Heyman Tag Team

lil bitch Kid

Getting Noticed By Management
So through the years of the Dangerous Alliance, Paul managed the teams of Arn and Eaton and Arn and Zybisco. Long before that though, he managed the Samoan Swat Team, later to become The Headshinkers, one on whom, Fatu, went on to become the Sultan and eventually Rikishi, father of the Usos. With guys like Kidd, Bourne, and Rey returning eventually, I'd like to see them in face tag teams with Cara thrown in. this would leave a shortens be of heel teams. why not have Heyman bring the Usos into the fold as new Heyman guys. This could lead to Tamina being a Heyman girl and with this ensemble of performers, it'd be a power house,

Too many people coming in clouds a team. It would be like when the NWO kept adding people then it was less important.
I would be totally against adding three more people as Heyman people. It's just really not needed. Creative already has enough on their plate trying to make Curtis Axel seem like a big deal by being a Heyman guy. It's too much to try to do with a tag team and a Diva that no one cares about too.
This is a great idea, but creative wont have any of it. While on 1 hand i totally agree that the nwo had waaaaay to many people just for the sake of it.. There are examples of a good manager having more than 3 or 4 wrestlers in the stable. IE Bobby the Brian whenever he was managing he always had a hand full of guys. Now for the creative issue.. I think that the problem they have is they are trying to push someone instead of pushing the association.. What history has taught us that if Heyman picks you..your golden.. they need to stop selling Curtis for awhile and hype the history of how Heyman has made people stars... This is where if Heyman had more people in the stable he could throw them in front of Curtis to protect him, sort of what their doing with Lesnar, but slightly less scale. It creates matches and builds stories.. Heyman has enough history with alot of people backstage to get him a great stable going without causing a nwo style backslide...
They are clearly going for Stable Wars right now - the Uso's are relatively unique in their heritage so they won't be "hitched" to the Heyman wagon. What Heyman would have been managing Arn and Blanchard had Tully's drug issues not surfaced... if it's gonna work he would need that team, but the nearest they have right now is Wade Barrett, who is more Harley Race than Arn...

If you're gonna do it along Dangerous Alliance lines then it needs to be a team put together to damage people for Brock and Axel (Rude and Austin) but they probably need to bring some guys back rather than pick from the current roster... Harry Smith would work, Shelton Benjamin would work, Elijah Burke might work, Matt Morgan definitely would...and he isn't walking into the main event if he does go back to the E so it might be a good place to start.
I was just thinking of a Heyman led tag team but not The Usos. For my money I would go with a team of Axel and Matt Morgan. The reason for this pairing is simple: Morgan is a former Heyman client and Axel while having great physical interaction with Punk is currently the afterthought in the feud and has not been built as a credible threat to beat Punk at NoC without outside help. While I could see WWE adding a tag team to Heyman's stable I doubt it'll be The Usos simply because they're almost like the Kofi Kingstons or Rey Mysteros of the tag team division, they are too good as faces and not credible as heels.
I do not see a need for this, as it would only hurt Curtis Axel as "The Heyman Guy"... they need to focus on him first. However I would not be against the idea down the road as a tag team would serve well under Heyman. Problem is no one really stands out to me as a "Heyman Guy" other than maybe Wade Barrett. I would consider Big E Langston or Ryback, but I don't see a tag team anywhere. Wade Could use the heat from heyman to help build him back up, Wade is missing something and it's not his wrestling or mic skills... perhaps it's heyman.
First and foremost the attention should be on Axel and Lesnar. That is enough for Heyman at the current moment in time; however, I wouldn't mind him involved with HHH. This way, Heyman could potentially help The Shield, Ryback, Barrett, Axel and anyone else that may be on HHH's side.

While The Uso's probably need Heyman to become a top tag-team, I think it is a waste of what Heyman brings. The Uso's can only become tag champs - which is hardly a career defining feat. Heyman will probably only be used for guys who have incredible potential.
I love this idea. It's creative thinking and a bit out there in terms of what people would expect. I'd go a step further and replace Uso's with Swagger/Cesaro, getting rid of Coulter. In fact, this would help the Heyman/Punk storyline because it throws in more "interference" given that Lesnar is on such a limited schedule.

The problem is that tag teams just don't mean anything any more. WWE just doesn't put any importance on tag teams or the the tag team belts (if they did, they wouldn't have wasted the titles by putting them on the Shield, who didn't need them). If the tag belts were a big deal like they once were, I'd be all for giving Heyman a tag team. But since they don't, there wouldn't be a point going in this direction.
How would it look if the wwe brought in Matt Morgan and Rob Terry has the Heyman team.. No doubt they would be an awesome sight. Reminiscent of LOD or powers of pain or even Demolition... Wrestling skill wouldn't be needed because they would basically just squash whoever got in Heyman's way.. But if needed Morgan can carry a match depending on who they are wrestling.. Just a thought...

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