HHH should step aside, let someone else main event Wrestlemania.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm a fan of HHH ever since 1997. HHH is the best at what he does. I don't have a problem with his title reigns or the fact he is married to the bosses daughter. But that could be a problem at some point. The point is HHH always find himself in a main event at Wrestlemania and its getting old.

HHH has main evented Wrestlemania 16,18,19,20,21,22,24,& 25. At Wrestlemania 17 he gracefully stepped aside to feud with Taker which was a good match itself. At Wrestlemania 23 he was injured. I think even if HHH wasn't injured he would be involved to main event that Wrestlemania. I remember Jeff Jarret told Sting something like this "Its veterans like you that been around for years who can't step aside or passed the torch to the younger generation. This is why professional wrestling is in a bad shape today". When i heard that I immediately thought about HHH always hogging up the spotlight for some else to main event at Wrestlemania. Now i hear he might possibly challenge Sheamus for the WWE Tilte at Wrestlemania 26.

I know Hulk Hogan has main evented more Wrestlemanias than anybody because its was his ERA. Today its not HHH's ERA its Cena's ERA. I respect HHH don't get me wrong. But he been in a main event at a Wrestlemania for the last decade let some one like Kofi, Miz, John Morrison, or somebody else have that spot. The last time HHH main event a Wrestlemania it wasn't that great of a match. The build up was good. The match between him & Orton was same match we saw in 2004, 2005, 2007, & 2008

So do you think HHH should step aside or continue to main event another Wrestlemania
to some point i agree with you, triple H shouldn't main event every wrestlemania, atleast not the way he has main evented most of the ppv's this year, even when it wasn't for the world title (legacy in hell in a cell main evented.. he main evented vs jeri-show at TLC)

but the names you come up with.. kofi, miz and morrison.. their not elevated completely yet to main event wrestlemania of all ppv's if you ask me.. unless they get a proper opponent, which would have to be a established main event, and also putting into calculation that wrestlemania usually (as far as i remember) have matches between 2 people you've seen for the past 3-4 ppv's..

so cena and sheamus would probably be locked out, orton and kofi kingston would be locked out.. to some degree i actually think triple H has a big chance of "having" to main event another wrestlemania for the elevation of a young star to seem legit.
but thats just my opinion
Kofi, Miz, and Morrison don't deserve a WM main event spot yet but they have plenty of time to earn one because I don't see them leaving any time soon.

I wouldn't necessarily say he main evented WM 19 and he had a right to main event the other ones as he was champion during most of those times. More often than not, you put your safest and surest person in that main event because you know that they would put on a good show and HHH has done a good job of that. People forget that he has only won at two Wrestlemanias since 2003 so it's not like he's dominating people all the time.

I'm not going to say that HHH should step aside. Merely that if he finds himself winning the Royal Rumble or in the title hunt come that time, then I'm fine with it. You want to put your most trusted wrestler out there to main event Wrestlemania and HHH is only a handful of people that can do that.
No, that is a load of shit LJL. The main event of Wrestlemania is better when it's not stagnant, regulation matches but when we someone win somethign for the first time or overcome the odds - I'm talking about matches like Hogan v Andre, Hogan v Savage, Hogan v Warrior, HBK v Hart, Austin v HBK, Austin v Rock (X-7). Going with the "safe" match is what leads to boring stuff like Cena v Orton v HHH and HHH v Orton last year. We don't need necessarily BRAND NEW matches but we at least need a sense of achievement or culmination of a wider storyline at the end of Wrestlemania - not HHH inserting himself into the title scene a couple of weeks before Wrestlemania.

Fair enough have one established guy in the ring but by this point all the big stars have basically feuded with each other, it's time for another HBK v Hart where a mid-card guy gets elevated to win on the biggest stage of them all IMO.
Well basically HHH is always hogging up a spot at Wrestlemania that someone else should be in. He has done it B4 lots & lots times. Even if Morrison, Miz, & Kofi are not ready. They are still other guys who would do a much better job than HHH. You have Kane, Y2J, CM Punk, JBL & Christain. Tell me Why at Wrestlemania 24 when Cena vs Orton vs HHH. HHH could of been replace with JBL, Y2J or even Kane. Last years WM 25 Orton vs HHH. HHH again could of been replace with CM Punk, which should of been a good choice. CM Punk never really had a feud with Orton after Orton screw him out his title at Unforgiven 2008.

