Hernandez Returning Soon?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to The Wrestling Observer he's set to return soon. For those of you who have been wondering where he's been, TNA loaned him to AAA for months as part of what was thought of an exchange relationship with the Mexican-based wrestling promotion (it's being said TNA is high on AAA Star El Zorro).

Personally, unless he managed to find a personality that doesn't resemble home interior hardware, I don't give a fuck about him returning. I understand TNA wants to pique the interests of their hispanic audience, but if Hernandez is the same Hernandez of old, that's not exactly the most financially rewarding way to do so IMO considering how dull of a personality he has. I'm sure some people look past it because of how well he moves for a guy his size, but to me personality always comes performance.

Thoughts on a possible return of Hernandez? Concerns?

Also, how would you have him return if you're in charge of it? Who does he feud with and why?
I wouldn 't mind seeing Homocide make a return and join him. They could have a 2011 Latin American Exchange Reunion. Have Hernandez and Homocide return and then have konan come back and manage them. It would be just like the original LAX. There feud with Team 3D was so personal and I would like to see more of that. Generation Me isn't doing anything right now so I wouldn't mind seeing a feud between them because when Generation Me isn't wrestling the GUns, they still look a little green. LAX could help them get on the right track. Then I wouldn't mind seeing Konan leave them and then them going after the belts and possibly winning.
To tell you the truth, I could care less if Hernandez returns. He's pretty athletic for a man his size, and he can move fast for a big man, but he is VERY bland and boring when it comes to personality and charisma. His mic skills aren't impressive, and if you ask me, this guy doesn't have a "wow" factor.

Seriously, what would be the point of bringing Hernandez back? Is TNA just going to throw him into a tag team? I can't see Hernandez being in a major feud that would go somewhere right now. TNA's roster is already crowded enough, and TNA has to cram a lot of stuff on Impact, so unless you're planning on using Hernandez in a big way, I don't think bringing him back would be a good idea.
Just what TNA needs: ANOTHER guy to have to fit onto Impact. They keep adding people to the roster and having to find ways to put them on TV so then they go out and sign more people and bring back other guys onto their roster like Shark Boy, Red and Magnus. Now you have Hernandez and Mercer who will have to find a spot for on TV. TNA needs to understand that just because you can bring people back doesn't mean you should. Bring him back when he's needed, not because you can.
If they brought him back with Konnan as his mouthpiece I could see that working. If there is some sort of world elite rekindling coming he would fit in there. My personal pick would be to have a world x cup and have him come back leading the mexico team. Probably the most obvious one would be to have him come back and continue the concussion storyline with Morgan except the face/heel roles are switched. I like Hernandez but he is toxic on the mic which limits his upside. When he is on he is great to watch in the ring though. If you want to bring him back as a face on his own I'd consider using Bully Ray to get him over.
I've never been sure on SuperMex. Incredible agility though that is it when it comes to him being as asset that TNA can use. Find him a Mexican luchadore to tag with or put him in the X Division and I wont object to him appearing on Impact. But on his own, I cant buy into him.
I've long since been over SuperMex. Shawn Hernandez just doesn't have it in my view. I was willing to give the guy a shot but, quite frankly, nothing I saw really made me excited about seeing him get in there and do his thing.

The only thing that Hernandez has really shown any capability in is as a tag team wrestler. LAX worked just fine, but Homicide is gone and there's probably zero chance of him returning. The team he formed with Matt Morgan was a joke and accomplished little more than devaluing the tag titles at the expense of a Morgan heel turn.

He'd probably make as much money in AAA, possibly more, as he makes in TNA so I just say stay there. For the most part, all Hernandez is going to be for the forseeable future in TNA is just another guy that they somehow have to work into having time on iMPACT!.
I'm not to excited to see Hernandez back he's pretty good in the ring for a guy his size but other than that he has no personality and he is pretty boring. I think that he fit well in the mid card going after the TV title and not in the Main Event and going for the World Title. I'm more excited at the potential of Zorro coming to TNA, I've seen Zorro's work and I think he's a pretty good talent he is good in the ring and he has personality and charisma. Not that excited for Hernandez but I am excited for Zorro.
I think having Hernandez back would be a great help, bring him back as face, join up with Kurt Angle, with him, Angle, Mr Anderson and Matt Morgan VS Fortune for weeks. This would bring the buy rate up, and personally, I think it will be some great match ups!
The TNA tag scene has been given rave reviews for a while now but in all honesty, it's still quite light on the ground - if the main event scene only had about half a dozen potential challengers, we'd be talking crises.

LAX? Hell yes! Konnan? Hell no! Even Homicide isn't that necessary - bring in Carlito and he can fulfil both roles (useful on the mic, in the ring and has already shown his tag credentials in WWe).
For a big guy, he's a quality worker. All that's left is for him to find something that works for him that has NOTHING to do with his skin color or where his family homes from. It would simply work better.

Personally, I want to see him back but only if he's going to keep things fresh and entertaining. I think a character that would be cool is someone that was playing the fence. Someone who was being recruited in a loose way by all sides and factions in TNA. And he just uses both sides to his advantage. I think that could be interesting. Don't know how well he could play that off. However, I think it's fresh at the very least.

Plus, bigger guys are usually considered brutes and dumb. Not capable of pulling something like this off. So, if he were able to sell it, it would be very interesting.
For a big guy, he's a quality worker. All that's left is for him to find something that works for him that has NOTHING to do with his skin color or where his family homes from. It would simply work better.

