His Best Feud: The Rock

The Rock's Best Feud

  • Triple H

  • Mankind

  • Steve Austin

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Chris Jericho

  • Ken Shamrock

  • Chris Benoit

  • Booker T

  • Faarooq

  • Big Show

  • Undertaker

  • Kurt Angle

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Goldberg

  • Other

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The Brain

King Of The Ring
It’s time for the fifth installment of my best feud thread. I got some good feedback on the last thread discussing Ric Flair. This time I’m going to discuss another huge name in wrestling history: The Rock. Having been a multi time world champion and headliner for years The Rock has feuded with a lot of big names. I counted 16 feuds that the Rock had during his time in WWE and as usual I’m going to list my top ten. I may have forgotten some, but in all likelihood if I forgot any they probably don’t belong in the top ten. Here’s my list:

10. Big Show
9. Faarooq
8. Booker T
7. Chris Benoit
6. Ken Shamrock
5. Chris Jericho
4. Hulk Hogan
3. Steve Austin
2. Mankind
1. Triple H

I have to point out a few things before getting into my #1 choice. First off there are some pretty big names left off this list. The Rock also feuded with The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and Goldberg among others. The list is not about popular guys or big names. I took into consideration where The Rock was in his career relative to his opponent during the feud. The Rock being a main event guy feuding over the title against Kurt Angle doesn’t necessarily make his feud with Angle better than the feud with Shamrock. That’s my opinion anyway. I don’t expect everyone to agree, but reading other opinions is the whole point of the discussion.

I expect a lot of people will disagree with my choice to put Steve Austin at #3. I’ve heard this is one of the greatest feuds of all time and the feud that defined the attitude era. I’m not denying that it was a great feud. I think any of my top three could be rearranged in any order and be reasonable. I personally thought the feud with Mankind was a little like Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes for a new generation. You can’t get any more opposite than the Rock and Mankind. The fans wanted to be like the Rock, but the truth was most of them were like Mick Foley. Everyone really got behind Mankind during this feud. Mankind beating the Rock was like the nerd getting the best of the star quarterback in high school. Mankind winning his first world title from the Rock was magical. Then seeing the two hated rivals form an unlikely partnership made for some great television. This was very close to being my #1 choice.

The feud with Triple H is #1 for me. This is overall. I’m not separating the feud in 98 from the feud in 99 from the feud in 2000. I’m looking at the rivalry as a whole. The fact that the Rock had three separate feuds with Triple H in three separate years is why I decided to put Triple H at #1. It goes back even a little further. The Rock debuted at Survivor Series 1996. Triple H was on the opposing team. That wasn’t of any real significance, but more of a fun fact. In February 1997 The Rock won his first title when he beat Triple H for the IC title. The feud really started in the spring of 98. This is when the feud between the NOD and DX started. The Rock and Triple H were the respective leaders of each group and it was one of the hottest feuds in 1998. The two had a time limit draw in a two out of three falls match at Fully Loaded. The feud culminated at SummerSlam with a memorable ladder match at Madison Square Garden where Triple H won the IC title. They resurrected their feud a year later with the roles reversed. This time The Rock was the popular hero while Triple H was the hated heel. This one climaxed with a strap match at Fully Loaded. With Steve Austin out of action for most of 2000 The Rock and Triple H were the undisputed top two stars in the company. The two feuded throughout much of 2000 exchanging the world title at three consecutive pay per views including a sixty minute iron man match.

These two feuded on and off for more than three years. They wrestled each other in all kinds of different matches. They both played the role of hero and villain at different points. They started their feud in the mid card over the IC title and worked their way to the main event together. They just seemed to be each other’s archrival. You could definitely make a similar case for Steve Austin. To me the feud with Triple H was more heated and more personal.

As I said I could see rearranging my top three in any order. Maybe you have an entirely different opinion. I’m looking forward to some feedback.
plz don`t let this go to another "Did Rock sell out?" thread.

Rock is one of my favorite and have had some great feuds over the years. But his best rivalry remains Austin. 99-01-03 brought up some amazing Rock-Austin moments and all the matches delivered, specially WM X7. They just work well together, great chemistry all culminating with the victory at WM X9...perfect.

Second best rivalry is with HHH tho. During the feud over the intercontinental title, they a solid feud and they`ve actually help pushing each other in a way. And in 2000 with Austin/Taker out, WWE relied a lot on Rock/HHH and it worked for the most part.