HHH could get a mid card guy over without Main Eventing a WM. It happen with Hart vs Austin WM 13. I m not saying HHH needs to quit Main Event WM forever. I m saying let some other superstar have there WM moment in a ME, while HHH could do something else besides ME a WM all the time.
Actually i would look foward to HHH co-maineventing mania this year. The potential this year is huge with Mania. HHH/Sheamus and HBK/Taker is a real possibility this year, and if both titles change hands,(I know alot of people here will hate this) then DX Owns Both major titles and possibly the tag belts. Far fetched idea, but with these matchups the possiblitlities are endless as far as plotting a story. Plus you have Bret and Vince, MITB which i would love to see the Miz win, and several developing plots to be mentioned.

I used to think HHH was a hog in the past but i see now that he has truelly changed his ways and wants to elevate the younger talent along with HBK, so in all honesty him Main eventing one more Mania cant hurt especially this year at this time. Cena is having back problems and is probably going to take some time off Mania, so we can put him in the Main event just in case something happens and he can't go in the ring, Edge is going to fued with Jericho so thats out of the question. The only acceptable veteran is going to be Hunter.
WM 20 was the last "Great" Wrestlemania to me. And the main reason being is that both the main title matches had fresh faces and great Wrestling talent in them, "Benoit vs 3H vs HBK and Eddie vs Angle" And as a result they truly made 2 Great Wrestlers into bonafide Superstars! Something the Wrestling industry should do at least every other few years at a Wrestlemania. Sure they've had Cena go over Big Show/JBL/3H and HBK in the meantime but who else? Nobody, and that's the problem. 3H is a ego and a half and I dont care who's sick of hearing it but the fact that he's the son in law no doubt has had at least a small impact of his WM supremacy since WM 16 you have to admit just a little. I really think it's a shame great talent like Jericho/Edge and Orton are always coming in 2nd place or not even a part of the Main Event at WM's, of course they have but not even half as much as they deserve, especially Jericho. Orton going over Cena/3H at WM 24 didnt mean shit because he dropped it to 3H the following PPV I believe? Edge is jobbing to the Poser Boy of the company Cena and Taker as he did at WM 24. Taker/HBK/3H are all on their last leg and they need to start putting over THE FUTURE. Yeah Taker jobbed to Edge and Orton but always wins "when it counts" that being WM so in reality that's not putting them over. HBK did a great job putting Cena over at WM 23 but that was almost 3 years ago, and individualty who has he truly put over since? I would LOVE to see HBK/Punk at WM 26 but of course that's gonna be put on hold for HBK and The All Mighty Son in Law,sighs...Out of those 3 I think their all equally as selfish, I respect the fuck out of Taker and HBK but I admit they have been selfish with not putting over the future. Taker's body is in terrible shape and he could use a WM break, he's done it twice before. HBK deserves 1 final run with the World Title or WWE Title, but also needs a feud with a CM Punk or a John Morrison to say "I still got it but so do they!" 3H will never change, I think his ego is as big as Hogans if not bigger. Sure let Orton go over you at WM 24 in a 3 Way but at the special WM 25 in a SINGLES match nooooooooooooo, as long as he gets the last laugh. I hate to sound cruel but I was happy when 3H was out of WM 23 just so I could get a break from him, wouldn't mind another and for a long time at that. He's vastly overrated, he hasn't been great since 2001, he half asses it in the ring and is slow as a great grandfather. If he doesn't win the Rumble im sure he will win a Elimination Chamber Match at the EC PPV to get his precious WWE Title spot and roll all over Sheamus or Orton.
No, that is a load of shit LJL. The main event of Wrestlemania is better when it's not stagnant, regulation matches but when we someone win somethign for the first time or overcome the odds - I'm talking about matches like Hogan v Andre, Hogan v Savage, Hogan v Warrior, HBK v Hart, Austin v HBK, Austin v Rock (X-7).

You can't honestly use Hogan in your argument here for stagnant or hogging the spotlight. He was the most popular wrestler on the planet, but by god did he know it. From Wrestlemania's 1 to 9 he took all the spotlight, even coming in and getting some face time during Savage's first win. You may as well say that Wrestlemania was built on stagnant regulation matches. It hardly ever lives up to it's name. Or are you just a huge fan of Hogan vs King Kong Bundy?

