History repeats itself. Who do you want to see as the next IC champ?


The hardcore casual fan
So, now we just found out that, coming off his second big win at a WrestleMania, Daniel Bryan is injured and unable to compete, thus once again vacating the championship he just won at the big event. Two years in a row. Wow. Talk about bad luck, right? Well, maybe not so much. I feel bad for the guy, but it's not as if he randomly had a shoulder/neck injury pop up out of nowhere. I digress. Now, once again, WWE has to find someone to hold the title.

Now, when Bryan won the IC belt, I have to admit, I thought he was the best choice to help bring back the prestige that it once had. Now that he's back on the shelf, that all gets tossed out the window, so to speak. Or does it? Surely there's another superstar who can do it, right? That's what I want to ask you guys. Looking at the roster right now, who do you think stands the best chance of being booked properly as the Intercontinental champion? Who do you want to see as the next champion and why?

For me, I'm going to pick Sheamus. The way he's being booked now, plus the feud he has going on with Ziggler could be the best possible launch for his reign. I would hold a mini-tournament with the matches that are already set up this Sunday at Payback between Sheamus vs. Ziggler and Neville vs. King Barrett. Have Sheamus beat Dolph(by cheating a little) and Neville go over Barrett, then Sheamus beats Neville to really get some heat going. Then continue his feud with Ziggler, only have the IC belt added to the mix. Then, since I keep hearing WWE wants to re-visit Sheamus vs. Bryan, why not have him hold on to the belt until Bryan is healthy(if it doesn't take too long) and let them feud over it? Since he's one of HHH's boys I'm not too concerned about how he would be booked as champion.

So, those are my two cents. What are your thoughts? Would there be someone who would be better as champion, in your opinion?
Yea that's a bummer about Bryan. But he handled it well, and like i said on anther thread showed he's a class act. No fanfare, just a simple thank you to the fans. it's all that was needed.

As for who should hold the belt next, I really have no idea. Barrett's run was kind of horrible. Ziggler not too much better. Ambrose has been elevated past the title, hopefully. Stardust is just too bloody weird, and R Truth, well yea forget it. Like the guy, but he's filler.

Sheamus probably needs it the most. He's not getting the reaction from the crowd I think they were expecting, and not surprising. His matches or time on the screen are very predictable. Take tonight, did anyone watching really didn't think he wasn't going to interfere in the Ziggler/Barrett match. It's become a running joke. He runs in, does a brogue kick, and then holds out his arms and yells "ARE YOU ENTERTAINED". The answer to that Sheamus is no.

Cena's done such a good job with the US title, just can't see Sheamus doing the same with the IC title.

So yea I'm all over the place with this answer, in short I have no idea, who to give it too.
They'll most likely go with Sheamus, who wouldn't be a bad choice. He is a strong heel right now with a strong face feuding with him in Dolph, like you say. But personally I don't want to see Sheamus as champ because the title will become a side show. Whereas if you put it on Neville, a young and up and coming face and had Barrett chase for the title, you have an interesting feud over the title.

Or just give it back to Barrett.
Didn't Sheamus just recently have the- oh wait, that was the U.S Championship. I think Sheamus would work, although I wouldn't mind a darkhorse winner such as Neville. I think Ryback and Bray should go for it.

I don't want Ziggler or Barrett to get the belt this quickly after their reigns. Although Rusev won't be a bad choice if he fails to get the U.S Belt. Maybe he can carry both?
The ideal guy is now injured... It was perfect for Sami Zayn to pick up, so in his absence I would go all out and push Neville to the IC title. He's had some stellar matches with the top guys and is basically the same entity as Bryan in terms of top drawer matches, just without the former World champion moniker. Put it up in the Chamber... Neville, Sheamus, Barrett, Ziggler and add a bigger guy like Show and one of these NXT rehires like Rhyno.. have Neville stun them all... if he can Red Arrow off the pod, all the better...

