Hideo Itami's (not so) Secret Weapon


Getting Noticed By Management
We've watched Hideo Itami aka KENTA have a bit of a rough start... which is only to be expected when he was booked to be beaten up by The Ascension for weeks, can't really speak english, and has had to adapt to the WWE wrestling style (no strong style shoot kicks, etc.).

We saw him on R Evolution tease the Go 2 Sleep, which was his move originally as we all know and oddly CM Punk never changed the name when he used it. Some of the crowd popped when he pulled a guy up into the Fireman's Carry teasing it and I had a mark out moment myself.

Do you see him using the Go 2 Sleep now as a finisher even though CM Punk has made it iconic in the WWE World? Do you think it will give him a little fast track advantage given he originally created the move and all the recent stir with Punk?
To me I don't see the big deal of him using the GTS finisher. It's a move and for years when McMahon had issues with Macho Man Shawn Michaels still did the elbow drop. Maybe Itami could use the GTS and use it as a setup for another move.
If Triple H and Shawn Michaels can use the Crippler Crossface, Hideo Itami can still use the GTS. It's not a big deal.
yeah, not a big deal at all. You see the transfer of moves all the time. Most notably now is the spear. Surprisingly, I don't recall anyone doing it before Goldberg. But Rhino, Edge, Batista, Reigns, etc. Sometimes it gets overused, like the DDT and the 'ol piledriver. Using the GTS will get a pop out of the internet crowd, and get the CM Punk chants going, but that's about it
There's no problem with him using the GTS. At one point in the WWE there were like 3 people all using the chokeslam as a finisher. I'm sure he would be mildly annoyed if when he did the move it got a CM Punk chant though, since he was really the one who invented the move. Long term though, it shouldn't make or break his career. It's one move, and you shouldn't rely on one move to get over unless you're Petey Williams. Hideo Itami is a great wrestler, with or without the GTS, and he can ultimately get over with or without it.

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