Going with the "safe" match is what leads to boring stuff like Cena v Orton v HHH and HHH v Orton last year. We don't need necessarily BRAND NEW matches but we at least need a sense of achievement or culmination of a wider storyline at the end of Wrestlemania - not HHH inserting himself into the title scene a couple of weeks before Wrestlemania.

I would say that WM24 wasn't that bad. I enjoyed their Triple Threat match and it wasn't awfully bland. HHH vs Orton, sure, it had been done before, but prior to their WM match, people actually enjoyed the feud. It was all downhill from that match, but I wouldn't say it was the wrong choice at the time. HHH had been a strong champion for most of the year before they gave Hardy his run with the title. He was a strong face to run with and Orton was given the push. The result was wrong perhaps, but the booking itself was fine.

Fair enough have one established guy in the ring but by this point all the big stars have basically feuded with each other, it's time for another HBK v Hart where a mid-card guy gets elevated to win on the biggest stage of them all IMO.

I wouldn't say HBK got elevated really. I mean, everyone knew he was the next "guy", and he'd already main evented Wrestlemania the previous year and lost. I bet if you were there in 1995, you would have complained it was stale that they kept giving HBK the shot, or kept putting the belt back on Hart.
No, that is a load of shit LJL. The main event of Wrestlemania is better when it's not stagnant, regulation matches but when we someone win somethign for the first time or overcome the odds - I'm talking about matches like Hogan v Andre, Hogan v Savage, Hogan v Warrior, HBK v Hart, Austin v HBK, Austin v Rock (X-7). Going with the "safe" match is what leads to boring stuff like Cena v Orton v HHH and HHH v Orton last year. We don't need necessarily BRAND NEW matches but we at least need a sense of achievement or culmination of a wider storyline at the end of Wrestlemania - not HHH inserting himself into the title scene a couple of weeks before Wrestlemania.

Fair enough have one established guy in the ring but by this point all the big stars have basically feuded with each other, it's time for another HBK v Hart where a mid-card guy gets elevated to win on the biggest stage of them all IMO.

Well did Hogan, HBK, and Austin get to that point. They didn't start getting elevated at Wrestlemania. They worked their way up and when they were ready, they got their shot at main eventing Wrestlemania. You can't just pick some random midcard guy and put him into the main event at Wrestlemania. If they do win that main event then fall flat on their face afterwards, what would you say about that. If you want a midcard guy to be elevated at Wrestlemania, start elevating him months before so he would at least seem credible. Not too many midcard guys are credible to main event Wrestlemania because they haven't proven themselves yet and until they do, we will see the most consistent and surest people main eventing Wrestlemania.
I think the main problem is the backstage politics issue and essentially where Undertaker gets to keep his Wrestlemania Steak, Trip's benefit seems to be going into the World Title Scene.

Problem is that as rightly said, Triple H is not over with the crowd, people are getting annoyed by him. Even when he's not the World Champion, him and HBK have to Main Event a PPV somehow. And this is a problem that KB has pointed out, it's not just Wrestlemania, it's every other show. 2004 saw Benoit finally win the World Title, but yet Trips had to Main Event somehow so people would forget the reign as easily. Prior to Wrestlemania 23, I had no problem with it because he basically went down to give the likes of Cena, Batista and Benoit a boost. Now Wrestlemania 24 just felt like that he had to be there, they couldn't let Cena/Orton happen alone, while the match was great, what was the benefit of Triple H being there? Orton didn't pin him and outside of there, there was not much of a benefit.

Wrestlemania 25 took the cake for me as Orton deserved to go over, he had all the momentum but all Triple H and Shane did was take his momentum and effective made what was to be Orton's moment just go lacklustre which set the tone for the rest of Orton's year. This is why I feel that him headlining (potentially) with Sheamus at Wrestlemania 26 does no benefit because all it does is guarantee that Triple H will get a 14th World Title reign, and look who it's set to be going against, Cena and Orton. If Sheamus retains and is set for Trips at WM26, then it's basically saying that Trips will put his buddy down at the expense of the top two guys on the roster...seriously?