He and Barrett feud over the summer for it, with Dolph and Sheamus in the mix and then if Bryan is fit, bring him back to face Neville if you want him heel... or when Sami is fit, move him into the mix and get some of those NXT classic matches on RAW... THEN... have Balor come in and take it on a UK tour, perhaps trade the belt during it and build to Mania.

Let Cena handle the "main eventer with the belt" and let Neville be the fighting IC champ (who wins and retains) like he was as NXT champ, that way both belts still get elevated.

Unless you're gonna use it to bring Joe in... which also works...
For my ticket money, they need to find a mainstay IC Champion to really make that belt worth something again. I don't want to see your typical heel vs face year long saga where the belt is just a minor factor in the feud. I want to see someone who's already over get the belt and carry the belt through some epic encounters, the belt needs an over performer more than an over performer needs the belt.

In my perfect world, Dean Ambrose would become an anti-hero mainstay champion. I know right, typical IWC mark. Hear me out.

The belt would gain value in my eyes if it was held by someone who was willing to stoop to Roddy Piper levels of dickery to retain it. Eye pokes, distracting the ref, feet on the ropes, exposed turnbuckle, the whole nine yards. Use Dean as the guy who makes newly promoted NXT talent look great in that he has to stoop to underhanded tactics to sneak a win on them.
This is easy. This is how you bring in Samoa Joe, like THTRobtaylor said. I would also make the pods opaque, and have the 4 entrants be surprises.

Neville and Barrett start the match. Neville gets through the other 4 guys, Barrett, Owens (since Zayn is out, could also use Finn Balor here), Show and Rhino, and then the final pod opens, and it's Samoa Joe. And he beats Neville.
Let Cena handle the "main eventer with the belt" and let Neville be the fighting IC champ (who wins and retains) like he was as NXT champ, that way both belts still get elevated.

I agree with this. Previously, I had picked Sheamus as the guy I'd like to see as the next IC champion, based mostly on the presumption that WWE wanted main event-level performers to elevate the prestige of the minor titles.

Still, especially after watching Neville's efforts against John Cena last night, I'd be just as happy to see him win IC. He's the kind of guy that puts on such entertaining matches that fans will surely rally behind him.

As for Sheamus, who knows what the company has in store for him? I was surprised to see him lose cleanly to Dolph Ziggler, which is hardly an indication Sheamus is about to move back to the top of the roster.

Also, if the company wants the minor titles to be worn by top level performers, who can they realistically bring in to do it? They don't have that many guys at main event level in the first place.....and after all, the guy they choose would have to abandon his quest to go after the world title while he works the midcard, right?

I think Neville would be a great choice as IC champ. I only wish he were a larger person......a feeling he probably shares.
Sorry to see Bryan go like that, and I do hope he heals and can get back to being a top star.

I'm not so big on the Shaemus idea. A lot of folks, I'm sure, will disagree, but I say to put it on Roman Reigns. It allows him to have more potential up until he wins the WHC. He will have a title to help him get over more as he builds his career and attempts to sway public opinion of his character. The US title is in good hands now, the WHC belongs to a heel, seems like a good fit for him leading up to SS or WM32. In the past a lot of guys held the IC strap just before their first title reign.
Would there be someone who would be better as champion, in your opinion?

That's the big question for me, and no, I don't think so. I've suspected for a while that Cena and Bryan each holding a secondary title was going to lead to a unification match between the two, thus giving that title an immense amount of prestige. The goal would have been to raise that title to the place held by the old World Title before it's unification. Even with Bryan injured, I still think they're going to go that route.

So no, I don't think anyone could have filled that spot better than Bryan. The prerequisites for that plan are that both title holders be faces, and well established. The only other option I see is Dean Ambrose. He has enough good will built up with the audience to be considered legitimate for such a matchup.
Should be Dean Ambrose.

He is the one who really started the IC feud that lead to the ladder match at 'Mania. Unfortunately he was forgotten after people like Bryan were added in. Barrett just won the King of the Ring, Sheamus has recently returned as a heel and is getting good heat, but Ambrose should finally get his shot at the IC title.

