His Missed Feud: Kurt Angle

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Kurt Angle spent nearly seven years in the WWE. During that time he had several great feuds with guys like Triple H, Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, and Chris Benoit among many others. If you spend seven years on the WWE roster during the time of monthly PPVs you’re going to end up feuding with pretty much everybody that’s on or near your level at some point. Key words being pretty much. Despite being on the same roster together for many years some guys never manage to cross paths for a variety of reasons. In Kurt Angle’s case one feud he never had that I would have liked to have seen is one against Batista.

Honestly, there really wasn’t a whole lot of time to get this feud in. While Angle and Batista were on the roster together for a few years it was only during Angle’s last year and a half that Batista was on his level. Still though it would have been nice to get a feud out of these two. I’m not blaming WWE for not making it happen. The timing was just never right. When Batista first became a main eventer he was involved in a long feud with Triple H. It was a feud Batista needed at the time and one he dominated to establish himself as a top guy. After that Batista was drafted to Smackdown but at the same time Angle was drafted to Raw. It would have been nice to see Angle stay on Smackdown and get a match out of the two at SummerSlam 2005 but it just wasn’t in the cards. Angle was moved to Raw with John Cena so those two could work together. If only WWE could have postponed Angle’s move to Raw we could have gotten an Angle vs. Batista feud over the summer before getting Angle vs. Cena in the fall. I know a lot of people don’t think much of Batista’s work but I think he’s a little underrated in that regard. He is more than capable of putting on a good match, especially against somebody as skilled as Angle. I think these two would have matched up well and given us some good matches.

Another guy I thought of was Chris Jericho. Believe it or not Angle and Jericho never had a big feud. They had a brief on in early 2000 when both were still new to WWE but it wasn’t anything special. Over the next few years they would cross paths on occasion but never had that big one on one feud. Jericho may seem like a better opponent for Angle but if I had to pick one I would have preferred to have seen a feud with Batista.

Who do you think was the best potential opponent for Kurt Angle that he could have worked with in WWE but never did? Be realistic with you time table. For example, Bret Hart and CM Punk are not acceptable answers for this thread.
Chris Jericho comes to mind along with CM Punk. CM Punk would of been an excellent choice IMO. Both great wrestlers and their styles would absolutely match each other well. Chris Jericho would of also been amazing. Both were in similar positions during the Attitude Era.
I'd pick Randy Orton. Yeah he crossed paths with Angle but, Angle was the third wheel in the WM three-way and he was out the door just after he moved to ECW and fought Orton again. There was plenty of potential for a serious heroic Angle vs the smug Orton from that period, plus the matches would've been quite smart too...I even think having Orton feuding with Angle (and ending up winning) would've done more for him than the whole feud he had with Undertaker.

I'd also mention Triple H as when they did feud Angle was clearly not on his level...Once Angle was established as a headliner an Angle vs Triple H feud (even a revamp of the feud over Stephanie) would've been awesome.
I don't remember Kurt Angle ever really having a feud with Mankind. I'm sure their paths crossed at some point, but not in any major PPV that I recall. Obviously not a classic matchup, but I think these guys would've had a great match.
Who do you think was the best potential opponent for Kurt Angle that he could have worked with in WWE but never did? Be realistic with you time table. For example, Bret Hart and CM Punk are not acceptable answers for this thread.

Chris Jericho comes to mind along with CM Punk. CM Punk would of been an excellent choice IMO. Both great wrestlers and their styles would absolutely match each other well. Chris Jericho would of also been amazing. Both were in similar positions during the Attitude Era.


I'd pick Randy Orton. Yeah he crossed paths with Angle but, Angle was the third wheel in the WM three-way and he was out the door just after he moved to ECW and fought Orton again. There was plenty of potential for a serious heroic Angle vs the smug Orton from that period, plus the matches would've been quite smart too...I even think having Orton feuding with Angle (and ending up winning) would've done more for him than the whole feud he had with Undertaker.

I'd also mention Triple H as when they did feud Angle was clearly not on his level...Once Angle was established as a headliner an Angle vs Triple H feud (even a revamp of the feud over Stephanie) would've been awesome.

I didn't consider Orton because, like you said, Orton was Angle's last feud. You're right though. That feud did feel incomplete because Angle left immediately after. They could have done much better.