If anything, Vince should use some common sense and see where the problem was for WM25 and take him out of the Main Event. His time is done for Main Eventing because it's becoming beyond a joke, I just feel if he can't even put over Orton who had so much momentum in the Main Event last year, then he doesn't deserve to headline it.

I know my rant is on his creative control, but this where I do feel he is becoming abusive in his power. Let's just hope at Rumble, I'm proven wrong.
I think the main problem is the backstage politics issue and essentially where Undertaker gets to keep his Wrestlemania Steak, Trip's benefit seems to be going into the World Title Scene.

Problem is that as rightly said, Triple H is not over with the crowd, people are getting annoyed by him. Even when he's not the World Champion, him and HBK have to Main Event a PPV somehow. And this is a problem that KB has pointed out, it's not just Wrestlemania, it's every other show. 2004 saw Benoit finally win the World Title, but yet Trips had to Main Event somehow so people would forget the reign as easily. Prior to Wrestlemania 23, I had no problem with it because he basically went down to give the likes of Cena, Batista and Benoit a boost. Now Wrestlemania 24 just felt like that he had to be there, they couldn't let Cena/Orton happen alone, while the match was great, what was the benefit of Triple H being there? Orton didn't pin him and outside of there, there was not much of a benefit.

Wrestlemania 25 took the cake for me as Orton deserved to go over, he had all the momentum but all Triple H and Shane did was take his momentum and effective made what was to be Orton's moment just go lacklustre which set the tone for the rest of Orton's year. This is why I feel that him headlining (potentially) with Sheamus at Wrestlemania 26 does no benefit because all it does is guarantee that Triple H will get a 14th World Title reign, and look who it's set to be going against, Cena and Orton. If Sheamus retains and is set for Trips at WM26, then it's basically saying that Trips will put his buddy down at the expense of the top two guys on the roster...seriously?

If anything, Vince should use some common sense and see where the problem was for WM25 and take him out of the Main Event. His time is done for Main Eventing because it's becoming beyond a joke, I just feel if he can't even put over Orton who had so much momentum in the Main Event last year, then he doesn't deserve to headline it.

I know my rant is on his creative control, but this where I do feel he is becoming abusive in his power. Let's just hope at Rumble, I'm proven wrong.

Orton didn't deserve to go over because in the context of their feud, HHH was supposed to be the one to get the victory. In the months leading up to Wrestlemania, Orton punted HHH's father-in law and brother-in law and gave a RKO and DDT and kissed his wife Stephanie. Orton did way more to HHH than the other way around and HHH had to win at Wrestlemania. The best way to overcome evil is to win at the biggest stage of them all so I had no problem with HHH at Wrestlemania. That was his first win since 2003 and everybody was climbing on his back. He may be in a lot of main events but it's not like he wins 90% of them.
Orton didn't deserve to go over because in the context of their feud, HHH was supposed to be the one to get the victory. In the months leading up to Wrestlemania, Orton punted HHH's father-in law and brother-in law and gave a RKO and DDT and kissed his wife Stephanie. Orton did way more to HHH than the other way around and HHH had to win at Wrestlemania. The best way to overcome evil is to win at the biggest stage of them all so I had no problem with HHH at Wrestlemania. That was his first win since 2003 and everybody was climbing on his back. He may be in a lot of main events but it's not like he wins 90% of them.

In the context of their feud? While I understand the idea of faces should win at Wrestlemania. Don't forget about the stuff Trips did in response by taking out Orton at his house and destroying Legacy on numerous occasions. The problem with this situation was simply that Triple H shouldn't have been holding the title for this feud. Had Orton been on a case of doing this as champion, this gives extra reason for Triple H to keep the title. The feud could have worked had Orton had taken the last thing Triple H held dear, the WWE Title, this would have put Orton over as being one of the top heels even further. But momentum wise, Orton was hot and fans were behind him, despite what he did to the McMahons, it was a hot thing that gave Orton something special and despite being a heel, the fans were backing him to winning the title.

