HHH: We try to do a "legitimate" Hall of Fame


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I was reading some quotes from HHH and HBK regarding several different things and this one quote kind of bugged me:

As far as the Hall of Fame goes, it's tough. We have a unique business, and we try to do a legitimate Hall of Fame. We try to honor the guys that deserve it.

I just don't see this Hall of Fame as legitimate like he says. There are so many guys out there that get passed on by guys who barely did anything in the wrestling world.

Koko B. Ware in the HOF?? Really?? That's ridiculous.

This is a Hall of Fame run by Vince and who he wants to be entered. Not by a group of people who vote.
There are always going to be instances in which fans say "well, why don't they put this guy in the HOF?" or "how come this one's not been inducted?" and all that. To be honest, I was very much against Koko B. Ware and even Howard Finkel being inducted into the HOF. I simpy thought they didn't deserve it as Howard Finkel was a ring announcer and Koko never got above the lower mid-card level. I've had a lot of time to think about that and I might have been wrong on some levels. I do believe that there are wrestlers that do very much deserve to be in there more than those two, but both of them worked for the company for a long time. Hell, Finkel still does for that matter. Both of them were loyal and have always done what was asked of them. It might not equal the kind of dazzling career heights one might expect from someone being put into a HOF, but I do have to admit that it's nice to see hard work and loyalty rewarded. Koko B. Ware never accomplished much in the WWF, but he was a visible star throughout the territories and was a big star in some of them.

If you want to get technical about it, Harley Race didn't accomplish much of anything while he was in the WWF either. All of his great moments came years before he was "King" Harley Race and while he was wrestling in other companies. Same with Koko B. Ware really.

As for guys that should go in, well every HOF is going to have that problem. Each year, whether it be in music or sports or whatever, there are always various inductees into Halls of Fame and there are always people that aren't on the list and some fans will be upset about that. They'll complain and piss and moan about it just like some fans do with the WWE HOF. It's just a face of life that everybody simply can't be inducted, or at least can't be inducted whenever we feel its convenient.

And, besides that, there are guys that turn down Vince's offer all the time to go in. Bruno Sammartino has adamantly refused on muliple occassions, the Ultimate Warrior was asked to be part of the HOF at this year's WM and declined, rumor has it that the Honky Tonk Man was also asked this year and he declined. So, if someone doesn't wanna go in, it's not like Vince can hold a gun to their head.

As far as Triple H & HBK's statement goes, what would you expect them to say? That the HOF is a crock of shit? Look, I know that there are LOTS of people on here that love the idea of people being a rebel without a cause but it's time to grow up a little bit. Triple H is Vince McMahon's son-in-law, married to his only daughter and will probably take over the company when Vince steps down. Even if he does feel the HOF is a complete crock, which I doubt, he's not going to be bat shit stupid enough to actually say it out loud.
I think when the HOF started it was much better and stronger and sometimes people each year get placed into it to make up the numbers, remember it was eight every year. possible vince is running low on top guys to put in it but also remember there are alot of people who do alot backstage. finlay will be in the hof someday because how hard he works and also hof is not just for wrestlers its for hard workers in the business so give vince his respect for doing it and recognising the hard workers from everywhere not just who have been most loyal to WWE!
I do not think "that is what he has to say" is a fair defense to the question here Hammer. You and others routinely criticize people in power at TNA for making comments that they arguably have to in the name of promotion etc. I do not think that comment by itself is too bad but in the context of the interview it is bullshit. HHH is talking down to Goldberg and that is one of his reasons. There are plenty of valid questions about if Goldberg should or should not go in but to play that card when it clearly has not been that way is a joke. What legitimate HOF inducts celebrities that are not even full-time participants? It is increasingly just about the TV special and that is sad. If HHH said this on its own I would see why but just roll my eyes. To use this bs as an insult of sorts just shows that HHH lives up to his reputation.
this is an idiotic statement by Hunter.