I felt that Triple H brought Kurt Angle to his level in 2000. Triple H gets accused of burying people but he never gets the credit he deserves in making new stars. He helped to make Kurt Angle. I would have loved to see the two feud again in 2002 or 2003. They had a brief feud early in 2002 and wrestled each other at No Way Out. Stephanie as the ref was too much of a distraction and didn't allow these guys to do what they could do. Maybe Angle would have been a better choice as champion at that time then Jericho and Triple H vs. Kurt Angle could have headlined WM18.

I don't remember Kurt Angle ever really having a feud with Mankind. I'm sure their paths crossed at some point, but not in any major PPV that I recall. Obviously not a classic matchup, but I think these guys would've had a great match.

Mankind retired from full time competition only about three months after Angle debuted. Sure he came back on occasion for brief feuds but I don't think Angle vs. part time Mankind had much value. If Mankind was still full time while Angle was around it could have been a good feud.
Mr. Perfect at Wrestlemania X8. I'd really love to know what WWE were thinking by missing out on this opportunity. This would have been a classic match and it couldn't have come at a better time. The only thing I can think of that may have prevented this match from happening is that they were both heels, but they could've easily just had Hennig return as a babyface. He got a pretty big pop at the Royal Rumble, don't know why they had to turn him heel afterwards. I thought Kane should've faced Big Show at Wrestlemania aswell, he eliminated Show in the Rumble match, they could've built towards a match between those two, but Show like Perfect ended up doing nothing on the big show.
Mr. Perfect at Wrestlemania X8. I'd really love to know what WWE were thinking by missing out on this opportunity. This would have been a classic match and it couldn't have come at a better time. The only thing I can think of that may have prevented this match from happening is that they were both heels, but they could've easily just had Hennig return as a babyface. He got a pretty big pop at the Royal Rumble, don't know why they had to turn him heel afterwards. I thought Kane should've faced Big Show at Wrestlemania aswell, he eliminated Show in the Rumble match, I thought they were building towards a match between those two, but Show like Perfect ended up doing nothing on the big show.

You just reminded me of something I really wanted at the time. I was really hoping for Angle vs. Perfect at WM18. It seemed like such a natural matchup. I remember the final four in the rumble that year was Angle, Perfect, Austin, and Triple H and just thinking Perfect looked like he belonged there with those guys. He still looked great. Too bad WWE didn't have any big plans for him when they brought him back.
Angle vs. Perfect would have been sick. I've actually been thinking about this a lot because I've been watching old Kurt Matches this past week I'm going to have to go Chris Jericho. Both Y2J and Angle had it all IMO they had Mic Skills were believable in their characters and were unbelievable wrestlers. The feud they could have had could have been one of the best ever. It's a shame both of them aren't mentioned in more Top 20 GOAT lists because they really did have everything going for them. Since we have to be realistic, this is the only one I can think of right now.
I felt that Triple H brought Kurt Angle to his level in 2000. Triple H gets accused of burying people but he never gets the credit he deserves in making new stars. He helped to make Kurt Angle. I would have loved to see the two feud again in 2002 or 2003. They had a brief feud early in 2002 and wrestled each other at No Way Out. Stephanie as the ref was too much of a distraction and didn't allow these guys to do what they could do. Maybe Angle would have been a better choice as champion at that time then Jericho and Triple H vs. Kurt Angle could have headlined WM18.

He did help elevate Angle to a point but, to me, the feud still had some serious legs in it with Stephanie turning on Triple H & leaving with Angle...it kinda ending in the first one on one match didn't do the storyline that'd dominated the whole of WWF's main event that summer justice.

Angle vs Triple H would've been a much better main event for WM18...hell at least they could've used that previous storyline involving Steph to create a more exciting story than they gave Chris "the Dog walker" Jericho.

From a pure athletic point of view I'd love to have seen Angle do something with Shelton Benjamin when he went single. The match against Triple H on Raw looked like it was setting him up for a major rise but it never happened. The whole teacher vs student story could've actually helped move Shelton upwards....or at least given us some great matches.
Mr. Perfect was the big miss IMO. WrestleMania 18 should have featured Angle against Hennig, not Kane.

Another feud that comes to mind is Randy Orton, as said earlier they crossed paths but not in a one-on-one feud type of setting, I think that would have made for a good feud at some point while Orton was preparing to leave Evolution. Would have been a great "prove yourself" feud for him maybe in late 03 while Lesnar and Taker were feuding for the WWE Title.