He won't win the World Heavyweight Championship on Sunday - but he should win the IC title in the Elimination Chamber.
Sheamus would do the job. He's top 2 or 3 heel on the roster right now and fans legitimately hate the guy. Plus he could have some great feuds with the likes of Barrett, Ambrose, Neville, and Ryback. He's also shown that he can handle the spotlight and put on some pretty good programs, both as a main eventer and a "mid-carder."

The person should make the title, and in all honesty Sheamus deserves to hold it. I would go as far as saying that Neville doesn't at this point. He's put on some amazing matches and I'm a huge fan of the guy, but we've only seen him sporadically on the main roster. I'm afraid the IC title would highlight some of his deficiencies, mainly his mic work. While he's not awful by any means, he's not necessarily... good. Let him work his way through Barrett, maybe Ziggler after that, and if he shows that he can hold his own with those guys in all aspects, than he'll really be ready to hold the belt.

That being said, he's my second pick... I don't want to see another Ziggler or Barrett IC run for a long long time.

EDIT: I would say Dean Ambrose, but IC title seems like a step down at this point. I'd like to see him stay in the main event picture, but I can't say it wouldn't make for an interesting run.
The Miz was the best IC Champ but they played hot potato between him and Ziggler - the title should have stayed on Hollywood Miz. Randy Orton has only held it once and could do for it what Cena is doing for the IC title. It's a thin roster. Sheamus could work, Ziggler and Barrett have had too many chances.

I'll take a Sheamus Neville feud. Barrett is a joke.

Yep, give me Sheamus vs Neville feuding over the IC Title.
Hopefully the company doesn't put the IC title back on Ziggler or Barrett at this time. Ideally, I'd love to see Rusev get it, but given his feud with Cena at present, I'll go with Neville or Sheamus.

Ambrose is currently in the Main Event scene, and hopefully he stays at and around that level from here on alongwith his 2 former SHIELD bros for the forseeable future.
I want to see Sheamus as champ. I can't remember the last time WWE had a dominant IC champion. The champs usually lose non title matches or barely defend their title.
i would like to see Sheamus hold the ic title, and earn some clean victories over many opponents until dropping to the hottest babyface at summerslam. i always loved the old school " baby face ic title win IN the summerslam brother! and that could easily be who ever they want neville or dolph or zayn or dean

that spot helped warrior, von erich, bret, bulldog, HBK, Austin, Rock & more

sheamus has a great total package presentation, hmm, actually i just thought of RUSEV after i wrote that.. so those two men are my top pick to win the coveted intercontinental championship at elimination chamber .. RUSEV could use that win to recover from his cena/us title feud but only if he fails to win the us belt.. which i would choose to keep on CENA since the US OPEN is the best segment on RAW lately.. right?.. right??.. RIGHT.
I think John Cena should win the Intercontinental Championship Title and unify it with the United States Championship Title, but defended both Championship Titles separately. He could create the John Cena IC Open Challenge on Raw and move the John Cena US Open Challenge to Smackdown. Each week, have Cena defend both Championships on both shows. Maybe they could change it up and each week, have a United States Championship contenders match on Raw and an Intercontinental Championship contenders match on Smackdown, with the respective winners getting their Championship Title shots the following week. This would be a great way to keep the kids happy, seeing Cena week in and week out defending the Championship Titles, and keep the adults happy, by keeping Cena away from reaching WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title reign number 16 for as long as possible.
I know the probable decision would be go with Sheamus, but I really want to see Bray Wyatt be in the match and win the title. I think he needs something new and to finally hold a title. We have seen for the last 2.5 years him chasing top stars elevating his status now I think it's time he holds a title that's not WWE title so he can continue to build legitimacy. I think it would be a change of pace to see people step up and challenge him rather.

I'm for Bray Wyatt IC CHAMP

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