yeah it's so legit you put in Koko B Ware before you put in Randy Savage? it's a legit "Who Does McMahon Still Like" HOF, not anything relevant. only reason they're going WCW is because it's in Atlanta and it'll make Vince money on nostalgia. other than that, wait till Hunter gets inducted. they're going to overrate it and make it like God just retired.
I honestly have no problem with that statement, he's right, it is a unique business and it's hard to include everyone. It is called the WWE Hall of Fame not the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. So, Mr. McMahon can actually put whoever the hell he wants in for one and two, a lot of guys, some of of them are big names in the business, hadn't done a whole lot for the WWE. Take Sting, for example, he's one of the greatest to have ever done it but the man has never been on a WWE/F roster so why would he go into the WWE Hall of Fame? Now, if it was called the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, he should've been inducted years ago if not already.
Wow I read that interview and it was awesome!!! HBK and HHH together again, I laughed out loud at some stuff, but that comment is fair enough, it is who has been loyal to the company, and so Macho man didnt make it, if the rumours are true about him and Steph I wouldnt induct him either. Some people turn it down, as Hunter said some want money or one more run......it is the Wrestlers not the Mcmahons that are screwing the HOF, IMO
I don't understand why people are hating on KoKo B Ware getting into the HOF. He deserved it. For those of you who are too young to know wrestling history outside of Wikipedia. KoKo was a MAJOR star in the Territory System . He was also one of the few wrestlers that was able to translate his success to the Big Stage.

Whether or not he headlined PPV's or had many belts doesn't matter. The man was always over with the crowd and knew how to sell a heel. He could make anyone look good in the ring while still being a favorite.

How many stars in wwe have that ability ?.

But there are more reasons why some stars dont get in. If vince has old issues with Savage, of course he isn't going to go in. So it's not about who you like but WHO made contributions and got the votes. They have several rounds of votes.

There are a few legends that have not been inducted that should have been there. Mil Mascaras , Thunder Jushin Liger and the Great Muta are undisputed Legends. Hell, no one in WWE had more belts than Liger with his J Cup Wins. Yet he isn't in the HOF.

But I realize there is a process. Its not cut and dry. If someone refuses then they don't get in. Ernie Ladd got there before SD Jones. Did he deserve to ? By accomplishments not. SD was the First Black Wrestler in Georgia Championship wrestling along with Dusty, the horsemen, Jimmy Valiant and a few others. They laid the foundation for WCW.

So it's not fair to complain about someone getting in because you really don't know 1/10 of the sacrifices and work they put into thier career on and OFF the camera.
I do not think "that is what he has to say" is a fair defense to the question here Hammer. You and others routinely criticize people in power at TNA for making comments that they arguably have to in the name of promotion etc.

Off the top of my head, the one time I distinctly remember commenting on that involved Jeff Jarrett. If I remember correctly, I said something similar along the lines of what I said about Triple H. If TNA was an inch away from going under, Jeff Jarrett would probably attempt to deny it and put as much positive spin on it as he could. Of course that's what he would say you don't give interviews for the purpose of speaking negatively about your company. Jeff Jarrett has devoted everything to TNA, so of course he's going to put as much positive spin on anything that he can. I don't blame him for that because it's how the business world works. I've also criticized Dixie Carter for the number of times she's spoken of surprises or how something is going to change TNA forever. She's done it a lot and with little to no payoff to speak of. As far as Triple H goes, he might think the HOF is a crock, but he'd have to be a complete and utter moron to actually say that during an interview. I never said it's what he had to say, it isn't like Vince is holding a gun to his head. But, use some common sense here dreams. If you're there as a representative of the company, you're going to do everything and anything possible to not say anything negative about said company. It might not always be the stand up thing to do, but that's how the mop flops in real life.
Of course he has to say it but that does not mean you have to defend the content of what he said. Those are two different things. The first one is obvious and the second one is what we are discussing here. My only real complaint is that there was no how do you feel about the hall of fame question. So that he "had" to bring that up at all is debatable. Just because someone "has" to say something does not mean they deserve a free pass when it insults our intelligence, especially while putting down others. You are basically saying he is promoting his product as necessary by stretching the truth, how is that not applicable to the other situations?
I really dont think anything was wrong with what hhh and hbk said. Iw personally think they should induct Owen Hart the man lived for wrestling and DIED for wrestling he didnt get the push he deserved anyways the man was a great wrestler and really good on the mic too.He is just one of the names that deserve to be put in the HOF before any of the wcw guys i know it is Atlanta but come on Vince needs to take care of the guys who made him a billionare before he honors guys whos never stepped into a wwf ring like sting
I honestly have no problem with that statement, he's right, it is a unique business and it's hard to include everyone. It is called the WWE Hall of Fame not the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. So, Mr. McMahon can actually put whoever the hell he wants in for one and two, a lot of guys, some of of them are big names in the business, hadn't done a whole lot for the WWE. Take Sting, for example, he's one of the greatest to have ever done it but the man has never been on a WWE/F roster so why would he go into the WWE Hall of Fame? Now, if it was called the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, he should've been inducted years ago if not already.

and that's the statement the kills your argument. you're agreeing with Hunter that they're "trying to make a legit HOF" yet you say McMahon can induct who he wants, deserving or not. doesn't make sense.

