Here's one for the English

Captain Morgan Freeman

Taught Elvis how to play karate
I'm suprised i only heard about this today. Apparently when it happened it caused outrage in England due to the lack of respect Irish rugby player Ronan O'Gara shows to the queen. Brian O'Driscoll(the man covering his mouth) made a bet with him to do it.

Any of our English posters here offended by the picture?
Барбоса;3437722 said:
Yeah, just because those ungrateful southern Irish got rid of HRH as Head of State, does not mean that She is just the Queen of England now.

I mean what is centuries of oppression between friends?

Got rid of? Forgive me if my history's a little off but didn't the English only capture and set Cromwell on 6 counties?

Not offended, I'm half English, half Irish. Sort of laughed at it, then went back to watching Family Guy.
Барбоса;3437722 said:
Yeah, just because those ungrateful southern Irish got rid of HRH as Head of State, does not mean that She is just the Queen of England now.

I mean what is centuries of oppression between friends?
Why is there wet blood in my underwear?
My GCSEs focused more on Hitler than Ireland.

One of the saddest things about the current teaching of history. Not that it does not focus on Ireland but the overall Nazification of the subject.

I know people who have gone through their entire academic life all the way to university degrees in history without tackling anything before the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Барбоса;3437799 said:
I know people who have gone through their entire academic life all the way to university degrees in history without tackling anything before the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Our history classes were the opposite actually we coverd hastings, the vikings, wolfe tone, king o'neill of Ulster, american revolution/civil war and it stopped once we covered WWII
i know I'm not english but i wouldn't care either way. Same way i didn't give a shit about the whole bloody Sunday thing while back.

Барбоса;3437799 said:
One of the saddest things about the current teaching of history. Not that it does not focus on Ireland but the overall Nazification of the subject.

This is true. In my history class about 10 people out of the class have decided to do their project on something related to Nazi party/Hitler for their LC project. Meanwhile I'm going for the out there approach and doing mine on Caligula.
Барбоса;3437799 said:
One of the saddest things about the current teaching of history. Not that it does not focus on Ireland but the overall Nazification of the subject.

I know people who have gone through their entire academic life all the way to university degrees in history without tackling anything before the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Which is a shame because the year before I started doing my GCSEs history was my favorite subject. We did the mandatory Hitler stuff every year, but we could also choose to do things about the slave trade in the British Empire, Medieval England, the development of the legal system and other different and more interesting things than a racist idiot whose sole good idea as it related to the war he thought was integral to his thousand year Reich was that trench warfare sucked and was to be avoided at all costs (hard not to learn when you stood in a trench the first time around). In year 9 I was doing 3 hours of history a week, 2 of which were completely optional and not stuff on the national curriculam. And then GCSEs came along and I lost all interest in the subject. Which is a shame, considering that I liked the subject before then and my Dad has a History PhD and a successfully published book.

But then, it's not all the curriculam's fault. A good teacher can make a big difference to a lesson.
I find myself watching that Horrible Histories on some sunday's even though it is aimed at kids but usually at that time the football is done and I'm just killing time before dinner is ready but anyway I find myself watching and then learning something and then think to myself "It's great that I've learnt something but I can't help but feel I should of learnt all of this in School"

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