Mankind is another solid feud which help to establish him as one of the top stars. Feud with Jericho was solid too.
I expect a lot of people will disagree with my choice to put Steve Austin at #3. I’ve heard this is one of the greatest feuds of all time and the feud that defined the attitude era. I’m not denying that it was a great feud. I think any of my top three could be rearranged in any order and be reasonable. I personally thought the feud with Mankind was a little like Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes for a new generation. You can’t get any more opposite than the Rock and Mankind. The fans wanted to be like the Rock, but the truth was most of them were like Mick Foley. Everyone really got behind Mankind during this feud. Mankind beating the Rock was like the nerd getting the best of the star quarterback in high school. Mankind winning his first world title from the Rock was magical. Then seeing the two hated rivals form an unlikely partnership made for some great television. This was very close to being my #1 choice.

As I said I could see rearranging my top three in any order. Maybe you have an entirely different opinion. I’m looking forward to some feedback.

Gotta agree with you their Brain when i think of The Rock's fueds there the three that I immediatley think off. I voted for Steve Austin though as that rivalry just stands out in my head as one of the greatest fueds I have ever been part off. I would of put Mankind as second as the reasons youve previously stated, their matches were always fun and Manking winning was one of my favourite all time moments. Triple H was third for me simply because i dont think it was memorable as the previous 2.

Your list is good yeah, I like it, I also like the reason why you put them in there, not for star power but how good the fued was, I applaud you lol.
P-Mod note: This thread is about The Rocks best feud NOT whether he sold out or not. Keep it on topic or else you'll be infracted for spamming.
I'd have to say his best feud was with Triple H. They just had amazing chemistry in-ring together and could work some of the greatest matches. The Iron Man match at Judgment Day and the match at Backlash 2000 were both matches I will never forget. The Austin/Rock was more of a confrontation than a feud in my opinion. I just say that because if my memory serves me right, these guys would just "feud" the month before Wrestlemania so they could head the main event together. I mean I have nothing wrong with that, because Austin/Rock were some of my favorite Wrestlemania matches, but it doesn't beat out the Triple H/Rock feud.
His best feud was with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Really, it lasted for five years. It started off with Austin and the guy who wanted to be as big as Austin and ended with two of the all time greats.

The best part of the feud was WrestleMania X-Seven. The build was perfect. Two guys who respect each other which turns into two guys who will do anything to win the damn belt. The feel of that WrestleMania was just anticipation. The back stage segments that showed each of them arriving made it feel a genuine main even. People were there to see that match.

It delivered too.

Yes they had a largely forgettable match up at the British PPV in 2001, but who remembers any of those? Their three 'Mania matches were legendary. The two most popular guys of an era squaring off. It was brilliant.
Ah... Decisions, decisions. Brain, you bring up some great points. The I-Quit match with Foley, and the Ladder match with Triple H come up as two of my favorite matches of all time. But I think as far as feuds go, I have to go with The Rock and Stone Cold. That wasn't just the feud of The Rock's career, but it was the greatest feud of the entire Attitude Era if you ask me, and probably the best feud we've since, and certainly one of the best we saw before it. When you think of wrestling you generally think of three names. Hulk Hogan. Stone Cold Steve Austin. And the Rock. I think that's enough said right there, but alas, I'll go on. The feud that took not one, not two, but three Wrestlemania's to finish! One of the key moments of the Attitude Era that sticks out in my brain is when The Rock threw Stone Cold off that bridge and then the Rattle Snake belt and told them both to go to Hell. Classic. As far as I can remember that was the first time we saw anyone's life getting risked outside of the ring. Except for maybe when Pillman pulled the gun on Austin. And no one sold the Stunner better than the Rock.

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Yeah, I still will go with Austin. Everytime Rock and Austin went at it it just had a big fight atmosphere. And when they had their final match at WMXIX emotions were high for me just seeing two of the best fight in my hometown.

But what I do think though, and people might get confused, is that Triple H is Rock's greatest enemy. Austin no matter what had the top spot in the WWE, but Rock and Triple H continuously fought each other to gain the #2 spot and they would stop at nothing to beat the other.

So Rock's best feud is with Austin because of the feel of their matches but Rock's best opponent is Triple H because of how much they would do to best each other.
My top 5...

