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Heyman as Mason Ryans manager

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
So as im watching as RAW started monday night & Paul Heyman
& Brock Lesnar opened up the show.But the whole 10-15 min segment
Heyman did all the talking except for Lesnar's 2 words(good job).

As 1 of the few people who believe in the potential of Mason Ryan being a beast in the ring.I know everyone mentions his in ring ability but with his power he could wrestle just like the Road Warriors did or goldber & Ryback
do.I could just see Ryan using Heyman in the same role Brock uses him in.When AW was tring to recruit Mason i thought it would of been real good,but now that ship has sailed & Heyman IS the perfect answer in
making Mason Ryan a HeavyWeight SUPERSTAR,not a WWE SuperStar,but
a real superstar like CeNa,HHH,UnderTaker & Lesnar.

I was wondering what the IWC thought of this idea.

I love this idea, I would want a different look for him though, unless he was made into a Batista type character. Maybe if heyman came out at the start of raw and it was dark and inside a shark diving cage was Mason Ryan like a caged animal, heyman comes out like a speaker at a zoo talking about this beast, then he has a match against the Funkasaurus and destroys him, they call Mason Ryan the ultimate predator and have him and ryback on these 2 unstoppable runs? What do you think
I love this idea, I would want a different look for him though, unless he was made into a Batista type character. Maybe if heyman came out at the start of raw and it was dark and inside a shark diving cage was Mason Ryan like a caged animal, heyman comes out like a speaker at a zoo talking about this beast, then he has a match against the Funkasaurus and destroys him, they call Mason Ryan the ultimate predator and have him and ryback on these 2 unstoppable runs? What do you think
I actually like this idea. Mason Ryan needs a manager, but is he relevant enough to be managed by someone like Paul Heyman? AW would've been perfect imo.
I actually like the idea. Although i fear that he would be taking a backseat to Lesnar and become more of a sidekick. So the only way it would work is when ever Lesnar's contract ends. Either that or if Lesnar doesn't wrestle for a long time. The only way i would be ok with them both being managed by Paul Heyman is if eventually Mason Ryan got fed up of taking a backseat to Lesnar and started acting more aggressive towards the group and making it apparent he wasn't happy. Ending in a match between the two with the winner gaining the right to be the only client of Paul Heyman. Brock Lesnar could cheat to get the win and then from there Mason Ryan could go on to plot his revenge against the two. The idea definitely has potential. The idea is simple and smart.
Not too sure about the whole Caged Animal thing, but due to Mason Ryans lacking Mic skills, he would need Heyman as a manager, because, well...Heyman has Mic skills. And it could be a huge push for Ryan, and the WWE.

Obviously, he would take the Heel route. So im hoping Ziggler cashes in, and gets the WHC. And then, a possible Christian/Ziggler fued. THEN, Mason makes his new appearance with Heyman, and it could lead to a Ryan/Christian WHC fued.

Dig it?
This is a good idea. Although, I agree with LeviCook that he would become second to Lesnar, which would just be human nature. Regardless of him being Lesnars "sidekick" I think pairing Mason Ryan with Heyman would get him over, and I love Reality Era's idea regarding Brodus .
About him becoming 2nd to Lesnar.The way i envisioned it wasn't the 3 of them together.I just wanna see Pual E manage both of em.Both be clients,but not a team or a stable.More like how Bobby Heenan was.

If a lawyer takes 1 of his clients to court,he doesnt bring all his clients to the court room with him.

When Mason is in the ring for a segment or a match i want Just Heyman with him & same goes for Brock.

Maybe down the line since Brock only works a few dates there could be a storyline where Brock tries to go after Ryan Telling Paul he has been dropping the ball & a superstar of his calibur needs Heymans full attention & Ryan couldnt even beat his meat.Obviously that would offend Ryan.
All of this is depending on if Brock re-sign's after WrestleMania.It would be a good way for Brock to give back to the biz & help put over a younger talent.Seriously
who was the last person Brock put over--Eddie Guererro?
I'm just not really seeing it.

The difference between guys like Lesnar, Goldberg & Ryback is that there's actually something that's there to work with beyond having a great physical look. Mason Ryan has his look going for him and nothing else. Guys like Lesnar, Goldberg & Ryback, despite being a very muscular 250+ pounds, also have a good deal of overall athletic ability. They're deceptively fast and have good coordination inside the ring. Mason Ryan doesn't. Ryan is slow, he's clumsy, he's awkward and is so muscle bound that his own muscularity is a hindurance to him inside the ring. In terms of athleticism & in-ring ability, Mason Ryan makes Batista look like Kurt Angle.

Lesnar, Goldberg & Ryback are booked as badasses. They have the look, the physical presence and the athletic capability to make it beleivable, especially Lesnar as we know he's a legit badass any way you slice it. Mason Ryan is just a professional bodybuilder that thought he could turn a quick, easy buck as a pro wrestler. The fact that there are soooooooo many wrestlers on the WWE roster that have soooooooo much more to offer than Mason Ryan isn't lost on the fans. That's why his push was halted and that's why he's practically MIA.

