Hey Mark Madden, we get it. You hate Hulk Hogan.


Vote Hogan, Savage, Rocky and Thesz
I feel like many times when reading a Madden article on this website, I'm reading an anti-Hogan mad lib. We get it. You don't like Hogan. You think Ric Flair poops milk and honey, and Hulk Hogan is the anti-Christ. Everything that ever went wrong with WCW is mostly Hulk Hogan's fault. Hulk Hogan is overrated. He can't hold Ric Flair's jockstrap. hr ruined the nWo. He's a selfish self-promoter while the guys you're friends with are selfless and know what's best for the business. Hogan is going to kill TNA.

Please...please, can you write something from another angle? You had a position to look inside, and could provide us with many insights into the industry...but you don't. You just bash on Hogan.
Agreed, agreed, agreed.

Granted, guy's probably not wrong about any of his points. I actually tend to think he's right most of the time.

But dude...seriously. Get over it! WCW's dead, you lost your meal ticket, you blame Hogan blah blah blah. Go eat a burger and write something about someone who will be relevant in years to come and stop buying into the hype Hogan's generating by acknowledging him. Unless you secretly love him....

Why am I posting like Madden will read this??
I wouldn't be surprised if what Maddens said in his latest article is entirely true about Hogan. It seems entirely logical and feasible, so what exactly is the issue here? Hulk Hogan is relevant to the wrestling news right now because of his newfound involvement in TNA, while Nash hinted at the nWo with a comment on Impact, so Madden is writing an article that is RELEVANT to subjects that are happening right now in TNA. Oh my god! What's wrong with him?
I wouldn't be surprised if what Maddens said in his latest article is entirely true about Hogan. It seems entirely logical and feasible, so what exactly is the issue here? Hulk Hogan is relevant to the wrestling news right now because of his newfound involvement in TNA, while Nash hinted at the nWo with a comment on Impact, so Madden is writing an article that is RELEVANT to subjects that are happening right now in TNA. Oh my god! What's wrong with him?

Yes, it was relevant. For once.

His previous few articles have been nothing but a Hogan bash. That's the gripe.
And for anyone who argues Madden has the right to say what he wants about Hogan, I'll say this in advance: Yes, he does, same way I have the right to say "Get over it".
Madden's last several articles about Hogan have been written with Hogan coming back into the lime light and becoming a relevant figure again in the wrestling world by joining TNA. That makes all of his articles relevant because he's talking about Hogan, whose a current subject in the wrestling world. It's all relevant. And the fact you both are reading his articles to complain ABOUT them means he's doing his job. His articles are recieving the very response he wants, they're being READ.

And he is writing insight into the industry as a whole, and the history of said industry, because he's giving insight into what went wrong in WCW and the inner workings of nWo angle. It just so happens that Hogan was a huge part of all of it, like it or not. Whether he's right or wrong doesn't matter, he's offering his insight and his opinion and he has the right to do it and the canvas to do it on.
Don't disagree with you at all.

Doesn't change the fact that Madden's bias on the subject of Hogan is tiresome to say the least.

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