5. Chris Benoit (I thought they had a great series of matches and this made Benoit look like he could be the champ. So for the ability to make his opponent as big as he has ever been or would become, this makes my list)

4. Mankind (Great fued, and probably one of my very favorites of the attitude era)

3. Triple H (I'm not even talking about their fued once they both became main players, but rather their fued for the IC title before either of them were main eventers. This fued was awesome and was a breathe of fresh air at that time. You knew these guys would become something special and of course, they did.)

2. Steve Austin (I loved this fued and it's probably the fued that defines the attitude era most. The promos, segments, and matches were alyways amazing with these two. They set a new standard for fued in wrestling)

1. Hulk Hogan/NWO (Even though this fued was somewhat short, it made the Rock what he is. We all knew the Rock was something special, but in that moment when him and Hogan met at WM, it made for what one of the most memorable moments in WM history. I believe this is what cemented the Rock as one of the greatest of all time, and that is why it's number one on my list)
Well for me it has to be the Austin feud hands down. This was around the time i started to watch WWE again, mainly cos i got Sky around that time.

I enjoyed it mainly cos of the promo's/segments which they did. They are very good chemistry. It was very entertaining more so then any other feud. It would go back and forth for years and in my opinion was never stale.

Oh yeah the matches they had were so incredibly enjoyable and you could never tell which way it would go.
Awesome thread! I love these discussions, and getting to take a look at what other people think. For me the all time best feud for The Rock has to be Austin. I'll number off my top three though so i can go into some specific details.
3. Triple H - These two guys feuding as the respective leaders of the Nation and DX gave us some truly memorable moments, a great ladder match at Summerslam that absolutely stole that show and truly elevated both guys to the main event level. Then, we got Trips v. Rocky in the main event and the gloves truly came off then. The Iron Man match was the culmination, but there are other great memories there too.

2. Mankind - Some of the best in ring chemistry ever the rivalry culminating in the I Quit Match at the Royal Rumble and leading to one of the best all time odd couple teams in wrestling history.

1. Austin - They feuded when Austin was peaking in the midcard and when The Rock began his ascent. every match was a great caliber match, but when they began the WrestleMania feud is what took them over the top. the match at WrestleMania 19 is one of the Best Matches of all time, overshadowed only due to a pretty fantastic card. The Feud that truly defined the attitude era akin to Hart v. Michaels in the 90's, and Hogan v. Savage in the late 80's
k here we go.....
We'll begin during the Rock's heel push in late 1997...

Austin: 1st Inception...Truly brilliant and helped put the Rock over as a class A douchebag heel. Stealing the I-C belt, and the subsuquent brawl at IYH: D-X, was awesome, and enjoyable. And of course, teh I-C title being tossed in the river. This showed something truly greater o the Horizon.

Shamrock: Nothing brilliant about this, but served it's purpose well as another step up in the Rock's career.

Faarooq: Great angle of dissension here, built up for months, and the blowoff the night after Wrestlemania, was actually quite a shock to me when I was younger.

Triple H/D-X (1st inception): This is the kind of feud that you want to see guys like Morrison, Miz, Kofi, Swagger, Ziggler and others have today, one that everyone invovled in can benefit from. The comedic value meshed with the pure hatred, generated a great deal of interest in HHH as a face, and made the Rock even more over as a heel, and oddly enough, turned some people into FANS of the Rock. After there Summerslam '98 match, there careers changed forever and for the better.
Nation Split: No big deal here, Rock became bigger than the faction long before the split up ever happened.

Mankind: This is the pure definition of how to get someone even more over than they already are, and helped Foley break new ground as what a sympathetic character should be. It was a feud fueled by emotion, one man's desire to be champion because it makes him important and gives him a great deal of self worth and ego, another mans ambition to live out a dream that he never thought he'd achieve. Rather than just be a "killing time 'til Wrestlemania" feud, it was a feud that captivated audiences for four months.

Austin (2nd inception): Since there initial feud, BOTH guys had become big stars. Austin had become iconic, Rock was well on his way, and they were the perfect foil to the dynamic they each had from a character standpoint. This would also lead to the Rock's eventual face turn.

Triple H (2nd Inception): This helped HHH catch fire as a legit heel, heading into the Summer, and was building into something even greater beyond out imaginations.

The Undertaker (1st Inception): Not much of a feud really, kind of left a lot to be desired, while KOTR '99 drew a good buyrate, it didnt' neccesarily benefit the Rock, or for that matter 'Taker in anyway, all it did was further the issue between Rock & HHH.

Billy Gunn: The Rock did everything in his power to make this feud mean something, Billy Gunn is good as a mid-card tag guy, but not as a main event heel, and this feud exposed it. Merely memorable for the Rock's famous, "Billy talking to God" promo, otherwise just a waste of time.