Personally, I'd just rather have Ryan head back to the bodybuilding circuit where he belongs. Personally, I just don't see any money in Mason Ryan because there's no real ability. Just slapping him with a mouthpiece, even one such as Paul Heyman, can't cover the numerous weaknesses Ryan has working against him.
Well first off IMO Mason Ryan isn't a Dave Batista or some "Heavyweight Superstar". I don't think he has that quality.

Though I do think he has more to offer.

But personal feelings aside, I'd still say no. There are SO many guys small OR big that you could put Heyman with, that not only would fit better but would succeed more!

So MAYBE if Heyman did make some kind of stable and needed that "Young Enforcer" type, but otherwise, NOT AS A DUO!
Not entirely sure that Heyman would be the best person to manage him. First off, he'd be viewed as Lesnar Jr as some have already stated. Second, Steph/HHH and Paul E. haven't had the best of relationships. Since the dates have been really limited, that friction hasn't had time to redevelop.

I'm not sure who I would want to manage Ryan. Paul Bearer would be interesting.

Just kind of thinking out loud, maybe have a former wrestler come back and manage. He's got to have the charisma on the mic. Road Dogg, Edge. Plenty to choose from Form a stable. Ryan, Ryback. Maybe one or two others. Not exactly a modern New Age Outlaws, but something along those lines. They come out and do what they want when they want to. The anti-heroes.
Well, I really don't know what Ryans can do. He has had only a few segments that I've noticed over the years. SO, do we really know what he can do.

Before you slap a good mouth piece on him, I want to see him in a good 5 to 10 minute match. Then hear a couple of promos from him. You never know. He might be a natural on the mic and get people behind.

Now, Heyman as his manager. It's far from a bad idea. It really is. I mean, that guy has the promo skills to promote anyone. I mean, he got Brock Lesnar very far in his career. I think he added some juice to that HHH vs. Lesnar feud. He is a great on camera character. His knowledge of the industry is amazing.

Like I stated. Good idea. If Ryans needs it.
I don't think Ryan is ready, last time I saw him he was green as hell in the ring and couldn't do a squash match properly. Maybe give Heyman someone like Ryback but he's getting pretty over himself so he'll need a face manager more. I like the idea of Heyman managing multiple clients but he needs the right person, someone like Matt Morgan if he signs with WWE would be ideal.
I like the premise of the idea but with a few tweaks. The way the Lesnar storyline is starting to progress its looking like we my see some type of Lesnar/Heyman against the WWE take place soon. I kinda get the feeling that we see this all come to a head in a traditional Survivor Series match with Team Lesnar vs Team WWE. If u remember the first time we had a Team Lesnar it was Brock, Matt Morgan, Albert, Nathan Jones, and Big Show which basically was a massive group of monsters. Now we have Big Show wondering around with no real sense of direction, Albert suffering thru a dreadful gimmick, Matt Morgan potentially coming back to WWE, that just leaves one open spot for a new up and coming beast which would be a perfect spot for Mason Ryan. With Heyman as his mouthpiece he doesn't need to speak just stand back and look impressive.
I like the premise of the idea but with a few tweaks. The way the Lesnar storyline is starting to progress its looking like we my see some type of Lesnar/Heyman against the WWE take place soon. I kinda get the feeling that we see this all come to a head in a traditional Survivor Series match with Team Lesnar vs Team WWE. If u remember the first time we had a Team Lesnar it was Brock, Matt Morgan, Albert, Nathan Jones, and Big Show which basically was a massive group of monsters. Now we have Big Show wondering around with no real sense of direction, Albert suffering thru a dreadful gimmick, Matt Morgan potentially coming back to WWE, that just leaves one open spot for a new up and coming beast which would be a perfect spot for Mason Ryan. With Heyman as his mouthpiece he doesn't need to speak just stand back and look impressive.

Mason Ryan has a hell of a figure but there are others on the roster that can pass as "monsters" and are also slightly more talented than Ryan. Ezekiel Jackson for instance. Great look, enough talent, was an intimidating heel when he was being managed by Regal along with Kozlov, but Regal has more of a mentor character than a managing character, so a heel Zeke with Heyman would work better than Ryan. Heyman would help make Brodus Clay the next big monster had Clay have not had the Funkasaurus idea. Idk if this is stretching too much, but if Khali was managed by Heyman when he won the WHC, I think we would have appreciated that reign a little bit more. Heyman is pure heel and he can help any talentless monster go over. So if WWE wanted to pair Heyman up with an up and coming monster, they'd go with someone with more experience and a little more safer.
I think it would be good for Mason Ryans career, but my question is, where is the logic? What does Paul Heyman get out of managing Mason Ryan? Brock and Paul Heyman are real life legitimate friends. Paul Heyman is the guy who discovered Brock Lesnar and was involved in nearly Brocks entire WWE career. Paul Heyman isnt in WWE because he needs to be. He isnt even there because he wants to be. He is there because he knew he could be an asset to his friend Brock Lesnar who has limited mic skills but is athletically a beast. He is there because Brock and the WWE need him, not the other way around.

Why would he stick around when Brocks gone? And what connection does he have to mason ryan to suddenly throw them together? It just kind of seems like a random pairing to me.

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