I do the irony of bringing up 2003 was that surely Booker was the one that had to overcome the bad guy? Oh wait!
Well basically HHH is always hogging up a spot at Wrestlemania that someone else should be in. He has done it B4 lots & lots times. Even if Morrison, Miz, & Kofi are not ready. They are still other guys who would do a much better job than HHH. You have Kane, Y2J, CM Punk, JBL & Christain. Tell me Why at Wrestlemania 24 when Cena vs Orton vs HHH. HHH could of been replace with JBL, Y2J or even Kane. Last years WM 25 Orton vs HHH. HHH again could of been replace with CM Punk, which should of been a good choice. CM Punk never really had a feud with Orton after Orton screw him out his title at Unforgiven 2008.

HHH could get a mid card guy over without Main Eventing a WM. It happen with Hart vs Austin WM 13. I m not saying HHH needs to quit Main Event WM forever. I m saying let some other superstar have there WM moment in a ME, while HHH could do something else besides ME a WM all the time.

Oh dear God, more of this garbage? HHH is "hogging" up a spot at Wrestlemania? He's one of the best and most consistent performers on the roster. He's a near 20 year veteran and he's proven himself on every stage imaginable. And you actually think <tries not to laugh> KANE WOULD BE A BETTER CHOICE!?

Kane was World Champ for one day FOR A REASON. And his title shot vs Chris Benoit flopped MISERABLY in terms of buys. The fact that you list JBL as a better choice - despite the fact that JBL is retired and hasn't wrestled in match in probably a year now - shows me what I am dealing with here.

Furthermore, there isn't anyone - ANYONE - in the midcard who is nearly as white hot as Austin was heading into Wrestlemania 13. Not even close, in fact, so for you to want HHH to "put over a mid-carder" at the biggest show of the year when HHH is one of the 4 or 5 biggest stars on the roster is laughable.

It's the curse of the smark. You always want the young up and comers over, but when they get there, you stop watching. It's why the ratings dipped when Hart and Michaels were on top.
While seeing Triple H in that main event spot does annoy me alot, unfortunately there's no one more suited to it at the moment. While I would love to see another Wrestlemania 21, with 2 new champions crowned, that won't happen cause we have no rising stars like Cena and Tista were back then. Triple H is one of top stars, he's experienced in the Main Event and he's a good performer. While I wish the title scenes at Wrestlemania would be freshened up, we've just got to accept that Triple H isn't going anywhere for a while. Just get over it and enjoy the decent performance he'll put on at Mania 26.

Kane was World Champ for one day FOR A REASON. And his title shot vs Chris Benoit flopped MISERABLY in terms of buys.

You mean the PPV where HBK vs Triple H in Hell in a Cell was the main event? The match that pretty much the whole PPV revolved around? You can't use that as an example for other wrestlers not being as big a draw as Triple H. In fact, if anything, that proves that Triple H isn't as big a draw as people think.
While I think that variety is good, especially in the biggest pro-wrestling match of the year, it's only good if the new people coming in are up to the challenge. To be honest I find HHH to be very inconsisent at Wrestlemnia. He put in good performances at WM 20, 22 and 24 but his matches at WM 18, 19 and 25 were lacking in excitement and are not too memorable. However, are Miz or Morrison better suited to main event WM 26. I don't think so. WM 27 maybe but this year, definately not.

HHH should main event Wrestlemaina so long as he is the best man for the job and I believe he deserves a place in the main event of WM 26. He has instant credibility and is more than capable of putting on an entertaining match and I fully expect he will this year, whether he be facing Sheamus, HBK or any one else.

One problem with Hunter is will he be willing to put his opponent over. But, he has put over Benoit, Batista and Cena at Wrestlemania before and what a moment it would be for, lets say Sheamus, if HHH lost cleanly to him in the main event of WM. I don't see it happening either but you never know.
A lot of people on here give Trips a hard time.... not gonna lie, I sometimes do too.... but if he's main eventing Wrestlemania again this year then it's not the end of the world. Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year and Triple H is one of the most established guys WWE has. Wouldn't you put your best guys on your best show? I sure would. Whether some of us like him or not, Triple H is one of the best and has earned his main event spot (assuming he's main eventing this year again) because he's very over with the fans and often puts on a good show at Wrestlemania. Newer guys will get their chance one day if they are good enough.
Triple H doesn't need to step aside. He is the best at what he does and until someone else proves themselves to be the best then they don't deserve the main event. The main event at wrestlemania shouldn't just be handed to someone because we want to see someone else in the main event. Everybody complains about Triple H being in the main event at Wrestlemania every year. But who else should be there?

