe that the n.W.o. Silver (Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner) could've did a lot of damage in a weakened 1999 W.C.W., but due to injures and issues, it never went anywhere after about a month of building. Because of that, I feel it's both a failed faction and a great faction. It had possibility, but never made it due to circumstance.

Meanwhile, I would say arguably the best n.W.o. faction was the Wolf-Pac. Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Sting & Konnan. Even though the original n.W.o. of Hulk Hogan, Nash, Hall, DiBiase, Vincent, the Giant and Syxx might go down as the best tight-net group.. I believe the Wolf-Pac was the most over.

Those are just some of my examples. What are everyone else's ideas of Great Factions, and "hit or miss" reformations. Explain in detail why you feel they were better or worse.
I'll take the 2nd coming of the Hart Foundation. This was a great stable its second time around, even though it was barely a stable in the first place. These guys put together a great heel group that was so easy to hate. The summer of 1997 was classic as you had the NWO and then this being added on the other channel. These guys against Austin and Taker was just great, and it led up to the Montreal Screwjob which made wrestling what it is today. Best example I've ever seen of the anti American gimmick.
None of them. If they hadn't had their day then they wouldn't have got rid of them in the first place. Likewise if they were working. Unless TNA is included in this. I'd be quite happy for a new verion of Team Canada.

Was The Hart Foundation of 1997 really a reformation? Originally they were a tag team and manager, not so much a stable. The Powers Of Pain with Mr. Fuji weren't a stable, neither were The Twin Towers with Slick.
None of them. If they hadn't had their day then they wouldn't have got rid of them in the first place. Likewise if they were working. Unless TNA is included in this. I'd be quite happy for a new verion of Team Canada.

T.N.A. is included. I didn't exactly know where to put it, but since I figured it revolved mainly around Old School factions being remade.. it deserved this spot.

At any rate, I agree. Team Canada was a good faction, and over the years to be honest a lot of "Team Canada's" have been made. From W.C.W.'s with Lance Storm, Elix Skipper, Mike Awesome & someone else I can't quite remember.. (even Hacksaw :lmao:) to W.W.E.'s version of the "UnAmericans" with three Canadians, (Storm, Christian & Test) then a U.K. (later joined) William Regal.

I have to be honest.. I loved Christian, Lance Storm and Test. Test wasn't really great for being anything other than the powerhouse of the group, but that's exacty what A.1 was for T.N.A.'s version. And Storm/Christian were a great Tag Team during that period of rebuilding the division with matching people together.

Was The Hart Foundation of 1997 really a reformation? Originally they were a tag team and manager, not so much a stable. The Powers Of Pain with Mr. Fuji weren't a stable, neither were The Twin Towers with Slick.

I suppose you're right, but I used the Hart Foundation because the name remained the same. Even though it was only Bret & the Anvil, then Owen & the Anvil. (wasn't Koko B. Ware w/ Owen too?) All in all though, the complete 5 man faction in 1997 was great. Arguably one of the best 5 man groupings of all time. (even over the Horsemen and the n.W.o. -- I know that'll draw heat)
I think that the revised NWO in the WWE was defenitley a miss. When the NWO returned it was huge, but I felt like it was a bust. The group seemed more of a comedy stable than anything else. I thought Booker T & HBK did not click in the group. It didn't help Nash got injured and Hall with all his problems. I think the return could have been a major thing but it was a very big miss.

I would also call the reformation of DX a miss. When HHH & HBK reformed it, it seemed very watered down(supposedly due to HBK's religion) and it ended up being a childish comedy duo. I just think it was a rip off of the original and couldn't compare. Both HBK & HHH have sorta lost their edge.
The Hart Foundation would be the best example of a reformation that was simply bad ass. Sure they weren't a faction prior per se, but it had been 4 years since Owen and Bret were on the same side storyline wise. Anvil and Bulldog all had turned on Bret as well, so it was a big deal to see the Hart Family reunited under the Hart Foundation name.

Wasn't the Hart Foundations name originally for Jimmy Hart's stable of guys? The Harts (Hart and Neidhart) kind of took it over as Jimmy went away with other guys, but who knows, it's too damn confusing with all of the Harts.
Nation of Domination: Originally the Nation of Domination sucked. You had worthless people in there such as Crush, Ahmed Johnson, JC Ice and Wolfie D. However once The Rock took over the Nation the night after WrestleMania XIV and Owen Hart came in the stable rose in quality. Great heat and a great fued with a face DX.