another thing that kills the argument is the guys that are already in the HOF. what did Flair do in the WWF to deserve a HOF spot? what about Dusty Rhodes? those are guys who made their legend status in NWA/WCW. so that "some haven't even been in WWF/E" argument makes no sense, unless those guys are guys that are in good graces with Vince and kissing his butt (or Flair at the time at least). factor in Nick Bockwinkle, Verne Gagne, who went in the HOF for other companies like AWA, who were never in the World Wrestling Federation, in any huge role HOF worthy.

the WWE HOF isn't legit, it's the Vince McMahon HOF. i'm surprised the guy hasn't pulled the guys he hates from there right now, like Hogan and Flair. the fact he doesn't induct deserving guys like Savage is absolute trash. forget the rumors about Steph, he did enough in the WWF and WCW to deserve that spot. if it's a "legit" HOF, he should be in there for what he did for his company and the other.
Yeah. They wouldn't come out and say, "Our HOF isn't as meaningful as most sports HOF". But it is obvious that it isn't as meaningful to media and outsiders looking in. But I think it has meaning to wrestlers that would like to be honored for their talents.

In contrast though, Koko B. Ware is a horrible inductee into the HOF. Especially at this point. Maybe years and years down the road, when most of the truly deserving guys have already been inducted, then someone like Koko could be considered. Koko's best claim to fame in his career is pretty much singing on wrestling/music album "Piledriver". I believe that was the name of the album, it has been a long time. I know for sure Koko's "big" song on there was also his entrance theme for quite a while, and it was titled "Piledriver". He never even held a mid card title, or was even close to capturing one, in WWE that is.

There has to be other guys that have accomplished more than Koko, that have not been inducted, that have to feel a little insulted.

I realize it does not have the same criteria to get in and also it does not have the same path of "nomination to induction" as other sports. There are not sports writers or media voting for these wrestlers to get in. Vince and whoever else just basically decide someone should be inducted.

Also, as a response to a couple of other posts. The WWE HOF is not just wrestlers or people in the business that have only done things in WWE. It seems to be more of a wrestling HOF in general. That is why guys like Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Nick Bockwinkel, Verne Gagne and Gordon Solie have been inducted.

To be honest a lot of guys that we're waiting to be inducted, probably still have a while to go. Guys like Savage and Warrior. They will more than likely be in. But the time necessary for us to wait, is truly time being served to heal wounds and get over certain problems that people have with each other.
and that's the statement the kills your argument. you're agreeing with Hunter that they're "trying to make a legit HOF" yet you say McMahon can induct who he wants, deserving or not. doesn't make sense.

another thing that kills the argument is the guys that are already in the HOF. what did Flair do in the WWF to deserve a HOF spot? what about Dusty Rhodes? those are guys who made their legend status in NWA/WCW. so that "some haven't even been in WWF/E" argument makes no sense, unless those guys are guys that are in good graces with Vince and kissing his butt (or Flair at the time at least). factor in Nick Bockwinkle, Verne Gagne, who went in the HOF for other companies like AWA, who were never in the World Wrestling Federation, in any huge role HOF worthy.

the WWE HOF isn't legit, it's the Vince McMahon HOF. i'm surprised the guy hasn't pulled the guys he hates from there right now, like Hogan and Flair. the fact he doesn't induct deserving guys like Savage is absolute trash. forget the rumors about Steph, he did enough in the WWF and WCW to deserve that spot. if it's a "legit" HOF, he should be in there for what he did for his company and the other.

That doesn't kill my argument, read the entire post. I said that it's not called the "Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame," it's called the "WWE Hall of Fame." Who owns the WWE? Is it you, me, we, them, they? No, it's Vince McMahon and that means he can put in who he wants regardless of what we think. So, even if he puts in Flair or Dusty, so what? Who are we to argue that it shouldn't be so? It's not our Hall of Fame, if I had my own hall, there would be plenty of guys that wouldn't have made it that you probably thought should've and vice versa. It doesn't mean either of us are wrong, just a difference of opinion facilitated by the fact that I have a hall of fame and you have one. Unless our halls are joint entities, then our opinions wouldn't and shouldn't weigh in on our choices. So, what HHH said is right, they're trying to do a legit hall of fame. The WWE Hall of Fame.
That doesn't kill my argument, read the entire post. I said that it's not called the "Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame," it's called the "WWE Hall of Fame." Who owns the WWE? Is it you, me, we, them, they? No, it's Vince McMahon and that means he can put in who he wants regardless of what we think. So, even if he puts in Flair or Dusty, so what? Who are we to argue that it shouldn't be so? It's not our Hall of Fame, if I had my own hall, there would be plenty of guys that wouldn't have made it that you probably thought should've and vice versa. It doesn't mean either of us are wrong, just a difference of opinion facilitated by the fact that I have a hall of fame and you have one. Unless our halls are joint entities, then our opinions wouldn't and shouldn't weigh in on our choices. So, what HHH said is right, they're trying to do a legit hall of fame. The WWE Hall of Fame.