In case you guys forget Cena has also been in the main event the last 5 Wrestlemaina's so your case for saying that Triple H is hogging the spot light should also be made for Cena as well.
You mean the PPV where HBK vs Triple H in Hell in a Cell was the main event? The match that pretty much the whole PPV revolved around? You can't use that as an example for other wrestlers not being as big a draw as Triple H. In fact, if anything, that proves that Triple H isn't as big a draw as people think.

Nope. It proves to me that WWE had zero faith in the ability of Kane and Benoit to sell buys. OR that they had SO MUCH faith in HHH vs HBK that they could put an abortion of a World Title Match on the same card.

Sorta like Armageddon 1999 where The Big Show defended the WWF Title against the Big Boss Man in 3 minutes and 11 seconds on a PPV where all anyone cared about was the No Holds Barred Match between HHH and McMahon?

Guys like Kane and Show don't draw dick. Guys like HHH do. It's a simple formula. If Triple H didn't make the WWE money, he wouldn't be in the main event, simple as. It's called BUSINESS.
I really don't get why people always claim HHH should step aside and let the young stars have the spotlight. Triple H is only 40 years old. That's younger then Kurt Angle! That's younger then Sting by a long shot! Those guys have held the spotlight in TNA for years now and Angle is still right there main eventing everything and holding the spotlight. How many Angle vs. Styles matches have we seen in the last two months? Half a dozen at least. Triple H has been out of the main event picture for most of the year, really, if not all of it. Triple H hasn't been around the title for the entire year, pretty much. The WWE is trying to sell their biggest PPV of the year and they need a DRAW to sell their main events. They don't need two unproven young stars in their main event that aren't going to sell the top PPV of the year. There's really not that many viable options for proven, top star talent to headlight the PPV. But people really need to stop saying Triple H needs to step aside for younger talent as if he's some extremely old star past his prime. He's only 40, he can still go in the ring, and he's a proven draw for the WWE (in terms of their drawing capabilities now). He's as viable a choice as Cena or Orton would be, and he's a lot fresher in the main event picture because he hasn't been in it for a lot longer then Cena/Orton. It's hilarious that he's kept out of the main event picture for most of a year, allowing all other talents to have that spotlight and make themselves around the WWE championship, and people are STILL talking about him not stepping aside or giving others a chance. How many Bound for Glory's has Angle main evented in terms of the number of PPV's there has been as a whole? How about Sting? How about Austin and the Rock when they were the top stars of the WWF in their era? How about Hulk Hogan during his era? You go with your top draw on your biggest PPV of the year, end of story.
You can't honestly use Hogan in your argument here for stagnant or hogging the spotlight. He was the most popular wrestler on the planet, but by god did he know it. From Wrestlemania's 1 to 9 he took all the spotlight, even coming in and getting some face time during Savage's first win. You may as well say that Wrestlemania was built on stagnant regulation matches. It hardly ever lives up to it's name. Or are you just a huge fan of Hogan vs King Kong Bundy?

I would say that WM24 wasn't that bad. I enjoyed their Triple Threat match and it wasn't awfully bland. HHH vs Orton, sure, it had been done before, but prior to their WM match, people actually enjoyed the feud. It was all downhill from that match, but I wouldn't say it was the wrong choice at the time. HHH had been a strong champion for most of the year before they gave Hardy his run with the title. He was a strong face to run with and Orton was given the push. The result was wrong perhaps, but the booking itself was fine.

I wouldn't say HBK got elevated really. I mean, everyone knew he was the next "guy", and he'd already main evented Wrestlemania the previous year and lost. I bet if you were there in 1995, you would have complained it was stale that they kept giving HBK the shot, or kept putting the belt back on Hart.

I'm not saying Hogan's a saint or anything but him in THE big match every year is different to HHH. Hogan was undoubtedly the top guy, end of. HHH is one of a number - Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Batista, HBK, The Undertaker are all on his level, and any combination of them could headline Wrestlemania and have HHH take a lower spot on the card for a change (as they have all done in recent years, apart from Cena but out of everyone there he's the one who can justify it).

