His Best Feud That Never Was: Edge

The Brain

King Of The Ring
This is my first in a series (we’ll see how long it lasts before I forget about it) about past wrestlers and the feuds they missed out on. For this thread we will look back at a wrestler’s career and point out someone with who they would have had a good feud, but for whatever reason their paths never crossed. For my first topic I’ll chose Edge since he is topical right now. I put this in old school even though Edge has only been retired for six days because you can examine any point of his 13 year career. Be realistic. Don’t say Edge should have feuded with Bret Hart. They were never on the main roster at the same time. Also keep timeframes in mind. For example, don’t put Edge in a main event feud in 1998 when he was just a lower mid card wrestler.

My pick for Edge’s best feud that never was is Triple H. For as long as these two have been in WWE together I can’t believe they never had a significant feud. Before anyone corrects me, I know they wrestled each other at The Bash in 2008. That was a minor and forgettable feud that I don’t think is worth mentioning. That was more of a feud between Edge and Vickie than Edge and Triple H. I remember going all the way back to 2004 it was rumored that Edge was moved to Raw because Triple H wanted to work with him. Maybe it was just a false rumor but for whatever reason that never happened.

I think these two should have had a much bigger and better feud. Edge and Triple H seem very similar to me. They can both be over as a funny baby face, but neither will give a second thought to stooping to any necessary level to get what they want. I think they have a similar sense of humor. They have the same sarcastic wit that could have led to some interesting promo work. I would have liked to have seen this match at WrestleMania 25. Edge was a multiple time champion by then and had already main evented mania the year before with The Undertaker. Triple H was on Smackdown throughout 2008 as champion. That was known as Edge’s show at the time, but try telling that to the Game. I think these two could have given us a good feud to see who the top star of Smackdown truly was. Instead Triple H just ended up in another feud with Randy Orton and pretty much abandoned Smackdown. We also got a lackluster triple threat involving Edge, John Cena, and Big Show.

In my opinion Edge’s greatest feud that never happened was against Triple H. Let’s hear some more opinions.
Just because they didn't have one long continous feud, doesn't mean they haven't feuded.

They feuded with Cena in April 06.
DX vs Rated RKO happened From October 06 to January 07.
They feuded one on one from June-July 08 when HHH got drafted to Smackdown and then they had a 3-Way feud with Jeff Hardy/Vladimir Kozlov from November 08 to February 09.

That's a good 9 Months right there. Not to mention Edge was partly involved in the Benoit/HHH feud back in 05 which resulted in a great 3-Way on RAW for the World Title which ended with the double finish between Benoit/Edge.
My pick is going to CM Punk. I know they had the odd one-on-one contest, as well as a triple threat match over the World Title including Hardy at one point, but never a feud. With the mic-skills and the fact that Edge was once suspended himself for pills and the SE/MiTB factor Edge once brought up to Punk in an interview, with how they handled Punk's heel turn perfectly they could've helped elevate Punk to a top face for some time in either '08/'09 before pulling the trigger and turning him heel it could've been a top notch feud. Add in the factor that the two are phenomenal wrestlers who never half-ass matches, it could've been one fantastic feud.
I agree in that they have never had a proper one on one feud. This match could have easily been a WM worthy main event. They are very similar in alot of ways, especially considering they have never cut their hair too. They can be sarcastic, but also stoop to any level to get they wanted. I would have liked to see this feud back when Edge had Lita with him. That would have made it a little more interesting to me, which means I would have preferred Triple H the face and Edge the heel in this scenario
My pick is Wade Barrett. Maybe not the popular choice, but that is what I was looking forward to most when Wade came to Smackdown.

Also I wish him and Orton had a main event feud. They have had a couple feuds, but none really panned out. When Edge returned they feuded for the IC title, but that was just to give Edge a belt. After Rated RKO split they teased a feud, but it didn't happed. And when Edge was drafted to Raw it finally happened, but an injury caused it to fall flat. With the right build up this could have been awesome.
Im gutted that we arnt going to get the main event Edge vs Christian feud. They put on a really good feud in the past but now both have developed so much they are almost unrecognisable to the Superstars that feuded all those years ago. I was hoping we would see the Christian heel turn as i think Edge wouldve elevated Christian right to the top. Now we have to hope Del Rio and Christian can elevate each other.
Edge Vs The Miz

Edge to me was always a transitional Champion, but at the same time he is still something like, an eleven time World Champion. That would still be something to have on your list of accolades, beating an eleven time World Champion. The Miz isn't ever going to be put over "big". He beats everyone with help, he's made to look like a weak Champion, so what I would have liked to see is The Miz and Edge have an actual feud where at some point The Miz went over Edge cleanly.

