Herman Cain is a Moron


Scientific Skeptic
Herman Cain, Republican hopeful for President, is a moron. Cain was asked what his plans would be for protecting the environment, and his answer was that he would reduce the capacities of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by appointing a commission to decide what regulations put in place by the EPA need to go.

So who sits on this commission? Oil companies! Herman Cain is such a dope that he either:
  • Honestly believes that oil companies would be able to objectively decide on environmental agencies.
  • Has never heard of conflict of interest.
  • Is truly a hugely corrupt person.

How the hell does this guy have any support whatsoever? What possibly could be the thought process of some people who think this is a good idea, because there are people there clapping for him when he says it.

Only clip I can find of him talking about it was the TYT video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGOU1JqyDc8&feature=channel_video_title
At least the GOP candidates are being honest. They're basically telling their base how terribly they're going to screw them over. Michelle Bachmann has said, several times, she will wipe out the EPA all together.

Oh, and yes, The Pizza Man is a moron.
Well of course the EPA needs to go. I mean, we're in a deficit crisis that must be dealt with NOW, because apparently the GOP has a crystal ball that says the status quo (we borrow money and run up a big debt) is going to not work after it's worked like forever. Clearly this means we need to run the risk of unclean drinking water. I mean, we can't just cut funding to wars or tax the rich. It's that drinking water that has to go.
At least the GOP candidates are being honest. They're basically telling their base how terribly they're going to screw them over. Michelle Bachmann has said, several times, she will wipe out the EPA all together.

Oh, and yes, The Pizza Man is a moron.
She also said she leave nuking Iran on the table. Woman is crazy.

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