Personally, I want to see him back but only if he's going to keep things fresh and entertaining. I think a character that would be cool is someone that was playing the fence. Someone who was being recruited in a loose way by all sides and factions in TNA. And he just uses both sides to his advantage. I think that could be interesting. Don't know how well he could play that off. However, I think it's fresh at the very least.

Plus, bigger guys are usually considered brutes and dumb. Not capable of pulling something like this off. So, if he were able to sell it, it would be very interesting.

Yeah, and every brute (including the "dumb" ones) that were successful had something that Hernandez doesn't — a personality.

Batista, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Samoa Joe, etc. all had competence (at the very least) on the mic, and could actually talk their way in/out of a feud if it was required of them.

Hernandez is about as confident and competent on the mic as someone with a severe case of glossophobia who also happens to suffer from a stutter.
Yeah, and every brute (including the "dumb" ones) that were successful had something that Hernandez doesn't — a personality.

Batista, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Samoa Joe, etc. all had competence (at the very least) on the mic, and could actually talk their way in/out of a feud if it was required of them.

Hernandez is about as confident and competent on the mic as someone with a severe case of glossophobia who also happens to suffer from a stutter.

I didn't say it would work. Lol. I just don't see anything else that can be done, with the current TNA climate. At this point, he'd need to try something completely different. If he fails, he fails. If he succeeds, than we're looking at interesting television.

For the record, I'm not saying they are dumb or simply brutes, they are just written out that way. Not saying Hernandez has a personality, but they'll have to test him in a big way one way or another. Might as well be with his return.
I didn't say it would work. Lol. I just don't see anything else that can be done, with the current TNA climate. At this point, he'd need to try something completely different. If he fails, he fails. If he succeeds, than we're looking at interesting television.

For the record, I'm not saying they are dumb or simply brutes, they are just written out that way. Not saying Hernandez has a personality, but they'll have to test him in a big way one way or another. Might as well be with his return.

Which would indicate that he's worked on developing a personality (not an easy feat for most born without one) while with AAA, because the last time he returned (from injury in a kayfabe angle with Matt Morgan), his return was still dull and felt like a let-down because the minute he opened his mouth, the entire thing collapsed.

I've read nothing that says he's been training vocally there, or that he's found some niche that's working for him other than "being Mexican", so I'd imagine his return is going to be just as unfulfilling as the last one.
Which would indicate that he's worked on developing a personality (not an easy feat for most born without one) while with AAA, because the last time he returned (from injury in a kayfabe angle with Matt Morgan), his return was still dull and felt like a let-down because the minute he opened his mouth, the entire thing collapsed.

I've read nothing that says he's been training vocally there, or that he's found some niche that's working for him other than "being Mexican", so I'd imagine his return is going to be just as unfulfilling as the last one.

i can safely assume it will be somewhat of a let down. However, his ability isn't going to drastically change, his look won't either. So, it's time they try SOMETHING with him or just forget it.

This, to me, should be his last shot so go for a big shot at succeeding is all I'm saying.

He's been given nothing but the "I'm Mexican, I'm strong, look at me." Maybe the change of pace would help him. Maybe not. Either way, to me, it's gotta be now. Try something. If it doesn't work, then forget about the guy being any kind of draw.

Some might say that should already be the case, but he does have SOMEWHAT of a following (with the Internet folks, especially), so give it one more shot. Might as well.
I still see him returning in a big guy/ little guy tag team - LAX were immensely over and with the World and Global belts tied up in feuds at the moment and several proven top line names to join the queue once the current storylines move on. A proven Tag Wrestler's smartest move would be back into the Tag Team division (especially given how hot the tag scene is at the moment). LAX might not have had the look of his team with the Blueprint but it was a hell of a lot more entertaining.
I didn't even know Hernandez was still on the roster. I was under the impression he got released months ago. Personally, it doesn't really matter to me if he comes back or not. I was interested in him when TNA was seemingly grooming him for the main event quite a few months ago. My interest in him faded after he was put in a tag team with Matt Morgan. I'm willing to give him a shot if he can add anything new to the product. I don't think we'll see anything out of him that we haven't seen before. Also, Impact is pretty stacked as it is so it may be difficult to squeeze in airtime for him on a regular basis. I don't know. Bring him back if it will be beneficial for progressing storylines. Otherwise, he'll end up being a waste of roster space.
I always felt like Hernandez had decent charisma in his facial expressions and what not, but that only took him so far. He's good for a big man and would add another decent worker to the roster, but Id have a hug problem with him being pushed for one reason.

Unless he's worked on his ability to cut promos in English,I don't care what he has to say. I feel the same way when Rey Mysterio cuts promos in Spanish on Smackdown. No disrespect meant toward their heritage and their pride in it, but if I cant understand what you're saying, I dont care. He can cut the promo of the year, but if its in Spanish, Im zoning out quick.

From all reports I read, one of the biggest reasons that Hernandez went to Mexico was to work on ability to speak Spanish. What he should have done is gone somewhere to work on his ability to cut promos. He couldnt cut them when he was in LAX, but he had Konnan to fall back on. If you can't learn from one of the best in the business in Konnan, who is going to help you improve?

Again, I like Hernandez. I really believe that he can work and he shows decent charisma, at times. But if he can't cut a good promo in English with good emotion, he just isn't relevant enough to make much of an impact. He's too big to play the role of believable mid-card jobber, and he doesnt have enough going for him to make it higher in the card if he returns the way he left. I hope he has improved, because he's decent enough as a big guy to make something of an impact. But it would all be for naught if he can't talk and show personality.

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