A feud that may make some people laugh, but I take seriously is Kurt Angle vs Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin was on fire in 2005, Angle would have been a very good feud to push Shelton to the next level had WWE wanted to go that far with Benjamin, and obviously they didn't for whatever reason. Plus you could have brought back some history with Team Angle.

Those are my 3 missed feuds with Kurt Angle.
WWE Kurt Angle was just an amazing competitor and I think he was at his absolute best when he had a world class talent across from him...

I know it may not be popular but I would have loved a program with him vs. Dean Malenko just because of how much they could have brought out of each other. Malenko doesn't get enough credit for making guys look unreal in the ring (see eddie and jericho) and I just think him and Kurt could have put on some of the best matches of the era.
Kurt Freakin Angle! Man i miss seeing that guy i really do in the WWE! No offense against the Brain but i honestly dont think the Batista VS Angle feud would have been gold. Batista while very agile and incredibly strong,was never ever on the same level as Angle. Angle would literally if that feud would have taken place,would have to carry the match all by himself..

Now Angle vs Jericho Y2J would have been out of this world. Jericho is a classic mat wrestler IMO can hang with the best of them and one of the best in-ring workers of all time. That feud i wish could have happened i really do.. But by the time Jericho came back from his Hiatus Angle was on his way out! If only they could have wrestled at WM23 that match IMO could have stolen the night! Angle is indeed an amazing competitor but even more so,when he has talent staring right back at him!
Jericho is top of the list, had they not done the Triple H return in 2002 then Jericho as a face champ against Kurt would have sold Mania just as well.

For me the missed opportunity was the one that was never on the table... Bret..

Had Goldberg not fucked up then I think Bret would have gone back in time to face Angle and in still good enough shape to make the match and the feud something special. I get why people are saying Mr. Perfect, and yes Curt was great when he did come back in 02 but we all know had Bill not knocked him permanently into next tuesday that he was the natural opponent for Angle and despite all the bad blood, the match itself would probably have tempted Bret enough to go for it.

If there is a 3rd, I would agree with the Shelton Benjamin sentiments but then Trips could have done more and didn't... someone clearly didn't WANT Shelton to get over, it might be Trips, Kurt a combo of the two or someone else, but it was a missed opportunity for sure.
A Y2J versus Angle feud would have delivered a far superior main event for WM18 and a more logical one after Jericho retaining his Undisputed Championship against Austin and Rock. The Royal Rumble that year was down to Angle and HHH anyway, so the extra planning required to position Angle as challenger would be minimal. The pairing pretty much carries itself straight to Wrestlemania, plus the absence of any Stephanie involvement automatically makes it stronger. This also has the added benefit of solidifying Angle as a Wrestlemania main event star going into his match with Lesnar the following year.

Since he already contested with Orton before, perhaps CM Punk may have been a better program during his last couple months. This would have taken place instead of the Orton matches during One Night Stand and Vengeance 2006. While Punk had just debuted around that time, a couple matches with Angle would have raised his profile considerably in the new ECW.

One opponent we never really got to see with Kurt was Regal. They were usually allied when they worked together, so outside of a RAW match we never saw what the two had to show. Imagine the heated matches between these guys. Imagine the resulting welts and bruises.
Not sure if it would have worked time frame wise, but it would have been cool to have seen Edge during his Rated R Superstar gimmick face Angle. They had a great feud a few years before that when Edge was on the brink of breaking into the main event, but it would have been cool to see them have a feud while both were on equal pegging.
I never really thought about an Angle/Batista feud. Looking back it probably should have happened but I can understand why it didn't. I don't think it is a massive missed opportunity although they would have put on a decent feud. Both are equally good as heel or face so that would be no problem. I suppose him leaving prevented it in the long run and there was only a very short window for this feud to happen.

The obvious feud is indeed Angle/Jericho and that is another match that was worthy of Wrestlemania. I know they faced off at 16 but a singles match between the two would have been great to see. I also feel that we never saw a proper Edge/Angle feud. I know they had the hair v hair match but there was a lot more potential. To be honest, Edge became massive when Angle left - perhaps because of it - and it would have been another.

Also, Mankind. It could have been funny to see Mankind vs the goofy Kurt Angle or Cactus Jack vs " I won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken Neck" Kurt Angle.

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