Triple H (2nd inception cont'd): Now with Mankind as the least likely of allies involved, and the later reunion of D-X, helped along some already great storytelling, with some interesting plot twists and turns almost every week. Some called it overbooking, I called it smart TV.

Al Snow (mini-feud): This was as high up the card as Al got, and the Rock did a great job, and it was an amazing story of Al being fed up for being a loyal friend to Mick, yet Mick still panders to a guy who shows him no friendship whatsoever. Despite being a heel, you could kind of see Al's point. This was really good as far as TV feuds go.

The Big Show: Really helped the Big Show gain his heat back, which had been destoryed constantly with the inconsistency of his character.

Triple H/D-X/McMahon-Helmsley regine (2nd inception, cont'd). While the lead into Wrestlemania was rediclous with the McMahon's involved in it at every turn, as well as the boring match itself, it at least lead to some good stuff after 'Mania, where the Rock achieved his big moment at Backlash, only to lose it three weeks later, and gain it back a month later. Despite overbooking here, it was still entertaining for the most part.

Chris Benoit: The fact that WWF did in 5 months, what WCW took 5 years to do, and make a main eventer out of Chris Benoit, was nothing short of amazing. It was pure and simple, Benoit knew he was the best technician in the world, and felt the Rock was nothing but flash, leading to a great dramatic match at "Fully Loaded". But yet again, the McMahon's were involved.

Kurt Angle/Triple H: The love triangle storyline with Kurt/HHH/Steph was brilliant, but it was well written to the point where the Rock wasn't an afterthought, (which of course, happened to Jericho in '02), as The Rock had fun with it, knowing that if he keeps those two at each other's throats, it'll be easier for him to escape with his title, and that proved to be right.

Kurt Angle: The funny stuff from both guys leading to the big match at No Mercy, as well as the match itself, legitimized Kurt for good. The later rematch at No Way Out, was also good, despite the Big Slow's run in.

Rikishi: Stemming from the feud of a million plotholes, it lead to uneventful and quite boring match, and thankfully it wasn't dragged out.

Austin (3rd inception): Now the two guys were both at Iconic status, and it was only fitting that it be the two of them at this event. It was a match of epic magnitude, but it was also the death of the Attitude Era, almost tragically fitting, since these two were the two biggest stars of the era.

Booker T: Not an overly memorable feud, merely good mic work from The Rock, but did nothing at all for Booker. One of the few times feuding with The Rock didn't benefit the other guy.

Chris Jericho: These two just had it all when it came to each other, amazing chemistry on the mic, and meshing well in the ring. Jericho couldn't stand the fact the Rock was ahead of him, and felt he deserved more, this advanced Jericho's heel turn, and lead right into him becoming the first undisputed champion.

The Undertaker (2nd inception): Feuds between these two left a lot to be desired, despite a good mini TV feud in 2000, it's quiet a dissapointment it didn't spark something bigger.

Hulk Hogan: The WWF hype machine went 130% with this one, despite some lackluster angles, the magninitude of these two in the ring was more than enough, and it truly relaunched Hogan.

Brock Lesnar: He legitimized Brock...need I say more?

Hulk Hogan (2nd inception): Meh, nothing more than JUST a rematch, but began the era of new heel Rock, which I loved.

The Hurricane (mini-feud): The Rock did so much for Helms here, it's a shame WWE didn't capitalize. It was just another kill time till 'Mania feud, but the two of them were having a great deal of fun with it.

Steve Austin (4th inception): Definitely the weaker of the four, but amazing work from heel Rock, and provided some of the Rock's, funniest and most classic moments on the mic.


I'd have to say my FAVOURITE feud with the Rock, combining all the stages, was with Austin, two great icons, very different, wanting the same thing.


I'd have to say, Triple H, because it did so much for both guys, not like Austin/Rock didn't, but very rarely do you see two guys, legitimize each other more than this feud did.

But, I also love the small stuff with 'Taker in late 2000, Edge & Christian, Al Snow, The Hurricane, etc, etc, etc.