And, of course it may just be my opinion, HHH vs Orton was so bad last year, and it didn't have to happen. The lead up was good but there was always a massive chance the match itself was going to be horribly disappointing.

And FYI there's a difference between being earmarked as the next guy and actually being that guy. Him winning at WM12 was a massive occasion, as was Austin at 14. I'm not saying anyone's up to that level just yet (although Jeff Hardy winning it last year would have had the same feel) but that doesn't mean HHH is justified in hogging the main event spot year upon year.
I'm not saying Hogan's a saint or anything but him in THE big match every year is different to HHH. Hogan was undoubtedly the top guy, end of. HHH is one of a number - Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Batista, HBK, The Undertaker are all on his level, and any combination of them could headline Wrestlemania and have HHH take a lower spot on the card for a change (as they have all done in recent years, apart from Cena but out of everyone there he's the one who can justify it).

You're forgetting one thing. If Sheamus is still the champion come WrestleMania then clearly it'll be a face against a heel Sheamus, correct? That eliminates Orton, Jericho and Batista. The fact Batista and Jericho are on Smackdown also eliminates those options. Edge hasn't returned yet and they don't have any for sure time he might be back so planning for him to be in the main event of WrestleMania is a very risky idea because he's an unknown right now. Plus he's on Smackdown, even if he does return as a face. So that leaves Cena, HHH, HBK and Undertaker. Sure they could do Undertaker and that might be an interesting choice, but they'd have to do a champion vs. champion match at WrestleMania, wouldn't they since Undertaker is the champion on Smackdown? We can assume they don't want to do that and so Undertaker is eliminated. That leaves only three options. Cena has already been feuding with Sheamus for months now so him against Sheamus would be the same match we've already seen many times before. It's still an option, it could finally end their feud for good, but it's not the freshest option. That leaves only HHH or HBK.

So as you can see there are really only three viable options for RAW in main eventing Wrestlemania if Sheamus still holds the championship by then. All of them have consistently main evented Wrestlemania's in the past and present so regardless there isn't going to be a choice that hasn't had that spotlight countless times before.
There are only a handful of guys who can main event Wrestlemania in WWE:
The Undertaker
Shawn Michaels
John Cena
Randy Orton
Triple H

Look at that list, and think about something for a minute. Ever since Mania 18(with the excetpion of Mania 19) each one of the guys I listed has been in the main event at Wrestlemania. Headlining the biggest wrestling ppv in the world requires BIG names, and established wrestlers. Triple H happens to be one of those guys. Do you think it really work if The Miz or John Morrison was main eventing Mania this year? I don't think so.

Mania 22's main event was interesting because we wanted to see Cena take down HHH. Mania 24's main event was also interesting because it seemed like Edge might break The Undertaker's streak, and Mania 23 was interesting because we all thought HBK was on his way to a much desired world title win.

You need veterans like HHH to be in the main event because like him or not he IS a big name in the business,and it is crucial that you have established veterans like him in your biggest show of the year.
There are only a handful of guys who can main event Wrestlemania in WWE:
The Undertaker
Shawn Michaels
John Cena
Randy Orton
Triple H

And Chris Jericho isnt? Oh that's right, that miiiiight have something to do with your boy 3H NEVER putting Jericho over, oh im sorry once in a tag match. And the reason your list is so small there is because WWE has miserably failed in making new Stars. You got CM Punk who has the talent in the ring and more so on the mic, The E loves charisma and mic skills right? Punk gets a huge push with taking Jeff Hardy out of the company only to be derailed because of a supposed incident where he didn't dress "proper" and made a remark of the all mighty Poster Boy Cena, come on lol. What about John Morrison? He was getting a huge lift beating Rey Mysterio for The IC Title on a Smackdown in a incredible match, but he has to drop the belt to Shawns Boy McIntyre. They keep on derailing the pushes of stars in the making so therefor their fucking theirself as well.
And Chris Jericho isnt? Oh that's right, that miiiiight have something to do with your boy 3H NEVER putting Jericho over, oh im sorry once in a tag match. And the reason your list is so small there is because WWE has miserably failed in making new Stars. You got CM Punk who has the talent in the ring and more so on the mic, The E loves charisma and mic skills right? Punk gets a huge push with taking Jeff Hardy out of the company only to be derailed because of a supposed incident where he didn't dress "proper" and made a remark of the all mighty Poster Boy Cena, come on lol. What about John Morrison? He was getting a huge lift beating Rey Mysterio for The IC Title on a Smackdown in a incredible match, but he has to drop the belt to Shawns Boy McIntyre. They keep on derailing the pushes of stars in the making so therefor their fucking theirself as well.

