He's got the World Heavyweight Championship in his hands


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So what's your prediction on when Bray Wyatt finally wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship?

In my opinion, with Bryan out with an injury, WWE should vacate the title and put it on Bray pronto. He's been on a roll, and it's best to capitalize on that now instead of waiting for when Bray's gimmick has become stale.

Plus, Bryan has got some intense history with Bray. And because of the fact that he lost at Royal Rumble, Bryan will have "something to prove" when he comes back to face Bray for the title.

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam for the World title would be a big seller if Bray can pull more of his original and creative segments heading into the show.

So even if Bryan doesn't get stripped of the title, when do you think will it be time to put the title on Bray Wyatt?
I think that if Wyatt is ever going to be world champion, it should be soon. I can see him losing a lot of momentum when he's not paired with one of the top dogs.

I also like the idea of Bryan having Wyatt as an opponent who he can just never beat. Which would eventually lead to Bryan finally defeating him several years down the line. Not that WWE would ever bother doing that.

But yeah, Wyatt for champion is fine by me.
Honestly, Wyatt can have great feud's without being champion, that's what's great about him. Put him in a feud with Evolution, then have another Shield war, because let's be honest, The Shield V. The Wyatt Family is usually great. Then have Bray Wyatt enter a war with multiple Baby Faces, then in 2015 put the belt on Bray Wyatt. But the main problem I see is, what happens when Bray runs out of people to feud with, will WWE force him to turn face? Will the Wyatt Family split up if Cena beats Wyatt and proves him wrong, I hope to god Cena losses at Payback, but you never know with Super-Cena.
Bray taking the title could make for a great period of television. The Wyatt's versus Cena, the Shield, Evolution, Heyman's guys, even Kane and (eventually) a returning Bryan.

And the greatest thing about it? He wouldn't have to change a thing! The promos he's currently running against John would feel just as adequate against Evolution or Paul Heyman's guys as it would against the Shield. This means they can avoid the complaints (and potential loss of heat) from criss crossing the face / heel divide.

The Daniel Bryan injury is very unfortunate for him but this could turn out to be the (excuse the pun) best for business.
I'd say that the next logical step for Bray Wyatt is to go after the WWE World title. He's been feuding with WWE's top star for two months now, where does he go from here? the WWE World title picture! it makes PERFECT sense. Bray Wyatt is a guy who is ready, can talk and he is a credible opponent for Daniel Freaking Bryan at Summerslam! it's genius.
I agree he should GET A SHOT at the title, but not outright win it just yet. It'll be refreshing to see new faces in the WWEWH title picture. I agree that he'll probably get stale soon so I would wait until the end of the year. Keep him feuding with main-event stars, give Harper and Rowan the tag titles and once Bray is truly ready to step up, then give him a shot.
No. No reason to strap a rocket to him, it only makes for a bigger drop off. Continue his build and maybe next year we can have the convo about him winning the title.
No need to rush him into a world title. If his character continues course, where he wants to take down the establishment, the biggest "establishment" in WWE is its world title. It makes sense for him to get their eventually. Of course, all bets are off now pending what's really going on with Daniel Bryan's health.
I was going to say, "hopefully we never have to sit through Husky Harris as WWE WHC", but now I hope he's on a fast track. Whoever gets pushed to the title too soon never makes it, and gets lost in the mid-card shuffle. Then everyone will finally realize how garbage this guy is.
Bray and Bryan both need to be built up in their respective roles before being put against each other again. Meaning Bryan as a credible(r) champion and it's just too soon for Wyatt. Obviously they had that great match that Bray won at Rumble, which makes the next meeting (after being seperated for a while) much better.
Last thing Bray Wyatt needs is the World Title. He's been doing just fine without it, he's gotten over. Bray Wyatt's character is not somebody who wants the World Title and his character doesn't need it to get over, he's done that. So what exactly does he need the World Title for? They should leave it on Bryan for the time being and give it to Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.
I never fully agree on putting a title on a guy right away, granted Bray has been around for what about a year now on the main roster? Think about this for a moment, Brock Lesnar and Sheamus were both champion within their first year on the main roster Sheamus didn't get the hype needed to stay champ and he has been mid card relegated now, and Brock dropped his ten million dollar contract took his football and went home after what 2 years of being a top guy.