The talking on the microphone would have been good, the styles wouldn't have been a bad mixture. I have to say Miz Vs Edge.
My vote is for the Rock. Both Edge and Rocky are amazing on the mic and both are good enough to get the job done in the ring.

To my knowledge not only did they never directly feud, but they also never had a one on one match on PPV either. (I think E/C traded the tag titles with the Rock/'Taker in 2000 or 2001.)

Could you imagine the buildup for the feud? Edge pulling pranks and wisecracks and the Rock pulling sarcasm and trading the verbal jabs right back.

Personally, if Edge hadn't gotten hurt in 2003, this feud could have been done then before the Rock left for Hollywood full time and Edge could have gone over to establish himself as a main event star earlier on.
After careful and deep consideration, as well as not watching one single Edge match throughout the entire 95 seconds I thought it over, my pick for "greatest Edge feud that never was" would have to be Edge vs a brick wall. Edge spears the brick wall, knocks himself out, wall wins by default. The match has drama (ooh, Edge bashed his own brains out on a brick wall!), suspense (has Edge suffered permanent brain damage from knocking himself out on the brick wall?) and comedy (Edge smashed his brains on the brick wall and now he's twiching spasmodically, HA!).

It has all the trimmings of a probable dream match. Let Edge take the feud on the road and smack his head on every stop of the tour! WHEEE!!!
The first that came to mind was Triple H. I know that they've crossed paths a few times and have had a few one on one matches, but they have never really had a proper feud without involvement from 1 or 2 other guys. I've heard The Rock and CM Punk, both of which could have been excellent programs. A feud with The Miz also could have been really good.

Just off the top of my head and to pick someone that no one else has, I'll pick Drew McIntyre. They already had a feud set up with the whole Kelly Kelly thing, but that went nowhere. It could have been the feud that made McIntyre into something other than a dark match jobber like he seems to be now. I honestly think that a feud between he and Drew would have been far more entertaining than what happened with Del Rio.
Since Triple H is already taken so to speak, I'm going to go with John Morrison. I think this could pose as a pretty interesting feud for a few reasons. I think in a lot of ways both of these guys have similar in-ring styles. They're both "smaller" guys and while Edge seemingly evolved out of his high-risk style it would be unique to see Edge rediscover that aspect of his repetoir. I also think the viscious heel Edge most of us know and love could've elevated John Morrison into that top face we all need him to be right now.
I really like the Triple H choice. It always seemed logical to me that at some point it would happen, especially since they had quite a few minor matches here or there, and some smaller little angles. It's a shame they never did feud, because I would have loved to have seen the back and forth mic work, and I'm sure they would have put together some entertaining matches.

My pick is going to be a more recent one, Sheamus. The two of them could have had a nice extended program. It would have done some nice things for Sheamus, and would have given them both a main event caliber feud to work with. I'd be interested to see the two of them work a nice long match together, especially since they're both "bigger guys."
I'd have to say CM Punk. Punk's gimmick works well with just about anyone or everyone on one level or another and Edge is definitely someone who could work wonders against Punk's gimmick. Rated R vs. Straightedge is such a natural idea it works really well. Both could have, at the very least, solid matches with one-another. There promos would also be excellent, duelling with one another. Seems like such a natural idea and yet it never came.
Honestly, I'm surprised he never feuded with Jerry Lawler. Now before you start clambering down my throat, hear me out on this.

In the early days of King & JR commentary, there was always a cycle for heels who were coming into the main event where they would assault Jim Ross or go a little overboard and Jerry would actually step in and intervene, leading to a feud or storyline. People like Triple H, Jericho, Randy Orton, The McMahons, The Miz, and even Santino have all been involved with a Jerry Lawler put over feud... but never in his career has Edge.

And say what you wish about Lawler, but when he feuds with something and has to put them over, Jerry does the best damn job of it. Edge would've benefited a lot from this type of feud in his early heel days and I'm shocked he never did feud with Jerry.
I think I will have to go with CM Punk too. Sometime ago I had this really harebrained idea of Edge coming to the conclusion that the PG Era was a stupid notion and that he would fight everyone and everything that stood for the PG Era. This was around the time that Edge was going on a war against stupidity. I thought that Punk being the Straight Edge Messiah could maybe be the person who steps up to defend the PG Era. Oh well, it was a stupid idea.

Regardless of my little idea there this would have been an awesome feud to see. I think that this feud would have happened had the WWE not lost confidence in Edge as a face so soon.

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