Seriously, did Jericho really need to be put over by HHH? He was already the first ever WWF/WWE Undisputed champion, and still boasts about in his promos till this very day. Yeah, Jericho might of not been Undisputed champ because this was around the time The Game had his first quad tear, but still he was the first ever undisputed champ. Also, I think it was some time in 2000, when Jericho's populartiy went through the roof when he feuded with HHH. Do you remember all of those promos he used to cut on Stephanie? They were priceless.

I really don't know what your point was in mentioning the CM Punk thing. Reportedly the whole dress code incident had something to do with The Undertaker, and not HHH.

Okay, even when Morrison wasn't IC champ, he was beating CM Punk who was World Heavyweight Champion at the time. And are you forgetting the reigns him and Miz had as tag team champions? And what about his time as ECW champion and the VERY underated feud he had with CM Punk? Even since he's lost the title, it's not like he's faded into obscurity. He's still a major player on Smackdown.

CM Punk,Randy Orton,and John Cena are apart of WWE's future, and they've all gotten BIG pushes, and have main evented Wrestlemania's or ppvs.
Seriously, did Jericho really need to be put over by HHH? He was already the first ever WWF/WWE Undisputed champion, and still boasts about in his promos till this very day. Yeah, Jericho might of not been Undisputed champ because this was around the time The Game had his first quad tear, but still he was the first ever undisputed champ. Also, I think it was some time in 2000, when Jericho's populartiy went through the roof when he feuded with HHH. Do you remember all of those promos he used to cut on Stephanie? They were priceless.

I really don't know what your point was in mentioning the CM Punk thing. Reportedly the whole dress code incident had something to do with The Undertaker, and not HHH.

Okay, even when Morrison wasn't IC champ, he was beating CM Punk who was World Heavyweight Champion at the time. And are you forgetting the reigns him and Miz had as tag team champions? And what about his time as ECW champion and the VERY underated feud he had with CM Punk? Even since he's lost the title, it's not like he's faded into obscurity. He's still a major player on Smackdown.

CM Punk,Randy Orton,and John Cena are apart of WWE's future, and they've all gotten BIG pushes, and have main evented Wrestlemania's or ppvs.

Dude were talking about Main Eventers here and the lack their off, especially when it pertains to Wrestlemania. And it does matter that Trips never put Jericho over the 20 or so times they've worked because it gives the audience the impression Jericho is extremely inferior to 3H. Now I could understand a face 3H always going over a heel Jericho, but when the roles are reversed? Come on. On that Raw in 2000 were it appeared Jericho had won the WWE Title only for the decision to be reversed because Hebner was a pussy and didn't want 3H to kill him that made no sense, you saw how the crowd went apeshit. At the least they should of had a rematch at the following PPV with Jericho going over clean then he could of dropped it back to the all mighty 3H at say Summerslam. For some reason WWE always likes o make Jericho the butt of jokes and it really makes people say "what a goofy idiot" and not what a great Wrestler and performer as he should be looked at, even Orton isn't treated as a joke like Jericho. Yeah the Punk thing did involve Taker and not 3H my bad for being irrelevant on that 1. And Morrison has had success no denying that, but to what level? Former IC/ECW/Tag Champ, not a bad resume right? The problem is you have someone with absolutely no talent on Raw as WWE Champion, even I rather have Cena Champ rather then Shameless but hey I dont workout with 3H so I dont know...But the point is that Morrison had his IC Title reign cut short for Shawns buddy McIntyre and I just happen to think it's unjustified and bullshit to be honest, only my opinion though. I like McIntyre 3x more then Sheamus but that's not saying much. WWE had a great opportunity to give JoMo a classic lengthy run with the belt but said fuck him just because Kliq founder HBK wanted his buddy with a belt just as 3H and Sheamus, it's just typical political bullshit as usual by the same assholes who hold everyone back they see fit.
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