then how is it a legitimate HOF then? lol what Hunter meant is "we try to be put the best in there", that's how you make a legit HOF. look at the guys they have in now, how is it totally a legit thing?

i don't find it a coincidence Goldberg/HHH didn't get along and Hunter doesn't want him in the HOF.

but seriously, you can't go on and say "i agree with Hunter" when he says they're legit, then say "Vince owns it, he can put whoever he wants in there", which kills any legit argument. then say "guys like Sting haven't done anything for WWE, so he doesn't have to be in there", when guys like Flair/Rhodes didn't do crap in WWE to be in there if that's the argument.

your last sentence is really hilarious though. they're trying to do a legit WWE Hall of Fame, so exactly again, what did Flair and Dusty Rhodes and Verne Gagne do to be in the WWE Hall of Fame for it to be legit? lol it's not the World Wrestling Entertainment HOF, it's the Vince McMahon Hall of Fame. remember Verne Gagne's introduction video for the HOF? all AWA accomplishments, nothing WWF/E.

i ain't picking an argument or fight, i'm just saying you can't say it's a legit WWE HOF or a wrestling HOF (which the latter i know you said), but you can't just hand pick whoever you want and don't want and say it's legit. legit HOF = deserving HOF
If we are talking about the HoF, then yea its not really great. Are there some guys in there that shouldn't be? Probably. Are there guys that should be in but are not? Yea. This has been talked to death about, and the answer hasn't changed. This is Vince's HoF, and he will put who he wants.

Now, as far as HHH comments go, what's the problem? He says they try to do a legit HoF. Based on who's in and who's not, it doesn't seem like they are. But how the hell do I or anyone else know for sure. And its been stated, but HHH works for the company. Hell, he will be one of the people who will run the WWE in the future. Would you expect him to say any different?

I liken this to the guy who speaks on the BCS behalf (college football in case you don't know). Now everyone knows this system sucks. I'm sure he does too. But while he's getting paid by them, he not going to say one damn negative thing. Same with HHH. He's getting paid by Vince. You think would be happy to hear HHH say that the HoF that Vince created is a bunch of shit? Of course not. So the comments are not a problem.
correct me if im wrong, but Pete Rose is in the HoF......PETE FUCKING ROSE! the guys wore a chicken costume and got destroyed by Kane on like 3 occasions and that was HoF worthy?! fuck outta here. the "legitimacy" of the HoF died right then and there, in my opinion anyways. meanwhile, dudes like Owen Hart and Macho Madness, that made the company what they are, are still not inducted.
then how is it a legitimate HOF then? lol what Hunter meant is "we try to be put the best in there", that's how you make a legit HOF. look at the guys they have in now, how is it totally a legit thing?

i don't find it a coincidence Goldberg/HHH didn't get along and Hunter doesn't want him in the HOF.

but seriously, you can't go on and say "i agree with Hunter" when he says they're legit, then say "Vince owns it, he can put whoever he wants in there", which kills any legit argument. then say "guys like Sting haven't done anything for WWE, so he doesn't have to be in there", when guys like Flair/Rhodes didn't do crap in WWE to be in there if that's the argument.

your last sentence is really hilarious though. they're trying to do a legit WWE Hall of Fame, so exactly again, what did Flair and Dusty Rhodes and Verne Gagne do to be in the WWE Hall of Fame for it to be legit? lol it's not the World Wrestling Entertainment HOF, it's the Vince McMahon Hall of Fame. remember Verne Gagne's introduction video for the HOF? all AWA accomplishments, nothing WWF/E.

i ain't picking an argument or fight, i'm just saying you can't say it's a legit WWE HOF or a wrestling HOF (which the latter i know you said), but you can't just hand pick whoever you want and don't want and say it's legit. legit HOF = deserving HOF