Bottom line is, The Rock was a guy, that 99% of his opponents benefited working with.
For me, it's Triple H. The guys were perfect for each other. Feuded spectacularly with Rock as face and with Triple H as face, and it worked every time. I could reel off a list of probably seven or eight matches involving them that I would happily watch tomorrow, that's before you get to the promo work with one another and everything else. For me, it's not even close.
The Rock's greatest feud has to be Stone Cold. They headlined two Wrestlemania's and practically headlined another one (WWE says it was Hogan-Mcmahon, but we know what the big money match was.) I would have to say that the Rock's second best fued was Mankind. They had some big matches at the end of 98 and the beginning of 99. That Royal Rumble 99 match between Rock and Mankind might be one of my favorite matches of all time.
I really could have picked just about anybody on that list, and it would have been a good choice. I ended up deciding on Mankind, for the simple fact that it was the best to watch. The Halftime Heat match gets crapped on a lot, but it was unique and I enjoyed it. Also, they never had a bad match. Something about the two of them working together was instant gold.

Add in how they were as a tag team, and the "This Is Your Life" segment, and you have some amazing TV.
It's always gonna be Austin/Rock for me. It's legendary, it's one of the greatest feuds of all time. Hogan/Andre, Hart/Michaels. Whatever else, this was up there as one of, if not the greatest feud ever. They did a rare thing, they managed to keep the feud relevant after drawing it out for years. They still managed to give the fans something they hadn't seen before, managed to entertain and keep the fans on edge, keep them locked onto their match, have them talking about their match the next day. It was one of the few instances where they would fight AGAIN and people wouldn't be bitching about repetition. I loved the feud, the promos, everything.. just.. greatness.
I don't care what anyone says, you got #1 right.

First of all, I disagree with #2. God knows I love Rock/Mankind and it was definitely MAGIC. But the simple fact is...Jesus Christ...TWO....TWO WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENTS, AND THREE BIG STAGE MANIA matches when you consider Wrestlemania 19. That's unprecedented and will probably never happen for a long, long time. Austin vs. Rock became the Ali vs. Frazer of Wrestling. If we're being honest, you can obviously make the argument that Austin/Rock is the #1 feud for The Rock and maybe even the #1feud ever. But see, I disagree. I think that Austin/Rock was arguably the greatest RIVALRY of all time, and while it is still one of the greatest feuds of all time as well, it is slightly a better rivalry than it is a feud. Just slightly.

Now with HHH...he and The Rock also had both a rivalry and a feud, but I think HHH/Rock was a perfect balance of rivalry and feud. I mean if you take Austin/Rock at Wrestlemania X7 for instance....The whole hype for that match was that of a rivalry, not neccesarily a feud. But with HHH and The Rock on the contrary, not only did you still have that rivalry feel to their matches, but you also had hatred and animosity in each of their matches. You could feel the mutual respect and the storied history between HHH and The Rock in all of their matches.

HHH vs. The Rock had DX vs. Nation of Domination, it had classic matches over the IC title such as the one at Summerslam 98, and they grew together and became main eventers together at almost the same exact time, then they battled what seemed like every month around the world over the World title like freakin Flair and Steamboat.

HHH is Rock's #1 feud. Mankind is mega classic but I'd give #2 to Austin. In any event, I agree with #1 and the basic structure of the top 10 is very accurate.
I picked Mankind just because The Rock 'n' Sock Connection is my favorite tag team. Also It was always entertaining to see Rock & Foley in the ring. What did it for me really was the "I Quit" Match
I would have to say Austin, i mean 60% in the poll...that's to back me up...They had 3 matches at wrestlemania...3..., not to forget 2 of them being main events... their story has always been great aswell...

I think its good the rock got one over austin in wm19, it was a good way to end their long on/off rivalry...
The Rock's career was Stone Cold Steve Austin. That's not selling The Rock short of anything; he was over as all get out because of his natural charisma and talent. When it comes down to defining peaks in his career though, they almost all revolve around his feud with Austin. From the stuff with The Corporation to their Wrestlemania matches. Again, not that those moments weren't created with the help of Rocky, but if we're talking his defining feud here it's Austin. There's a reason it's talked about as arguably one of the greatest feuds in wrestling history.

On a personal level, I enjoyed Mankind and Rock much more. As much as Rocky and Austin clicked, he did so more with Foley. Great matches all around from Halftime Heat to I Quit. All were immediate classics, and matches that I enjoyed more than any of his matches with Austin. With all that being said, his career defining feud was with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Sorry, but the Rock/HHH feud was what got me into wrestling in the first place. It lasted an eternity, but it kept me glued in. HHH deserves just as much credit as The Rock for carrying such a long and entertaining feud. It is probably the best wrestling feud of all time.

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