A title doesn't make you good, its a staple that you strive for but seriously Dibiase didn't need it, Duggan didn't need it, Rude didn't need it, Perfect didn't need it, but all these guys were top guys in the company. Bray simply doesn't need it, and the moment he has it unless he loses it in a hell of a match with someone who isn't John Cena his character gets buried. At Payback when Cena was about to "defy the odds" and win against 3 Wyatt members, Bray would've been buried. There are a handful of guys Bray can lose to and look good, the rest would bury him, so choosing wisely to put the belt on him may not be the best thing for him Atm, if Bray loses momentum post summerslam sure maybe consider it, but I think Bray has enough staying power to win the big one for the first time at Wrestlemania.
NEVER!!! Bray Wyatt to me is like a reverse John Cena. He just keeps being force fed down our throats regardless of reaction of popularity. Putting the belt on him would be stupid since his character is all about doin his own thing but not so much fighting the system. He'd be better off as a mid card champion just to have something to carry around. He has good matches but like del rio he would probably benefit in the long run.
The only way I want/could see it happening soon is if Cena wins the belt (hear me out) and Bray wants to beat him for the title to take away the most important thing in the world to him. Hopefully Wyatt will have defeated Cena at payback, thus concluding the feud. He has already turned some of Cenas most loyal fanbase (the kids) against him in kayfab
e terms with the singing and the wearing of the masks. Beating Cena for the title may just give Bray the absolute upper hand and leave Cena with nothing.

Have Bray say something along the lines of "Winning the title isn't even important to me, I just want to see you suffer. And to lose your most valued possession to me is what will make you suffer the most"

But for all that to happen, the belt must first go on Cena, which we all know will cause the universe to explode. :)
I never fully agree on putting a title on a guy right away, granted Bray has been around for what about a year now on the main roster?

I think it depends on a specific angle if the giving someone the title can help better advance a story or feud. Perfect example is Wade Barrett as the Leader of the Nexus. Without him being part of The Nexus no way can I buy him as the Champ but with leading a stable like the Nexus I can see him as World Champion.

As for Bray Wyatt, if he was the one feuding with Bryan after WM. I can totally see Bray Wyatt be World Champion and hold it until Bryan returns. For one it would work perfectly as far as a Storyline, it give Bray a ton of heat, and sets up a series of matches between Bray and Bryan.

Unfortunatley Bray isn't the one feuding with Bryan. Though the segway would be is make the Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena match at Payback for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. It can totally work and once the Cena/Wyatt feud ends and Wyatt is still Champ, he can renew a feud with Bryan when he returns.
I think it depends on a specific angle if the giving someone the title can help better advance a story or feud. Perfect example is Wade Barrett as the Leader of the Nexus. Without him being part of The Nexus no way can I buy him as the Champ but with leading a stable like the Nexus I can see him as World Champion.

As for Bray Wyatt, if he was the one feuding with Bryan after WM. I can totally see Bray Wyatt be World Champion and hold it until Bryan returns.

Though the segway would be is make the Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena match at Payback for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. It can totally work and once the Cena/Wyatt feud ends and Wyatt is still Champ, he can renew a feud with Bryan when he returns.

totally love this idea. it works on every level. outside of Cena getting the World Title so that he could then drop it to Wyatt, it'd be nice to see a fresh face in the World Title picture. and some fresh feuds to go with it. or in the case of Wyatt/Bryan, a re-visited feud that never really did get full closure.

Wyatt is not exactly a newbie either. he's 2nd generation, maybe even 3rd generation if i'm not mistaken. he was on the roster back in 2012, though under a different gimmick, and has been on the main roster as Bray Wyatt for about a year now too. so this isn't exactly hot-shotting someone that's not ready for the main event.

Wyatt and Bryan are two of the most exciting, dynamic and fresh things to happen in the WWE in the past 2 years. they're unique inside the ring also. these two duking it out for the World Title at SummerSlam... please book it!
If they can put the WWE Title on Sheamus after 2 months on Raw, they can put the title on Bray Wyatt after 11 months.
This is the exact reason why the IC title need to be a admirable title. If a title is needed, strap the IC belt on someone before the WHC. Before Orton first won the WHC, he was the IC champ and he was strong. He beat RVD and looked really good against Benoit before beating him. It made him look as a strong challenger, who knew how to hold a title.
Its a ladder, climb it one step at a time. Even if you are a big draw, someone times starting from the top will make the fall so much harder.....God...how cliche. How many times have people said that on here.
But back to the point, build the IC title and keep it as a preparations before the big world title.

I 100% agree that Wyatt should not be anywhere close to the title. I don't know why...I just think he will make the title seem worthless. Same for Raven. Their gimmick doesn't need it, and if they treat it with too much love it kills the whole thing.

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