DX: The incarnations of DX that were mainly HBK and HHH weren't that interesting. But when the stable became HHH, X-Pac & the New Age Outlaws they became a good group. As stated above they had a great feud with The Nation in the summer of 98 and and another great run in late 99 early 00. However DX started declining when all the McMahon's got added in and it became Corporate DX.
DX: The incarnations of DX that were mainly HBK and HHH weren't that interesting. But when the stable became HHH, X-Pac & the New Age Outlaws they became a good group. As stated above they had a great feud with The Nation in the summer of 98 and and another great run in late 99 early 00. However DX started declining when all the McMahon's got added in and it became Corporate DX.

I would say arguably you're about to get a lot of heat brought on you for that comment alone. The fact is, if it wasn't for the high-school pranks that the original D-X founders of Triple H., Shawn Michaels and Chyna (w/ Rick Rude I suppose) pulled on people.. the watered down games that the Outlaws and X-Pac brought to the table wouldn't even be viewed on the same level.

D-X, after growing into a 4 man unit was definately superior because they had the man-power to back each other up, rather than a two man team w/ a female body builder as their "valet". Their feud with the Nation was easily one of the best feuds from that generation/era, and should go down in history for being such..

However, I'd say the original H.B.K./H.H.H. connection, before Shawn went religious and turned down a lot of "adult-related" ideas.. I'd say the original was the best. I mean, who else would've came out during a live show, w/ a Tag match that noone truly cared for.. and randomly start playing strip poker? Stupid? Yes.. but that's what made them famous for that group as well.
Obviously, the re-incarnation of DX with HBK & HHH was the most successful of all the re-incarnations. Simply put this is becaue it was suppose to be a 3-month ordeal to get through the summer and because of it's huge success retruned for a half a year or longer. In face the only reason it died was due to injuries.
I would say arguably you're about to get a lot of heat brought on you for that comment alone. The fact is, if it wasn't for the high-school pranks that the original D-X founders of Triple H., Shawn Michaels and Chyna (w/ Rick Rude I suppose) pulled on people.. the watered down games that the Outlaws and X-Pac brought to the table wouldn't even be viewed on the same level.

D-X, after growing into a 4 man unit was definately superior because they had the man-power to back each other up, rather than a two man team w/ a female body builder as their "valet". Their feud with the Nation was easily one of the best feuds from that generation/era, and should go down in history for being such..

However, I'd say the original H.B.K./H.H.H. connection, before Shawn went religious and turned down a lot of "adult-related" ideas.. I'd say the original was the best. I mean, who else would've came out during a live show, w/ a Tag match that noone truly cared for.. and randomly start playing strip poker? Stupid? Yes.. but that's what made them famous for that group as well.

I'll definitely agree that the antics of HHH, HBK, Chyna and Rude elevated the group and gave them recognition. However I didn't think watching two men play with sausages, make cock jokes and strip was all that entertaining. They were much more entertaining when they added the NAO & X-Pac, invaded Monday Nitro and parodied The Nation and The Corporation. Those skits were funny. But to each his own.
I don't know if you could class Hart foundation as initially they weren't really a stable, so I won't go into that. I will mention three, one that improved, one that failed miserably and one that just kept the essence of the original group without making it better or worse.

1) A good one

I know I may get shot down for this but at the time I thought that the DX with X-Pac and NAO were better than the original incarnation. Obviously this is not the case having looked back at some of the original DX, but at the time, I loved the expanded version. Probably because I was a 14 year old kid, perfect market! I generally think that without the DX expansion, DX wouldn't really have gone down too well in the long run, and thus wouldn't have been able to do its 2006 return.

2) A bad one

New World Order. I think this I don't need to go into further details, but bring one of the biggest things in WCW and WWE it up, have the main heel go face, have an injury to Nash, let X-Pac and Hall have their release and bring the guy who was in the original stable that was WWF's answer to nWo (DX in case you weren't sure) and you just have one..big...mess...

3) An indifferent one

Short, sweet, pleasant, not too flashy, not too quiet...sums up the essence of the original group, no new guys, just the same three;


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