Hey, I know you're not picking a fight, I'm not getting that sense. I feel like this is a healthy debate. I get what you're saying but here's the thing, it's the WWE Hall of Fame ran by Vincent McMahon and we don't really know what his criteria is for Hall of Famers. It does seem contradictory that Flair, Race, and Dusty are in but not Sting but at least those three men have stepped foot in the WWF/E let alone done anything of note. Look at it this way, Sting is one of the greatest that's ever done it and has won multiple World Championships in two, count 'em, two companies. Then there's Raven, who has won multiple World Championships in two companies. Does Raven deserve to be in the WWE Hall of Fame? That may be a bad example as Raven, talented as he may be/have been, was never on Sting's level(though a program with him and "Crow" Sting or The Undertaker would've been tight) but I hope you get my point. Vince owns the rights to WCW, ECW, and a lot of the territories from back in the day and he has the right to add who he wants until he opens it up to being a HOF for the entire industry with an actual nomination to induction process complete with a vote. I think I just may have found a better argument, the Pro Football Hall of Fame. We can all agree that it's a legitimate HOF but why don't they add guys that were strictly American, United States, Canadian, or Arena Football? Those are all professional football entities.

If we are talking about the HoF, then yea its not really great. Are there some guys in there that shouldn't be? Probably. Are there guys that should be in but are not? Yea. This has been talked to death about, and the answer hasn't changed. This is Vince's HoF, and he will put who he wants.

Now, as far as HHH comments go, what's the problem? He says they try to do a legit HoF. Based on who's in and who's not, it doesn't seem like they are. But how the hell do I or anyone else know for sure. And its been stated, but HHH works for the company. Hell, he will be one of the people who will run the WWE in the future. Would you expect him to say any different?

I liken this to the guy who speaks on the BCS behalf (college football in case you don't know). Now everyone knows this system sucks. I'm sure he does too. But while he's getting paid by them, he not going to say one damn negative thing. Same with HHH. He's getting paid by Vince. You think would be happy to hear HHH say that the HoF that Vince created is a bunch of shit? Of course not. So the comments are not a problem.

I think we can all agree that the BCS fucking sucks!
I agree that they aren't necessarily honoring "those who deserve it". They do one legendary name each year alongside a bunch of random oldschool names. It's actually smart of them to do it that way though. If they had gone through all the biggest names first, then they would run out of big names faster. In this current format then they will be able to keep inducting a legit legend every year. I don't agree with guys like Koko B Ware getting in before legit legends who still aren't in, but that's a price that has to be paid if they are going to do it this way. Eventually most of the guys who deserve it will get in. It's just going to take a while. Trips said what he said in order to make a good public relations move. It made the Hall of Fame sound better than it actually is. People in all sorts of businesses say things like that about their product to make the casual fans think it's better than it is in real life. Trips likely knows just as we do that it's not a "legit" hall of fame. It won't be until everyone who deserves to get in has gotten in.

PS: Off topic, but this is post number two thousand for me.
I understand what he is trying to say, that not just anyone should get in because they had a good trip or two around the sun. But the problem is their are people in their like that, hell even some of them didn't even make half a trip around the sun in terms of accomplishing great things and making an impact in the business. Like mentioned above Koko Beware, how about William Perry and Pete Rose who don't even have 10 WWE appearances between them. It makes as much sense as putting Sting in the MLB hall of fame because he carries a bat around. Yes WWE can induct whoever they wish but one cannot deny their is bias and politics keeping a few from being their.
Triple H is NEVER going to come out and say "Yeah the WWE HOF is a fucking joke, why are X and Y in it??" is he???

I do agree in that it is mostly legitimate. There are some people who do not deserve to be in there, such as Vince McMahon snrs ex-limo driver, Koko B Ware, Pete Rose etc, but the majority are well deserved entries and true legends in the business. Guys like Hogan, Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Bret etc are all men who contributed alot to the success of the wrestling business and deserve to be remembered. The WWE HOF is a great way to do that and is a big event every year.

There are obviosuly some ommissions, like Warrior, Savage and Sammartino but that is just the way it is, it will never be perfect and if some people dont want to be a part of it, then that is their choice. I like how they induct people who are "WRESTLING" legends, not just WWE. It is nice to see Harley Race and Dusty in there, guys who had most of their success outside of the WWE, it gives me hope that one day Sting will be inducted.

I am all for the HOF, I think it is great, and I am looking forward to seeing who they enter this year.
People need to understand that it's a "WWE Hall of Fame" not a "Wrestling Hall of Fame".

Sure, there are plenty of guys that deserve to get in over a number of the inductees that are currently in the Hall. Bruno Sammartino, Savage, list goes on and on.

At the end of the day Vince owns the WWE and he's going to put in who he wants. Bitch and moan all you want, but that's the way it is. Just take it for what it is, guys. It's Vince paying homage to all who did what hey had to do for the good of the company.

I just hope they put in a jobber wing so Brooklyn Brawler has a shot.

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